Metal Goddess Wellness

Metal Goddess Wellness

Living the life of a musician, especially a female one in a genre that can be brutal requires a mindset and wellness program to sustain you.

This is the place to go to create immortality as the true metal goddess you are

LITL Living in the Limelight Podcast Anton Scholl w/ Tulin Howey of Empire of Dezire 04/03/2024

Here’s an awesome awesome interview by Anton Scholl thank you for watching!

LITL Living in the Limelight Podcast Anton Scholl w/ Tulin Howey of Empire of Dezire Anton talks to Tulin about music and her other projects


I seriously am so excited about the future, today was another amazing live class with like minded colleagues and entrepreneurs.. all with an intense desire to help people achieve success.
It’s truly something that I really want everyone around me to experience!
Today I’ve set up pages for my services.. please be sure to take a peak at, maybe shop around, check out the blogs. Also don’t forget to subscribe!
Metal Well and keep on dreaming big

10 Vegan/Vegetarian Metal Bands That Skip The Turkey on Thanksgiving 22/02/2024

10 Vegan/Vegetarian Metal Bands That Skip The Turkey on Thanksgiving Posted By Frank Godla I’ve been a vegetarian and animal rights supporter for many years. So I’m always thrilled to hear about fellow headbangers who share my two biggest passions. Naturally, this s…

Star Sign Crystal Wellness Kit: Leo 22/02/2024

Star Sign Crystal Wellness Kit: Leo July 23 - August 22 We have hand-chosen the crystals that best resonate with your star sign, to provide you with the healing that would best benefit you. Crystals Included: Amethyst - a protective stone, calms an overactive mind Tiger's Eye - restores confidence in one's unique gifts, talents, and a...

Heal Herbal Tea - Daily Tonic - No Caffeine - Loose Teas 22/02/2024

Heal Herbal Tea - Daily Tonic - No Caffeine - Loose Teas Select from 3 different sizes. 0.25 oz Sample pack (approximately 2 servings) 0.5 oz Sample pack (approximately 4 servings) 1 oz Sample pack (approximately 8 servings)


I have always loved music, My family had played music almost every day from classical, to pop, and the traditional Turkish music of our heritage. We listened to Elvis, The Beatles, and eventually as music evolved so did our tastes. My brothers were into the heavier rock, and it was a great time to be alive, we were brought up in the 70’s, 80’s, and on… my uncle was a guitarist, and turned my brother on to becoming a musician. In my adolescents, my brother gave me his old record player… and from the moment I put the first record on I felt something come alive in me.It was in that moment I knew I wanted to be a musician.
I joined choirs and learned to play guitar, I attended College and chose music education for two years. my parents were not too happy about my love of music and performance as a possible choice for what I wanted to do with my life. It wasn’t practical, it wasn’t even a good way to make a good living, musicians were basically hippies and bums back then. So in a mixed desire to please my parents but hold on to what I loved, I tried to do both. I met Ken my husband today who became my guitarist, and for a few years while I attended College, we created a band together. An original metal band called Dezire. On the tail of my parents divorcing and feeling a need to escape, we took off to Phoenix. And for many years we wrote music and performed and had a promising band. But then life happened. Surrounded by addiction, financial strain, and lack luster prospects, I began to shut down the music. I began questioning life, there were some very tough times even facing death that made me turn to holistic wellness to help me through it. I found an incredible world where body, mind, and spirit became the tools to find my way back to meaning and health. For 25 years I worked in the field of Supplements. I worked as a dept manager for a natural grocer and learned everything I could about health. I studied at The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts as well, and became very adept at energy medicine and bodywork. On the weekends I ran my own business that was an eclectic blend of natural wellness and conscious living.Ten years into my career, I felt something was missing. My husband was still playing in bands and I watched on only joining in every so often. It came to the point that I simply became a fan.
I remember clearly being with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. She never lost touch with music and could easily name all the popular bands, songs, musicians, I felt lost and sad. We went to the Musical Instrument Museum and walked into a beautiful auditorium that could reverberate the most amazing melody. I wanted to sing… but nothing came out….I was mortified.
For weeks afterwards that moment haunted me. I tried singing in the car in the bathroom still nothing. The song inside me would not come out. Then one day after going out to eat and I remember clearly it was St Patricks Day, I had way too much to drink, but we stopped at where my husband had his shop and practiced with his bands. He put on a cassette of our first original band, and I listened to our music. I cried a little. But then as it continued to play, my inhibition was non existent and I began singing along with the music. The mic was already set up, and the only thing left to do was turn on the PA…..
I began singing more and more and one day I found a site called reverbnation. I decided that if anything, I did not want our music to die with me. So I uploaded our songs and thus became our first EP called Chrome. It was a big success and got us many fans! A few EPs later, and Ten years of actively pursuing music and performing, I went from eating meat to becoming vegan, and I finally quit drinking . I left my job at the natural grocer on the aftermath of COVID, and decided to become a full time musician. While attending Berklee online, I decided that I could help coach people on ways that their wellness impacted their ability to pursue music and art as a career. So I studied Health and Nutrition as well as Life Coaching.
The program is calls Living The Healthy “Rockstar” lifestyle and implements a holistic approach to achieving an active career in music, art, or other creative field. It includes plant based nutrition and fitness, transforming limiting beliefs into a growth mindset, having the courage and confidence to promote oneself, and breaking bad habits and replacing them with positive daily practices and rituals to achieve goals. I truly believe that at any time even later in one’s years, it’s never too late to be the Rockstar of your own life. METAL WELL
Tulin MG - Holistic Wellness Coach, owner of Metal Goddess Studios and cofounder/singer for Empire of Dezire. PROGRAM LAUNCH MAY 1st 2024 sign up to be notified at www,


