

Helping you become your best self. Join the well-rested.

Timeline photos 28/05/2020

The key word here is REST 🥱 so many of us work into the early hours of the morning chasing this idea of success or accomplishment. It works for some, but for others, you burn yourself out. Accomplish more by giving your mind and body the time to rest and come back stronger and more focused 🤩

Timeline photos 27/05/2020

Use your sleep to dream big, then wake up and make your plan 🙏 when you’re tired, your brain isn’t working to its full capacity. A good rest will rejuvenate you and you’ll be far more able to set goals and plan your next move 🤩

Timeline photos 26/05/2020

Make sure you’re getting the rest and downtime you need 🥰 Sometimes we just need to do what’s best for ourselves! A better-rested you is a more effective you 🙏

Timeline photos 26/05/2020

For many of us, our bedrooms are just places to sleep, and can be chaotic 🤪 But your bedroom environment is the last thing you see before you sleep and the first thing you see when you wake up. Think about it 😉 Start and end your day on a good note

Timeline photos 25/05/2020

Are you the type to always be thinking of how you can be better? 😇 Write it all down, and dream big 🙌

Timeline photos 23/05/2020

Not only does sleeping naked help you fall asleep faster, it also improves sleep quality. Experts say that between 60-70°F is the ideal sleeping temperature as it promotes your REM sleep - the sleep that helps refresh your brain and body 🙌 Plus, it feels nice 🥰

Timeline photos 23/05/2020

Sometimes we can be so tired that we just don’t know what we want 🙈 maybe all of them?!

Timeline photos 22/05/2020

Sometimes you just need to step away 🥱 .
Coming back to a task after a break can give you a clear perspective and a new lease of life. Take things at your pace, and learn to rest, not to quit 😉

Timeline photos 22/05/2020

With all the worries we have right now about the state of the world, it’s easy to forget how lucky we are. Take a step back and look at things in your life that you appreciate and love ❤️

Timeline photos 21/05/2020

It is suggested that you take advantage of all types of rest at least once a week 🙏 maybe even a few of them at a time 😉

Timeline photos 21/05/2020

There’s nothing like the feeling of being in control of things in life ❤️ Family friends, fitness, health, wealth... it all starts with giving yourself the love and care that you need 😇

1. Eat good food and get enough sleep
2. Practice good hygiene
3. See your friends (even on Zoom) 😀
4. Do something you enjoy every day!

Timeline photos 20/05/2020

Does your alarm wake you with a shock? 😮 Waking up gently to light can really make a difference to the energy you can wake up with, and even make you more alert. Check out our Sunrise Alarm Clock which mimics the rising sun so you can wake up gradually and naturally 😍

Timeline photos 20/05/2020

Working yourself to the bone will only leave you with bones 💀 Rest, recovery and reflection give you the energy, the motivation and wisdom to achieve goals. Hustling through to the early hours will only make you foggy and potentially cause you to make poor choices under pressure. Align yourself 👊

Timeline photos 19/05/2020

If only we could unplug other people sometimes 🙌 But we can unplug ourselves. Studies have shown that a quick break leads to reduced stress and anxiety. Even if it’s just a stretch or a short walk. You’ll come back with a clearer mind and more energy to tackle the next part of the day 🤩

Timeline photos 19/05/2020

Will things ever go back to normal? The best thing to do is sit back, relax and enjoy this time as much as you can. Sooner or later we’ll be back in the office and we’ll be wishing we were cozy at home 🤪

Timeline photos 18/05/2020

We all remember how easy, and how embarrassing, it was to fall asleep in class! Tell us your stories of when you fell asleep in class 😉😴

Timeline photos 18/05/2020

Be grateful for all the little moments that make you smile. Try writing down all the things you’re thankful for each day to start your day off strong, read them again throughout the day to calm your anxiety 🙌

Timeline photos 15/05/2020

Did you know that light is the principle control of our day-night cycle? It seems obvious, but our exposure to light influences everything from our body temperature to metabolism and sleep. You can get your fix of morning light by going for a walk, or even having your breakfast outside, just let those rays hit your eyes. Equally, keeping your eyes away from bright lights in the evening will prime you for a better sleep and ensure that your circadian rhythm is in check 🤩

