Israel Sri Lanka Solidarity Movement

Israel Sri Lanka Solidarity Movement

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The Bahá’í World Centre

The Bahá’í World Centre, the spiritual and administrative heart of the Bahá’í community, is located in the twin cities of ‘Akká and Haifa in northern Israel. It comprises the Shrines of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as well as other holy sites in the surrounding area.

In the vicinity of the Shrine of the Báb there are a number of structures including the Seat of the Universal House of Justice, the International Teaching Centre Building, the Centre for the Study of the Texts and the International Bahá’í Archives, all of which are set in extensive gardens.


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre,

also known as the Church of the Resurrection, is a fourth-century church in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. It is considered to be the holiest site for Christians in the world and has been the most important pilgrimage site for Christians since the fourth century.

According to traditions dating back to the fourth century, it contains both the site where Jesus was crucified at Calvary or Golgotha, and the location of Jesus' empty tomb, where he was buried and resurrected. Both locations are considered immensely holy sites by Christians. In earlier times, the site was used as a Jewish burial ground, upon which a pagan temple was built. The church and rotunda, built under Constantine in the 4th century and destroyed by al-Hakim in 1009, were later reconstructed with modifications by Emperor Constantine IX Monomachos and the Crusaders, resulting in a significant departure from the original structure. The tomb itself is enclosed by a 19th-century shrine called the Aedicule.

Within the church proper are the last four stations of the Cross of the Via Dolorosa, representing the final episodes of the Passion of Jesus. The church has been a major Christian pilgrimage destination since its creation in the fourth century, as the traditional site of the resurrection of Christ, thus its original Greek name, Church of the Anastasis ('Resurrection').

The Status Quo, an understanding between religious communities dating to 1757, applies to the site. Control of the church itself is shared among several Christian denominations and secular entities in complicated arrangements essentially unchanged for over 160 years, and some for much longer. The main denominations sharing property over parts of the church are the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Coptic, Syriac, and Ethiopian Orthodox churches.

After the siege of Jerusalem in AD 70 during the First Jewish–Roman War, Jerusalem had been reduced to ruins. In AD 130, the Roman emperor Hadrian began the building of a Roman colony, the new city of Aelia Capitolina, on the site. About AD 135, he ordered that a cave containing a rock-cut tomb be filled in to make a flat foundation for a temple dedicated to Jupiter or Venus. The temple remained until the early fourth century.


It seems that the IDF announced today a unilateral ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in honor of the Feast of Sacrifice.

As of last night, there were no attacks in the Strip and the Arabs do not report any military activities in the Strip
Pictured: Feast of the Sacrifice celebrations in the market in the Jabaliya refugee camp.

Hamas slaughtered our people during a Jewish holiday, and since October 7th every Jewish holiday such as Passover and Shavuot (weeks) was accompanied with massive strikes mostly from the north by Hezbollah.

And we, the people accused for creating genocide, hunger and apartheid, are honoring their festivals.


Tower of David

The name "Tower of David" was first used for the Herodian tower in the 5th century CE by the Byzantine Christians, who believed the site to be the palace of King David. They borrowed the name "Tower of David" from the Song of Songs, attributed to Solomon, King David's son, who wrote: "Thy neck is like the Tower of David built with turrets, whereon there hang a thousand shields, all the armor of
During the 2nd century BCE, the Old City of Jerusalem expanded further onto the so-called Western Hill. This 773-meter-high prominence, which comprises the modern Armenian and Jewish Quarters as well as Mount Zion, was bounded by steep valleys on all sides except for the north. The first settlement in this area was about 150 BCE, around the time of the Hasmonean kings, when what Josephus Flavius called "the First Wall" was constructed.


An article in Monay’s Wall Street Journal featured some of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s recent communications.They reveal how he uses his own population in the war against Israel. Sinwar embraces civilian losses in the war as “necessary sacrfices,” and he believes the Gaza death toll works to his advantage.In an earlier interview, he said, “We make the headlines only with blood: no blood, no news.”


All employees of the Qatari Al Jazeera channel in Gaza are in fact members of the Hamas terrorist organization and participated in the October 7 massacre.


