Ann West Superintendent of Marion County Schools

Ann West Superintendent of Marion County Schools

Please vote Ann West for Superintendent on March 3rd. #GoWest for Superintendent! #WestisBest


My name is Ann West and I serve as the Superintendent of Marion County Schools. I have completed all training courses for new superintendents required by state law. AL State Superintendent, Dr. Mackey, has recognized my leadership capabilities and selected me to serve on the Teacher Shortage Task Force and to chair a Career Tech Committee during my time as superintendent. Helping our students to realize their full potential is a team effort and in the past 19 months these are some of our district accomplishments:

• District Accreditation. For the first time all Marion County schools and our district have been accredited by the international accrediting agency.

• State Report Card increased from an 87 to an 88. Among county systems we are tied for the 7th highest in the state.

• Developed our first MCBE 5 year Strategic Plan and adopted our system logo and mission Changing Children’s Lives.

• Expansion of Virtual Academy to include grades 3-12.

• Google Classroom implemented to increase student engagement.

• Helping Families Initiative – in partnership with the Marion County DA’s office to help students and families.

• One to one ratio for student Chromebooks

• Purchased new buses.

• Increased security measures through improvements in security cameras and phone systems to connect classrooms to the office.

• School -based mental health counselor – position is posted.

• Addition of kitchen units in the Family and Consumer Science Dept. at Hackleburg High.

• HVAC at HHS and PHS and plans for Brilliant, MCHS, and HMS for summer 2020.

• Provided expanded summer learning opportunities through Classworks, course acceleration, and Myon reading program.

As we implement our MCBE Five Year Strategic Plan………..the BEST is yet to come!!!!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday, March 3rd, GET ON THE BUS AND GO WEST!
