C.O’s Poetry

C.O’s Poetry

Welcome to my poetry page. So far self-published two books.


King and The Collector

Photos from C.O’s Poetry's post 10/09/2023

Undying Love 🪦❤️🍂


~ Radio Static ~

I can’t always make out peoples voices;
Through the world’s noises.
Why is this room so loud?
I feel like I am in the middle of a storm cloud.
Come on focus! Block it out, hear them speak.
Their face is signalling that they are bleak.
Nod I didn’t look sympathetic.
Their words sound like static.

Breath in then breathe out.

Besides a few words here and there, I have no real clue as to what we are talking about.
I feel my back and shoulders tightening up.
I really hope they send an email or a text to follow-up.
Oh they stop talking! Vaguely nod and say if a few key words.
This is starting to hurt.
I hit my mark they keep going.
I can hear a soft ringing.
(Where is that coming from?)
Oh great, now I can hear that lady over there chewing her gum.
The noises won’t stop I can’t push them away.
I really wish I could make out what you were trying to say.

- C.O

Photos from C.O’s Poetry's post 19/08/2023

Writing things out is better then freaking out so here we are.

I’ve so far published two books called “Inside my mind” and “I am only mildly crazy I promise. I may have lied” both are a collections of my poetry.

- I try to make sure my poetry is easy to understand for everyone.

- Most my poems are child friendly. 👧🏻

- I like to write about nature and my feelings.

- I make quotes too.

- Some of my poems are LGBT 🏳️‍🌈.

- I have been writing poetry for about five years.

- I would one day like to get my poetry published by an official publisher. 📝

‼️Everything I post belongs to me. Drawings, edits, writing, photography, ex…‼️

Photos from C.O’s Poetry's post 26/07/2023

New drawing ✍🏼❤️


“Silence is nicer than you” - C.O


66 drawings in 14 seconds

Photos from C.O’s Poetry's post 12/02/2023

New TMNT drawing ☺️

Photos from C.O’s Poetry's post 21/12/2022



I made my first edit of a tv show 🖤💖

Photos from C.O’s Poetry's post 15/10/2022

Newest drawing 💞


•Keep going•
As you feel yourself sinking into the water so cold, you look up and see the burning red sky.
That’s when your soul finally remembers why.
Why you fought so hard to get to where you are.
Every last scar is a reminder of your goals.
They are reminders to what your future holds.
You have to get up and prove them all wrong.
You have to sing your fighting song.
Don’t back down just because right now you feel like you’re going to drown.
You have to show that whole damed town.
That you are better then they ever gave you credit for.
You can get up off of the floor.
Wipe those tears form your eyes.
This is not your goodbye.
Reach for the sky.
Fight for your voice to be heard.
Don’t now let you dream blur.
Push past all the intrusive thoughts that have weighed you down.
Use all of the tricks that you have found.
Keep you eyes set on the finish line.
Just keep your head up and you’ll be fine.


• She is not a freak •

Her words are as sharp as a blade.
Her passion will not fade.
She is as quiet as a cat on a hunt.
When she does speak though many people call her blunt.
Maybe that’s why she prefers to write, it gives her more time to think about what she wants to say.
Be that as it may;
Many people don’t take the time to read some random persons thoughts.
So not many people can connect the dots.
She is not a freak.
Her mind just moves to fast for her mouth to speak.
- C.O

Photo credit: My nanny Joy 🥰

Timeline photos 24/07/2022

I am sick and tired of this world I find myself living in.
My patients is wearing thin.
From civil rights issues to climate change.
The people we keep having in power never seem to follow through with what they say, oh what a pain.
Women are the life givers.
Yet this idiotic society keep giving them the middle finger.
The fact that in most places basic human rights are still being fought for;
Disturbs me to my core.
1.8% of our homeless population are vets.
How come not that many people are upset?
Being gay is a crime in 71 countries across our globe.
Florida doesn’t want the kids to know.
Some people still believe trans people are a hoax.
Thanks to this crazy world everyone’s mental health is a joke.
S*x Ed is skimped over and parts are skipped.
In some schools S*x Ed isn’t even in the script.
Homes are being destroyed, people are being killed all because of some guys power trip.
Meanwhile the common people are beginning to flip.



Drawing by me.


An excerpt from a piece I am working on;


“So it’s appropriate to tell quite people to speak up but it’s inappropriate if I tell a loud person to shut up. What a double standard.”
- C.O


I have made a meme


This Devil’s Dance.

Chaos rains down on this treacherous place.
Part of me wishes that wasn’t the case.
However I am aware that we wrote our own fate.
We had so many chances to hit the break;
But no, the greedy and those who fell ignorant kept on driving straight.

It won’t matter how much you are worth.
If we kill our one and only earth.
They keep trying to move the rich and powerful to space.
However that is not our place.
Instead of saving our home they want to jump ship and run.
They don’t care about what they have done.
They’ll just do it again if given the chance.
They have truly learned nothing from this devil’s dance.

They aren’t thinking about the animals, the trees, the water, the air, or the typical folk.
So they keep on SCREAMING that climate change is a hoax.

- C.O


“Words can cut deeper than a knife if used properly.” -C.O


“I am quiet, not blind.” -C.O


🕰Old Father Time🕰

Many dread this day;
When they find they’ve grown old.
They blink only to look in the mirror to find that their hair has faded grey.
I know it can be scary, it can feel like your past self is turning into a ghost.

However my dear I want you to know, you’ll always have my hand to hold.
Even in the bitter cold.
I’ll remain by your side until dust turns into dimes.
Until one of us can fly.