Jaffa Port
හෙබ්‍රෙව් බයිබලයේ සහ යුදෙව් ඉතිහාසය සහ පළමු යුදෙව්-රෝම යුද්ධය විස්තර කරන ජොසීෆස්ගේ කෘතීන් ඇතුළු විවිධ පුරාණ කෘතිවල ජැෆා වරාය ගැන සඳහන් වේ. එය පුරාණ ඊජිප්තුවට පවා පෙර සිට වසර 7,000 කට වැඩි කාලයක් සක්‍රීය භාවිතයේ පවතී. කුඩා ධීවර වරායක් ලෙස තවමත් ක්‍රියාත්මක වන එය දැනට අවන්හල් සහ කැෆේ ඇතුළත් විනෝදාත්මක කලාපයකි. ප්‍රදීපාගාරයක්, ජැෆා ලයිට්, වරායට ඉහළින් පිහිටා ඇත.

1917 දී, පළමු ලෝක සංග්‍රාමයේදී, එඩ්මන්ඩ් ඇලන්බි යටතේ බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය හමුදා ඔටෝමාන් අධිරාජ්‍යය පරාජය කර ජැෆා අල්ලා ගත් අතර එය පසුව අනිවාර්ය පලස්තීනයේ කොටසක් විය. 1947 සහ 1948 දී අරාබිවරුන් විශාල වශයෙන් වාසය කළ ජැෆා සහ යුදෙව්වන් වැඩි වශයෙන් වාසය කළ ටෙල් අවිව් අතර තියුණු සටන් ඇති විය. 1948 මැයි 13 දින (ඊශ්‍රායල නිදහස් ප්‍රකාශනයට දිනකට පෙර), හගානා සහ ඉර්ගුන් සමඟ දීර්ඝ සටනකින් පසු ජැෆාහි අරාබි හමුදා පරාජයට පත් විය. 1950 අප්‍රේල් 24 වන දින, ටෙල් අවිව්-යෆෝ මහ නගර සභාව යටතේ යුදෙව් නගරය වන ටෙල් අවිව් සහ අරාබි නගරය වන ජැෆා ඒකාබද්ධ විය.


Yad Vashem

(Hebrew: יָד וַשֵׁם; lit. 'a memorial and a name') is Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. It is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Jews who were murdered; echoing the stories of the survivors; honoring Jews who fought against their N**i oppressors and gentiles who selflessly aided Jews in need; and researching the phenomenon of the Holocaust in particular and genocide in general, with the aim of avoiding such events in the future. Yad Vashem's vision, as stated on its website, is: "To lead the documentation, research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust, and to convey the chronicles of this singular Jewish and human event to every person in Israel, to the Jewish people, and to every significant and relevant audience worldwide."

Established in 1953, Yad Vashem is located on the Mount of Remembrance, on the western slope of Mount Herzl, a height in western Jerusalem, 804 meters (2,638 ft) above sea level and adjacent to the Jerusalem Forest. The memorial consists of a 180-dunam (18.0 ha; 44.5-acre) complex containing two types of facilities: some dedicated to the scientific study of the Holocaust, and memorials and museums catering to the needs of the larger public. Among the former there are an International Research Institute for Holocaust Research, an archives, a library, a publishing house and the International School for Holocaust Studies; the latter include the Holocaust History Museum, memorial sites such as the Children's Memorial and the Hall of Remembrance, the Museum of Holocaust Art, sculptures, outdoor commemorative sites such as the Valley of the Communities, as well as a synagogue.

A core goal of Yad Vashem's founders was to recognize non-Jews who, at personal risk and without financial or evangelistic motives, chose to save Jews from the ongoing genocide during the Holocaust. Those recognized by Israel as Righteous Among the Nations are honored in a section of Yad Vashem known as the Garden of the Righteous Among the Nations.

Yad Vashem is the second-most-visited Israeli tourist site, after the Western Wall, with approximately one million visitors each year. It charges no admission fee.

