Proof the Holy Bible is true kjv

Proof the Holy Bible is true kjv

Lion of Judah is well do your research, you'll see.

6851 Genesis 34:1 - 35:26 21/01/2023

6851 Genesis 34:1 - 35:26 Genesis 34:1 - 35:26

6850 Genesis 32:1 - 33:20 21/01/2023

6850 Genesis 32:1 - 33:20 Genesis 32:1 - 33:20

6849 Genesis 31:1 - 31:55 20/01/2023

6849 Genesis 31:1 - 31:55 Genesis 31:1 - 31:55

6848 Genesis 28:20 - 30:43 20/01/2023

6848 Genesis 28:20 - 30:43 Genesis 28:20 - 30:43

6847 Genesis 27:30 - 28:19 20/01/2023

6847 Genesis 27:30 - 28:19 Genesis 27:30 - 28:19

6846 Genesis 26:6 - 27:29 19/01/2023

6846 Genesis 26:6 - 27:29 Genesis 26:6 - 27:29

6845 Genesis 25:1 - 26:5 19/01/2023

6845 Genesis 25:1 - 26:5 Genesis 25:1 - 26:5

6844 Genesis 24:1 - 24:67 18/01/2023

6844 Genesis 24:1 - 24:67 Genesis 24:1 - 24:67

6843 Genesis 22:1 - 23:20 18/01/2023

6843 Genesis 22:1 - 23:20 Genesis 22:1 - 23:20

6843 Genesis 20:9 - 21:34 18/01/2023

6843 Genesis 20:9 - 21:34 Genesis 20:9 - 21:34

6841 Genesis 18:31 - 20:8 17/01/2023

6841 Genesis 18:31 - 20:8 Genesis 18:31 - 20:8

6840 Genesis 17:8 - 18:30 17/01/2023

6840 Genesis 17:8 - 18:30 Genesis 17:8 - 18:30

6839 Genesis 14:24 - 17:7 17/01/2023

6839 Genesis 14:24 - 17:7 Genesis 14:24 - 17:7

6838 Genesis 13:1 - 14:23 17/01/2023

6838 Genesis 13:1 - 14:23 Genesis 13:1 - 14:23

6833 Genesis 4:1 - 5:24 15/01/2023

6833 Genesis 4:1 - 5:24 Genesis 4:1 - 5:24

6832 Genesis 3:1 - 3:24 13/01/2023

6832 Genesis 3:1 - 3:24 Genesis 3:1 - 3:24

6831 Genesis 2:1 - 2:25 13/01/2023

6831 Genesis 2:1 - 2:25 Genesis 2:1 - 2:25

Image: How to generate the Mandelbrot-Set - Fractal.Institute 13/01/2023

Image: How to generate the Mandelbrot-Set - Fractal.Institute Found on Google from

6829 Genesis 1:1 - 1:2 12/01/2023

Not good at this but I'm trying. Share and study 1 2 2 hours a day. God bless

6829 Genesis 1:1 - 1:2 Genesis 1:1 - 1:2


I recommend everyone try to fast, deny your flesh, and seek GOD, and strengthen your spirit. 07/10/2020

I'm sorry I don't do much here, but my intentions are to spread the bible in a good way all ages can learn from. There's a lot of deceite out there. I just wanna help you and your loved ones know there is a creator, and if you love and read his word🧡, and have well intentions, you'll make it. It seems no one cares about this, but this is more important than anything. Much like love, material things don't matter if you have someone who cares nothing for you. That's this world, and the devil's and demons. They care nothing. It's all written folks. Don't take my word, read the Bible. Genesis, to Revelation. I hope you see how sincere I really am. I don't want no one to parish that doesn't deserve hell. I care about nothing more. That's why I read a verse a day if I can, and share it on Facebook, instagram, snapchat, whatever. This is more important to me. The world will hate me cause of this, and that's written as well. Do what's right people. This is our salvation. I love y'all and be blessed by all that's holy watching.

