Families Against Forced Adoption & Forced Fostering

Families Against Forced Adoption & Forced Fostering

We have set up this page to Support & Empower Families to stop Forced Adoption and Forced Fostering

WHEN THE FOG LIFTS | HEALING ADOPTEES | Adoption fog blog by TRA Adoptee Donna Marie 29/12/2022

WHEN THE FOG LIFTS | HEALING ADOPTEES | Adoption fog blog by TRA Adoptee Donna Marie

This video explains my experience of when the fog lifts. The adoption fog that I didn't even know existed until I turned 50! As each month passes I realise I am not alone. Many adult adoptees are going through the same deep and painful discovery that we now know comes from our adoption.

WHEN THE FOG LIFTS | HEALING ADOPTEES | Adoption fog blog by TRA Adoptee Donna Marie This video explains my experience of when the fog lifts. The adoption fog that I didn't even know existed until I turned 50! As each month passes I realise ...

Family and Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee 01/12/2022

Family and Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting!

Family and Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Thursday, 1st December, 2022 10.00 amMore information about this meeting is available at: https://northumberland.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=151...


This Is Absolutely Disgusting & Horrificly Vile!

Vulnerable Care Experienced Children Caged & Restrained In Vehicles & Handcuffed Like Animals By The Welsh Government For Transportation!

This Is Inhumane!

Children Have Rights!

This Practice Needs To Be Abolished!



Twitter Family!

Please Can Everyone Send An Email With Your Views To John Lewis About Their Christmas Advert This Year As It Is About Children In The Care System!

We Need To Put A Stop To This Advert Immediately As So Many Families Are Affected By This!

Thank You Kindly!


Social Worker takes council to court for menopause discrimination 07/11/2022


My name is Maria Rooney and I have been a Social Worker for 21 years. I worked as a Children's Social Worker for 12 years for Leicester City Council

Please Support & Share!

Social Worker takes council to court for menopause discrimination I am a dedicated and passionate Social Worker who was discriminated against and victimised and harassed


The latest fad in adoption positive rhetoric is being “trauma-informed.” Make no mistake, being a trauma-informed parent or mental health practitioner is a good thing. But being trauma-informed does not absolve one from knowingly and willingly inflicting trauma.

This is what we are seeing now with the newest wave of “adoption reforms” that aim to make adoption “more ethical.” If prospective adoptive parents are trauma-informed, they will be better parents and therefore, adoption will be better. But let’s examine the logic of this. Adoption is an institution founded on classist, racist, ableist, and colonialist ideologies. It is rooted in the idea that the only valid family structure is nuclear, that only certain people are worthy of parenting, and that money is the best indicator of parental fitness. Most importantly, adoption causes trauma, and we know this, through both empirical research and the testimonials of plenty of adopted and displaced people. Adoption is systemically harmful, unjust, and unnecessary.

The idea that being a trauma-informed adoptive parent is somehow going to magically dismantle all these intersecting oppressive forces upholding the adoption industry is a category error. You are mistaking your individual experiences within an institution for the institution itself. The system is fundamentally unethical and it cannot be reformed into a state of moral goodness by some trauma-informed parenting. If you know adoption causes trauma and that trauma is preventable, then you are perpetuating a harmful system if you adopt. And it doesn’t matter how much you have read about or been trained in trauma-informed parenting.

Positioning trauma-informed parenting as a way to make adoption more ethical is like saying it's ok to buy this puppy from the puppy mill because I’m going to give it such a loving home. Not only have you not made puppy mills more ethical, but you are perpetuating the practice.



The price for my own safety and freedom in 1996 was an imposed, unnatural and unwanted separation from my eight children, including my nursing infant. The injustice committed against me is not just the physical separation from my children, but the willful desecration of the mother-child relationship and bond, a sacred spiritual and emotional entity.

Many mothers who seek safety from abuse are routinely prohibited from having even the most basic contact with their own children, not because they were unfit parents, but because they were outspent, out represented, and out-maneuvered in a court atmosphere not prepared to understand the needs of families dealing with domestic violence.

I was a nurturing, loving mother 24/7 for twenty years. After I lost custody of my children and then entered a state address protection program from my ex-husband, my children throughout the years (even in court April 2018) have written me vile hate letters. Several of my children work in Christian ministries (InFaith and Corban University, Salem, Oregon).

I'm Coral Anika Theill and I'm Helping to about Domestic Violence. Domestic violence still affects 1 in 4 women, and 3 are murdered every single day by a current or former partner. Hundreds of thousands of these victims suffer in silence. It's time we speak up, and speak out.

We can’t solve this alone. We all have a voice in ending domestic violence. Together, we can make a difference.

