Purple STEAM

Purple STEAM

Purple STEAM is a page to inspire kids, with Lego in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, M


Technology has advanced so much, in the last few years. It's hard to imagine were it will be, in the near future..... 💻 😺
Hope all your builds are going well ❤


Here is the challenge for week 13 'T Stands for Technology'.

Technology is constantly changing and evolving, in better and more exciting ways. Throughout our life times we will see amazing changes and crazy awesome inventions. My point here is YOU are the next generation of inventors and designers, you guys could literally change the world!

This week's challenge is to build/invent something you would like to see in the future, keeping in mind you could actually invent it! Think big, be bold. My hopes with this challenge is for you to think outside the box! What is that thing you have always wanted to see, but never thought was possible? Build it!

*This challenge will run for a week, so till next Wednesday. But i will also be posting the next build, E (engineering) on Monday, so there will be a bit of a overlap*

Have fun, be bold, think big, this challenge is all about your imagination, so go big,💡

Violet 💜 (Super exited for this challenge!)

(I have not added any of my ideas because I don't want you to build my ideas, I want you to build yours)


Here is my build for week 12, 'S stands for science'.
For this week I really wanted to try mixing science and Lego together. By building a Lego volcano with a chemical reaction, of vinegar and baking soda to recreate a volcanoes eruption......
Unfortunately though the weather was against me, and because of that I had to wait 2 days for a gap in the rain, to be able to film (ev3 are not water proof). Because of this I rushed the testing and forgot to test the robot with the weight of the vinegar in it. So the robot flung it everywhere, except in the baking soda 😂 I ended up just pouring the vinegar by hand... but it obviously is not ideal, and doesn't look near as good.

Sorry this build is so late, but as I said the weather has be bucketing down rain for days. In retrospect I should have tested it in the bath, to get vinegar weight right.

*I will be posting next weeks challenge tomorrow, and will run for a week (till next Tuesday). But i will also be posting the build for E (engineering) on Monday, so there will be a bit of a overlap,*
Violet 💜

*What are people's thoughts on the next 4 weeks being STEAM based?*

(I have added in the failed version, because failing is part of learning. Also this took almost as long to clean up after, as it did to build 😂)


Sorry for the delay, in posting my build. Part of science is the weather, and currently it's been against me. I have been waiting the past 2 days for a gap in the rain, to film my build.... I will post it as soon as I can!


Here is an idea ⬇

I have build a little box and tweezers to help monitor the changes in your back yards environment, through the difference seasons. This is called Botany (the study of plants), a botanists looks into the structure and ecology behind plants. This helps them understand plant growth, and monitor changes in our environment. They also use this information to help save endangered plant species.

I have also built a clip board and pen, because as Adam Savage said "The only difference between screwing around and science, is writing it down".


The Challenge for week 12 is ‘S Stands For Science’.
This page is called ‘Purple STEAM’, but do you know what STEAM means? It stands for, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths. STEAM, for me, is all about Discovery, Exploration, Creativity, Problem Solving, Thinking outside of the box, knowledge, Ingenuity, and Fun.
For the next 5 weeks I am going to be basing the Challenges of a part of STEAM, in the hopes of teaching you all a little bit about it.
This week is S, for Science. Scientists come is all forms, from Entomology (the study of insects) to Paleontology (the study of prior life). You could build, an Astronomer (the study of space) stargazing, a Paleontologist (the study of fossils) examining a massive Dinosaur bone, perhaps a Volcanologist (the study of volcanos) up a volcano. There are so many types of scientists, its amazing!
I hope you do a little research to help with your builds, remember there is a scientist for almost everything so go crazy.
Have fun and enjoy building,


Here is my build for week 11, "Build Something Bright and Colourful".
I originally had planed on having the whole build vertical with the ground... but my Lego motor was not strong enough to power it (with out extra gearing). So I thought out side the box and build the whole thing horizontal to the ground, and filmed it from above. I have used 1 motor and 1 Ev3 brick, along with classic Lego and some Lego Duplo.
My goal this week was to make people smile, because "After a storm there is always a rainbow🌈".
I will be posting a new challenge tomorrow morning, I am hoping it will be a more interactive challenge.

I hope this made you smile a little bit, in these odd times.
Violet 💜

(and yes that is a guy walking his cat 😹)


Lucy has built this colourful little house, with an eco friendly roof top garden (love the explanation💚).

