Messianic Rebirth

Messianic Rebirth

Messianic Rebirth is a starting point to everyone's personal journey of reclaiming ancient Nazarene Judaism.

In simple terms, it is a campus that points towards the true faith based on the recovery of original bible text and the correction of doctrines.


The Passover is not Easter, no matter how old or how deeply established your religion's traditions are. The Passover has nothing to do with deities, painting eggs, eating hot-crossed bubs and other mainstream items. The Passover is not even a Passing over. Pesach is Redemption; a physical rescue from physical harm. It is G-d punishing the gods of Egypt and not celebrating them as people do during Easter today. The Passover Lamb is not "Jesus". There is not sin offering on Passover because there is no accusation of sin from G-d and towards the Israelites. During Passover, the sin offering had not yet been established. G-d chose the 1-year-old goat or sheep to be slaughtered on Passover because the god of Egypt was the Ram, and in slaughtering the ram, G-d was showing who is boss. The Lamb is also a representation of the Israelite and his secular Egyptians ways. To slaughter the lamb is to do away with the tendencies of ungodly nations.


"THE BIBLE AND THE BIBLE ALONE" is a pious lie. A very efficient and effective deception. A first class lie. IT'S BRILLIANT! 😥
The Bible is a textbook, and you need. 1. a study guide and 2. a teacher in order to understand its true and original meaning It is a book surrounded by many books - it has witnesses. It is a lock that needs a matching key. This is why there are thousands of Jewish books which carry Jewish tradition and the necessary pieces of the biblical puzzle. The church hates the Talmud, and for a "good" reason - it preserves ancient Bible Commentary. Not only the Talmud, but also hundreds of other Jewish scrolls. The writers of the Bible assume that you are familiar with Jewish tradition, and if not, a Rabbi is the best way to get to understand the Bible (Mathew 23:2-3). The seat of Moses is largely uncorrupted - it is annointed - it is still readily available to the non-Jewish believer even today - more so today in the world of technology and the free sharing of information.


A Christian can say "PRAISE GOD!" anywhere in the world and at any time, even if it means offending the host nations, but an Eastern Jew and Muslim will be viewed as an extremist if they shout "ELAH-HU AKBAR!" which is equivalent to "PRAISE GOD!"
At the end, Ishamel (Arab cultures) will be redeemed together with the Jews, because of G-d's promises to Abraham, but Esav has no place and no part in "Paradise". The Book of Revelation, chapter 9 captures G-d's relationship and cooperation with the 12 princes of Arabia.


The Kingdom of Heaven is Jewish.
The Taliban, in being recognised by other nations as an authority, and it making changes to meet the West halfway is a great indication to the fact that the wars of Gog and Magog have long begun, and that an ideologically divided world is coming to agree without the use of force that there has to be unity and cooperation. The world is becoming one, and it is preparing to challenge the Kingdom of Heaven when it approaches. Then Mashiach will come and crush the feet and the ten toes made of iron and clay of Daniel 2


Prayer in the biblical sense is not about pestering G-d about the things that you want. Prayer is an oppertunity to sing G-d's praises and to bless his holy Name. G-d is the only King of the universe. In Judaism, prayer is a community effort; people stand as one before G-d. We pray to G-d and not to his Messiah. The Messiah is a Servant, not the King of the Universe. Rabbi Yeshua ben David taught the Nazarines to begin their prayer with the words: Our Father in Heaven...". He did not teach them to pray and say: "Dear Lord Jesus...".


To do "Tshuvah" is to turn 180 degrees. It is to go the opposite direction.
Once we accept the Oneness of G-d (Deut 6:4-9), then even the way we pray changes and becomes what we believe. The Messiah never taught us to make him G-d and to pray to him, and he has never told us that he owns the title 'God', but as it is common in Judaism, he taught is pray in his "Zechut" (Merit) - to pray in the merit of a Tzaddik. A true believer ends their prayer with the word: "We ask these things in the merit of our Rabbi, Tzaddik, Yeshua ben David".
Once we accept the Oneness of G-d (Deut 6:4-9), then even the way we pray changes and becomes what we believe. The Messiah never taught us to pray to him, and he has never told us that he owns the title 'God', but as it is common in Judaism, he taught is pray in his "Zechut" (Merit). A true believer ends their prayer with the word: "We ask these things in the merit of our Rabbi, Tzaddik, Yeshua ben David".


I am writing a new book for you, friends, on the book of Revelation. None of you will ever wonder as to what it all means.
When Messiah returns, He returns to destroy the false messianic religion. He comes to destroy Esav. Get out of the w***e, God´s people! Messiah's war is which the system of Esav, and not the innocent people blindly follow a false religion.
Rev_17:5 And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations.