Yad Vashem

(හෙබ්‍රෙව්: יָד וַשֵׁם; lit. 'a සිහිවටනයක් වන අතර එය සමූල ඝාතනවලට ගොදුරු වූවන් සඳහා ඊශ්‍රායලයේ නිල ස්මාරකය වේ. එය කැපවී ඇත්තේ ඝාතනය කරන ලද යුදෙව්වන්ගේ මතකය ආරක්ෂා කිරීමට ය; දිවි ගලවා ගත් යුදෙව්වන්ගේ කථා ප්‍රතිරාවය කිරීම; ගෞරව කිරීම අවශ්‍යතා ඇති යුදෙව්වන්ට පරාර්ථකාමී ලෙස උපකාර කළ ඔවුන්ගේ නාසි පීඩකයන්ට සහ විජාතීන්ට එරෙහිව, විශේෂයෙන්ම සමූලඝාතන සංසිද්ධිය සහ පොදුවේ සමූලඝාතනය පිළිබඳ පර්යේෂණ කිරීම, අනාගතයේදී එවැනි සිදුවීම් වළක්වා ගැනීමේ අරමුණින් , යනු: "හොලොකෝස්ටයේ ලේඛනගත කිරීම, පර්යේෂණය, අධ්‍යාපනය සහ අනුස්මරණය මෙහෙයවීම සහ මෙම ඒකීය යුදෙව් සහ මානව සිදුවීමේ වංශකථා ඊශ්‍රායලයේ සෑම පුද්ගලයෙකුටම, යුදෙව් ජනයාට සහ ලොව පුරා සිටින සෑම වැදගත් සහ අදාළ ප්‍රේක්ෂකයෙකුටම ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම. "

1953 දී පිහිටුවන ලද, Yad Vashem පිහිටා ඇත්තේ, හර්සල් කන්දේ බටහිර බෑවුමේ, බටහිර ජෙරුසලමේ උස, මුහුදු මට්ටමේ සිට මීටර් 804 (අඩි 2,638) සහ ජෙරුසලම් වනාන්තරයට යාබදව පිහිටි සිහිවටන කන්දෙහි ය. ස්මාරකය සමන්විත වන්නේ 180-දුනම් (හෙක්ටයාර 18.0; අක්කර 44.5) පහසුකම් වර්ග දෙකක් අඩංගු සංකීර්ණයකි: සමහරක් සමූලඝාතනය පිළිබඳ විද්‍යාත්මක අධ්‍යයනය සඳහා කැප වූ අතර විශාල මහජනතාවගේ අවශ්‍යතා සපුරාලන ස්මාරක සහ කෞතුකාගාර. පළමු ඒවා අතර සමූල ඝාතන පර්යේෂණ සඳහා ජාත්‍යන්තර පර්යේෂණ ආයතනයක්, ලේඛනාගාරයක්, පුස්තකාලයක්, ප්‍රකාශන ආයතනයක් සහ හොලොකෝස්ට් අධ්‍යයනය සඳහා වූ ජාත්‍යන්තර පාසල ඇත; දෙවැන්නට හොලොකෝස්ට් ඉතිහාස කෞතුකාගාරය, ළමා අනුස්මරණ හා අනුස්මරණ ශාලාව වැනි අනුස්මරණ ස්ථාන, සමූලඝාතන කලා කෞතුකාගාරය, මූර්ති, ප්‍රජාවන්ගේ නිම්නය වැනි එළිමහන් සමරු ස්ථාන මෙන්ම සිනගෝගයක්ද ඇතුළත් වේ.

Yad Vashem හි නිර්මාතෘවරුන්ගේ මූලික ඉලක්කය වූයේ, පුද්ගලික අවදානමක් යටතේ සහ මූල්‍යමය හෝ එවැන්ජලිස්ත චේතනාවකින් තොරව, සමූල ඝාතන අතරතුර සිදුවෙමින් පවතින ජන සංහාරයෙන් යුදෙව්වන් බේරා ගැනීමට තෝරාගත් යුදෙව් නොවන අය හඳුනා ගැනීමයි. ජාතීන් අතර ධර්මිෂ්ඨයන් ලෙස ඊශ්‍රායලය විසින් පිළිගත් අය, ජාතීන් අතර ධර්මිෂ්ඨයන්ගේ උද්‍යානය ලෙස හඳුන්වන Yad Vashem හි කොටසක ගෞරවයට පාත්‍ර වේ.

