

Concept based trainer, using games, fun and positive methods. Training for the situation not in it


I missed last week's Friday Focus as was busy working on the agility field 😊

So I have a good one for you this week!

Do you use a retractable lead for your dog? 🐶

Retractable leads can be useful in certain situations, but I often see them being used irresponsibly, posing hazards to both dogs and people. ⚠️


• Extra Freedom: They allow your dog some extra freedom when off-lead is not an option.

• Control: You can easily adjust how much freedom to give your dog.

• Cleanliness: Unlike long lines, retractable leads don't get tangled, wet, or muddy from dragging on the ground.


• Safety Risks: The thin, hard-to-see lead can be a trip hazard and dangerous if it gets wrapped around someone or another dog.

• Encourages Pulling: The constant tension can encourage pulling and hinder loose lead walking training.

• Durability Issues: They can break or malfunction, reducing reliability.

Personally, I am not a fan and don't use them for my dogs. In my dog classes, I ask participants to use standard leads.

While some people do use retractable leads responsibly, this seems to be the exception rather than the norm.

What type of lead do you use? Do you use a retractable lead? Let me know in the comments! 🐾


Dog training one to ones available for any dog struggles.

Perhaps you want your dog to walk a bit better on the lead or to listen more when they are off it!

I will work with you and you dog to teach you games and exercises to help with these struggles, most of these you can practice from the comfort of your house or garden.

You can get the whole family involved while on the summer break.

Send me a message to get started 😊


🐶 To Dog Park or Not to Dog Park? 🤔

Taking your furry friend to the dog park can be a great experience, but it’s not always the best choice for every pup.

Reasons you may take your dog to the dog park (or not!):

1. Dog Socialisation:
➕Dogs can learn how to interact with different breeds and sizes.
➖BUT you may not know if they are a good play mate for your dog.
2. Exercise:
➕Running around in a large open space keeps your dog healthy and happy.
➖BUT your dog may get over excited and overwhelmed.
3. Training Opportunity:
➕Perfect place to practice recall and other commands in a controlled environment.
➖BUT it may be too distracting for them and they could end up rehearsing less wanted behaviours.
4. Safe and secure places:
➕They are clean and safe.
➖BUT some dog parks aren’t regularly cleaned and owners may not pick up their dog’s mess.
5. Human Socialisation:
➕It’s a good opportunity to meet other dog owners and make friends.
➖BUT some owners chat too much and do not pay attention to what their dogs are doing!

As with most things in dog training, there is not a simple answer and it depends!
As long as you know it is safe, your dog is comfortable in the situation and you know you can make a quick exit if need be then they can be a great place to spend time with your best friend. 🐕‍🦺

Have you had experiences at the dog park? Share your thoughts below! 👇


Do you teach your dog tricks? 🐶🧠

Teaching tricks is great for many reasons:

Mental Stimulation: Keeps their brain active, like a canine Sudoku!

Confidence Building: They feel a sense of achievement with each new trick.

Behaviour Help: Redirects unwanted behaviour by focusing on a fun trick.

Fitness: Some tricks involve movement and stretching.

Bonding: Strengthens your relationship as you work together.

Communication: Improves your understanding of each other.

Family Fun: Great for getting kids involved in training.

Training Focus: Gives you both goals to achieve together.

Why not try a new trick today?

Check out my page for some simple ideas like Paws Up, Middle, Spin, or Hand Touch.

Let me know your favourite trick and why!

Photos from abcdogswithkatie's post 18/07/2024

😊Been adopted 😊

If anyone is interested in adopting a female, 5 month old, black labrador that is very well behaved and in a caring foster home at the moment please get in touch. Fully vaccinated and chipped.

Currently in a home between Cártama and Alhaurin El Grande.

Please share so we can help find her a home.


I do try and do a little training session every day or so with my dogs and this may be anything from 1 minute up to 10 minutes but hardly ever longer than that. But I don’t always manage it. It is easy to make excuses, I haven’t got time, haven’t got any treats, they are asleep, don’t know what to train, the other dogs will get in the way, etc.

