Ian Builds Wealth

Ian Builds Wealth

I help people learn about personal finance with tips you can use TODAY.


There is good news: you have the power to make BIG changes.

You CAN pay off debt.

You CAN make more money.

You CAN grow your net worth.

It’ll take time.

But it starts with you.

So what’s holding you back? Tell me in the comments.

PS- All of my content is for educational purposes only. Investing always carries risk and any examples I use that aren’t my own experience are based on average past returns. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results. Make sure to do your own research and please do not treat this as investing advice, specific recommendations or legal advice.


Comment BUDGET and I’ll send you a budget and spending analyzer to use with your spouse.

Who you choose to partner with in life is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make.

And alignment on shared goals can accelerate where you want to be.

You might start out with a high combined income.

It might be low.

But nails this point: as long as both people are aligned, you possess the power to go fast together.

And if you’re a single income household, that’s OKAY!

Alignment on your goals will still help you make saving, spending and investing decisions.

This is true regardless of if you’re a couple or going at this yourself.

Go follow my friend!


PS- All of my content is for educational purposes only. Investing always carries risk and none of this is investing advice, specific recommendations or legal advice. Always do your own research!


Comment “GUIDE” and I’ll show you how I actually invest my money.

Here’s how the numbers work 👇🏻

Let’s say you start maxing your Roth IRA this year.

In 2024, you can contribute up to $7,000.

You continue to do this for the next 30 years. At an 8% rate of return, your money compounds to just under $800k.

That’s just ONE of the building blocks to your financial future.

This is why getting out of debt and investing for the long term is so crucial.

Because it takes TIME.

This is exactly how I look at it- I started small and focused on going step by step in this process.

It began with paying off the credit cards.

Then moved into opening a 401k.

A Roth IRA didn’t come into the picture years later.

What building blocks do you have working for you right now?

- 401k?
- Roth IRA?
- Traditional brokerage account?

Tell me in the comments!

Photos from Ian Builds Wealth's post 29/08/2024

Comment GUIDE and I’ll send you my free ebook on how to multiply your money.

My message here is simple: if you have big goals, you need the cash flow to back it up.

I’m not saying that this is feasible for everyone.

But being realistic is the first step to actually growing your money.

Most people will say something like $1,000,000 isn’t enough money to retire.

Who are you speaking about?


The rest of the world?

Worry about your own needs and your own means.

Then figure out your goals and the path that will get you there.

Don’t forget to share this with a loved one…especially if you’re trying to build wealth together.

PS- All of my content is for educational purposes only. Investing always carries risk and none of this is investing advice, specific recommendations or legal advice. Always do your own research!


Do you have THIS tool on your money journey?

First, FOLLOW my friends for all things real estate & personal finance!

Josh and Ali have an amazing backstory involving student loan debt and low paying jobs. Here’s how they look at this:

“We could have done better to at least contribute $100-$200/mo. into retirement accounts so that our money would be growing📈.

A few hundred dollars invested monthly may not feel life changing, but doing it consistently gets the power of compound interest on your side- and ultimately, your money working for you 👌🏻.

The example above spotlights two main points for us:

1️⃣ How smaller amounts of money can grow over time into LARGE piles of passive income💰

2️⃣ How Roth IRA’s are incredible & dollar cost average investing over time can create piles of tax FREE passive income🥳.”

Do you use a Roth to save money for your future? Tell me in the comments!

And if you want to learn more from on how to build wealth with index funds + real estate, go give them a FOLLOW!

PS- All of my content is for educational purposes only. Investing always carries risk and none of this is investing advice, specific recommendations or legal advice. Always do your own research!


Comment “BUDGET” and I’ll send you the link to my free spending analyzer and budget spreadsheet.

Let me be clear:

I am all for luxuries.

By all means, spend on nice things and enjoy the life you want.

But make sure it’s within your means.

We all have priorities.