Yad Vashem යනු සෑම වසරකම ආසන්න වශයෙන් මිලියනයක් නරඹන්නන් සමඟ, බටහිර පවුරෙන් පසුව, වැඩිපුරම නරඹන ඊශ්‍රායල සංචාරක අඩවියයි. එයට ඇතුළත් වීමේ ගාස්තුවක් අය නොකෙරේ.


Netanyahu The Third Temple Messiah


Truth spoken by a Moslem Lebanse - Syrian
Part 1


Truth spoken by a Moslem Lebanse - Syrian
Part 2


Trends In Jerusalem


Reality Of the Rafah


Jerusalem Day


It is the first time in the history of Mexico that a Lady has won the presidency. Claudia is Jewish, and this is the first time that a Jewish Lady holds the office of President of Mexico.




In 1967, when invaded by 5 Arab armies, the Rightful Jewish Owners of Over 3000 years, took back their Ancient Jewish capital and territories, that were occupied by Jordanian and Arab invaders.

Jewish presence on the land of Israel spans through out many millennia!!!


05th June 1967

Israel reclaimed her Ancient Capital City of Jerusalem, from the hands of Arab and Jordanian invaders ,in the Miraculous 6th Day War of 1967 ,when Israel was invaded by several Arab nations-Egypt,Lebanon,Syria,Jordan,Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

Today Jerusalem, the centre of the World, is Accessible to all nations after Israel liberated it in 1967.




"We must wisely avoid another Holocaust- don't interfere with our right to defend ourselves against multi front genocidal terrorists"


A Voice of Truth and Courage. Real Facts hidden in popular media


Just over half the wall's total height, including its 17 courses located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period, and is believed to have been begun by Herod the Great.[2] The very large stone blocks of the lower courses are Herodian, the courses of medium-sized stones above them were added during the Umayyad period, while the small stones of the uppermost courses are of more recent date, especially from the Ottoman period.
The Western Wall plays an important role in Judaism due to its proximity to the Temple Mount, the traditional site of the Jewish Temple. Because of the Temple Mount entry restrictions, the Wall is the holiest place where Jews are permitted to pray outside the Temple Mount platform, as the presumed site of the Holy of Holies, the most sacred site in the Jewish faith, lies just above and behind it. The original, natural, and irregular-shaped Temple Mount was gradually extended to allow for an ever-larger Temple compound to be built at its top. The earliest source possibly mentioning this specific site as a place of Jewish worship is from the 10th century. The Western Wall, in the narrow sense, i.e. referring to the section used for Jewish prayer, is also known as the "Wailing Wall", in reference to the practice of Jews weeping at the site. During the period of Christian Roman rule over Jerusalem (ca. 324–638), Jews were completely barred from Jerusalem except on Tisha B'Av, the day of national mourning for the Temples. The term "Wailing Wall" has historically been used mainly by Christians, with use by Jews becoming marginal. Of the entire retaining wall, the section ritually used by Jews now faces a large plaza in the Jewish Quarter, near the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount, while the rest of the wall is concealed behind structures in the Muslim Quarter, with the small exception of an 8-metre (26 ft) section, the so-called "Little Western Wall" or "Small Wailing Wall". This segment of the western retaining wall derives particular importance from having never been fully obscured by medieval buildings, and displaying much of the original Herodian stonework. In religious terms, the "Little Western Wall" is presumed to be even closer to the Holy of Holies and thus to the "presence of God" (Shechina), and the underground Warren's Gate, which has been out of reach for Jews from the 12th century till its partial excavation in the 20th century.
The Western Wall constitutes the western border of al-Haram al-Sharif ("the Noble Sanctuary"), or the Al-Aqsa compound. It is believed to be the site where the Islamic Prophet Muhammad tied his winged steed, the Burāq, on his Night Journey to Jerusalem before ascending to paradise. While the wall was considered an integral part of the Haram esh-Sharif and waqf property of the Moroccan Quarter under Muslim rule, a right of Jewish prayer and pilgrimage has long existed as part of the Status Quo.[6][7][8] This position was confirmed in a 1930 international commission during the British Mandate period.
With the rise of the Zionist movement in the early 20th century, the wall became a source of friction between the Jewish and Muslim communities, the latter being worried that the wall could be used to further Jewish claims to the Temple Mount and thus Jerusalem. During this period outbreaks of violence at the foot of the wall became commonplace, with a particularly deadly riot in 1929 in which 133 Jews and 116 Arabs were killed, with many more people injured. After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War the eastern portion of Jerusalem was occupied by Jordan. Under Jordanian control Jews were completely expelled from the Old City including the Jewish Quarter, and Jews were barred from entering the Old City for 19 years, effectively banning Jewish prayer at the site of the Western Wall. This period ended on June 10, 1967, when Israel gained control of the site following the Six-Day War. Three days after establishing control over the Western Wall site, the Moroccan Quarter was bulldozed by Israeli authorities to create space for what is now the Western Wall plaza.


