Livable Word Church: Associate Pastor R. Dudley

Livable Word Church: Associate Pastor R. Dudley
Evidence of Hope SERIES 21/02/2022

Evidence of Hope SERIES This SERIES is called, "Evidence of Hope2" and it addresses how hope encourages and impacts our mental and physical worlds.In this message we will learn whe...


Happy Father's Day, know that you are a blessing in your child's life due giving them life, and guiding them through the world!


Personal Evaluations2021
When you make time to focus on yourself and your relationship with the universe, the universe will send you what you need without even asking!


Physical change is easy, emotional change takes longer. Use that pain as stregnth!


Proverbs 14:13
Even in laughter the heart may ache, and rejoicing may end in grief.

Mother's Day is coming up, and for those with mothers or are mothers I pray you enjoy a day of celebration. Know though that there are those who will celebrate in public and mourn in private, for they are without. If you know someone who experienced loss this year, or is grieving, let them know they matter!


Relationship with Evaluations 2021

A boy plays, but a man stays!

1 Corinthian 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

What is this verse mean to you?


Happy Resurection Sunday everyone. Today represents the sacrafice given so we all can not be restored, but given new life!

Restore me Lord 01/03/2021

Restore me Lord This video is about BEING RESTORED BY THE LORD during your 2021 year, and to be with GOD to gain understanding of His PRESENCE because of WHO YOU ARE WITH CH...


Relationship Evaluations 2021- my testimony

We all need help at different stages in our life, especially when going through the 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance).My relationship advisor feels that even though i recently made it to the stage of acceptance. That I still need to have a calm and consistent relationship with my ex wife, as our interactions can circumvent me back into the anger stage temporarily!

I am no longer passive, however needed more help than I realized taking the higher road in deescalating matters calmly until we both have reached a true stage of healing and understanding.

Now I am understanding specifically, me wearing my ring for so long may have represented my mental stability and comfort at the situation of my norm being interrupted.

It can be tough when you are no longer receiving the attention you once did in a relationship, but in seperation with children, the goal is ultimately acceptance getting along with everyone involved, starting a new and functional relationship.


In battling obesity, I was diagnosed by a mental health professional with "MDD" major depressive disorder. Suffering 6 of the symptoms lasting years, a Lifestyle change helped me find my path to greatness!

Wrestling with God 2021 25/01/2021

Wrestling with God 2021 This video is about having a Plan for 2021, to Wrestle with GOD to gain understanding that God is your Father through Christ Jesus. This video also shares th...

PLAN 2021 STEP 2 18/01/2021

PLAN 2021 STEP 2 This video is about having a Plan for 2021, A Step 2, identifying and understanding the difference between your EMOTIONS and God's Plan for your EMOTIONS.Thi...


Reading is: "fun" ... "da" ... "mental"
connect the dots it's fundamental!



Plan 2021


PLAN 2021


Relationship Evaluations 2021!!!

You've got to let go to grow.

After my seperation from my wife I kept my wedding ring. I had a hard time letting go, but why?

For me the ring was a constant reminder of the causality of a moment of weakness in a person. I was poisoning myself with hate from my perception of her betrayal of me and our family which burned our empire to the ground.

That ring kept my walls up so as not to be hurt again, but it was fear filled. My next relationship ended because of my defense. Loving was easy, gifting was easy, but the emotional connection was static. My denial and depression turned me grotesque. Gaurding my wounded heart gave way to more damage in the breakup, as my poisoned state was poisoning her heart against me. All the while I was native, not even addressing there was a problem as it was my responsibility to do. I finally sought help, Personal growth specialist Shay; M.D diagnosed me with M.D.D. I knew what I needed to do next!

After 5 years of grief, I finally found acceptance leading to my physical transformation. I recieved the comfort to throw the ring away, a burden of psychological attachment lifted. Now i can strengthen my heart to match my body. My blessings, have increased, while my burdens dissipated. Fear made me weak, releasing that fear made me strong!
Be aware and awake, for you not only affect yourself with your actions!

2 Chronicles 15:7
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
My body has been restored, and now my heart!

Plan 2021 Step 1 11/01/2021

Plan 2021 Step 1 This video is about having a Plan for 2021, a Step 1, identifying and understanding the difference between your plan and God's Plan for your life.This video ...


Personal Health Evaluatins2021

A family member has cancerous growths in there uterus as well as abdominal pain. Last week they went to the Doctor about the pain and were told by the doctor jokingly that "you can't feel pain from cancer so thats good"!
I did not not agree with the doctors humor of the situation. Regardless, people be aware of your health. Be conscious about what you put in your body, its the only one you have!



Happy New year!!!


Happy New Year!!!!
Lets get it!


As we prepare to embark on this Journey into 2021 expect the best, but prepared for the worst so as not be be caught off guard!
See you next year!



Relationship Evaluations 2020!!!

This picture is how it should be!
A boothang and wifey can be a commitment (job), though will never be a covenant(Agreement/Career)!
Who has 2 or more jobs?
Who loves they job???

I made educaion my career in my early 20's. It's my approach to life, my way of life. Different schools, same wheel house. That wheel house is covenant. To a relational covenant, it means i will always be this and do this for you because i love to you and I love what I do for you!

It Does not mean your always happy, there will be some bad days, but guess what in a covenant means I will be back tomorrow. There may be varying degrees, but I will always be back because we have a covenant!

On a job, if you have a bad day guess what is either "I quite or your fired".
Which relationship do you want?




Happy Holidays All!


Welcome Family and Friends.
This page is dedicated to health and wellness!
& my