And I’m in no position to tell you something you want…or some THING you want to buy is stupid.

That’s your decision.

But it is stupid if you’re spending more than you make just to get it.

Luxury and nice things are great.

But it’s not worth the stress.

Satisfy the needs.

Work up to the wants.

That’s the path I follow.

PS- All of my content is for educational purposes only. Investing always carries risk and none of this is investing advice, specific recommendations or legal advice. Always do your own research!


Comment “GUIDE” and I’ll send you the link to my free ebook on how to multiply your money.

The earlier you start, the better.

And rather than get upset if you feel behind, now is the time to change the path you’re on.

All of us can thrive.

We just have to be willing to put in the work.

PS- All of my content is for educational purposes only. Investing always carries risk and none of this is investing advice, specific recommendations or legal advice. Always do your own research!


This is for everyone out there working on themselves and their money.

Good things don’t just take time.

They take grace, patience and a growth mindset.

Tell me in the comments: which phrase resonates with you?

And tell me what topic my next post should be about!

PS- All of my content is for educational purposes only. Investing always carries risk and none of this is investing advice, specific recommendations or legal advice. Always do your own research!


This is just a fraction of the jobs stay at home parents do.

SHARE this with your spouse for some appreciation!

Trust me- I recognize even working parents do these jobs.

My wife doesn’t work in an office or at a full time or part time job. But I wanted to acknowledge here all the work that moms (and dads) do.

As parents it’s our obligation to do what we do.

But the value is incredible.

And don’t come at me saying I only capped the value at $130k.

If you’re a parent, you know this is only a fraction of the work we do, especially parents that stay at home with kids.

And maybe the estimated amounts don’t align with where you live or how you value these…

Don’t lose sight of the message- parents are out there busting their butts every day for their kids.

I personally wouldn’t have it any other way.

Much love to all the SAHMs and SAHDs out there ✌️


I’ve built a foundation over the last decade+

And yes, it’s great to buy nice things…I’m not bashing that at all.

But don’t do it at the detriment of actually supporting yourself.

Too many people overextend their wallets, when they could actually be growing their net worth.

This is what I focus on:

✅ Growing my money
✅ Paying off debt
✅ Healthy living
✅ Getting the proper insurance
✅ Investing in experiences
✅ Saving for my kids

You can find a lot of freedom in structure…

You can find a lot of handcuffs and quicksand along the way as well.

Your choices matter.

So act accordingly.

PS- tell me one good money habit you have. Put it in comments!

Photos from Ian Builds Wealth's post 06/08/2024

When in doubt, zoom out.

But not just on the stock market.

Zoom out on your entire financial posture.

And ask yourself:

Are the habits you have supporting your goals…or hurting them?

PS - calling all spreadsheet nerds! If you’re like me and way to organize your money and spending, I got you covered.

I created a free budget and spending analyzer to help you get your money on the right track.

Just comment the word BUDGET and I’ll send it over.

Photos from Ian Builds Wealth's post 05/08/2024

Remember this:

Setbacks and failures can lead to new opportunities for growth and success.

And success has a way of compounding on itself.

For me, it lead to more and more great things.

Does that mean it was easy?

Hell no.

My journey started in 2011, when I had $190k of student loans and $20k of credit card debt.

And I resisted moving forward for a while.

But once I did, it was the best decision I ever made.

So this is your reminder:

Don’t sit on the side lines.

Good things are in store for you.

Just take the first step.


Let’s talk about which will bring you a better future.

First, don’t misinterpret this: I am very much in favor of nice cars.

But less than 15% of Americans max their 401k.

48% have credit card debt.

And the median retirement savings for 45-54 years old is just over $100k.

So where are our priorities?

Investing isn’t all that exciting when compared to a car.

But no one says their dream is to have a 401k that will support them in retirement.

There is no version of a promoted “Toyotathon” for retirement plans.

So are we glorifying the right things?

If you want the car, go for it.

