The self-care edit

The self-care edit

Encouraging self-care with elements of Yoga, meditation and Ayurveda in a kind, light-hearted, uplifting environment, keeping it simple, honest and relevant.

Elevate your everyday! T ###


New blog out on the website today 🧡


Today, on Find What Feels Good, Adriene drops a brand new Flow & Breathwork practice! ✨🙏✨

Join us as we engage in a practice to tone, lengthen, and strengthen the mind-body connection. In this session, we will heat it up with a bit of vinyasa, then cool it down with a calming breath ratio technique.

~Bring it~ and come as you are!

Tap the link below to try Adriene's latest practice on the Find What Feels Good App!

Interested in becoming a FWFG member? Check out more info at
FWFG .com /join_us to learn more about the membership! We hope you will join this collective space for community and practice!


Yoga is so accessible to us all now, I’ve been following Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube lately for a nice morning flow 🙏🏻 It’s always worth it 🧡


Celebrating Women Everywhere 🧡
Our new blog is out now on our website where we discuss how Ayurveda helps to empower women 🧡


New blog out on our website focused on self-love and the heart chakra 🧡


Perfect for Valentines ❤️

Did you know the Heart chakra governs unconditional love, compassion for all, emotional wellness, self-love, connection, peace, and joy?

Open your heart chakra with these sweet affirmations of love! ❤️

When your heart chakra is in balance you will see the goodness in everything, you will feel filled to overflowing with love, and a deeper connection with others and the world around you.

Should we share some yoga poses for opening the heart? Comment below!

Today on the ADMIRE calendar, you can try a heart opening practice for the Heart Chakra on the YWA YouTube Channel. FWFG members can also enjoy a very insightful episode of Chakra Chats with Rey and learn more about the heart chakra. Linked below!


Happy Valentines ❤️Love starts with you - self-love always


I’m looking at things a little differently.
January is NOT the natural time for resolutions, goals and life changes. January is harsh, it’s a time for self-care and nourishment, of warmth and tenderness. Be kind to yourself this January 🧡 Self-Care always 😘


Hoping for a 2024 filled with peace, love & happiness for all 🧡


Happy Thanksgiving 🧡


Hello November 🧡 Hibernation mode initiated

Timeline photos 13/09/2023


In September, your body transitions from the hot summer days of Pitta season into the cooler Vata time of year. The cooler temperatures and dry qualities of fall can disrupt digestion and lead to unwanted ailments such as constipation. Move through the seasonal change with ease with these 10 recipes.

Get the 10 recipes for September here:



The search to find your life's purpose is right in front of you, you are just looking in the wrong places.

Timeline photos 10/07/2023


July is prime summertime. School's out, vacation is on the horizon, the workload lightens - so many reasons to celebrate the freedom that summer invites! We've put together a list of 10 recipes that are cooling, easy to make and perfect for pleasing a crowd.

Get 10 Ayurvedic recipes for July here:


Put your energy towards the positive instead of the negative.

10 Minute Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation | Sound Healing For Relaxation & Stress Relief 26/04/2023

This is your weekly wellness edit 🧡

10 Minute Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation | Sound Healing For Relaxation & Stress Relief Enjoy this 10 minute sound bath meditation with crystal singing bowls for deep relaxation and healing. View my favorite singing bowls from Hapi Sound here:ht...


Earth Day 2023 🧡 Change begins with you


Episode 41. Setting your own self care standard has just been released. 🧡


Episode 42. Setting your own self care standard has just been released on our website.


Our Sunday journal prompt this week -

Reframe the word failure, rather than it feeling like something negative, if it was acknowledged as a different way to learn?
What did you learn from something that didn’t work out, how can you reframe this, learn from the experience and carry the lesson with you for the future. 🧡


Just as we were starting to look to Spring, Mother Nature throws us a curve ball here in the U.K 🧡 Hope everyone stays safe, warm and cozy this weekend.


Here is your weekly wellness edit 🧡

An Ayurvedic perspective on beauty: When we over-indulge, have a disrupted routine, feel anger or resentment and are running on empty this is reflected in our overall vitality or Ojas. Cultivating your inner GLOW—your true beauty—requires just the opposite: time spent nurturing ones self with daily routine and habits, managing stress, finding calm, and replenishing your body with good food and good digestion. Ojas is described as the end product of good physical and emotional digestion, when you have fully assimilated nutrients and processed your life experiences. This is one of the reasons I run these virtual retreats throughout the year and why I particularly wanted to bring back the GLOW retreat to support women who are feeling like they are running on low reserves. I know in the past I have found myself in that same place, and through practising Ayurveda I have learnt how to see the warning signs before things become critical and what I need to do to bring balance back again and feel my best self. When replenished regularly, Ojas manifests outwardly in glowing skin, bright eyes, and silky hair. Inwardly, it helps your reproductive, nervous, and immune systems thrive and promotes peaceful emotions such as gratitude and contentment. Most importantly, ojas supports stable moods and helps us handle stress with grace and ease. Ayurveda believes that true beauty is composed of three vital elements: a well-nourished body, a balanced mind, and a peaceful spirit. In other words, outer beauty is a reflection of one's inner health and wellbeing, but we need to work on all three - its not only about what products we apply to our face :) If this speaks to you, I invite you to join me on the GLOW seven day virtual retreat ( Link for booking at early bird price is in my bio/ or DM me) where I will help you with all these tools to feel at ease in your own skin, graceful and contented, well-nourished and rested. Using Ayurvedic rituals, meditation, journalling, yoga, Ayurvedic facial massage, reiki, sound baths and Ayurvedic inspired recipes I will be there to guide you every

5 ways to help alleviate brain fog symptoms - Liz Earle Wellbeing 10/03/2023

5 ways to help alleviate brain fog symptoms - Liz Earle Wellbeing Struggling with brain fog? Neuroscientist, Dr Sabrina Brennan, shares her tips to help alleviate the symptoms.


Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023! 🧡


We are always given the opportunity for a fresh start, here’s yours. Happy Monday 🧡


Sunday journal prompt this week is ‘freedom to vent’ Give yourself freedom this Sunday to open your journal and unpack everything you’ve been holding on to. No guilt, explanation or barriers.
Tomorrow is your fresh start with a lighter load 🧡



6 Tips for Balancing Hormones Naturally - Lindywell 21/02/2023

Here is your weekly wellness edit 🧡 definitely worth a read

6 Tips for Balancing Hormones Naturally - Lindywell Balancing hormones naturally is not only possible, but it’s also one of the best ways to support your mind and body.