Why I’m Ashamed to Be a Man Videos

Videos by Why I’m Ashamed to Be a Man. FAQ: Are you male? Yes. CisHet? Yes. What’s your point? Just saying why I’m ashamed to be a man

“Every single man both directly and indirectly benefits from being seen as smarter, stronger and morally superior to women whether they think they’re participating in misogyny or not” —allboutlizz

👉 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRt7J1ek/

#listentowomen #yesallwomen #womensmentalhealth #womenshealth #whyimashamedtobeaman #yesallmen

Other Why I’m Ashamed to Be a Man videos

“Every single man both directly and indirectly benefits from being seen as smarter, stronger and morally superior to women whether they think they’re participating in misogyny or not” —allboutlizz 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRt7J1ek/ #listentowomen #yesallwomen #womensmentalhealth #womenshealth #whyimashamedtobeaman #yesallmen

“Women are sick of babying you … A lot of these women don’t even have to have kids when they get into a relationship with a man. The man is the child” 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgpDgYM/ #listentowomen #leavewomenalone #yesallwomen #womensmentalhealth #womenshealth #womenssafety #supportwomen #whyimashamedtobeaman

“You do not offer us the best chance at life anymore” -taraims 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgUcN6w/ #listentowomen #womensmentalhealth #supportwomen #whyimashamedtobeaman

“misandry develops after years of oppression and violence against women … misogyny is the belief that men are inherently superior and any woman who challenges that is met with hatred — not fear like misandry — hatred, because how dare she. they are not the same” —heather.s.orr 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRbFcvXn/ #listentowomen #respectwomen #yesallwomen #believewomen #supportwomen #womensmentalhealth #whyimashamedtobeaman

“it’s always ‘not all men’ until i start describing abusive behavior and then it’s ‘but all men do that’” -Natalie Jost 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQsSH89/ #leavewomenalone #believewomen #yesallwomen #RespectWomen #listentowomen #womenshealth #womensmentalhealth #whyimashamedtobeaman

“many of you have pressured a women into a s-xual act just because you paid for dinner …let’s be clear you’re not mad about paying for dates, you’re mad if you feel you didn’t get what you paid for” -Caylee Cresta • https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR9UBGuR/ #RespectWomen #leavewomenalone #yesallwomen #toxicmasculinity #whyimashamedtobeaman