ඊශ්‍රායලයේ 76 වන නිදහස් සැමරුම


Happy 76th Independence Day


The Jewish diaspora
(Hebrew: תְּפוּצָה, romanized: təfūṣā) or exile (Hebrew: גָּלוּת gālūṯ; Yiddish: golus)[a] is the dispersion of Israelites or Jews out of their ancient ancestral homeland (the Land of Israel) and their subsequent settlement in other parts of the globe.

In terms of the Hebrew Bible, the term "Exile" denotes the fate of the Israelites who were taken into exile from the Kingdom of Israel during the 8th century BCE, and the Judahites from the Kingdom of Judah who were taken into exile during the 6th century BCE. While in exile, the Judahites became known as "Jews" (יְהוּדִים, or Yehudim), "Mordecai the Jew" from the Book of Esther being the first biblical mention of the term.

The first exile was the Assyrian exile, the expulsion from the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) begun by Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria in 733 BCE. This process was completed by Sargon II with the destruction of the kingdom in 722 BCE, concluding a three-year siege of Samaria begun by Shalmaneser V. The next experience of exile was the Babylonian captivity, in which portions of the population of the Kingdom of Judah were deported in 597 BCE and again in 586 BCE by the Neo-Babylonian Empire under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar II.

A Jewish diaspora existed for several centuries before the fall of the Second Temple, and their dwelling in other countries for the most part was not a result of compulsory dislocation.[5] Before the middle of the first century CE, in addition to Judea, Syria and Babylonia, large Jewish communities existed in the Roman provinces of Egypt, Crete and Cyrenaica, and in Rome itself;[6] after the siege of Jerusalem in 63 BCE, when the Hasmonean kingdom became a protectorate of Rome, emigration intensified.[citation needed] In 6 CE the region was organized as the Roman province of Judea. The Judean population revolted against the Roman Empire in 66 CE in the First Jewish–Roman War, which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. During the siege, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and most of Jerusalem. This watershed moment, the elimination of the symbolic centre of Judaism and Jewish identity motivated many Jews to formulate a new self-definition and adjust their existence to the prospect of an indefinite period of displacement.

In 132 CE, Bar Kokhba led a rebellion against Hadrian, a revolt connected with the renaming of Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina. After four years of devastating warfare, the uprising was suppressed, and Jews were forbidden access to Jerusalem.

During the Middle Ages, due to increasing migration and resettlement, Jews divided into distinct regional groups that today are generally addressed according to two primary geographical groupings: the Ashkenazi of Northern and Eastern Europe, and the Sephardic Jews of Iberia (Spain and Portugal), North Africa and the Middle East. These groups have parallel histories sharing many cultural similarities as well as a series of massacres, persecutions and expulsions, such as the expulsion from England in 1290, the expulsion from Spain in 1492, and the expulsion from Arab countries in 1948–1973. Although the two branches comprise many unique ethno-cultural practices and have links to their local host populations (such as Central Europeans for the Ashkenazim and Hispanics and Arabs for the Sephardim), their shared religion and ancestry, as well as their continuous communication and population transfers, has been responsible for a unified sense of cultural and religious Jewish identity between Sephardim and Ashkenazim from the late Roman period to the present.


