Mokslinis Socializmas

Mokslinis Socializmas

Polas Kokšotas) metodika.

Puslapio tikslas yra skleisti Marksizmo pasaulėžiūrinės sistemos mintį moderniosios imperializmo epochos plotmėje - tai atliekant pasitelkiant Ortodoksinio Marksizmo, Marksizmo-Leninizmo ir 21-ojo amžiaus Socializmo (V.



Soviet time capsules: messages from the past with lessons to teach us in 2017 07/01/2020

Soviet time capsules: messages from the past with lessons to teach us in 2017 The centenary year of the Russian Revolution has seen the unearthing of time capsules across the former USSR, offering poignant — and sometimes bleakly…

This Is Not the Sixth Extinction. It’s the First Extermination Event. 03/01/2020

"For some 500 years, capitalism’s logic of eco-genocidal accumulation has presided over both the physical eradication of human and non-human life and the cultural eradication of the languages, traditions and collective knowledge that constitute life’s diversity. It necrotizes the planetary biosphere, leaving behind only decay. It burns the practically unrecoverable library of life and eradicates its future masterpieces simultaneously. It inflicts not just physical destruction, but psychological grief and trauma as people witness their lands go under the sea, get immolated by fire, and drown in mud. The First Extermination Event has now produced such a nightmarish world that even temperature maps scream in agony."

This Is Not the Sixth Extinction. It’s the First Extermination Event. What we are witnessing is not a passive geological event but extermination by capitalism.


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