

Fashion and life inspirations.


With everything that was going on in the world and in my life, I didn't feel like posting anything. We all grieve differently, and my way is a silent one. Stay true to yourself guys, and don't let anyone bully you into acting differently or expressing yourself differently.♥️💙💛


Prašau pasidalinkite su tais, kam tai galėtų būti aktualu. Labai ačiū 💙💛

Mielieji, jei žinote kam būtų aktualu, prašau pasidalinkite šiuo postu, kad kuo daugiau ukrainiečių pasiektų šis skelbimas. Ačiū!💙💛

Dear followers, please share this post with the ones that would be interested in job opportunity in Vilnius. Thank you.💙💛
ua yellow.ukraine.war


Photos from Foxinstyle's post 21/02/2022

Ready for the travel, fingers crossed that all goes well, as we already had to postpone our flight 2 times in this past time😩🤯

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 17/02/2022

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. Agree?

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 14/02/2022

I have heard many opinions about Valentine's day, both pro and against it for so many different reasons. I personally like to celebrate life in general, and I'm pro any celebrations be it Valentine's day or day of the Boss or any other one can come up with. At the end of the day it's about how one chooses to look at things: as a commercialized, consumerism inducing day; or one more reminder to celebrate life and in this case love. What's your choice?

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 10/02/2022

Some accessories that l enjoyed wearing, but I feel is time to let go of them and let someone else enjoy. If interested DM. ♥️

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

SMONDAY - the moment when Sunday stops feeling like a Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Who's with me on that?


Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

I love new year, and a start of new month, because for me it‘s related to new beginnings, a chance to reboot, start over, or take up something new. I know, I know, every day should be met with this philosophy, but it‘s not the case for me.
I like writing down my goals and then going for them. As a coach, I know many ways and techniques, to do that, however, I have to be honest, despite all my knowledge, some things just don‘t work for me.

For example, I don’t like planing very specific steps to follow, strict due dates etc.  I like to leave some space to improvise, to use the momentum, for some reason this works best for me, despite many guidelines and opinions that oppose to this strategy.

Therefore, my advice is, if some popular planning and goal setting practices don’t work for you, don’t start thinking that you are incapable, or you don’t have a strong will to follow through, that’s simply not true. Experiment, find and eventually create what works best for you.

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

I love slow Sundays, without any obligations. Allowing myself to take it easy and just read a fiction book is something that takes effort, as I always hear the nagging voice in my head telling me what hasn't been done yet and what needs my attention. However, I remind myself that resting is as important as being busy. Balance is everything. Leave a comment if you also find it hard to relax on weekends.

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

I'm in such a spring mode already (hence the look) however, unfortunately weather is very slow with my wishes😅

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

This is the Mondayest Monday that ever Mondayed. 🤯🤪Who else feels the same?

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

I love thrifting because it's such a pleasure to find something really special, like this vest and my favourite Valentino shoes. 😍😎

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

New year, new ideas. This year has started super productively and creatively, I love this on-fire feeling, only it gets hard when your health lets you down.

I've been battling this flue-virus ( not COVID) the whole week already and it doesn't seem to go away. I'm very bad at being ill, I find sitting and doing nothing very hard, therefore I decided to share with you this pre-loved fashion, at home cozy look. Cashmere pants and sweater, it's my favourite outfit, coz I feel warm, comfy and still elegant.

However these shoes...I mean they are nice and everything, but have nothing to do with at-home look. 😄

Anyways, for some reason I have decided to pair them, and now you have 'cozy - at - home', 'ready - to - go' look.😁

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

We had a wonderful time in this magical island. I really recommend it. People are very friendly, food is simple, but fresh and and very good and the views and nature is just mind-blowing.

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

If we're living in the past we're open to depression;
in the future we're open to anxiety;
only in the present are we open.
It is so nice to be back to my beloved Nida. I appreciate the possibility to be here and now, to take time off of all my responsibilities all the studies and work. ♥️


If we're living in the past we're open to depression;
in the future we're open to anxiety;
only in the present are we open.
It is so nice to be back to my beloved Tarifa, I appreciate the possibility to be here and now, to take time off all my responsibilities all the studies and work. ♥️

🌴 🌊 😎

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

We speak our world into reality.


Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

Dance with the waves,
Move with the sea,
Let the rhythm of the water
get your soul was exactly that kind of mood.


Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

At the end of the day your feet should be sandy, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling with joy. Let's celebrate the beginning of real summer! ☀️

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

Post-Covid summer makes you think about the impact on environment and sustainability and no doubt that conscious fashion is a way to go as it contributes to our planet by making us look good and feel good, hence all outfit is from pre-loved fashion boutique .

