EQ Society

EQ Society

EQ Society aims to help people across culture understand Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and apply EQ in their life.

Share inspiration, tips and research on EQ for parents, teachers, business leaders, and every individual.


This might look complicated. But our emotions are always complicated. It is not just "how are you?" "I'm fine" or "I'm not so good". It is useful to take time to identify our feelings and developing our EQ literacy.

This visual using the inside out characters, helps us consider if we are in complex situations we have a complex mix of feelings. The feelings don’t cancel out but rather layer up. Would love to hear your thoughts on this below and if you agree/ disagree with these combinations of emotions.


How can you develop resilience? Resilience is not just keep taking all the beatings and try to go on. In a EQ webminar by Six Seconds, we discussed ways to for self-care in order to be resilient for ourselves and for those around us. EMRACE is a useful tool to help our well-being while being resilient.


Taking time to reflect on a beautiful day on the beach. "Know yourself" is one of the three pillars of EQ tools. Allow yourself time and space to feel your emotions, these are data to help you make better decision.