A few things I do to try and make it easier –

1. I always have little pots of treats around the house and garden so I can have quick access to do a quick session.

2. I have a “go to” activity I can always do. This is usually boundary training or disengagement bowl game with my dogs – you can never do too much of this! That way you aren’t stuck thinking about what to train.

3. Try and get into a habit of finding 3 minutes in the day to do a session. For me this is usually around breakfast time so it’s done for the day (Then any extra you fit in later is a bonus). Maybe it could be when the kettle is boiling for your first cuppa of the day? Or while you are sat down in the evening watching a little TV.

4. Keeping a diary or a whiteboard with a record of what I have done to keep accountable.

5. No session is too short.

6. With multi dogs it is hard so I try and take the opportunities when I have one alone with me to do a quick session, maybe if one comes in from outside before the others I will quickly shut the door and get going before the others notice!! Or practice multi dog boundaries where you have all your dogs on a boundary training at the same time!

The other key thing to remember is that your dogs are learning all day, every day. So even if you aren’t “in a training session” they are still being trained! If you spot your dog doing something good or choosing not to react to something that they usually would, or not eating that bit of food on the floor then say a “good boy” or a “nice” or give them a little stroke if they enjoy that. The reward doesn’t have to be food. Capture the moments they do something right (and there are probably more of them than you think!).

Do you have any tips on getting the training done?

Photos from abcdogswithkatie's post 01/07/2024

At ABC Dogs I offer several different services for you and your dog.

A - Agility classes and lessons will be starting from September in a secure field near Alhaurin El Grande.

B- Boarding available over the summer for days or overnights. Only 1 dog taken at one time (or a family of 2 dogs) and they are treated as part of the family, mix with my dogs and can sleep in the house.

C- Coaching you and your dog through any struggles you may have either in the comfort of your own home if near to me or on-line.

C - Classes for a small group of dogs covering life skills in a positive and fun way. Starting in September in Alhaurin El Grande.

Send me a message if you would like more information about any of these.


Elegant Elsa took to Paws Up like she had done it all before, and touch, spin, sit, down, even putting a cone on her nose 👃

This lovely rescue pup is only 4 months old and a real cutie. Her owner just wanted some guidance and tips on how to give her the best start 😍🐶

Luckily it isn't cold here so the cold won't bother Elsa anyway...... 😂

If you have a new puppy and would like some help with teaching them some life skills then get in touch.


This is quite a timely one as on Wednesday night we had a big storm here where we live in Spain. I haven’t heard (or felt) thunder like it and the sky was lit up with lightening for about two hours.

Ava was in bed with us and mostly unperturbed, of course John slept pretty much right through it!

I checked on Bobby and Cactus, they were quiet but they were both awake and visibly a bit nervous/scared. So I sat on the couch with them and cuddled them if they wanted it or let them do what made them feel comfortable.

I have had people say to me before that you shouldn’t comfort your dog when they are scared because it is believed that this will just let them know that there is something to be scared of and will reinforce it (you are rewarding the fear).

However, this is not the case, you cannot reward an emotion. They aren’t going to randomly make themselves stressed just to get a cuddle from you! Even though research shows comforting your dog doesn’t reduce the stress (cortisol) levels it can increase the oxytocin so you may as well comfort them and make them as comfortable as you can 😊.

Once it is all over, if it is something that is going to happen often then you can work on their confidence and their worry in a controlled way (like playing the noise of a storm on your phone quietly and giving them a treat to make it a positive experience). But sometimes things just happen that scare your dog and it is best to just be there for them.

How is your dog in a storm?

Photos from abcdogswithkatie's post 22/06/2024

Fun at dog class today at

I remembered to take some photos but as usual they aren't the best as we are just too busy playing games!

A lovely group of dogs working on paws up, the moonwalk and bowl game.