But my opinion - make sure all your other bases are covered first.

Do you agree?


Share this message with a loved one today.

There’s always going to be things we want to do in life and more we want to achieve.

It’s great to work hard and have big goals!

It is equally as important to stop and appreciate what you have.

👉What would you add to this list?

Tell me in the comments. 🙌


Here’s my take:

I don’t think “retirement” has to be this thing that everyone works up to.

If you want to get to a place where you have enough money to sit around, play golf all day and not show up to an office with a boss, then you will need the financial means to support it.

We can debate whether that situation is worth it or not.

But waiting until you’re 65 sounds like an awful long time.

Having financial means gives you options.

Which includes the choice to work.

And for me, that’s what I strive for.

We all need purpose in life. I think the goals is to have the flexibility to choose that purpose as early in life as possible.

Do you agree?

PS - one strategy that’s important to me to achieve financial freedom is to invest my money.

This way it grows in the background of my life.

And if you’re wondering how I do this, I put together a FREE guide that explains how to multiply your money.

Comment the word CHEATSHEET and I’ll send it over!


You need to understand this 👇

SHARE this with a loved and SAVE it for later.

You don’t have to mirror these exact numbers.

Read that again.

If you think you’ll need more when you retire, save and invest more.

If you think you’ll need less, don’t save and invest as much.

The key takeaway: you can’t just SAVE your way to wealth. You need to find ways to grow your money without having to just work for it.

This isn’t my opinion. For the vast majority of the population, it is fact.

And my firm belief here is that you can do it while living a life you love.

👉Is it possible to live within your means, enjoy your quality of life and invest at the same time?

Tell me in the comments 👇

Photos from Ian Builds Wealth's post 23/07/2024


Do you struggle with a budget? I did.

If you’re just starting out, please remember to be nice to yourself. Do one thing well and then move to the next. Every day is a new day to learn from the process.

If you don’t have a budget yet, use my template.

👉Comment the word BUDGET on this post and I’ll send it over to you!

Photos from Ian Builds Wealth's post 18/07/2024


If you want to focus on getting out of debt and organizing your finances, this is where you start.

It is literally the playbook I used to pay 6 figures in student loans and credit card debt.

It won’t be easy but imagine where you’ll be one year from now.

And if you want the budget I used to make this happen, comment BUDGET and I’ll send it over to you (totally free).


SHARE THIS with someone you love!

Everyone should be discussing these topics.


Because some of these aren’t one time things.

Like investing your income or monetizing a skill/hobby.

These all come from my own experience.

And many didn’t happen overnight.

So my tip here is to pick ONE thing, get it mastered. Then get it automated.

And THEN, move to the next.

And remember: teamwork makes the dream work.

What else would you add to the list?

If you have nothing to add, which goal are focused on right now?


Have you ever felt like you should be farther along?

“I make a lot of money but have nothing to show for it”?

“I should be doing way better than I am!”

“I don’t know where it goes every month.”

Money is very sneaky when you’re not watching.

It likes to be spent.

But if you’re not paying attention, it might not be on the things you truly want.

You CAN change this though.

Simple decisions can help you get money under control.

➡️Evaluating what you spend
➡️Getting real with what you ACTUALLY need
➡️Cutting expenses

Income is absolutely important.

But focusing on your income goes hand in hand with attention to what you spend.

Don’t fail to understand this.

PS - if you want to get your spending and money organized, I have a free budget and spending analyzer. Just comment BUDGET and I’ll send it over. 


Money isn’t the only thing that compounds👇

SHARE this with someone that wants to be better in 2024.

Here’s the thing- most people focus on the same things:

🧘Mental health
🏃Weight loss

We set goals in the same areas because these aren’t things we can’t SUSTAINABLY change in just one day.

Good things take time.

They take effort.

And whether you want to get your money in order…

Or pay off debt…

Or get your body in shape…

(All of which are GREAT investments btw)

You have to do two things:

1️⃣ Show up everyday, and

2️⃣ Recognize that your small steps can add up to big results.

