She Flows Aromatic

She Flows Aromatic

We are here to support our ladies achieve hormonal balance with easy tools such as essential oils, breathwork, and aroma tapping.

Learn about the game changing blueprint that women were created with and use it to make better lifestyle choices.


Mark your calendars! If you haven't registered, it's not too late. Head over to to sign up for this amazing workshop.


I ask the question about productivity because it is something that I’ve struggled with from time to time. I think we all have those days where we have our “to do” lists but we’d rather be doing ANYTHING but. Have you ever wondered if there are genuinely any natural tools to consistently help with productivity and focus?

As some of you may know, our usual discussion is around women's health! And as always we are here to support our ladies as they go on their journey to hormonal health. It's a joy and a gift to help them find that perfect balance.

In order to be my best at our work, I need focus, calm and productivity. That brings me back to the topic for today….

The Aromaspecialists, taught us how to use aromatherapy as a natural tool to help with productivity, calm and good ole fashion sanity when needed!

They do NOT endorse brands of essential oils. The founder, Renèe Hughes is a Certified Professional Aromatherapist and an Educator. Her fully accredited school, Holistic Champions teaches Coaches how to expertly integrate essential oils into their current business.

Over the next 3 weeks, we definitely will be popping in to tell you about them and how they serve the coaching community absolutely FREE.


If you had the option to see a licensed or certified professional vs. not licensed which would you choose?

We believe in education. Not just arbitrary education but one with a purpose. We went to school not only to become certified in the field of aromatherapy but we continue to improve in our skills because of wanting to give our clients the absolute best!

One of the reasons we've partnered with The Aromaspecialists through January 4th is that they also believe in education and with this workshop, they are providing it at no cost to professionals who want it.

Their workshops are an amazing resource if you are:

A licensed healthcare professional who would like to move into holistic coaching
A certified coach who would enjoy learning how to create a signature offer with aromatherapy

The Aromaspecialists founder, Renèe Hughes is herself a Certified Professional Aromatherapist, Certified Natural Health Consultant and runs a Fully Accredited International School called Holistic Champions. This school provides aromatherapy certification for their students after approx 250 hours of study, case studies, research papers and final exams. But they don’t just stop there. They teach their students how to develop a unique signature offer using aromatherapy, integrate it into an existing business AND prepare a personalized roadmap to their first 6 figures.

If this workshop sounds like a fit for you, check out our bio or to go to register at no cost to you!


We've partnered with The Aromaspecialists for the next few weeks...


To spread the word about a FREE resource - Transformational Coaches to Holistic Champions workshop. This interactive workshop is specifically for:

Licensed healthcare professionals who want to integrate aromatherapy and move into coaching
Certified mindset and transformation coaches who want to learn how to create a signature offer using aromatherapy

One of the things WE LOVE about our business is that we get to help young women feel connected to their body's natural rhythm and align it to their everyday activities. In order to guide our ladies in this way, we need to be at the top of our game. We have many tools to get us there and aromatherapy is one of our favorites!

If you are a coach that supports other professionals who need more focus, productivity, or joy, then you’ll want to attend this complimentary workshop click here to register - (check the bio) and be sure to tell them Dania & Nams sent you! Enjoy :)


Have you ever wondered if there are genuinely any natural tools to consistently help with productivity and focus?

As you know, we are usually talking about women's hormonal health! And as always we're here to support our fellow ladies that want to achieve balance in life while tackling everyday challenges. It’s a joy to see women get results while having fun and never feeling like they are missing out.

In order to be the best at our work, we need focus, creativity, and productivity. That brings us to peeling back the curtain today….

The Aromaspecialists, taught us how to use aromatherapy as a natural tool to help with productivity, focus, and good ole fashion motivation when needed!

They do NOT endorse brands of essential oils. The founder, Renèe Hughes is a Certified Professional Aromatherapist and an Educator. Her fully accredited school, Holistic Champions teaches Coaches how to expertly integrate essential oils into their current business.

Over the next 3 weeks, I’ll be popping in to tell you about them and how they serve the coaching community absolutely FREE.


Where it all started. A girl's first period is the start of her journey towards womanhood. This may have been a scary moment or exciting and that all depended on the conversation and understanding a girl had prior to her first menstruation. For most there was a lack of real preparation and not long after cramps, mood swings, and cravings seem to have marked their menstrual cycles. So as we grow up the thought of this unwelcome friend coming every month is is a negative one, not just for ourselves but even for family and friends at times.

Let me be clear, you no longer have to accept that as normal. We shouldn't have to suffer every month. You can feel empowered to change all of that. Yes, by taking a holistic approach to your wellness you can eliminate or drastically reduce PMS symptoms and improve hormonal health.

Do you like the sound of that?


The luteal phase begins right after the ovulatory and precedes your menstrual cycle. The duration of this phase is longer than the other 3. The length of this phase is 10-14 days. What can be expected during this time?
~ Hormones? Progesterone at its peak
~ Energy? Slowly waning but don't be fooled
~ Mood? Ready to get it done
What will be the best PHASE-SPECIFIC self-care practice?
Productivity rocks during this phase! You are more inclined to tend to things, organizing, and completing projects whether it be in your personal life or business. Just don't forget to reward yourself with some downtime and self care after.


