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When monitoring your carb intake, go for quality whole foods, assessing the types of fiber, starches, and sugars, then clock quantity. Nutrient-dense low-glycemic foods regulate blood sugar and provide the best better energy flow. However, we can eat too much of them. Our bodies store unburned fuel as fat. For efficiency and sustained energy access, these are great foods.
Credit: The Blender Girl


Think about your breathing for a second. πŸ’¨ Do you breathe through your nose, or your mouth? πŸ€”
Approximately 30-50% of adults are mouth breathers. πŸ‘„
Nose breathing offers many benefits over mouth breathing:
πŸ‘ƒ Temperature control β€” your nasal passage will warm or cool air before it reaches your lungs
πŸ‘ƒ Filtering β€” your cilia (nose hairs) filter debris and toxins
πŸ‘ƒ Humidifying β€” the nasal passages humidify the air you breathe
πŸ‘ƒ Smell β€” you can detect harmful toxins in the air and food
πŸ‘ƒ Attraction β€” you can smell pheromones, sweat and other odours
In some cases, you may not have a choice but to breathe through your mouth. Nose breathing can be difficult if you have nasal congestion, a deviated septum, small nostrils or are participating in vigorous exercise.
Some people opt to tape their mouth overnight, or start with 20 minutes per day, to encourage nose breathing. Micropore tape is hypoallergenic and can be used for this.


What’s plants are we missing?


Keep pushing πŸ’ͺ


Mullein for lungs