Holistic Solutions LLC

Holistic Solutions LLC

𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚢 ༄

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 16/08/2022

How much space do your carve out to be present with yourself?

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 14/08/2022

When you build out your list of priorities, where do you fall on it?

Are you on it at all?

You’re making ripples every day, even when you don’t realize it.

When you step i to self-leadership and choose to prioritize your joy, your radiance, your satisfaction, and your overall wellness, it ripples outward.

I personally love inspiring others by way of living a life that lights me up.

How delicious is that?

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 14/08/2022

When you build out your list of priorities, where do you fall on it?

Are you on it at all?

You’re making ripples every day, even when you don’t realize it.

When you step into self-leadership and choose to prioritize your joy, your radiance, your satisfaction, and your overall wellness, it ripples outward.

I personally love inspiring others by way of living a life that lights me up.

How delicious is that?


I keep getting lost in a daydream.

Twirling in the grass. Wandering through the forest, collecting treasures to make magick wands. Yoga with a view of the beautiful pond down the hill. Sacred women’s circles, connecting from the depths of our feminine essence. Dancing and moving with music that speaks to our inner wild woman. Reclaiming our womb space, our witchiness, our pleasure, our sensuality. Enjoying delicious meals from the organic garden on the property. Galavanting in the sand on the shores of Lake Michigan. Healing sisterhood wounds at the CORE. Remembering the sanctity of connecting with other women and holding one another at our highest.

🤩 WOOF 🤩

This is an actual dream come true for me.

I’ve wanted to host a retreat for five years - before I even knew what the heck I was doing with my life. Back when I was still lost in the depths of despair around being a speech therapist.

I wanted to host a retreat deep within my bones. I knew it would happen one day.

This is going to be an experience of a lifetime.

The space I hold is magickal. Truly. If you know, you know.

To be able to hold that same sacred space in this capacity is absolutely mindblowing. And I am over the moon about it.

There are only three spots left.

If one of them is yours, I trust you to make the empowerd decision to say yes to yourself.

It’s just $999 for the entire experience, including food and drinks (at the venue). This is at least a $3k value, but I want it to be accessible, especially in our current financial state in the US.

For those who fly in, I’m personally picking you up from the Chicago airport. 🥰


DM me if it’s speaking to you. 💛


My self leadership is what allows me to lead you from an embodied space.

Every time I keep a promise to myself, honor my boundaries, listen to my gut, respect my health & wellness, move my body, connect to my inner wisdom, and make space for my own evolution, I sink even further into a space of embodied leadership.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕀 𝕒𝕞, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦.

Sami () and I met in Colombia, and this sentiment is something we connected on. We are both so deeply committed to and passionate about embodiment, pleasure, sensuality, authenticity, and alignment, and we know the way these aspects of Self directly impact our business.

We met and knew there was something special between us.

Were we meant to trade services? Were we meant to travel together? Maybe! Yes and yes!


After connecting further after Colombia, we realized… holy smokes… we’re meant to CREATE and LEAD together!

It started with our monthly women’s circle, Radiate (have you been!? It’s incredible) and then evolved into this new delicious offer we have percolating.

We combine both of our unique approaches to business and embodiment and create a safe and authentic space for expansion, evolution, and embodied business & leadership. 🤤

So, stay tuned. Something yummy is coming.

(If you don’t like waiting and want to know now, you can DM either one of us 💛).

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 02/08/2022

I started feeling guilty yesterday when I realized I hadn’t posted on here in a while.

So I let myself get curious about why.

Where is this guilt coming from?

What is it trying to tell me?

The answer is clear - I don’t want to let you down.

There’s a part of me that feels like I’m not embodying my leadership “well enough” if I’m not consistent.

That I’m not proving myself to be a trustworthy leader and mentor.

And then I giggled.

Trustworthiness, for me, comes from authenticity and integrity.

If I post out of obligation or fear of letting y’all down, I’m not doing that from a place of desire.

And I am devoted to operating from a space of desire.

Devotion > obligation.

So in actuality, I’m deepening trust with my soul-aligned humans by honoring my compleeeete lack of desire to dig for something to post about.

Because I’m being true to me.

Therefore being honest with you.