The sun is shining through the clouds, its good to be alive 🌤🌻💓

432/440Hz 12notes Gold handpan 22inch D minor steel tongue drum yoga 13/01/2024

Ive been working on my website and found this really great musical instrument to sell, Its been wonderful exploring the beautiful tools and products out there!

432/440Hz 12notes Gold handpan 22inch D minor steel tongue drum yoga Handpan Sounds: 432/440Hz is close to nature, the frequency of water, our body contains 70% water, can resonate here, the voice from the depths of the soul: infinite tuning, pure sound resonates with the heart, you will explore yourself more deeply, let you empty your emotions, let go of your worrie...


We all seek happiness.. don’t get comfortable in your misery…grow, laugh, create..and love and support each other.. that’s how it works

How Not to Age | 27/11/2023

How Not to Age | Uncover the evidence-based science to slowing the effects of aging, from the New York Times bestselling author of the How Not to Die series, Michael Greger M.D. FACLM

NIH Human Microbiome Project - Home 27/11/2023

NIH Human Microbiome Project - Home Characterization of the microbiomes of healthy human subjects at five major body sites, using 16S and metagenomic shotgun sequencing.


Crystal water bottle, I’m going to see if I can sell these in the online store!


So Be It 💜

Eudaimonic vs. Hedonic Happiness | Well-Being, Pleasure & Theory - Video & Lesson Transcript | 30/12/2022

Eudaimonic vs. Hedonic Happiness | Well-Being, Pleasure & Theory - Video & Lesson Transcript | Learn the definition of eudaimonic and hedonic happiness and compare these types of happiness. Understand the differences between hedonic and...

Timeline photos 30/11/2022

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, comfy & cozy Thanksgiving!
🍁 🍵 ❤️
Today, we’re thinking about the many things that we’re thankful for.
What are you giving thanks for this year?



This holiday season there will be lots of temptations and choices to fall off the way to eating right, good news there are steps you can take to find balance and come out feeling healthy as well as participating in the fun.. here’s 5 things you can do:
1. Maybe you are eyeing that pumpkin pie and thinking “I’m in big trouble”, well what you can do is reduce portion size, skip the whip cream on top, or add in some fresh cut apples or pears on the side. Remember, you can still enjoy some snacks by being aware of portion, skipping the toppings, or adding some healthy fresh food on the side
2. I don’t eat meat but if you do, remove the skin, bake instead of fry, and use spices instead of sugar or salt. For pans, you can use broth instead of oil to cook with, add small amounts to keep food from sticking
3. Try adding in fruit and a salad for snacks through the day. The trick is to hide the sugary fat filled d snacks like cookies and chips, and to keep fruits and veggies right in reach. Studies show that your environment plays a big part in your eating. So make sure healthy choices are in reach, and hide the junk food just for absolute times of indulgence. It’s ok to cheat but not in place of good whole food choices.
4. Avoid processed foods, and opt for the whole food choice.. instead of quick oats choose whole oats, instead of fruit jam, crush fresh fruit to put on a bran muffin. Instead of orange juice, eat orange slices. Not only will it fill you up faster, it will be good for your digestion and blood sugar.
5. Working out helps to keep your metabolism rolling, even more so, a weight lifting session that requires muscle strength can have greater impact on burning calories than just walking. But whatever you do, whether it’s playing with your grandkids, riding a bike, dancing in the living room, 150 min of general activity or 75 min of high intensity activity a week makes.a huge difference! Calories in vs calories burned! So stay extra active!
Have a great and healthy holiday and metal well!!
