Rebuild Sangli

Rebuild Sangli

During tough times of COVID-19, the team is dedicated to provide food for the needy. We shall win ov

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 29/05/2021
Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 29/05/2021

'The gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place and we expect nothing in return-Bhagvad Gita"

The group was able to donate medicine kits under the supervision of Dr Bargale, Dr Pol,Dr Mrs Mahanalesharkar and Dr. Abhishek Diwan to the underprivileged free of cost and help fight the pandemic.


‘We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve’- Bill Gates

One such feedback was received from Vivekanand Hospital, Sangli where an oxygen tank was donated.

“The dura oxygen tank you provided is now being used extensively, saving the lives of many citizens.
Good deeds were done.

तुम्ही दिलेला dura oxygen टाकी चा आत्ता प्रचंड उपयोग होत आहे अनेक नागरिकांचे जीव वाचत आहेत.

पुण्य कर्म झाले.


Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 20/10/2020

"Sometimes a short walk down the memory lane is all it takes to appreciate where you are today"-Susan Gale

Summary of all the work done in past year and still going strong. It wouldn't have been possible without your support. Thank you..


"No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything."- Anonymous.
It gives us immense pleasure and we are overwhelmed to share with you an Oxygen storage tank (which stores 21 cylinders) donated at one of the COVID facilities which will help in providing oxygen supply for over a year.

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 02/10/2020

"You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results."- M. K. Gandhi

Some more PPE kits were donated to Covid hospitals.

परदेशात असणाऱ्या सांगलीकरांचा मदतीचा हात I पुन्हा एकदा सांगलीकरांची माणुसकीचे दर्शन सातासमु 01/10/2020

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -M.K Gandhi.

Thanks to people like Walvekar, a pharmacist who is providing selfless services to the needy by being our frontline COVID WARRIOR.
Please click on the link ..

परदेशात असणाऱ्या सांगलीकरांचा मदतीचा हात I पुन्हा एकदा सांगलीकरांची माणुसकीचे दर्शन सातासमु LOKSANDESH : विदेशातील सांगलीकरांचा भिलवडीकरांना मदतीचा हात.... महापुरावेळीही OVBI केली होती मदत....


“ Once we decide we have to do something, we can go miles ahead.” Narendra Modi.

It gives us immense joy to share, the students of the school that received support from you all have flourished their SSC (Secondary School Certificate) examinations with 94.87% results.
The school principal called upon to thank the efforts of the Rebuild Sangli team and OVBI which made it possible for the students to receive the books, lab materials, computers at the right time helping the students in their grand achievement.

Thank you to all the donors!

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 21/04/2020

We are not idle when it comes to Sangli. Sharing some of the pictures to let our donors know that their contribution is reaching the daily wage workers and poor of Sangli. Rebuild Sangli will be feeding 1500 people per day for the next 3 days in these tough fight against Covid-19.
We are indebted to you all. Thank you for trusting us!

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 27/12/2019

Our future projects involve setting up the Disaster Relief Project for Sangli. Sujit met the Sangli commissioner and inspected the site for this project.


As we reached out to the book lovers, we also reached out to fitness lovers. We helped in reforming Balbim Gym.


Thank you to all the donors for helping us Rebuild Sangli.


A message from Sujit to the students.

Rebuild Sangli reached out to the flood affected school 27/12/2019

I am the caretaker of Sangli library. During the flood time in aug 2019, our library was totally drowned in water. Never in the past nor in the future, did we ever expect this to happen. The library lost around 40k books, computers, wooden furniture. When the news got spread and reached the Rebuild Sangli team, the team through OVBI gave us 11 cupboards for storage. We can now store the library books.

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 27/12/2019

Team reaching out to farmer's cry.


Our place was totally submerged in water and we had no way to go out. We rescued our families and sent them to safer place. Me and some youngsters couldnt leave the place because of the animals that we had. The sitaution was so bad that there was no food, water or proper shelter in our place. We lost our farm, animals and houses. Rebuild Sangli team raeched out to us and have helped us a lot. They gave us animals to start out livelihood. We are thankful to the team.


During the flood time, our school was submerged in water till the first floor. Not only our school, but even the teachers and students houses were engulfed by water levels upto 10 feet. The school was in a pity situation. There were no facilities for toilets. School library and science department were washed off completely. When the schools reopened, kids and parents couldnt afford books, uniforms. During those pitiful and sad moments OVBI came in as a ray of hope for us. OVBI gave books, laboratory materials, to the students and also storages for lab. Our kids are deviod of clean hygienic sanitations at home but now thanks to OVBI and team, the school has seperate toilets for boys and girls. Students now have access to clean drinking water.

Sujit's first hand experience in Sangli. 27/12/2019
Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 08/12/2019

Updates from phase 2 of our fund disbursement.

Thus far, our US team of about 30 volunteers and Sangli team of 14 volunteers has done a commendable job in identifying and helping various flood-affected schools in and around Sangli.

Phase 2 had our volunteers distribute computers and printers to 11 schools. We donated lab materials to a school in outskirts of Sangli. We have impacted over 1000 kids in Phase 2.

We are truly gratified to see the efforts taken by the team are bearing fruits and bringing smiles back. We thank you all for your generous donations.

Testimonials from a 10th grader "After Floods we lost everything books, computers etc. We did not know what to do at school. However, with OVBIs help we are able to restart our studies"

Work for Phase 3 and 4 has started. We will be with building toilets, homes for farmers and providing them with Cattle.

Please find pictures of distribution by OVBI volunteers. One of our volunteers from US, personally attended the distribution function.


We can intertwine your names in Ganesha paintings to support this cause.
Order yours at

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 29/09/2019

Appreciation by school principals

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 29/09/2019

Some more press coverage in Lokmat and Pudhari


Our request for donations was published in “Daily Lokmat”.

Here is a scan of the print edition.


Donate now to erase THE LESS from LESS fortunate. Every dollar raised through your donation promises a ray of hope and smile to the LESS fortunate.
Click to donate for a good cause..

Photos from Rebuild Sangli's post 06/09/2019

Brochures created...

Untitled album 19/08/2019 19/08/2019

Sangli.. the city of dreams for Sanglikars. A proud Sanglikar always knows how to live in a place surrounded by love, friends, and family always. You can easily knock on the door of your friends without thinking twice.. Yes even at night. The city which shaped and groomed us always had, is and will hold a special place in the hearts of Sanglikars. No trip in Sangli is complete without visiting Ganpati Temple as-is no trip is complete without visiting our rituals places to eat.. Be it Sandwiches at Kumar's, Bhel at Sambha or Pav Bhaji at Sarovar. This Sangli of ours.. was hit, devastated by natural calamity a week back.
The plight of people crying, evacuating, worrying about their livelihoods was unbearable to a few living outside the country.
We a team of 25 Sanglikars have pledged to raise funds for rebuilding Sangli.I invite you all to participate in this small movement created by me and my friends to restore Sangli.

All funds donated in the US will receive 100% tax deduction and a strong team in India will ensure funds go directly in the hands of the underprivileged affected by floods. All funds from OVBI, to India to Sangli will be tracked ensuring every hard earned dollar you contribute has been accounted for.

No donation is too big or too small. Please open your hearts and help to whatever extent you can, so together we can make a small difference in the lives of people who are affected
Help us in restoring the lost Faith of Sangli. Sangli....The beautiful city along the banks of river Krishna which always bears a smile on our face is my hometown back in India. We owe our parents, teachers, friends and near ones for showering us with love, education and memorable moments to cherish for a lifetime.   Today, for the first tim...