I will be posting my build tomorrow morning, so stay tuned😂 Trying out a new more interactive challenge, coming this Monday💜


Here is the challenge for week 11, 'Build Something Bright and Colourful'.
I want this week to be fun and playful, so go crazy and build something bright cheerful. You could build a rainbow, a dancing cat, a disco ball, a sunflower, a rainbow Batmobile, LITERALLY ANYTHING! Think fun, think colour, think happy, and just have fun!

This week is a trial run of a 'fortnight long build', so please post a photo or a video of you build by next Sunday (12th-7, for me).

The goal of this weeks challenge is to make people smile, so please just enjoy this weeks build. Its school holidays so have some fun!


Here is my build for week 10, 'Build a game'.

I decided to build a robot that deals cards, because it sounded like fun to build😅
It took a couple prototypes to get to the final design, but that's part of learning. I went for the design of having a wheel pressed into the cards, with an elastic band on it, to add friction. I also build a Uno table, because I needed to inset the mech to a lower level, and it looks cool😂

I have programmed it so when you hit the 'grey button' it deals 7 cards to 4 players. And whenever you hit the 'black button' it deals 1 card. The programming took a little while (to get it to deal exactly 7 cards everytime). You could also program it to deal to any amount of players (2,6,8, however many).

I really enjoyed this build, and now I have a robot that deals Uno cards!
Please Enjoy,

To check out more, try my youtube page:


Week 10 challenge is....'Build a Game'!
I have been saving this one, as i think it will be a lot of fun. I love playing games, and have always really wanted to build one out of Lego. You could build, your favourite board game, a card game, tick-tack-toe, a soccer field, Minifigures playing tag/tiggy, whatever you think is a fun game to play.
Think fun and enjoy this weeks build,


Here is my build for week 9 'Build a Bridge'.
I was busy researching when I realised that most bridges are to low for ships to pass under. There are some amazing inventions to get around this, (like bridges lifting up or folding up, ect). I decided to build a 'Turn Bridge', so ships and my Lego pirate ship can travel under it. I have used a strong centar pillar to support the weight of the bridge and the traffic, and have used triangled handrails to add extra strength.
I have used 2 Lego ev3, 4 motors, 2 ir sensors, 1 pirate ship, and a remote control. I added a little robot that drives across the bridge, to show how it would work in real life.
Hope you all enjoyed this week's build (it was a great excuse for me to build my pirate ship😂). I will post next weeks challenge tomorrow morning💜


James's has built this footbridge. He has even added people in a boat, to fix and clean and the pillars❤
I will be posting my build tomorrow, I have made a bit of a 'twist' on a classic bridge.


Sophia has created this amazing roman inspired, arched bridge. She has added mermaids and plants to create some great scenery, for the Lego tourists. Nice building Sophia❤


Here is the challenge for week 9, 'Build a Bridge'.
Bridges are very complex structures, with many different design possibility. For this weeks challenge i have posted some pictures of bridges in the comments of this post, to help you with a couple different design ideas, but you can create your own design should you wish. Bridges often have support pillars and cables to help the bridge handle large amounts of weight. Others just use arch ways or are curved upwards, if they are not required to hold large amounts of weight or are over a shorted distance. You could build a bridge with a flat road surface, or one with many support pillars, or one that looks like the Sydney harbour bridge, its up to you.
I cant wait to see what amazing builds you all create! As always please post a photo/video of you build in the comments of this post, by the end of Sunday.
Enjoy, Violet.


Here is the behind the scenes of my build for week 8 'Build a tall tower'. Checkout my previous post to see the finished photos, and the final hight. The second video is a timelapse of 30minunts of building the tower, and it falling over and over again. But we finally got there and I'm super happy with the end build, even if we did have to rebuild around 5 times😂
Please enjoy❤

Photos from Purple STEAM's post 14/06/2020

Here is my build for week 8, 'Build a tall tower'. This weeks challenge took a lot of thought, and prototyping to come up with a good sturdy design. After a lot of prototyping I decided to make a strong Lego Duplo base, followed by slightly smaller Classic Lego section, then a thin Lego Technic topper. I thought that was a nice nood to my progression from Duplo to Technic, as I grew. In the end I made it to 500cm (5meters, 16feet) which I'm pretty proud of, as it was also a fairly windy day.
I will also post a behind the scenes post, with a couple videos of the presses of stacking the sections of the tower. I would like to add that it took us more than 30min to complete, and fell over and smashed (into lots of pieces) at least 5 times.... but falling is part of growing, and for me indicates a true successful build❤
I really enjoyed this week's build, I hope you all did too.
I will be posting next weeks build tomorrow👀


