Hope Espoir Bc

Hope Espoir Bc

Support Group & Art Workshops

Timeline photos 08/08/2020

Where is our blue sky? Where is our blue water? đź’™
A warmer atmosphere increases the formation of ground-level ozone – also known as smog – in polluted regions. Smog irritates lungs and triggers asthma attacks. Smoke from wildfires further degrades the air. Extreme summer heat means more deaths during heatwaves...
Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival because of climate change. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities...
It is time to take positive actions. Please share.

Timeline photos 12/06/2020

Back to pencil drawing and sending a message of HOPE for a better future. Please join me and share your creations! I would love to see them! 🦋


Happy Mother’s Day! To all the strong beautiful mothers out there! We are grateful to have you in our life! All my love for Lili and her family! 💕

Timeline photos 02/05/2020

-Guérir l’anxiété par l'ART! -
En cette période difficile, je pense que nous devrions tous nous entraider! Alors prêt pour une petite activité?
1. Au bas d’une page blanche, dessinez comment vous vous sentez en ce moment. 2.Et en haut de la page, dessinez un message d'ESPOIR, quelque chose qui vous fait sourire! Si vous le pouvez, utilisez beaucoup de couleurs.
En échange de ce mini-atelier, je vous invite à faire un don à tout organisme que vous aimez et que vous souhaitez aider. Si vous n'avez pas beaucoup d'argent ou si vous avez perdu votre travail, comme moi. Tout dollar comptera. Si vous ne connaissez aucune fondation. Vous pouvez soutenir celui que j'aime pour les enfants malades à l'hôpital de Ste-Justine. Envoyez-moi svp une photo de vos dessins, peintures ou collages et j'aimerais les partager avec ma petite Lili qui est à l'hôpital Ste-Justine. Le but n’est pas d’avoir la plus belle création, cette activité consiste à envoyer un message d'ESPOIR DANS L'UNIVERS. Restez en sécurité, restez en bonne santé et à bientôt!



Timeline photos 02/05/2020

-Healing Anxiety through ART-
In this difficult time, I think we should all be helping each other! So are you ready for a little activity? 1. At the bottom of a blank page, draw a picture of how you are currently feeling. 2. At the top, draw a message of HOPE, something that makes you smile! If you can, use lots of colours. In exchange for this mini-workshop, I invite you to make a donation to any charity that you love and want to help. If you don't have a lot of money or have lost your job like me. Any dollar will count. If you do not know a charity or foundation, you can support the one I love for sick children named Foundation Ste-Justine. I would also love to see your drawings! If you could please send me a picture of your drawings, I would love to share all of them with my little niece Lili who is at the Ste-Justine Hospital. The purpose is not to create the best drawing, it’s an activity to send a message of HOPE TO THE UNIVERSE. Stay safe, stay healthy and see you soon!


Timeline photos 02/05/2020

My Life Coach Certificate

Timeline photos 27/04/2020

Thank you so much for your great testimonials! 🤗💕
During this difficult time, your lovely recommendations are helping me to stay focused and keep working on my Support Group & Art workshops projects.
Big hugs 🤗
