Twinflame Heart Healing & Wellbeing

Twinflame Heart Healing & Wellbeing

Twinflame Heart Healing and Wellbeing Mentor
Heart Wall Clearing
Energy Healing


Receiving this makes my heart sing.
With all my love
Jo xx


.. Returning to Joy ..

The despair inside can be so deep that the likelihood of feeling Joy seems like a distant dream. I’m here to tell you that it is possible.

The harrowing disappointment of being turned away and unsupported at every bend when I was seeking assistance for my special needs son crushed me. It birthed in me the sheer will and determination to find a reservoir of strength that I hadn’t known was inside me.

I followed my intuition and continued into the unknown. It took every ounce of strength I had, and at times brought me to my knees. Over time my son and I have been connected to a network of experts and helpers who all have their piece of the puzzle. He now thrives surrounded by the support he deserves. I feel so blessed to be led and find how to open to support in my life!

I am sharing this with you because I know the depths of despair, loneliness and pain that life can take us to. Through my loneliness and disappointment, I have found and continue to return to, a place which I call ‘The Shining Feeling’. A place where the nervous system is calm, the mind is still and present, we can feel softness and gratitude because our hearts are open to Love and Joy."

My experiences have forged a powerful commitment to truth and compassion within me. I provide a place where all of you is accepted and supported, where you can feel safe to be all that you are. As you lift the past to the surface and survey your own challenges, patterns, blocks and limiting beliefs – we will see new possibilities emerge in your life.

If you are feeling curious to connect you may wish to book for a complementary 30 minute Moving Forward Reflection Call where as we reflect together on your experiences, you will feel as if you're receiving a warm embrace which includes intuitive guidance just for you.

With all my love

Jo xx


.. Relationships that take too much ..

Pouring our care and energy into others before nurturing ourselves is a pattern which can come at great personal cost. The realisation that that our energy has been drained by others can be devastating.

My energy was drained when I permitted others to take up more of my time and energy than was right for me. The overwhelming exhaustion I experienced birthed determination to reclaim my own energy.

Surveying my life I realised that I had allowed these relationships throughout. As I awakened to this dynamic and what I had been allowing I made significant changes.

By changing my habits, I have noticed strength pouring back into my body and nourishing connections arriving in my life. I am now conscious and careful of the energy I give out, how I care for myself, who I allow into my life and the boundaries I have around my precious time and how I spend it.

I am sharing this with you because I want to empower you to know that you are in control of your own energy and relationships. Living a joyful life includes holding your own energy sacred, giving to yourself, nourishing, replenishing and caring for yourself, holding beautiful boundaries and making conscious decisions who is in your life and the portion of your time and energy they receive.

If you have a relationship in your life where you are searching for clarity you may wish to book for a complementary 30 minute Moving Forward Reflection Call with me, where as we reflect together on your experiences, you will feel as if you're receiving a warm embrace and the opportunity to receive more clarity in your relationships today.

With all my love

Jo xx


Thank you Jeff Brown once again so beautiful. Stitching our wounds with the thread of love. There is no rush nor hurry.
This brought tears to my eyes.


.. Sadness shifts and appreciation floods in ..

When we notice, accept the sit with our uncomfortable emotions they can process and shift into something else.

It is so tempting when we feel a strong and challenging emotion to fight it, push it down or ignore it. By doing this we are not allowing ourselves to process our experiences as we have them and we are saving them up for a later date when they may cause physical or emotional symptoms.

Today I bumped into my twinflame. When he smiled and our eyes met I felt our hearts light up as they always do.

Upon returning home I felt the sadness and grief of our separation arising. This time I wanted to see it a different way, to process and transform the sadness and grief into something new so I can move forward into the next stage of life.

As I sat quietly in the feelings and felt, noticed and accepted that they were there I found something incredible happened. I felt a shift, a movement and appreciation began to flood into me.

Appreciation and gratitude for the incredible connection, the love and the transformation experienced. I would not be the woman I am if I had not met this person. What we have had together in this uncommon bond has been one of those most incredible life experiences and opportunities for absolute metamorphosis.

As I felt this gratitude flood into my body, I realised that from this place I am ready to transform once again for the next phase of my life.

It felt like a calm, peaceful and beautiful place.

Would you like support to move from grief to appreciation during a time of separation from your Twinflame?


.. Clearing the heart wall brings clarity ..

The heart wall is there to give us a feeling of emotional safety. Unfortunately this barrier around our heart stops us being able to receive the love meant for us in this lifetime, stops us feeling clarity of our next steps and generally stops us experiencing the joyful life we are here to live.

Clearing this wall can be a profound relief.

Some of my clients can feel their heart wall, some can feel themselves putting it up, most of us have one and we can all gain great benefit in our well being from bringing it down.

Sometimes during a session I get a feeling for the material the heart wall is made of and how thick it is. As it comes down and gets close to clearing I can often see or hear in my minds eye (or ear) a sound such as the tinkling of glass or see blocks falling. When this happens I know we are getting close.

Recently I cleared my own heart wall. I had unwittingly and subconsciously built it very high and thick. It was made from brambles and was kilometres thick, I could see it was very like the impregnable bramble hedge around the fairy tale castle.

The day it was cleared my life changed. I suddenly became aware of my own sense of inner worthiness, that it simply was and there was no questioning it.

This allowed me to make changes in my life which have allowed in clarity, energy and joy.

I met with my Twinflame with love and appreciation in my heart and expressed that it was time for us to be apart.

With great love and appreciation we expressed our thanks to one another for how far we had come together and that yes it was time for us to travel the next part of our lives without being in direct contact.

It is now time for us to both travel our own paths. I am truly grateful for what I have experienced in this connection. I have dived deeper into healing that I ever imagined possible. I would not be the woman I am without having had this experience.

Clearing the heart wall can bring great clarity and understanding of the most beneficial step to take next.

Would you like support to clear your heart wall?

With love

Jo x


.. A gentle place to land ..

I consider the Twinflame journey to be an amazing opportunity for healing and growth.

I experienced so much along the way and the connection became my springboard to finding my way back to myself and my own healing.

The opportunity for growth which this relationship offered has been truly magnificent.

I would be honoured to have the opportunity to assist you toward healing and wellbeing within your own experience.

With love

Jo x

Jo Kempton
Energy Healer