Did you know that the Jewish people, just like the Christians, have a completely wrong idea as to who Yeshua ben David was? In fact, they compare him to an obscure figure spoken of in the Talmud, a fellow who was illegitimate who had an unbelieving father and a Jewish mother. G-d would go on to kill this individual for his blasphemies against Him. The Talmud does not it anyway say that it is Yeshua, yet Jewish people are erroneously taught this lie religiously at Yeshiva. Both Jews and Christians have no know the real Messiah. It is also important to highlight the fact that it is only the Babylonian Talmud from Iraq that misunderstands Yeshua, not the Jerusalem Talmud.


Many might say: "I am a Christian, but I am not Catholic.". Yet even the Reformation did not succeed in letting go of the man-made doctrines such as the divinity of Jesus and Mary, and the "Holy Ghost". The Reformation took the same Catholicism and modified it to suit its own purposes becaus eit did not know anything else. When the N***s were gassing Jews to death in the 1940s, Luther's theology was the basis, and they sang church songs as they murdered the Jewish people.
The messnger of Messiah in Revelation says: "Babylon is fallen! It has become a habitation of unclean birds. Get out of her my people!"

The messenger of Messiah in Revelation says: "Babylon is fallen! It has become a habitation of unclean birds. Get out of her my people!" val


The Disciple's Prayer is Messiah's shortening of the Amidah, the Jewish standing prayer done three times a day. It is not a replacement for the Amidah.

"Our Father who is in the Heavens, may Your Name be made holy! May Your Kingdom of Heaven approach, may Your will be done as it is in Heaven, also on earth. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins and we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. Lead us not into hard testing, rather, deliver us from all evil. For Yours is the Kingdom of Heaven, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen!"


The idea od of Redemption by good deeds or good merit is not strange to the Bible, it is at the core of G-d's mission. Here are examples of why on Judgement day, merit becomes a 'ticket' into the Kingdom:
Jeremiah 30:14] states: “[I have smitten you…] for the multitude of your transgressions.” [Genesis 6:5] relates: “God saw the evil of man was great… [and God said: `I will destroy man….’]” Kings 14:13]: “Because in him, there was found a good quality.” In contrast, a sin may outweigh many merits as [Ecclesiastes 9:18] states: “One sin may obscure much good.” [Jeremiah 30:14] states: “[I have smitten you…] for the multitude of your transgressions.”


Is the Holy Spirit an entity n its own apart from G-d? A "third person"?
The church's translations of the Bible have made it so based on a man's proposition, Tertullian. In the Bible, and therefore, in Judaism, G-d is Spirit (The Shekinah) because He has no permanent pgysical form. What Christians call the "Holy Spirit" is in fact the Spirit of Messiah. Since Messiah is not a person but a soul that choses to inhabit the anointed people, the Spirit of Holiness in proper biblical language is the same spirit of Messiah. Those who accept the Messiah receive this Spirit of Holiness and they begin to prophesy. Jewish tradition tells us that the aim for every Jew during the Messianic age is to become a prophet. This is why in Revelation 21, at the end, and when G-d and his Messiah become one, the "Holy Spirit is not mentioned anywhere. It is a church tradition and not a biblical concept.
The church's translations of the Bible have made it so based on a man's proposition, Tertullian. In the Bible, and therefore, in Judaism, G-d is Spirit (The Shekinah) because He has no permanent pgysical form. What Christians call the "Holy Spirit" is in fact the Spirit of Messiah. Since Messiah is not a person but a soul that chooses to inhabit people, the Spirit of Holiness in proper biblical language is the same spiirt of Messiah. Those who accept the Messiah receive this Spirit of Holiness and they begin to prophesy. Jewish tradition tells us that the aim for evey Jew during the Messianic age is to become a prophet. This is why in Revelation 21, at the end, and when G-d and his Messiah become one, the "Holy Spirit is not mentioned anywhere. It is a church tradition and not a biblical concept.


.זכור את יום השבת
Remember the Shabbat and keep it holy.
The Sabbath is one of 7 other Sabbaths estabished by G-d as days of meeting and fellowship with Him throughout the year. On the seventh day of the week, we stop all our work and rest. To escape the world and its mundane things and to focus on the holy.


In Judaism, there is one Messiah but he takes on two personages in the tradition of the faith; a Messiah son of Joseph and a Messiah son of David. The former has already come and secured salvation for the house of Israel and for the nations that would come to believe in him. The latter is still to come; he comes to reign as King over the world to fight the wars of G-d, avenging himself upon his enemies and liberating Israel. We look forward to the coming of Messiah son of David.


Rabbi Yacov Emden [The Yevetz], a prominent European Jewish Rabbi said the following:

“Certainly, therefore, there is no doubt that one who seeks truth will agree that the Nazarene and his Emissaries never meant to do away with the Torah of Moses from Yisrael… Yeshua and Paul here are described as disciples of the sages, Torah scholars and dignitaries. They do not preach to Jews to leave the Torah, the law. Rather, they are persuaded to persevere in their Torah.”