If intrigued what these involve and how they help you and your dog then look out for the next set of classes that will start in September.


This can be quite a controversial topic. Who would have thought it?

Some people say you shouldn’t play it at all, some say play it all you want and some sit in the middle!

There are several reasons to be a little careful when playing fetch with your dog. It can overexert your dog and increase the chance of injury. They are running fast and stopping, probably turning and can jolt their joints, twist ankles or worse. This can be particularly risky if the ground is uneven or they are very young or old dogs.

Dogs often do not know when it is time to stop so would keep going as long as you are throwing even when tired (this would be Ava!).

Depending on what you are using for fetch as well there could be additional dangers. Some people use a stick but if caught or picked up in the wrong way or at the wrong speed and angle these can cause harm. Some balls can be swallowed. Your dog could even be hit by the object that is being thrown that may be heavy.

Some dogs also get a bit too possessive with a ball so if playing in the park and another dog tries to take the ball it could cause a bit of a reaction on your dogs part (or the other dog).

Another aspect is that it is rewarding your dog for running away from you, you are throwing the reward (the valuable ball) as far from you as possible when ideally you want them to be rewarded for being near you. Some dogs play a great game of keep away once they have the ball rather than coming back to you!

With my dogs, I limit how much they play it and make sure they are either on their own to play or sharing nicely! I also sometimes add a bit of self-control in, so they have to do a sit and wait or another behaviour while I throw it before they can get it. This slows it all down but also ensures they are still listening to me and not just laser focused on the object.

Like most things in life, it is generally fine in moderation and with a bit of consideration of how you do it. But if your dog loves it, I certainly wouldn’t say don’t ever play it.

What are your thoughts on fetch?

Photos from abcdogswithkatie's post 18/06/2024

One to one dog training sessions available in person or online for any dog struggles you may have.

Morning sessions available in person, if near Alhaurín el Grande, as the heat is building up here in Spain!
On line sessions available at any time, from anywhere 😊

Here are some reviews from a couple of customers ☺️ check out my page for more.

Send me a message to get started with your dog.


Does your dog do something that really annoys you? A bad habit you just wish they didn't do? 

Well, what would you like them to do instead? Often this is a good way of looking at a problem. 

Bobby loves the swimming pool, and if people are in it he will run around it and get over excited, barking and pacing if he can't get in the pool. We do sometimes let him in but it's not always practical. 

The main question I asked myself was what would I rather he do? And that is to be able to go to his boundary and stay there. 

When you flip it round to what you do want rather than what you don't want it can be easier to see what the solution is. 

Another example is if your dog pulls on lead, you don't want them pulling but what do you want? Probably for them to choose to walk close to you. Therefore work on proximity and value for your dog to be near you. 

Have a go at this and share what it is you want your dog to do instead of what you don't want them to do! 


Last week we talked about how much sleep for your dog, but how about where does your dog sleep?

Well….Ava does sleep in our bed! I never thought I would let a dog in my bed, but now I wouldn’t have it any other way! I enjoy the snuggles with her and her warmth (most the time!)!

The two boys sleep in another room and are in crates (controversial for some I know). Up until now they wouldn’t settle overnight if left to their own devices. They sleep very well in the crates and we let them out in the morning as soon as we hear them stir (which usually is about 7.30 – 8.00am). We have started leaving the crate doors unlocked so they can get out when they want but they are still sleeping in them all night. Now they seem to be able to settle we will soon take out the crates and let them choose between the couches and dog beds we have.

Here in Spain, I know a lot of people with outside dogs. Even when they have tried to keep them inside, the dog has chosen to go and sleep outside.

Some people think it is crazy to have your dog in your bed, some think a crate is wrong, some can’t understand a dog being left outside. But as long as your dog is happy, safe and comfortable and getting the sleep they need then do what works for you.

So where does your sleep?


1 space left in group dog class starting this Saturday at 9.30 Posh Pets Spain (Alhuarin el Grande) for 4 weeks. Only €60 Euros.