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

This was one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen, and I have beem lucky to share this moment with 💗 Love you and miss you to the moon and back!


We live who we believe we are.🖤

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

A little self-love has never hurt anybody, after all how can you truly love and fully accept another person, if you haven't done that with yourself. I like to say, be the best friend to yourself, only use the words and tone of voice that you would use when talking with your best friend and your most loved ones. You will see what a change it can make to your relationship with yourself and others.🖤


Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

I decided to enter Uni again, this time not for Business studies (been there done that), but Psichology studies, and I have to be honest, in my head I have quit it 100 times in this first year. But I pushed thru, and I'm very happy about it, because first of all I get to appreciate the feeling of relief that I don't need to prepare for exam anymore for few months(the feeling is similar to taking of the shoe that is too small), but mostly that in this whole process I have learned a lot about myself ( and you would think that at this age one should know everything about oneself) and some very interesting and some completely borring stuff too. To sumerise, it is good to push yourself into new situacions as thru this process you grow immensely. 🖤


Finally the kind of weather to wear shorts! I feel so blessed to be back to one of my favorite places in the world! Sometimes I feel so happy I want to hug the world. 🌲☀️

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

Spring vibes and conscious fashion 🌳

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 09/02/2022

Sometimes skateboards, sometimes dresses, all about embracing the moment.


We rented this villa for the Valentine's weekend, were a bit unsure how it's going to be with our 3 kids and their energy level always on max, but ended up having a great time all together. Kid's didn't break anything, including their necks, and we even got to chill on sunbeds for few minutes. I call it a complete success😂😂😂.


Best morning so far 😈...


I have always dreamt to spend winter in a warm country, I like winter and snow, but two weeks of it is enough for me. And this year my dream came true, just like that, it's been 1,5 month already in sunny Fuerteventura and I enjoy every second of it. This experience is one more reminder, how important it is to dream, but in doing so, not to get attached to it too much, let the universe do it's job.😉

Visada svajojau žiemą praleisti šiltuose kraštuose. Man patinka žiema ir sniegas, bet dviejų savaičių viso to grožio pakanka. Šiais metais mano svajonė ėmė ir tiesiog išsipildė, jau 1,5 mėnesio esame saulėtoje Fuerteventuroje, ir aš mėgaujuosi kiekviena sekunde to buvimo. Ši patirtis man dar kartą priminė, kaip svarbu yra svajoti, bet tai darant neprisirišti prie svajonės per stipriai, leisti visatai atlikti savo darbą. 😉

❤️ 🌟 🌊 ☀️

Timeline photos 10/01/2021

Everybody wrote what a horrible year was 2020 and how much they wish for it to be over. I consider myself very lucky, because despite the Covid-19 effecting my business, and having lots of stress as a result, I consider 2020 as pretty good year: I still managed to spend time with my friends and family, to travel, to enjoy warm summer, to fall in love, to extend our family of 2 to a family of 5, start Psichology degree, make new friends, and fullfil my dream of spending winter in a sunny place. I feel very grateful 🤍


Photos from Foxinstyle's post 26/12/2020

Merry Christmas everyone, lets hope that this coming year turns out better then 2020, and meanwhile I wish us all patience, strength and positive thinking (as hippy as it sounds) ✌🏼🎄🌴.

@ El Cotillo

Timeline photos 27/11/2020

It's been awhile since I was here, in Juodkrantė. I don't know how it is for you guys, but if I don't get to the beach for too long ( no matter the weather and time of year) it starts calling me, I get this feeling in my chest, that is very hard to explain, but it's also like this immense longing and when I finally get a chance to come back, I always feel like this huge weigh was lifted, I get a perspective on all my irrelevant worries, I reconnect and feel peace.

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 31/10/2020

The best therapist has fur and four legs. Don't you agree? 😁

@ Vilnius, Lithuania

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 23/10/2020

When I remember this moment of this photo being taken, in my head I hear Bob Dylan's song, it was such a magical time we had on that dune with my little sister . Love you my soulmate🖤
The song:
Yes, 'n' how many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind...

@ Mirusios Kopos

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 22/10/2020

Memories from our trip in Italy, I hope this situation that we are all in finishes soon, and I can come back to explore more of this wonderful country! 🖤

@ Capri, Italy

Photos from Foxinstyle's post 17/10/2020

Summer has moved on, but I don't seem to. I often come back to it in my memories...Only two weeks ago I was still swimming in the sea, enjoying last warm days and now it's time for sweaters, coats, boots, scarfs and umbrellas, am I the only one who's not ready for that yet, I wonder...

@ Nida, Lithuania