I am not available for pushing, forcing, or “finding something to make profound”.

I am simply not available for it.

I am available, though, for soaking up the beauty of life, and checking in here when I feel the sacral tug.

This is my mission. To lead from a space of truth, and to show you that it’s not only possible but beauuuutiful to lead a life that is in devotion to your unique needs, desires, and values.

We don’t have to hustle, grind, self-abandon, force, and/or people-please. The paradigm is shifting. I invite you to lean into the new way.

Sami from and I have this deliiiiiicious mastermind coming up where we guide you into this same approach to your business, connecting dots and finding satisfaction and joy and pleasure in the mission you’re leading. No waitlists, early bird, this or that. Just invitations to those who feel it. A warm and open invitation.

Let us know if that’s you. 💛

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 28/07/2022

I’m just over here soaking it all up.

Something I’ve learned about myself over the past couple of years is that I’m wiggly.

I’m multi-passionate.

I love all the things.

I remember being really frustrated by this in regards to my business, like I had to “niche down” and “figure it out”.

Have you felt that way? Like you need to clarify your mission and pinpoint your magick and medicine in order to “succeed”?

Spoiler alert!

You don’t. You really don’t!

The more I lean into my joy, my radiance, my WHY, my desire, and my needs, the clearer my path becomes.

The more magnetic I feel.

The more aligned my vision and my mission become.

Things just keep falling into place.

People keep falling from the sky.

My community is expanding at the same rate as my joy.

And I STILL feel unclear on how to describe “what I do”. 😅

And it doesn’t matter.

All I can really say for sure is that I’m focusing on HOW I BE.

Follow your tugs. Trust yourself. Honor your joy. Align to your own medicine.

If this is confusing or unclear to you, start small. Do one little thing each day that is in devotion to YOU and watch it build on itself.

I started with flossing. 🦷

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 27/07/2022

My partner’s daughters wanted to have a women’s circle together in our front yard.

They decided we should also hold a ceremony for my friend who passed on the 4th.

His one daughter said to me, “Tell us more about how women’s bodies are so special and how we’re all so beautiful” and I had a big ol’ emotional response. I love how children pick up on these things. They really are always listening.

How beautiful is the child’s soul!? To desire this depth of connection and be so tender and curious. 🥹

They caught me in this moment in the first photo of me sending intentions into the flower for Bryan and then decided to do the same.

Parenting can be tough, but woof, it sure can be beautiful, too.

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 24/07/2022

I’m hosting my first retreat!

And I kind of sort of can’t believe it. This is something that’s been percolating for a lonnnnng time.

I saw the vision, but I didn’t see the path to it straight away.

I always knew I wanted to host retreats.

As a speech-lnaguage pathologist, I had no idea what that would look like.

I figured the only way to make that happen was to get my yoga teacher cert and do a yoga retreat.

It’s wild to reflect on how much has changed since then that I would have never ever imagined.

When I started working with my first mentor, I had no idea what I wanted to “do with my life”.

Shout out to .dufresne !

All I knew was I wanted to help people, and I wanted to host retreats. That was it!

I had my Reiki attunement and was doing speech therapy and just knew those weren’t “it”.

There was something else, I could feel it.

My path got clearer with every aligned action step I took.

Every time I followed that intuitive nudge, even if it didn’t make sense, clarity came.

New opportunities presented themselves.

Downloads came through.

New connections popped into my life.

Little by little, the dots continued to connect.

And *p**f*! Here I am! Living out my purpose and loving every single aspect of it.

And! I’m hosting my first retreat!

It feels surreal!

I daydream about these women’s circles, energy healing, yoga sessions, womb reclamation sessions, hiking adventures, and lifelong connections and I get so emotional.

I get to guide a group of women, IN PERSON, on magickal land, into their wildest and most liberated expression!

You get to make your own dreams come true.

But I recommend letting it unfold.


One aligned step at a time.

You don’t have to *make* it happen.

You can watch it happen while living a life that actually feels like YOURS.

The rest follows suit 🥰

PS - if you want details on the retreat, DM me!