If you have a puppy or a dog that hasn't had much training or just needs a little reminder come along. It is a fun and relaxed class where I will teach you some games to help your dog with life skills.

Send me a message to find out more or reserve your space.

Photos from abcdogswithkatie's post 07/06/2024

All prepped for the Summer Fayre tomorrow at the Coín Carvery in aid of Pawsawhile Dog Rescue ,if local come see me and support the charity 😊

Had to do a practice set up in the house!

I've got a few snuffle mats and tug toys for sale you can find out about the next set of classes, something new coming in September and get a discount on lessons or classes. Bring your dog and they can have a go at Paws up and a scent game.

Hopefully see you there from 10.


Did you know puppies should get around 20 hours sleep and rest every day. So that means they should only be awake for about 4 hours in any 24 hour period. And even adult dogs, generally do best on 16 hours or more.

Now, all dogs are different and once your dog is an adult, they will fit around your routine and sleep when they can. But if you do find you have a behaviour struggle with your dog it is worth looking at how much rest they get.

When a client tells me their puppy is very bitey or their dog is always barking one of my first questions is how much sleep or rest time do they get. And a lot of the time it is not enough. Even something as simple as getting them to chill for a little while with a long lasting chew in a quiet spot once a day can improve the situation dramatically and help them "switch off".

Maybe try keeping a diary of how much sleep your dog gets in a day - is it more or less than you thought?

Here in Spain the weather is heating up and I notice that the dogs are sleeping more and going outside less so it is important to let them have that rest time.

I remember when we first got Ava as a 4 month old puppy, she was sleeping so much that I thought she was depressed and unhappy!! If your dog isn’t eating, out on a walk, going to the loo or having a little active time – they should be asleep!

Does your dog have an off switch?


Yes! I do always have treats on me.

I often get asked this by clients, “when can I stop giving treats”. Well, why do you need to stop? If they respond to the rewards and listen better then I would rather have the reward on me.

It is important that your dog will respond to you without food as well.

I have forgotten my treats sometimes and actually Ava is very good at responding even without them. I will often ask her for a few behaviours at home with no food on me to test how she responds – she finds doing the behaviour rewarding in itself so she will still do it (and it has such a strong history of being rewarded).

I tend to always reward a recall, to keep that positive association up for coming back to me. And on most walks I will be doing little games, asking for behaviours throughout to keep the dogs’ focus on me and reminding them that being close to me is fun! It is important to let them have a bit of freedom and go and sniff and explore but it is nice to know that when you call them they will come back to you (or even better do self check-ins so you hardly have to recall them anyway).

Do you always have treats on you?


For local followers, I will be at the Fayre, selling some snuffle mats and dog toys, with some games for dogs and kids to take part in! Come along and support the charity.

As you probably already know our next fundraiser is our Summer Fayre on Saturday 8th June. If you are able to come along and support us please do. We have an amazing selection of stalls to tempt you with their products and I will post more details about this in a few days. I might even have a surprise for you, just trying to organise at the moment. 😉😉😉
We will also have our popular tombola stall and a raffle all to raise funds. If anyone has any items for the tombola or is able to donate a raffle prize we would be so grateful, please let me know. We hope to raise enough from this event to cover Pia's vet bill and a little more if possible to enable us to help more puppies. Thank you. X😊🐾🐾


Training update.

2 weeks in. Trying to do the game in different locations. And in places where they find it hard to disengage.

For Cactus, that's along the fence line, as he likes to be our scary guard dog when people and dogs go by and barks and howls at them! We have found he is easier to call away now and calms down quicker.

Bobby's tough spot is around the swimming pool. He gets so excited about getting in and then doesn't want to get out. But he is definitely listening to us more.

It is important to do the games in different locations to generalise them for your dog so they work better in real life when you really need those skills.

1 week to go. This has really motivated me so I'll be doing it again after this has finished with a different focus.