The Second Coming Of Christ (Full Movie HD ) - OFFICIAL - Dedicated to Ethan Holzman(1966-2018) 27/09/2020

The Second Coming Of Christ (Full Movie HD ) - OFFICIAL - Dedicated to Ethan Holzman(1966-2018) The journey of a woman scientist who, at the end of times, discovers that true Faith can bring Miracles. Dedicated to our editor Ethan Holzman (1966-2018) Di...



For the next 60 seconds, put aside whatever you are doing and take advantage of this opportunity.

Don't let Satan stop you.

At the age of 33, Jesus was sentenced to death.

At the time of The Crucifixion, it was the "worst" death.
Only the worst criminals were sentenced to be crucified. However, it was even more terrible for Jesus, unlike other criminals sentenced to death by crucifixion, Jesus should be preached on the Cross by his hands and feet.

Each nail: Was 6 to 8 inches long.

The nails were built into his wrist,
Not on his palms as is commonly depicted
There is a tendon in the wrist that extends to the shoulder. Roman guards knew
that, when the nails were being inserted into the wrist, the tendon would tear and break,
forcing Jesus to use his ribs for support so he could breathe.

His two feet, They were inserted together, that's how he was forced to
lean on the only nail that tied his feet to the cross.
Jesus could not support himself with his legs because of the pain.
So he was forced to alternate arcing his back
He wore his legs just to continue his
breathe, Imagine the struggle, the pain, the suffering, the courage that endured it.

Jesus endured that reality for more than 3 hours.

Yes, more than 3 hours!

Can you imagine this kind of
Suffering? A few minutes before he died, Jesus stopped bleeding, water just flowed from his wounds.

From common images we see wounds on his hands and feet and even the spear wound at his side ...
But we find out that his wounds were actually made all over his body by a mallet driving large ones through the wrist, the feet overlapping and an even large nail hammered through the arches, then a Roman guard piercing his side. with a spear. But before the nails and the spear, Jesus was whipped and because the lashes were so severe that they broke the
Flesh of his body, the beating so horrible he received on his face that it was ripped off and his beard ripped from his face.
The crown of thorns embedded deep into his scalp. Most men
he would not have survived this torture.

I had no more blood
To bleed, only the water gushed out if their wounds
The adult human body contains about 4.5 liters (a little over a gallon) of blood.

Jesus shed all 4.5 liters of his blood; had three nails inserted into its
members; a crown of thorns on his head and, in addition, a Roman soldier buried a spear in his chest.

All this not to mention the humiliation he suffered after wearing the
He crossed for almost 2 km, while the crowd spat in his face and threw stones at him (the cross was almost 30 kg in weight,
Only for its highest part, where your hands were.

Jesus had to endure this experience, to open the Gates of heaven, so that you can have the
Access to God.

So that your sins
May they be "washed" and carried away. All of them, without exception!
Don't ignore this situation.

Jesus Christ died for you!

He died for you! It's easy to pass jokes or silly photos via email, but
When it comes to God, sometimes you feel ashamed to move forward.
To others because you care about what they might think about you

God has plans for you, show all your friends what you've tried.
God bless you!
He said (Matthew 10, 32 and 33): "Therefore, whoever recognizes me to others, I will also recognize him.
In front of my father in heaven; but whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my father in heaven. "

Confess Jesus as your only and sufficient Savior The Bible says: "The word is with you, in your mouth and in your heart; this is the word of faith, what to preach, namely: If with your mouth you confess the Lord Jesus, and in your heart you believe that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except for me.

Can I get an Amen!?


I'm new to this, so any truly nice advice would be greatly appreciated. I want to save people from hell, when we die, then comes judgement. Help me, help others, if you don't want them going to hell, and truly care. So will you?

Photos from Proof the Holy Bible is true kjv's post 20/09/2020



Was a girls boy to say the least. 😉

Photos from Proof the Holy Bible is true kjv's post 20/09/2020


Photos from Proof the Holy Bible is true kjv's post 20/09/2020