Since the 1960s, the United States has been a strong supporter of Israel. It has played a key role in the promotion of good relations between Israel and its neighbouring Arab states—notably Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt—while holding off hostility from countries such as Syria and Iran. Relations with Israel are an important factor in the U.S. government's overall foreign policy in the Middle East, and the U.S. Congress has placed considerable importance on the maintenance of a supportive relationship.

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid: up to February 2022, the US had provided Israel US$150 billion (non-inflation-adjusted) in assistance. In 1999, the US government signed a commitment to provide Israel with at least US$2.7 billion in military aid annually for ten years; in 2009 it was raised to $3 billion; and in 2019 raised to a minimum of US$3.8 billion. Since 1972, the US has also extended loan guarantees to Israel to assist with housing shortages, absorption of new Jewish immigrants and economic recovery. Moreover, the United States is Israel's largest trading partner; two-way trade totaled nearly $50 billion by 2023.

In addition to financial and military aid, the US provides large-scale political support, having used its United Nations Security Council veto power 42 times against resolutions condemning Israel, out of 83 times in which its veto has been used. Between 1991 and 2011, out of the 24 vetoes invoked by the US, 15 were used to protect Israel.[4][5] As of 2021, the United States remains the only permanent member of the United Nations Security Council to have recognized the Golan Heights as non-occupied Israeli sovereign territory, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and moved its embassy there from Tel Aviv in 2018. Israel is designated by the United States as a major non-NATO ally, the only country in the Middle East other than Egypt to have this designation.

Bilateral relations have evolved from an initial American policy of sympathy and support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in 1948, to a partnership that links a small but powerful state with a superpower attempting to balance influence against competing interests in the region, namely Russia and its allies. Some analysts maintain that Israel is a particularly strategic ally for the United States, and that relations with the former strengthen the latter's influence in the Middle East.[9] They argue the military foothold offered by Israel justifies the expense of American military aid, referring to Israel as "America's aircraft carrier in the Middle East"


The Dead Sea
(Arabic: اَلْبَحْر الْمَيِّت, romanized: al-Baḥr al-Mayyit, or اَلْبَحْر الْمَيْت, al-Baḥr al-Mayt; Hebrew: יַם הַמֶּלַח, romanized: Yām hamMelaḥ), also known by other names, is a landlocked salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Israel to the west. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.

As of 2019, the lake's surface is 430.5 metres (1,412 ft) below sea level, making its shores the lowest land-based elevation on Earth. It is 304 m (997 ft) deep, the deepest hypersaline lake in the world. With a salinity of 342 g/kg, or 34.2% (in 2011), it is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water[8] – 9.6 times as salty as the ocean – and has a density of 1.24 kg/litre, which makes swimming similar to floating.[9][10] This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which plants and animals cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea's main, northern basin is 50 kilometres (31 mi) long and 15 kilometres (9 mi) wide at its widest point.

The Dead Sea has attracted visitors from around the Mediterranean Basin for thousands of years. It was one of the world's first health resorts, and it has been the supplier of a wide variety of products, from asphalt for Egyptian mummification to potash for fertilisers. Today, tourists visit the sea on its Israeli, Jordanian and West Bank coastlines.

The Dead Sea is receding at a swift rate; its surface area today is 605 km2 (234 sq mi), having been 1,050 km2 (410 sq mi) in 1930. Multiple canal and pipeline proposals, such as the scrapped Red Sea–Dead Sea Water Conveyance project,[11] have been made to reduce its recession.


1948 න් පසු ඊශ්‍රායලයේ දළ ජාතික නිෂ්පාදිතය (GNP) සීඝ්‍ර ලෙස ඉහළ යාමට හොඳින් පුහුණු වූ සහ බටහිර අධ්‍යාපනය ලත් යුරෝපීය සහ උතුරු ඇමරිකානු සංක්‍රමණිකයන් විශාල වශයෙන් ගලා ඒම බෙහෙවින් දායක විය. රටේ විශ්වවිද්‍යාල සහ පර්යේෂණ ආයතන සීඝ්‍රයෙන් ආරම්භ කිරීමත් සමඟ එක්ව ආර්ථික ව්‍යාප්තියට පහසුකම් සැලසීය. ලොව පුරා සිටින යුදෙව්වන්ගෙන් තෑගි, නාසි අපරාධ සඳහා ජර්මනියේ ෆෙඩරල් ජනරජයෙන් වන්දි, එක්සත් ජනපද රජයෙන් ආධාර සහ සංක්‍රමණිකයන් විසින් ගෙන එන ලද ප්‍රාග්ධනය ඇතුළු විශාල ප්‍රාග්ධනයක් රට ලබා ගත්තේය. ඊශ්‍රායලය මෙම ආදායම් මාර්ගවලට ණය, වාණිජ ණය සහ විදේශ ආයෝජන සමඟ අතිරේකව ලබා දී ඇත.