Daphne has built this 260.5cm tall tower. She has built it out of Lego Duplo because you can go higher then with classic Lego bricks. She has also made it so her tower starts wide and then gets thinner as it gets taller, to prevent it from falling. It's always a great feeling when your creation gets to tall to build inside!
I will be posting my build tomorrow morning, and it's a tall one! So keep an eye out👀


Lydia has joined in this weeks challenge, and what a first build! She has created a tower taller then herself, by starting with a wide and strong base that gets smaller on the way up. Very clever build, and i love the sky garden💚
Two more days to this week's challenge! How high can you build?


Jasper has created this tower, for his minifigure Kai. It has hidden rooms, with extra bodies and heads for him. With two other rooms, one with a bed and one with his car.
It is 32cm tall. Check out the full video, in the comments of the challenge post.
Hope all your builds are going up ⬆


Started building my tower, today. It fell over twice... It shattered and flew everywhere. I will need to work on the core structure, but I'll get there.
Hope all your builds are going well❤


Luke has build this 42 cm, radio tower.
How tall can you build?


The challenge for week 8, 'Build a Tall Tower'.
Tall structures are quite challenging to build, and often use a lot of engineering principles. This week just try to build the tallest tower you can, with your supply of Lego. Think about a goal height, whatever you think is appropriate. Then think about how you get there, do you need to build a wider base, should you add cross bracing, do you keep it thin but sacrifice on strength, its up to you.
As always please post a photo or video in the comments of this post. Please also add the height of your tower, in cm.
Enjoy building tall, Violet.


My build for week 7, 'Build a Fairy Tale'. If Rapunzel was an engineer, she could have made a lift to save herself from the tower... and save her hair from being yanked! "Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your lift"😂. (ps: the tower is around 1.5 meters tall!)
Once again i have used my Lego EV3, Lego Technic, Classic Lego, and Lego Duplo. I am using my EV3 with a remote controller, to more the lift up, and down.
I will be posting next weeks challenge tomorrow morning, so get ready 💕


Charlotte has made the three bears house. Including porridge bowls, broken chair, 3 beds and Goldilocks asleep in bed. She has also added a little bear, on the left wall❤
One more day of this week's challenge! I will be posting my build tomorrow, so keep an eye out👀


Lucy has created Rapunzels tower, using a mix of Lego and Duplo. I must say Rupunzles house is very stylish🙌 Great build Lucy❤


Timothy had built Jack, and the beanstalk. Look at Jack's expression, it is a long way up. Great build❤


Jonathan has built Goldilocks in the three bears house. He has included the tree bowls of porridge, and the three beds.
Nice building Jonathan❤


Week 7 "Build a Fairy Tale"! Once again the brief is vague, as i believe imagination is key to a good Lego build.
You could build a scene from your favourite fairy tale, Captian Hook ship, the Little Pigs house, Cinderelas slipper, Robin Hood, the options are almost limitless! Be creative, think outside the box, and enjoy!
As always please post a photo or video of your build in the comments of this post, by this Sunday.


My build for weeks 6, "Build a sport".
I decided to build a one shoot, mini-golf course. I have used 2 Ev3, with 1 sensor and 4 motors. I have designed it so when you hit the ball up the ramp. The sensor reads the golf ball is in the bucket and activates the sling shot. Then gravity makes the ball roll down the ramp, and into the conveyor belt. Down another ramp and into the hole!
Please enjoy.

As always I will be posting next weeks challenge tomorrow morning.
Violet 💜

Videos (show all)

My build for week 12, big FAIL 😆
Botany plant box, tweezers, pen, and clip board, Violet 💜
After a storm there is always a rainbow. My build for week 11, Violet 🌈
Lucy's colourful little house 💕
My Uno card dealing robot, Enjoy Violet💜
A Bridge with a 'Twist'. My build for week 9,Violet❤
If Rapunzel was an engineer. My build for week 7.
My build for week 6, Mini Golf❤
Hi everyone, this is my build for week fours challenge "Build something for your minifigure to ride".  I decided to buil...
My build for week 3, Violet❤