The ovulatory phase is naturally a time where women feel vibrant, and sociable. Pretty much feeling good and your best. But if you feel the opposite during this phase here is a little support, try this blend that we love very much.

Feeling Good Diffuser Blend
🌱 2 drops Wild Orange (Citrus Sinensis)
🌱 1 drops Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
🌱 2 drops Grapefruit (Citrus X paradisi)

Directions: Put the total drops in the diffuser. Push start and run your diffuser for 20 minutes in a well ventilated area. Take a few deep breaths and feel uplifted.


The ovulatory phase begins right after the follicular phase. The length of this phase is 3-4 days. What can you expect during this time?
~ Hormones? Estrogen is at it’s highest point and there is a rise in luteinizing hormones.
~ Energy? Due to estrogen at it’s peak so is your energy! Less caffeine may be needed during this cycle. High impact exercises are also less taxing.
~ Mood? The desire to communicate is high. You are self-assured and ready to socialize.
What will be the best PHASE-SPECIFIC self-care practice?
Connect. Connect. Connect! Say yes to social/networking events as you’ll enjoy spending time with others. Words come easy so this is also the best time to have that difficult conversation that you were putting off. This is also a great time to do workshops and record videos related to your business.


During the follicular phase, planning requires less effort and you find yourself to be more productive. If you have a project that is personal or business related, this is the best time to brainstorm creative ideas. You are more in tune to trying something different and even taking a chance at something new. BUT! If you find yourself feeling creatively stuck, here is a diffuser blend to try.

Creative Juice Diffuser Blend
🌱 2 drops Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinensis)
🌱 2 drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis)
🌱 2 drops Frankincense (Boswellia Carterii)

Directions: Put the total drops in the diffuser. Push start and run your diffuser for 20 minutes in a well ventilated area. Take a few deep breaths and let the creative juices start to flow.

Benefits: Sweet orange calms an overwhelmed mind and is emotionally up-lifting. Rosemary improves alertness by stimulating and strengthening the mind. Frankincense is grounding. It can help focus the mind and deepen thought process.


The follicular phase begins right after your menstrual cycle ends. The length of this cycle is 7-10 days. What can you expect during this phase?
~ Hormones? Slowly increasing. The body is now preparing to help eggs mature in the o***y (and release as well).
~ Energy? Increased!
~ Mood? Elevated!
What would be the best PHASE-SPECIFIC self-care practice?
The hormonal effect on your brain brings about a sense of growth and openness to new things. Your creativity and productivity are peaked during this phase. So plan your life - personally and secularly! Join that Zumba class and move your body! This is the best phase to say YES to new experiences!


Let's gain some knowledge with the answer to this question: Why is it many women suffer with PAINFUL menstrual cramps?

Answer: There is a type of hormone-like compound known as PROSTAGLANDINS that causes the muscles of the uterus to contract and shed your endometrial lining. This leads to menstrual bleeding. But what about the severe cramps?!

Primary causes: There is an EXCESS level of prostaglandins. This is what leads to PAINFUL menstrual cramps.

Common solution: Pop them PAIN-KILLERS!!!

Holistic approach: Cramps Be Gone Blend
🌱 5 drops Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum Nobile)
🌱 3 drops Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia)
🌱 2 drops Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia)
1-oz Carrier Oil (ex: jojoba, fractionated coconut oil...)

Directions: Blend the essential oils into a 1-oz carrier oil. Massage the blend into the cramped area several times daily.

Benefits: These oils are known to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic properties. Bergamot is known to be emotionally uplifting. Roman chamomile and Lavender are calming and soothing.


The commonly known "bleeding phase" (or what my friend calls "my uterus was stabbed" phase). The length of this cycle is 3-7 days. What can you expect during this phase?
~ Hormones? Low.
~ Energy? Low.
~ Mood? Low.
Sounds about right?? The best PHASE-SPECIFIC self-care practices would be:
~ Rest.
~ Reflective journaling.
~ Lighter exercises such as walking and pilates.
During this phase this is exactly what your body wants and needs. So don't feel guilty about not fully completing your to-do list. 😉
Drop a 👍 if you found this informative.


As a woman, you have a second biological clock. It is called your INFRADIAN CYCLE. From your first period to the very last this second clock is ticking. The 4 unique phases at play are: follicular, ovulation, luteal, and menstrual. Your body goes through transitions of the four phases every 28-30 days! Each phase has a DIRECT impact on your: hormonal, physical, emotional, and psychological health.


Body literacy is ‘learning to observe, interpret and understand the language of the body.’ - Laura Weshler
Why is this important? As women, we are created uniquely with a special biological blueprint referred to our INFRADIAN CYCLE. Having this awareness puts us in the advantage of using that knowledge to optimize our overall health.

Timeline photos 09/06/2021

Timeline photos 08/06/2021

Question: What is the first thought that comes to mind when you think of hormones? Comment below.

Timeline photos 07/06/2021

You remove the cap off your favorite essential oil bottle. You take a nice big sniff and say: "This is my favorite scent."
Did you know that our body does not read it as a scent? The chemical constituents in essential oils have therapeutic and energetic properties that communicate with the body. In turn it helps it to do what it does naturally!


Comment below: What are your favorite essential oils?


You more than likely have a product at home with the word “aromatherapy” on it. Am I right? How have you used it to support your overall health? Let us know below. 🌿