ඊශ්‍රායලයේ ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තියේ අරමුණු වන්නේ අඛණ්ඩ වර්ධනය සහ රටේ ආර්ථිකය ලෝක වෙළඳපොළට තවදුරටත් ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමයි. වේගවත් ජනගහන වැඩිවීමක්, බොහෝ අරාබි රටවල වර්ජනයක්, ආරක්ෂාව සඳහා අධික වියදම්, ස්වභාවික සම්පත් හිඟයක්, උද්ධමනයේ ඉහළ අනුපාත සහ ආර්ථික සීමා කරන කුඩා දේශීය වෙළඳපොළක් වැනි දුෂ්කර තත්වයන් යටතේ ඊශ්‍රායලය මෙම ඉලක්ක කරා ප්‍රගතියක් ලබා ඇත. මහා නිෂ්පාදනයේ ඉතිරි කිරීම්. මෙම බාධා මධ්‍යයේ වුවද, ඊශ්‍රායලය එහි පදිංචිකරුවන්ගෙන් වැඩි දෙනෙකුගේ උසස් ජීවන මට්ටමක්, සැලකිය යුතු කාර්මික අපනයන සහ සංචාරක අංශවල වර්ධනය සහ උසස් තාක්ෂණයන් සහ විද්‍යාව පදනම් කරගත් කර්මාන්තවල ලෝක මට්ටමේ විශිෂ්ටත්වය අත්කර ගෙන ඇත. නමුත් මේ ආර්ථික ප්‍රගතිය ඒකාකාරී නැහැ. ඊශ්‍රායල අරාබිවරුන් සාමාන්‍යයෙන් ආර්ථික ඉණිමඟේ පහළ මාලයේ සිටින අතර ඊශ්‍රායල යුදෙව්වන් අතර ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් සෙෆාඩිම් සහ අෂ්කෙනසිම් අතර සැලකිය යුතු ආර්ථික බෙදීම් ඇත.

ප්‍රාග්ධනයේ විශාල ප්‍රවාහයන් රජයේ නාලිකා සහ පොදු සංවිධාන හරහා ගමන් කර ඇති අතර රජය සහ පෞද්ගලික උත්සුකයන් අතර ව්‍යවසායන්හි යෙදෙන ආර්ථිකයේ එම අංශය පුළුල් කර ඇත. කෙසේ වෙතත්, 1970 ගණන්වල අග භාගයේ සිට දිවෙන රජයේ ප්‍රතිපත්ති පුද්ගලීකරනය දෙසට යොමු කර ඇත. රාජ්‍ය ප්‍රතිපත්තියේ සහ පුද්ගල ව්‍යවසායයේ පුළුල් අරමුණු දෙකටම සහය වන ආර්ථිකයක් තුළ පුද්ගලික, රාජ්‍ය සහ, සීමිත ප්‍රමාණයකට සමුපකාර අංශ සියල්ල සහජීවනය වේ.

ඊශ්‍රායලයේ බදු අනුපාත ලෝකයේ ඉහළම ඒවා අතර ආදායම, අගය එකතු කිරීම, රේගු සහ සුරාබදු, ඉඩම් සහ සුඛෝපභෝගී බදු ප්‍රධාන ආදායම් මාර්ග වේ. රජය 1950 ගණන්වල අග භාගයේ සිට වක්‍ර බදු අනුපාතය ක්‍රමානුකූලව ඉහළ නංවා ඇත. 1985 දී සිදු කරන ලද බදු ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණවලට පුද්ගලයන් මත සෘජු බදු මඳක් අඩු කරමින් කලින් බදු නොකෙරුණු ව්‍යාපාරික අංශ සඳහා අය කරන ලද නව ආයතනික බද්දක් ඇතුළත් විය. බදු අය කිරීම දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදිතයේ අගයෙන් පහෙන් දෙකකට ළඟා වන අතර සාමාන්‍ය ගෘහ ආදායමෙන් හතරෙන් එකක් පමණ වේ.

