DrParisetti Author

DrParisetti Author

Piero Calvi-Parisetti (MD) is an author, speaker and grief recovery adviser. He works for the bereav

Real Help for Grief — Part I 07/07/2022


Real Help for Grief — Part I The suffering caused by the death of a loved one ranks amongst the most distressing of human experiences. It is also, sadly, one of the…

A More Effective Way to Relieve Grief and Fear of Death 29/12/2021


A More Effective Way to Relieve Grief and Fear of Death According to Piero Calvi-Parisetti M.D. there are at least four "non-traditional" approaches that have repeatedly shown the ability to dramatically decrease ...


Noted ITC researcher Anabela Cardoso writes:

"However, it fell to Father Agostino Gemelli, the founder of the Catholic University of Milan and President of the Pontifical Academy, and Father Pellegrino Ernetti, a Benedictine monk at
the famous Abbey of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, to be the first people to record identifiable paranormal voices.

On September 17th 1952, the Fathers were working on the recording of Gregorian chants at the Laboratory of Physics at the Catholic University of Milan, using the tape recorders of the time that used wires instead of magnetic tape.

The work was constantly interrupted by breakages in the wire, and on one of these occasions Father Gemelli called out in exasperation to his deceased father for help, a habit of his when he was in difficulties. After repairing the wire and listening to the recording the Fathers suddenly heard, instead of the Gregorian chant, the voice of Gemelli’s father saying “Of course I help you, I am always with you”.

Astounded, the Fathers repeated the experiment, and obtained the same results. Father Gemelli asked “Is it really you Papa?”, and the recorded reply came “Of course it is I, don’t you recognise me testone?”. Extremely impressed, the Fathers requested an interview with Pope Pious XII, to whom they told the whole story. The Pope seemed very pleased, and put the worried Fathers at ease by telling them ‘Tape recorders cannot be influenced’. He then declared that the results could mark ‘The beginning of a new scientific study that would confirm faith in the Beyond’."

Full article at: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download...


"Experiences of after-death communication are normal, common, and usually healthy. They often go unreported by experiencers for fear of being judged, ridiculed, and/or thought to be mentally ill especially by doctors, therapists, and clergy. Four main categories of after-death communication experiences (ADCs) exist: spontaneous, facilitated, assisted, and requested. Spontaneous ADCs occur unexpectedly and uninvited. Facilitated ADCs occur during a specific established protocol and with the direction of a trained facilitator. Assisted ADCs involve receiving messages from the deceased through a psychic medium who directly experiences the communication and shares the messages received with the living. The term requested ADCs is proposed here to refer to experiences that occur as the result of the experiencer engaging in specific practices (other than facilitated or assisted experiences), employing technological or other physical apparatuses, using psychoactive substances, inviting the deceased to communicate, or simply intending that the experience occur. Most published research has examined the positive effects of spontaneous or facilitated ADCs on grief. Research examining the effects on grief of assisted ADCs is limited but trends toward a positive response. Reports on the effects of requested ADCs on grief are for the most part lacking and several research directions are open for further exploration. Counselors, healthcare providers, caregivers, and others who regularly interact with the grieving may benefit from better understanding these experiences but little to no formal training exists and they must independently seek out relevant materials. Ideally, this article will serve as one of those sources."

Julie Beischel, PhD
Spontaneous, Facilitated, Assisted, and Requested After-Death Communication Experiences and their Impact on Grief .
Threshold: Journal of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1–32


"A Psychomanteum Process involving mirror-gazing was conducted in a research setting to explore apparent facilitated contact with deceased friends and relatives, and to collect data on the phenomena, experiences, and effects on bereavement.

A pilot study with five participants resulted in strong experiences and four apparent contacts. The main study took 27 participants through a three-stage process: remembering a deceased friend or relative, sitting in a darkened room gazing into a mirror while thinking of the person, and finally discussing and reflecting on the experience.

Data were collected with pre- and post-questionnaires, a follow-up questionnaire at least four weeks after the session, interviews by the facilitators, and two personality measures, the Tellegen Absorption Scale and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Contacts with the sought person were reported by 13 participants.
Participants reported that a variety of imagery appeared in the mirror, as well as experiences of dialogue, sounds, light, body sensations, and smell. Several specific messages were reported by participants who believed that they were from the sought persons.

Twenty-one self-report items relating to bereavement were analyzed for changes between pre- and follow-up questionnaires.
Using a Wilcoxon signed ranks analysis, statistically significant reductions in bereavement responses were found over the entire group (p=.05 to .0008). These included unresolved feelings, loss, grief, guilt, sadness, and need to communicate. Participants also reported significant impact on their lives following the session."

Hastings et al., Psychomanteum Research: Experiences and Effects on Bereavement. September 2002OMEGA--Journal of Death and Dying 45(3):211-228

[#TheLounge] with Medium Marisa Liza Pell ~ Proof Of Heaven 19/11/2021


[#TheLounge] with Medium Marisa Liza Pell ~ Proof Of Heaven I am super excited for this interview on Friday. It is rare that science + spirituality come together in research! Is there life after death? In t...


"If you have any doubt about the continuation of Life after the death of the physical body, read this book. The author masterfully applies the scientific method to the many forms of evidence that support the continuation of Life, including Near-Death Experience, Deathbed Visions, Reincarnation, and After-Death Communication. These experiences are drawn from people of all religions, cultural groups, atheists, and historical times. Dr Parisetti evaluates each mode of experience for the quality of its evidence, asks and answers the skeptic’s questions, and demonstrates how the 'collective weight' of all these sources of evidence reveals an astounding “yes” to Life after Life."

Betty J. Kovacs, PhD



Is there an afterlife? Does human personality survive bodily death? Scientific research and a colossal amount of compelling empirical evidence, gathered for over 150 years by some of the finest minds on the planet, seem to indicate that Clint Eastwood's 2011 movie Hereafter actually got it right. Consciousness indeed appears to exist independently of a functioning brain, and to extend well beyond the transition we call death. Written by a medical doctor, university lecturer and member of the Society for Psychical Research, 21 Days into the Afterlife makes the case for the survival hypothesis in a series of well-researched chapters, each one covering a different field of investigation.


Heal the pain of a loss, transform the fear of death by learning about the afterlife.