Yoghinul Urban
Yoga and Ta**ra Studio, Meditation Center
Root yourself into yourself to transcend the veil of illusion...
Ta**ra Yoga Ezoterica
The way of the Vira is for the daring one...embrace your masculinity and be the peaceful warrior of your evolution
**raesoteric **ra **ralife
Rooting yourself gives you strength and stability... choose a moment in nature as often as you can
**rayogateacher **ra Ta**ra Yoga Ezoterica
Every moment you meditate is a moment you get closer to your Self... happiness is just around the corner of this instance 🧘♂️
Ta**ra Yoga Ezoterica
Before finding strength in the world around you... find it in yourself
Toamna este colorata frumos de **raesoteric
Va asteptam la cursurile online de ta**ra yoga esoterica. Detalii in link-ul de mai jos:
Septembrie suna mai bine cu Ta**ra Yoga Ezoterica
Va asteptam la cursurile online incepand cu 12.09.23. Mai multe detalii pe Ta**ra Yoga Ezoterică si in link-ul de mai jos:
Dance to the rhythm of the Universe
Ajna Chakra - The third eye
☯️Un sistem energetic echilibrat este sustinut de echilibrul centrilor energetici (chakre) principali ai structurii subtile a fiintei. Pe langa posturi corporale (asanas) si alte tehnici yoga, exista si o serie de elemente naturale care ajuta echilibrarea subtila. Aveti mai jos un tabel de corespondente cu uleiuri volatile si cristale care ajuta la armonizarea centrilor energetici printr-un proces numit rezonanta energetica.☯️
A bit of health in the morning
Be fully aware at any given moment, at the same time, of your inner self and your actions as an expression of your outer self…that is mindfulness 🧘
And the journey begins into the intricate pathway of the Ta**ra Yoga system.…more to come soon…