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Publish A Kindle eBook

Written by Affiliate Earning & Earning help

Publish A Kindle eBook
Publishing an Kindle eBook is another simple way of generating consistent passive income.

Did you know that is the biggest competitor to Google than any other search engine like Yahoo or Bing?

More shoppers try to search a product on Amazon than on any traditional search engine.

When people want in-depth information on a specific topic, they don’t search for blog posts on Google but instead try to find a highly recommended book on Amazon.

Your aim should be to leverage the power of’s growing outreach and popularity to generate a stable passive income source.

Suitable For -

People who have in-depth knowledge on a certain topic or love to do research and explain it in an easily understood from.

Skills Required -

1. Ability to provide detailed insights on a particular topic.

2. Ability to provide some extraordinary tips for solving people’s problems.

Time Required For Creating An eBook -

The time required completely depends on the creator of the eBook. What topics he/she wants to cover? How many details does the creator want to include?

These are the important factors that define the time required.

Tips -

1. Research, research, and research. It is the key to successful Kindle eBook product.

Research about what people are looking for in the domain related to your eBook's topic.

For example, if you are creating an eBook on ‘Yoga exercises to lose weight' look for how many people are looking for yoga exercises to lose weight on the internet and Amazon? What are their expectations from a book?

You can easily conduct this research by studying the comments, reviews, and popularity of the existing competitor's books on Amazon.

2. Write for one reader. When you know your ideal reader, you know how much he/she already knows.

You can avoid boring him/her with obvious information, and you can provide exactly the information he/she’s looking for.

3. Check out how many people are asking questions on the topic you have chosen, using websites such as Quora, Yahoo Answers, and WikiAnswers.

More questions mean more people are looking for answers and that’s a good sign.

5. Look out for the market gaps in your selected domain. And see whether there’s demand for some topic, see whether your eBook can cater that demand.

6. Visit and see how many books are present in your selected domain. Are people buying those books?

This will help you to understand the demand and purchasing ability of the market in your domain.

7. Find a few friendly readers who match your ideal reader profile and give them your first draft.

Not only will they help make your book better, but it will also boost your confidence.

How To Monetize -

Sign up to Kindle Direct Publishing Program, with this you award exclusive distribution rights for your Kindle eBook to Amazon.

This will allow you to sell your eBook in all the countries where is available giving it a massive exposure at launch.

Create a small niche site on the related topic and promote your eBook through it. The more eBooks you sell, the more money you make.


Create Niche Websites

Written by Affiliate Earning & Earning Help

Create Niche Websites
What is niche website?

Niche Website is a small website focused on one particular topic which shares all the information relevant to the topic that is both useful and interesting for the target audience.

A niche website can be of few pages or even of hundreds of pages depending upon the size of the niche.

Suitable For -

1. People who have an interest in a very specific topic within a large domain.

For e.g. In large a domain like Yoga, you can choose specific sub-domain such as ‘Yoga to lose weight.’

2. People who love to talk, write, explain and have the ability to persuade.

Skills Required -

1. Ability to create Niche website based on specific sub-domain using Wordpress, Blogger or other available software and tools.

2. Ability to promote niche website using social media, ads etc.

Time Required For Starting A Niche Website -

You can start a Niche Website within a day. But creating a good content for the website might take time.

Tips -

1. Write out as many niche site ideas as you can, using the sub-domain that interests you the most.

2. Narrow down your niche idea based on finding the answers to the following questions:

What is the audience size of your niche?
Is your audience known for spending money for purchasing the niche related products?
Are there multiple products available which you review on your site?
Are there affiliate programs that provide more than 50% commissions?
What is your investment budget?
3. Create at least 10 articles of rich content containing 1000 words, those articles will provide great value to your niche targeted audience.

4. Sign up for at least 2 affiliate programs that offer products related to your niche with more than 50% commissions.

5. Do keyword research and find at least 15-20 niche relevant search terms and try to rank your site for them.

6. Try to network with the owners of the authority blogs in your niche and find guest blogging opportunities.

How To Monetize -

Promote the products relevant to the topic of your niche website by placing affiliate links in the content and sidebar of your site.

Try to get more visitors to your site by doing SEO, forum marketing, social media and paid ads.

More people visit your niche site and buy products through your affiliate link, more money you make.

How about creating 10 more Niche Websites with every site generating $500 a month in affiliate commission that would be $5000 of passive income per month.


Do Affiliate Marketing

Written by Affiliate Earning & Earning Help

Do Affiliate Marketing
What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards a certain percentage of commission for each product bought by the customers who are brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

Suitable For -

People who love to talk, write, explain and have the ability to persuade.

Skills Required -

Ability to promote product online using social media, videos, ads, etc.

Time Required For Starting Affiliate Marketing -

Virtually within an hour. You just need to select an online product that pays you a commission when you promote and sell it using your affiliate link.

Tips -

1. Select an online product from the domain in which you are well conversant with. For example, if you are a dietician then select a product related to diet.

There are lots of products available in every domain you just need to find a domain which is suitable for you.

2. Places to find products:,, These websites have thousands of products listed from multiple domains.

3. Choose a product that pays you at least 50% commission on each sale.

4. Most product websites handle affiliate link generation and payouts, so you don’t need to worry about how you’ll get your commissions.

Just get your custom affiliate link created by the vendor and start promoting it.

5. If you want to earn instant money from affiliate marketing, try to promote your affiliate link on social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, and Reddit.

How To Monetize -

Monetization is simple, just make more people buy the product through your affiliate link.

Create a page or Banner ads with the aim of promoting the product.

Tell people how the product will help them to solve their problems.

Improve people’s knowledge about the domain and help them to solve other related problems.


Q..1) How to Earn online..
Q..2 ) How many job online..
Q..3 ) How to work online....

Answer..with . picture ..coming soon..

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