Old Father Time;
He’s a master mind.
When your young time flys right on by
That saying is not a lie.
But I promise we’ll be alright.
You and I.
I’ll hold you in my arms tight.
Cause no matter the age and no matter the place.
I will always love your face.
You are my beauty.
You are my grace.
No matter the stage.
I’ll love you forever.
Forever never fades.

You and I well be alright.
This I swear by.
When morning rises I’ll still be here laying ever so near.
I’ll wipe away your tears.
Weather your hair be grey or black or brown or blond.
Nothing shall ever break our bond.

There is no clock in the heart.
We will never grow apart.
For you are my beauty, you are grace.
No matter what time does, I will always love your face.
Your voice will always make my heart race.
Cause time doesn’t matter when we are together.
Together means forever and forever never fades.


Here’s some things you’re going to need to know; I’m not the type to go with the flow.
I build a wall against the water works, I won’t let it rush past.
The future doesn’t always look so vast.
My mind moves a mile a minute making me feel like I’m gonna crash.
That’s why sometimes I can think really fast.
That’s why in my spare time I find myself rhyming.
In an effort to keep myself from crying.
Words are my magic they make this world
seem way less tragic.
Art is my passion.
I also really like fashion.
I use them as a distraction.
From the things that make me panic.
They keep me from sinking like the Titanic.


“I’m like a museum. You can look at me and learn However if you touch me you will be asked to leave the premises.” -C.O


“I Am Only Mildly Crazy, I Promise. (I May Have Lied)” is now available!
About: This book is a collection of my poems and quotes as well as my photography and edits. There is a total of 113 pages.
25$ a book private message me or leave a comment to place an order ^-^


You are my guiding star light.
In the darkest of nights.
You are my everything.
You are my starling.
You are darling.
When it is icy cold.
Your hands are the only ones I wish to hold.
Your heart is certainly made of gold.
You are so quiet yet so bold.
you refuse to fit into any mold.
I adore you a lot.
You take up a lot of my thoughts.
As much as I hate the word; you I find very hot.
Believe me or not.
I’m glad you shot your shot.


~infinite link~
put your ego aside;
or else your going to fry.
no need to cry.
we’ll be alright.
all you have to do to succeed is try.
you want to live a life worth remembering.
to do this you have to quit worrying.
just keep on singing.
keep your eyes set on the prize.
i promise you will make it to the fish line.
you will be fine.
just pause and think.
you aren’t going to sink.
cause you and I have an infinite link.
you and I.
we will survive.
this is no lie.
we will one day fly.
so very high, in the sky.


I am mesmerized
Every time I look into your eyes
I don’t even think you realize how much I care for you.
I don’t think you know how all the things I’d do just to make you smile
Just to keep you around for awhile
When you call my heart it jumps a mile.
You are a star to me.
Just the fact that you exist sometimes I find hard to believe.
You have a hold on me that I have never seen before.
Being with you is a score.


Book progress



Mx.Sagittarius, maybe this time you’ll learn not to fight an Aries, cause where you can only call her a stupid name.
She can put you to shame.
You were talking smack, what did you think was going to happen.
You were already skating on ice so thin.
Then she caught you red handed not being so nice.
So down your shirt went the ice.
She wasn’t looking for a fight.
However she knew she was in the right.
Now you’re trying to play the victim card.
To flip this around would be pretty hard.
Everyone already knows how you are.
You’ve been an issue since that start.
~ C.O
(Written on October, 15, 2021)



I like the way you twirl your hair.
I like that you are fair.
I like your eyes and the way they shimmer when you talk about art.
I think you’re really smart.
I like the way you ramble on about video games that you play.
It’s fun to listen to what you’ve got to say.
I like the way you laugh and smile and take all of my cares away.
With you I feel safe.
I like everything that I see.
Girl I think you are my destiny.



It feels as though there is a lump in my throat.
In an attempt to avoid peeling the skin from my hands I grab at my coat.
Tears are building in my eyes.
I don’t have anywhere to hide.
It feels like I can’t breathe.
Anxiety that thief,
He has stolen my peace of mind once more.
I can feel my body begin to shake this causes my knees give out and I crash to the floor.
My eyes, they start to pour.
I feel a deep sickness at my core.


~Somethings that I adore about you~

Eyes as alluring as Jade.
A soul that will surly never fade.
Creatively as well as intelligence.
You are filled with such specialness.
When you are around I always have fun.
You shine as bright as the sun.
Day by day I add to the list of things that make you the best.
There are way to many to be addressed.

Photos from C.O’s Poetry's post 04/11/2021

Why do people say Happy Holidays instead of Marry Christmas?

Not everyone celebrates Christmas of course. There are many other holidays that fall into December. Here are a few I was able to think of off the top of my head:

(Wiccan)Yule- Celebrated at the winter solstice as the rebirth of the Great horned hunter god, who is viewed as the newborn solstice sun. It is celebrated with gatherings that often involve a meal and gift giving. Celebrated on December 21.

(Jewish) Hanukkah- Commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE. It is also known as the Festival of Lights. Celebrated from November 28th to December 6th.

(Pagan) Saturnalia- Honours the agricultural god Saturn. It is celebrated by feasting, role reversals, gift-giving and gambling. It is celebrated on December 17th.

(Humanism) HumanLight- It celebrates reason, compassion, hope and humanity. Celebrated on December 23.

There are many more holidays celebrated in December. To many to list.

So next time someone wishes you “Happy holidays” remember they may not know you so of course they wouldn’t know which holiday you celebrate (It be creepy if they did) so instead of getting upset and going off about “the war on Christmas” just wish them a happy holiday and move on.



“You will continue to encounter the same snake in different skins until you are able to learn the lesson the universe is trying to teach you.” -C.O

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66 drawings in 14 seconds