"Keeping secrets only protects the abuser. Abuse does not deserve privacy. If violence cannot be talked about, it cannot be stopped." - Coral Anika Theill, Bonshea Making Light of the Dark

Twenty-six years ago, I sought safety from a long term abusive marriage. I am still "standing" after 23 years of legal abuse and stalking (50 court hearings to date including an Oregon State of Appeals case), the loss of my eight children, including my nursing infant, threats, poverty, homelessness, betrayal by family, friends and pseudo therapists. Since then, there has not been much change in the judicial and religious systems that perpetrated the abuse I have suffered. I continue to receive letters from women who are being abused by the same judges, pastors and Christians who abused me.

Since seeking safety in 1996, there have been 50 court hearings in family court at the Polk County Courthouse, Dallas, Oregon due to my ex-husband legally stalking and suing me.

As long as we continue to condone those in power who harm and victimize innocent people, then we will continue to witness injustices against those who are vulnerable and unable to protect and defend themselves. I believe my own life and experiences these past years reveal a moral dilemma for the religious organizations and judicial systems that exists today.

For recovery to begin, abuse victims must create a safe environment. Without freedom, there is no safety or recovery. Safety for many survivors is often at a great cost.

The man who had repeatedly abused our children, assaulted me, r***d me, and threatened my life stood just a few feet away from me in court. No protection measures in place - nothing. My ex-husband used Oregon's family courts to continue his campaign of terror against me.

My case speaks loudly of the insidious crimes that are legally permitted and condoned under the guise of church and state-sanctioned domination of males in marriage. The message that the current judicial system gives to many domestic violence and r**e victims is that they are not worthy, and that no one cares. Our culture of shaming and victim blaming needs to stop.

I have the greatest respect for women who stand up to tyranny and oppression and fight for freedom and justice. Often they battle alone, with children in tow, and with the enemy entrenched in their home, in their minds, and sleeping in their beds. These are the extreme and painful conditions under which I, and women all over the world, set out to make their escapes from domestic violence and terror.

And even so, right up until today, the bravery of women's struggles for freedom is still too often met with the cruelty of questions like "Why don't you just get up and leave," instead of being given the admiration their struggles deserve.

Battered women may lose their babies and children, their homes, their friends and their livelihood. Survivors of childhood abuse will often even lose their families. Rarely does society recognize the dimensions and long lasting effects of this reality for the victim. After over a decade of personally seeking assistance from advocacy groups on a local, state and national level, the advocacy system, as is, has offered me nothing.

The past twenty-six years has been an incredible journey from darkness to light. Through my journey of "making light of the dark," I have had the privilege of meeting extraordinary individuals, who, like me, are human, flawed, spectacular and deeply compassionate. I am thankful for their assistance in my survival these past many years. Most importantly, they helped me heal the imbalances created from past wounds and see my past from a new perspective.

Every form of abuse has a long lasting effect on each one of us. Individuals who escape abuse and torture deserve the utmost respect and support. These people have risked it all to heal and stand up for the truth. They are heroes and angels who hold a horrific reality for everyone else. They have suffered and escaped, and for that, we should bow our head in reverence and listen to their stories. I have learned to value the horrifying scars of my childhood and past as valuable raw material for soul work.

When the pupil is ready, the teacher arrives.

Posted by Coral Anika Theill
Author, Advocate, Speaker & Reporter
D.V., R**e & Ritual Abuse Victim/Survivor
Alienated & Erased Mother of 8

Memoir: Bonshea Making Light of the Dark

Website: www.coralanikatheill.com

A startling memoir of one woman escaping an abusive marriage and oppressive religious cults and trying to find "justice" in a failed system. Anyone concerned with issues of abuse and injustice in America should read this book.

Forcibly taking a mother's children, and then controlling her emotionally by withholding contact must be publicly recognized as one of the greatest forms of 'mis-use' of the American justice system and one of the greatest hidden vehicles for wide-spread socially approved physical and emotional abuse and control.


For all of you screaming about making adoption affordable…go help a family in need. Make healthcare, childcare and housing affordable. Pay people a livable wage.
Stop trying to make it more affordable to traffic kids.


Ask An Adoptee Or Foster Child That Has Been In The Care System!

Was It In Your Best Interest To Be Removed From Your Biological Parents?

Which Types Of Long Term Detrimental Harm Have You Suffered As A Result Of This?

Are Children In The Care System Being Sold For Profit?


i moved recently; found an old journal. on the page i opened to, i had written about how my baby boy (10yrs old) was sick and i went to check on him; asked if he needed anything. he replied, "no, you're perfect", as he put his arms around my neck and pulled me closer to him. 🥰

a month later, his dad convinced him not to visit or speak to me anymore.

i've never had another visit with my son. he'll soon be 23 and graduating from university...he still won't speak to me.

how will my son have successful relationships when he's been trained to hate his mother?

everyone i asked to help us, instead, told me my son was fine, he played hockey and was with his dad. told me not to worry. that he would come back. no one listened to what i was saying.

why do family courts, who have no expertise about children, get to destroy our relationships with our children, and not be held to account?

the legal community knows more people are listening to us and they're trying to get ahead and propose changes that work for them, not us.

we need nothing less than to and start fresh.