If you have a goal in 2024, put it in the comments.

Tell the world what it is.



The credit card companies will tell you about points..

Cash back…


But they won’t tell you that their mission is to keep you in debt.

This is how they make most of their money.

But what is the cost to us?

It’s not just that $1600 per year by the way.

Your cost is what you’re NOT doing with that money.

You’re not investing it.

You’re holding it for emergencies.

You’re not using it for your family vacation.

You’re not buying materials for your business.

Most Americans need a new relationship with debt.

Do you agree?


Important to note👇🏻

Yes, we all know the early 🐦 gets the 🐛

But not everyone will be an early bird.

At least not at the levels in my post.

In my 20s, this would have been A LOT of money for me.

But where you start doesn’t have to be where you end up.

As you get older and make more money, instead of JUST increasing your lifestyle and cost of living, think about how you can also increase your savings and investments.

What’s important right now as you start out is just creating a HABIT.

Bonus points for AUTOMATION.

You can always scale up.

But if you miss out, those years of compounding are gone.

If you need some inspiration on how to start investing, I put together a free guide on how to multiply your money.

Just comment CHEATSHEET and I’ll send it over!


Great day today to practice this.

Go hit up the pool.

Throw some burgers on the grill.

Crack open a beverage from YOUR fridge.

Enjoy connecting with your friends and family.

And unsubscribe from all those emails trying to get you to buy stuff you don’t need.

Happy 4th 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Would you?

4 years ago we moved from New York to Florida.

2020 was a weird year…and I can definitely say it was the circumstances in the world that caused our move.

But when I think about all the factors that go into making a move like this, money plays a role…but it’s not the only reason to move.

Here’s my thinking (in no particular order):

1. Cost of Living: How much money you need for basics like food, housing, and transportation matters. As I said, this is a reason to move, but not the ONLY reason.

2. Taxes: this can make a huge difference, especially moving from a state with income taxes to a state without them.

3. Job Opportunities: if you’re moving, obviously make sure you have the means to earn money wherever you’re going. Today where many people are remote, this is less of a factor but still important.

4. Healthcare: will you have the same quality of services and medical care? Will it be better or worse? Super important especially if you have a family.

5. Education: matters a lot if you have kids. This was super important for my family when we made our decision because we have very young children.

6. Transportation: this was a big change for us. We were used to cabs and subways. Now EVERYTHING requires a car. Makes a big difference in your day to day (FAR less steps walking too!)

7. Housing Market: how much will it cost to actually move? What are your options? Can you upgrade your home? Or is moving going to require you to downsize?

8. Climate: everywhere you move will have pros and cons. I love the climate in Florida…but definitely not during the summer. I also don’t miss northern winters. Everything is a trade off.

9. Safety: another hugely important factor. If you’re living somewhere you don’t feel safe, that is a VERY good reason to move. I want to feel comfortable going to sleep at night.

10. Entertainment: we don’t live life just in the home. So having access to things like movies, sports, dining out, etc will have a giant impact on your quality of life.

Did any of these factors influence where you live? Tell me in the comments!


Can you work this into your budget?

A little extra per month goes a long way.

Remember: your debt is someone else’s passive income.

The faster you pay it off, the lower your overall cost to borrow.

Getting debt free takes time.

It also requires you’re on top of where your money goes.

If you need help, I created a free budget and spending analyzer.

Just comment BUDGET and I’ll send it over.


Here’s why consistency wins 👇🏻

We are creatures of habit.

And most of us get in the HABIT of living our lives without intention.

Your money (and how you grow it) will directly be impacted by this.

If you can build habits to save, invest and spend in alignment with your goals, success won’t be an accident.

Equip yourself with the right tools…

And build systems that make use of them.

Whenever possible, automate, automate, automate.

Do this and I truly believe success is inevitable.

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