Spots are being claimed and as it stands, we seem to only have three remaining! 🤩



This amazing human is celebrating her solar return today and I am sooo excited about it!
r.i.t.t.sullivan is one of the greatest humans I know. I can hardly believe we’ve only spent one week together in person, given that we voice note virtually all day every day and have for two years now 😅

Brittney, you’re one of the best friends I have ever had and you have witnessed me evolve through some wild times, and vice versa. Your endless support is so cherished and I am so so grateful for you. 💛

Happy friggin’ burfdayyyyy 💃💃💃


How are you living?

What do you long for?

What inspires you?

What are your values?

How do you access your joy?

What does connection mean to you?

Do you do what lights you up?

Are you connected to your desires?

Are you connected to your body?

How do you make ripples in the world?

Are you safe space for loved ones?

What makes you laugh so hard your cheeks hurt?

Do you feel safe asking for what you crave?

Your s/exiness is so much more than your appearance.

Your body is the least interesting thing about you.

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 13/07/2022

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn. Here’s a vulnerable share from yours truly.

Are you consciously writing your own story?

Are you aware that there may be conditioned beliefs or misaligned parts that may be running the show without you even realizing it?

Are you expressing what it is you TRULY desire?

I want to inspire you to have that uncomfortable conversation. To tap inro your truth, your needs, your desires - and to let them be heard.

I invite you to TRUST that the people in your world can hold this space for you and meet you where you are.


Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 05/07/2022

Things are shifting as my energy gets clearer and clearer.

Swipe through for deets. 💛

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 02/07/2022

Before signing off for the next few days, I wanted to share this that I shared with one of my (unbelievably amazing) 1:1 clients.

Times are weird.

Division is amplified.

I believe in the power of staying in your center and honoring your own needs, values, & desires without feeling the need to impose them upon others.

I believe in the power of declaring what you aren’t available for and standing strong in that.

Find that space of human connection, beyond the separation, if you can.

If you can’t, disengage.

Stay in your power.

See y’all in a bit!

Signing off. xoxo


PSA: Your embodiment journey isn’t an obligation.

You don’t *have* to do any of it!

I work with soo many women who feel like they *have* to do morning rituals, meditation, ceremonies, content creation, journaling practices, movement practices, etc. - and then guess what happens.

Resentment starts to kick in.

Frustration ensues.

Annoyance and irritability surface.

And suddenly a path that once felt magnetic and aligned and purposeful suddenly starts to feel as draining as that toxic 9-5.

I have great news!

You GET to shift your energy around this.

You GET to choose HOW you show up for yourself!

Truly, it can be as simple as a mindset shift.

Devotion > Obligation

I always invite the humans I serve in 1:1 capacity to start their day with connection to their OWN energy. In bed. Before they reach for their phone and get lost in Scrollville (we all do it).

Breathe into your sacral. Connect to your body’s wisdom. Slow down youe breath and be present with your energy.

And tell yourself, “I get to deepen my connection to my own essence today” with this energy -> 🤩

Even if it feels silly at first, you have the ability to rewire your mind through intentionality, consistency, repetition, and audacity.

Rewriting the patterns we are all so familiar with around being irritated or annoyed by obligations and feeling glorified in how busy we are takes TIME, AND it takes DEVOTION.

Zoom out. Observe your own patterns. Make choices that will align you to who you know you’re meant to be.

💃 Self-leadership, babyyyy 💃

Applications for my mastermind for feminine leaders, WayShowers, are still open and early bird pricing goes through June 30th!

Link in bio to apply. 💛


The patriarchy will crumble as more humans embody their authenticity.

There is no other way.

The more we stand together, empower ourselves and one another, and get into communion with our core essence - the more we dismantle constructs that we’re indoctrinated into and realize that our power is in our wild feminine essence - the less of a leg the patriarchy has to stand on.

When you start to own your bigness, take up space, state your needs, & clarify your boundaries, it gives other humans permission to do the same.

You make ripples.

You are a born leader.

I can hardly wrap my mind around the grief our country has faced from the beginning and continues to face, even with access to so much knowledge and information right at our fingertips. The ignorance I am witnessing is unfathomable. People keep their constructed blinders on and scream somebody else’s words from rooftops.

I wish I knew the answer to a quick solution, but I don’t.

All I know is that the change I desire starts with me.

And with you.