Timeline photos 14/05/2020

Do you find it hard to sleep once you’ve settled in? Thoughts racing through your mind? Try this breathing exercise. Focusing on your breathing will help declutter your mind and will lower your heart rate. It will take some time to get this right, but once mastered, you’ll be asleep after just a few repetitions 😴

Timeline photos 12/05/2020

Your immune system might be taking quite a hit during these times. Experts say that a change to your daily routine can have a dramatic effect on what happens inside your body. You might be eating at different times, staying up later and waking up later. The key to a strong immune system is a good quality sleep. Take care of yourself and make sure you’re getting the recommended 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night to ensure a healthier immune system 🙌

5 expert tips on how to deal with “Quarantine Constipation” 12/05/2020

We all have our reasons to feel a bit sluggish during quarantine. For some of us it might be feeling less active or productive as we feel we should be. For others it might be a lack of energy or being demotivated. You might feel like you’re living groundhog day, over and over. Don’t worry if you feel this is you, you are not the only one... read the rest of the blog here:

5 expert tips on how to deal with “Quarantine Constipation” We all have our reasons to feel a bit sluggish during quarantine. For some of us it might be feeling less active or productive as we feel we should be. For others it might be a lack of energy or being demotivated. You might feel like you’re living groundhog day, over and over. Don’t worry if you...

Timeline photos 30/04/2020

Not everyday has to be remarkable. Take things at your own pace and let yourself breathe. Not everyday has to be full of success or achievement. Just remember, the days themselves are just days, you’re the remarkable one 🤩

4 Benefits of A Humidifier During The COVID-19 Pandemic 12/04/2020

There are many health benefits to having an Ultrasonic Humidifier, but now, during this global pandemic, it's more important than ever...

4 Benefits of A Humidifier During The COVID-19 Pandemic With the world the way it is right now, facing it’s most serious outbreak of an airborne virus in recent generations, it’s not at all surprising that panic has set in. The spread of the virus has ramped up so quickly, lockdowns in a lot of countries have come into effect, and we have already exp...

Timeline photos 10/02/2020

Have you ever heard the saying, slow and steady wins the race? 🐢 Not all races are sprints. Things worth doing deserve time and passion 🙏

Timeline photos 05/02/2020

Would you sleep more if you knew that getting 7 hours of sleep greatly improves your immune system? Sleeping less than 5 hours a night puts you at a 50/50 risk of catching a cold when exposed to the virus. But, 7+ hours of sleep a night reduces the risk to just 17%... Better get back to sleep!

Timeline photos 26/12/2019

Losing weight doesn’t have to be so hard! We know it’s so tough to keep your weight in check this time of year, what with all the delicious food! But did you know that getting more sleep will help you lose weight? Not sleeping enough hampers with your metabolism and as such, contributes to weight gain. And when you’re short on sleep, we know it’s easy to lean on a large latte to keep you moving, or even get takeout for dinner. Be your best well-rested self!

Timeline photos 19/12/2019

What’s your morning routine? Did you know that there are optimum times to have your coffee? Drinking coffee when your cortisol levels are high may even have a negative effect and create more stress. We’ll be posting a blog post on our site when we launch about this, but for now here’s a quick fact. If you wake up at 6.30am, the best times for you to drink a coffee, to get its maximum effect, is between 9am and 12pm ☕️

Timeline photos 18/12/2019

Having a humidifier in your bedroom will help been the air moist which has several benefits. For the people who snore, it will help keep your nasal passages clear. For everyone else, it will prevent the spread of airborne viruses. It will help with dry skin. It will relieve allergies. It will keep your lips, your skin, your throat and your nose from being dry. It will prevent static and it’s great for plant’s growth so you’ll have more oxygen in the air. These little things are absolutely amazing!

Timeline photos 17/12/2019

How cosy does this look? A nice book, a lovely cup of tea, a cosy couch, and a delightful view... sounds like heaven!