"It is therefore a habitual saying of mine that the Nazarene brought about a double kindness in the world. On the one hand, he strengthened the Torah of Moses majestically, as mentioned earlier, and not one of our Sages spoke out more emphatically concerning the immutability of the Torah. And on the other hand, he did much good for the Gentiles by doing away with idolatry and removing the images from their midst.” - Rabbi Yacov Emden (The Yevetz) (1697--1776), Seder Olam Raba Vezuta


Our silence in the past few days has not been in vain. A book is on its way to you in due time. Here is a sample from one of the chapters:


True Tshuvah (repentance) offers atonement for the committed sin, no matter how great the sin. Blood is not the only way to obtain Atonement. "Jesus" did not atone with his blood literally - this is a Midrash - an object lesson, he atoned with his death - because human sacrifice is not what G-d asked for. The church used sin and guilt in order to latch onto the consciences of the people in order to control and manipulate them through guilt and fear of helll.


True Tshuvah (Repentance) is vowing never to return to one's sin, to touch it, and actually staying away from it. Should we sin in any other way during the days, months, and years, then we have the option of Vidouy (Confession) and Mikveh (immersion in water). "Baptism" is not a once-off affair, it is a Jewish lifestyle together with Tshuvah.


Could you be "baptized" everytime that you sinned and repented?? Well, first of all, Tshuavh requires ceremonial cleansing. Jews live in communities that have Kosher sources of water collected in pools of washing. The whole concept of "baptism" is an attempt to explain Mikveh and why we need it. Mikveh is essential to Tshuvah and to living a Jewish life. You need Mikveh. This means that if you live close to the ocean, lake or river, you are supposed to take advantage.


The church teaches that all the works of the Temple were fulfilled in "Jesus", and therefore, they are past works that are altogether unecessary. The problem with this teaching is that G-d's Word never passes. 7 Sabbaths have been given to us to observe yearly, and Yom Kippur is one of them. On Yom Kippur, a person has the opportunity to have their sins blotted out - wiped out. Imagine living for years without confessing, repenting and freeing yourself from the sin of each year that you live? This is why in the church, there are people who claim liberation from sin through "Jesus", yet their deeds are the opposite of what they say - because in the church there is not culture of Tshuvah, no ongoing repentance.


"Tshuvah" - Repentance is a requirement for entering the Kingdom of heaven. The Jewishness of the Bible and the stories of the Bible, including Messiah, call us to a Jewish understanding of the writings. Where we have created idols and formed incorrect doctrines for ourselves, for such we are expected to return - to make Tshuvah.


In the book of the Apocalypse, the chuch is compared to a wayward woman. This is because the church wanted the benefits of the husband, Messiah, without becoming part of Messiah's bride, Israel. Without a betrothal. Without the Torah.


When a Christian Missionary asks a Jew to leave Judaism for Christianity, it is like trying to convince a lion that a baby Springbok is more filling than an adult Kudu. Hence Christianity has alway used force and persecution in order to convert Jews, not Theology. It would be a mismatch.


A lesson from Parshat Balak (Numbers 22:33).
The Donkey reveals that the secret to Israel's blessing are the 3 moedim; Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot. "Why do you hit me 3 times?" (Shalosh =3). The Hebrew letter concerned here is 'Shin' ש, and its gematria is 360, the same numerical value as Moses. G-d was teaching Israel that if they took their eyes off Moses and his Torah, then Israel would wonder in sin and idolatry helplessly, such as in the day of the golden calf. The 3 sins comitted at the foot of Sinai: golden calf, or**es and debauchery (wild drunkeness). on 3 different locations, balak built 7 altars 3 times and sacrficed a bull and a ram. A counterfeit to G-d's 3 days of meeting: Passover, Ingathering and Campmeeting.
Christianity says that Moses and the Torah were nailed to the cross. Evangelical Christians might say that some of Moses' teachings are relevant, but largely outdated and 'old'. Balaam's talking donkey has a message to Christians today: YOU HAVE TAKEN YOUR EYES OF MOSES AND HIS TORAH; YOU ARE IN IDOLATRY. YOU HAVE 3 GODS. To get out of idolatry, Christians must leave this new religion and come back to keeping the "Feasts" of the L-rd - their purpose is to "cure" idolatry and to protect from the same. Yeshua, the second Moses, did not create a new religion (Matthew 5:17; Mathew 23:2-3), he came to carry sin away from Israel and idolatry away from the nations. He promoted One G-d.


Jews, lost Israel now returning and Gentile believers in the Jewish Messiah are all one Kingdom of Heaven. We are all going to inherit the Wolrd to Come. Messiah son of David is coming to rule over us as King of Kings and L-rd of lords. It is said by the prophets and through Yochanan the disciple of Mesiah son of David, that at the end, G-d will become One with Messiah, and their Oness will become the new Tmple built by no man's hands, save G-d (Revelation 21). A Jewish Theocracy is coming to destroy and replace the New World Order.