With us.

And I intend to create waves. To move mountains.

I want every human with a womb to wake up to the power and sovereignty that is so alive within them.

I invite you to join me.

In WayShowers, this is what we do.

We go deep into womb reclamation and feminine energetics, exploring the depth and beauty of feminine empowerment and authentic leadership. We cultivate an unf**kwithable sense of self-knowing. We begin to speak from our wombs. We lead with pleasure and embodied sensuality.

We embrace our WayShower nature and step into this role, unapologetically.

If it speaks to you, the link to apply is in my bio.

We truly do rise together, and now, more than ever, we need to cultivate an unshakable relationship with our core essence and empower our authentic voices.

F•ck the patriarchy.

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 24/06/2022

Morning reflections & an invitation 🌻

I am in absolute awe of this life.

Life is a gift.

This is a bit of the undertone of WayShowers.

This mastermind is a hybrid journey of embodiment mentorship, embodiment practices, and 1:1.

It’s truly a holistic journey into your limitless potential.

You are a born leader. WayShowers is an experience that liberates you from limiting beliefs around that and into an embodied expression of YOUR unique leadership.

This is for you if you:
𖦹 Know you’re a wayshower and a chain-breaker and are ready to EMBRACE this truth
𖦹 Are new-ish to your business or leadership role and are craving more alignment and YOU in your mission
𖦹 Have been in business or leadership for a while and feel like you’re operating from more masculine structures and are desiring more feminine energetics (trust, flow, pleasure, intuition, play)
𖦹 Are desiring a supportive sisterhood to inspire you and hold space for you as you begin to move mountains
𖦹 Feel the tug to embrace your leadership and your vision and want to follow your inspiration and step into who you know you’re meant to be

It’s going to be life-changing.

If this speaks to you, you can apply by clicking the link in my bio.



Why high level mentorship, and why in a mastermind?

Ouuuf, where do I even begin!?

I remember living in Portland, OR & feeling this perpetual sense of absolute inspiration. Even just walking in my neighborhood lit me up, and I was soo frustrated because I had no clue where to direct this inspo.

I was working as a speech therapist and felt so misaligned and knew I was meant for something different, but I kept getting lost in the spiral of uncertainty.

“What am I here for!? What is my purpose!? I know it’s something beautiful, but I have no idea what!”

It was honestly exhausting, and I felt stuck in a loop.

It wasn’t until I said yes to high level mentorship and worked with a woman who was doing something I didn’t even know was possible that my own potentiality really started to sink in.

I had no clue I could make my own rules. I had *absolutely* no clue I could make money from embracing my zone of genius (which happens to be space holding and mentorship).

I have said yes to high level mentorship over and over since that time, almost three years ago, and continue to tap even further into my own limitless potential.

Having space held for me by women who make their own dreams come true and forming literal BEST friendships with women in these same spaces (even not having met in person) has been everything.

Every day I am reminded of how to creatively show up to share my medicine.

MY unique medicine.

Not what I see others doing that I feel like I “should” or “could” do. But my own - I am inspired every day to lead from desire & passion and alignment.

I am inspired by women all around me who are also inspired by me.

I am more connected to my SELF than ever before.

I have more aligned, true, deep connections with powerful women than I ever knew possible (I used to really struggle with female relationships).

AND I trust myself and my magick more than I ever before.

I am here to do the same for you. To connect you with your soul family & your limitless potential while helping you discover blind spots & anchor into your TRUTH.

To guide you into embodied leadership.

Apply for WayShowers and get in on this magick.

We rise together.

Link in bio 💃


Lift the veil & liberate yourself.

You’re a born leader. You know you’re a WayShower - a ripple maker - a chain breaker.

You feel it in your bones.

I know you feel it, because I felt that, too.

A visceral sensation that I was here for something big.

For me, it was clouded with self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and the social construct that embracing this inner tug would be silly, irresponsible, too risky, selfish, arrogant, and all the other things powerful women are taught to believe in this society.

But even through the cloudiness and self doubt and fear of failure (and success), I KNEW.

I am a WayShower. And so are you.

I believe every single woman is a leader.

I brought my mastermind, WayShowers, to life to invite you into the journey of liberation.