We Must Carry On Denise Robertson's Dedicated Passionate Work In Her Loving Memory To End Forced Adoption & Fostering! Let's Do This!

She Would Have Wanted Families To Fight On Together For The Children!

Bring The Children Home! đź’ś



A Parent That Has Suffered Multi Agency Systematic Child Abuse!


Facebook Followers

We Need People To Stand With Us This Sunday In Wales For A Demo & To Ask Questions At An Event

Who Will Stand With Us & Support Us?

Please Direct Message Or Comment If Interested!

Thank You 🙏💜


Facebook Followers!

We Would Like To Hear Public Facebook Opinion

Do You Have Confidence In Children's Services?

Please Comment & Show An Emoji

Children's Services Purpose & Legal Duty Is To Help Support Families & Safeguard Children From Harm! Not To Deny Them Vital Support & Destroy Them With Fabricated Lies & Bullying! & Constantly Fail Children At Risk Of Harm! There Is No Public Confidence In Children's Services


Stand Up For The Children!

If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next!

Council spent ÂŁ1m on agency social workers the year of Logan Mwangi's death 08/10/2022

Council spent £1m on agency social workers the year of Logan Mwangi's death 'The Council’s recent dependence on agency workers is very worrying and does not inspire confidence going forward'


Little faces and big empty spaces !


Like Minded Warriors Can Achieve Amazing Things By Working Together Co- Productively & Supporting Each Other To Bring Change In The Best Interest Of Families & Children

We Pledge

Child Stealing By The State: A Social Worker Speaks 01/10/2022

Social Services whistle-blower Carol Woods speaks to Brian Gerrish about her time at Lancashire Social Services where she came under extreme pressure to falsify documents and perjure herself to justify children being removed from their parents to order!

Please Share Far & Wide!

Child Stealing By The State: A Social Worker Speaks Thursday, 31st March 2016 Social Services whistle-blower Carol Woods speaks to Brian Gerrish about her time at Lancashire Social Services where she came under extreme pressure to falsify documents and perjure herself to justify children being removed from their parents to order.Since speaking out, C...


We completed a piece of research with more than 100 teachers and parents this week... We aimed to discover the REAL reasons behind school based trauma and school avoidance.

The responses were so interesting, and made complete sense.

The bigger the word, the more it was used in the answers given.

BULLYING | UNMET NEEDS | ANXIETY | MASKING | SENSORY OVERLOAD came up top in the reasons behind school based trauma, but were amongst many other reasons.

As we bring School Avoidance Awareness Week to a close, we hope it's brought about more education on this topic, more validation, better support and more empowerment.

I hope you've found it useful... By all means share your stories, learnings, view points here... And we will be back same time next year for School Avoidance Awareness Week 2023!

Vicky Gayle (@vi_gayle) / Twitter 30/09/2022

Hello. My name’s Vicky, I’m a journalist with The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s Bureau Local team in the UK.

This year we published an investigation that revealed how long disabled children and adults across the country wait to have their homes adapted and the impact this has on their dignity, health and wellbeing.

We are now researching how parents seeking home adaptations and/or social care support, for either themselves or their children, end up having their children becoming looked after by the local authority, or being in fear of their children being taken away from them.

If you know any parents, disabled or non-disabled, who have either been close to their child(ren) becoming looked after, or whose child(ren) have become looked after because of these circumstances, I would be grateful to hear their story. You might have been the child in this situation or a foster carer, in which case I would love to hear from you too. They/you must be based in the UK. Your story will not be published at this stage or without your permission.

I hope this follow-up story will highlight an important, complicated, and heartbreaking matter that we want to report on.

Contact me initially by email at [email protected] or via a direct message on Facebook or Twitter https://twitter.com/vi_gayle.

Thank you.

Vicky Gayle (@vi_gayle) / Twitter Investigative journalist / | mentor | Ex | e: [email protected] | DM for ProtonMail or Signal



I am adding my voice to the mounting calls for urgent action to improve children’s services in Bridgend.

My concerns have arisen in the wake of a report from the Care Inspectorate Wales, which raised serious issues with how this department operates in Bridgend County Borough Council.

Several heart-breaking incidents have happened in Bridgend County Borough in recent years, including that of five-year-old Logan Mwangi.

A new inspection by the Care Inspectorate found that urgent action was needed to deal with staff absences and recruitment issues.

I have written to Bridgend County Borough Council to ask what actions have been taken to address these failings and what steps will be taken to recruit permanent workers.

Additionally, I am incredibly concerned that the Welsh Labour Government has refused to follow the UK Government’s lead in ordering a nationwide review into children’s services. This makes Wales the only part of the UK not conducting a review, even though Wales has the highest percentage of children in care in the UK.

Having a national inquiry in Wales would pinpoint the problems in children’s services, leading to better care for children in Bridgend and across Wales.