Photos from abcdogswithkatie's post 17/05/2024

Group Dog Classes in June. Dates are set and places are filling up. These will be the last classes before the Summer.

Saturday class starts at Posh Pets Spain (AEG) 15th June at 9.30 for 4 weeks (€60)
Tuesday class starts at Woofylandia (AEG) on 18th June at 4pm for 6 weeks (€100).

They are both similar beginner classes but will run at different paces and hopefully one of these suits your diary and budget.

Get in touch if you would like to know more or book a space. If there are time slots that would work better for you then let me know, if I get enough interest in one I can run another class.


For most people the answer is going to be yes, and if I am honest I have to say yes too. I know, that I shouldn’t because it is not helpful and doesn't teach them anything – but I am human. Your dog may act like they are feeling guilty but they are just reacting to your loud, unusual noise.

It usually happens when I am a bit stressed or tired, trying to concentrate on something and one of the dogs does something that interrupts me (usually barking). Very quickly I stop and then feel terrible and guilty and go over and give them cuddles!

When you have more than one dog I find the others tend to cower away as well – they don’t know I am only shouting at the “naughty” one!

So if you do catch your dog doing something undesirable try and take a second and a breath and ask them to do something else instead, or move away and get some space!

In a quieter moment, think about what caused that situation and try and work out how to avoid it or skill your dog up to cope with what triggered them better.

How do you deal with your dog when they do something you would rather they didn’t?


Friday Focus

It may surprise you to know that I don’t brush my dogs’ teeth.

Due to a dog’s mouth being more alkaline than humans, plaque is more likely to build up in their mouth. This can lead to tartar, unhealthy gums and bad breath so it is important to keep them clean!

I did try brushing Ava’s teeth at first, but she wasn’t keen, it was easy to forget to do it, and it is even harder when you have multiple dogs.

I go for the more natural approach. There are various foods that help keep your dog’s mouth clean. Things like parsley, fennel, dill and peppermint can help. You can use any leftovers from when you buy these products and put some in your dogs food or add them into homemade treats. Save broccoli stems or some carrot and let them have a chew on them.
Give your dogs dried tripe, raw bones or treats with fur on (like rabbits ears).

When at the vet for another reason, ask them to have a check of your dogs teeth (they probably will anyway).

It is often the case as a dog gets older their teeth get worse so you can then add supplements to their food as well to help even more.

As always, every dog is different, so be aware of any allergies, needing to supervise your dog when eating certain things, or particular dental issues.

How do you keep your dog’s teeth clean? Any tips for me?

Photos from abcdogswithkatie's post 09/05/2024

Do you have any struggles with your dog?

Are they a little over friendly when they say hello to people? Do they drag you along on a walk? Are you worried they may not come back when called?

Would you like to improve the struggles while having fun and strengthening your bond?

Get in touch with me to have a chat about how best I can help you, whether that is an in person lesson, on line or a group class.


Do you have a dog struggle? Do they take you for a walk rather than you taking them? Can you let them off lead knowing that they will come back to you? Can they greet other dogs and people nicely?

If you would like help in these areas or any others then get in touch with me and I can explain how I use positive methods and games to help all while strengthening your relationship.

I can come to you if you are local or we can do an online session if you are not.

Videos (show all)

Dog trainer
Agility coming soon.Another teaser for you with a better look at the agility equipment available in the classes and less...
I love getting kids involved in training the dogs. And often the best way to get them interested is doing new behaviours...
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Pretty much just wanted an excuse to use the Paws Up sticker I've just seen on another dog trainers page!I love a Paws U...
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Now I have my agility equipment in the garden I try and do a litttle something with Ava each morning.I'd seen this littl...
Last of our group dog class today. These three did so well over 4 weeks, learning lots of new games, skills and tricks a...
Forward FocusThis is a handy technique to teach your dogs for when you need to handle them. You can use it for nail clip...
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My dogs love sniffing a treat out of a sniffy mat. Sniffing is great for dogs and this is a fun way to give them some en...