ඊශ්‍රායලයේ කම්කරු පොදු සම්මේලනය (Histadrut) යනු රටේ විශාලතම කම්කරු සංගමය සහ ස්වේච්ඡා සංවිධානයයි. එය වරක් ඊශ්‍රායලයේ විශාලතම සේවා යෝජකයන්ගෙන් එකක් වූ අතර පුළුල් පරාසයක කර්මාන්තවල හිමිකරු හෝ හවුල් හිමිකරු වූ නමුත් 1990 ගණන්වල මැද භාගය වන විට එය සිය කොටස් බොහොමයක් පුද්ගලික ආයෝජකයින්ට විකුණා තිබුණි. 1960 සිට අරාබි කම්කරුවන් පූර්ණ සාමාජික අයිතිවාසිකම් සමඟ සංවිධානයට ඇතුළත් කර ඇත. ඊශ්‍රායලයේ නිෂ්පාදකයින්ගේ සංගමය සහ ගොවි සංගමය රටේ සේවා යෝජකයින් විශාල සංඛ්‍යාවක් නියෝජනය කරයි.

ඛනිජ සම්පත්

ඛනිජ සම්පත් අතර පොටෑෂ්, බ්‍රෝමීන් සහ මැග්නීසියම් ඇතුළත් වන අතර, මළ මුහුදේ ජලයෙන් ලබාගත් අවසාන දෙක වේ. තඹ ලෝපස් පිහිටා ඇත්තේ ʿArava, පොස්පේට් සහ ජිප්සම් කුඩා ප්‍රමාණයන් නෙගෙව්හි සහ සමහර කිරිගරුඬ ගලීලයේ ය. ඊශ්‍රායලය 1950 ගණන්වල සීමිත ඛනිජ තෙල් සූරාකෑම ආරම්භ කළ අතර උතුරු නෙගෙව් සහ ටෙල් අවිව්හි දකුණේ කුඩා තෙල් නිධි සොයාගෙන ඇත. බීර්ෂෙබා හි උතුරු නෙගෙව් ඊසාන දෙසින් සහ මධ්‍යධරණී මුහුදේ වෙරළ තීරයේ ස්වභාවික වායු සංචිත ද රට සතුව ඇත.


බලශක්ති කර්මාන්තය ජනසතු කර ඇති අතර, විදුලිය නිපදවනු ලබන්නේ ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් ගල් අඟුරු සහ තෙල් දහන තාප මධ්‍යස්ථාන මගිනි. රජය දැඩි ග්‍රාමීය විදුලියකරණය දිරිමත් කර ඇති අතර කෘෂිකර්මාන්තයට සහ කර්මාන්ත සඳහා හිතකර මිලකට විදුලිය ලබා දී ඇත.

ඊශ්‍රායල පරමාණුක ශක්ති කොමිසම 1952 දී පිහිටුවන ලද අතර එය රටේ ස්වාභාවික සම්පත් සහ පුහුණු විද්‍යාත්මක හා තාක්‍ෂණික පිරිස් පිළිබඳ පුළුල් සමීක්ෂණයක් සිදු කර ඇත. න්‍යෂ්ටික පර්යේෂණ සඳහා කුඩා පරමාණුක ප්‍රතික්‍රියාකාරකයක් ටෙල් අවිව් නගරයට දකුණින් ඇමරිකානු ආධාර ඇතිව ඉදිකරන ලදී. ප්‍රංශ ආධාරයෙන් නෙගෙව්හි ඉදිකරන ලද දෙවන ප්‍රතික්‍රියාකාරකය හමුදා අවි පර්යේෂණ සඳහා යොදා ගැනේ.

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