I invite you to lift the veil. To begin to embrace and OWN your big vision, your purpose, and your power.

This is a four-month journey into feminine energetics, trusting and following your intuition, embodying confidence and magnetism, gaining clarity on your vision, and coming into communion with the wisdom of your body so she can be your greatest ally in your leadership.

This is going to be a blend of mentorship and embodiment work.

Two live mentorship calls each month.
One live sensual embodiment call each month.
Voxer support Monday through Friday.
One 1:1 with me to deep dive.
Access to all things I launch live during this journey.
Sisterhood that will rock your world.
Lifetime access to the recordings of all of the calls.

So abundant. So beautiful. I am so unbelievably excited to be bringing this to you.

If you feel the tug and want to learn more, DM me “curious!”

If you know this is what you want, you can apply by clicking the link in my bio.

Early bird savings of $500 ends soon!!

Ladies, we truly do rise together.



Embodying my sensual nature completely transformed my leadership.

I felt pretty confident in how I led myself and others prior to womb reclamation and sensual embodiment, but something felt “off”… like it was just out of reach.

I had no clue that connecting to the wisdom of my body and honoring the sanctity of my womb would allow to drop even further into embodied leadership.

What changed?

𖦹More self trust.
𖦹More surrender.
𖦹More trust in the Universe.
𖦹More self knowing.
𖦹More certainty and clarity.
𖦹A deeper connection to my gifts.
𖦹More comfort in embracing my power.
𖦹More curiosity about my potential.
𖦹And, most mystifying and wondrous - more ability to serve from a heart-centered space.

Leading from this embodied space has been incredible.

I *deeply* believe that feminine leadership and authentic expression requires connection to and reclamation of the womb space and the sacral chakra.

This is the seat of the Divine Feminine. The home of sensuality and sėxuality. The governess of emotionality and creativity.

In my mastermind, WayShowers, not only do you journey through mentorship around feminine energetics & shadow work - you’re also guided through Sensual Somatic embodiment practices that allow you to connect to and reclaim your feminine essence and intuition.

This four-month journey will be a portal into expansion, self-awareness, embodied leadership, and intentionality.

If you feel called to join us, you can apply by clicking the link in my bio. 💛

We rise together. 🌻


From my soul to yours, I believe in your innate leadership.

I am deeply devoted to my own self-leadership AND to guiding you into yours.

You don’t have to be a coach or an entrepreneur to be a feminine leader. You just ARE. Just as you are.

And the more easily you can lean into that and embody it, the more you can create the impact you know you were here to create.

Join us in my mastermind, WayShowers, to deepen your self-trust, self-leadership, sensuality, and authentic expression (and so much more).

Join the waitlist by clicking the link in my bio.

There is no obligation to join when doors open, but being on the waitlist does you get you a juicy $1k discount PLUS additional 1:1 support with me. 💃💃💃

We rise together. 🌻


I believe every single woman is a leader. We’ve just been conditioned to feel separate from this truth.

Some of us lead movements on a bigger scale, and it feels like that can cast a shadow on other forms of leadership that are equally valuable and so, so important.

We lead movements in our community. We lead movements in our families. We lead movements in the world around us by creating ripples with the way we live our lives, the decisions we make, and boundaries we set, the things we teach, and so much more.

It’s so easy to feel disconnected from our innate leadership. It’s so easy to feel almost intimidated by our own power.

I believe that women reclaiming their leadership and their power is what will save the world.

Alignment. Authenticity. Embodiment. Balance. Impact.

This is why I do what I do. This is the movement I am here to lead.

In my upcoming mastermind, WayShowers, these are the values we’ll be focusing in on. It will be a reclamation of feminine power, intuition, leadership, and embodiment.

If it’s speaking to you, the waitlist is OPEN!

Getting on the waitlist does NOT obligate you to sign up, but it DOES get you $1k off the overall investment AND additional 1:1 support with me throughout the journey. 💛

Link in bio to join the waitlist. 😘

Photos from Holistic Solutions LLC's post 26/05/2022

I never thought I’d be who I am today.

I had no clue how much sovereignty existed within me.

I didn’t realize I was capable of making my own dreams come true.

Mentorship literally pulled me out of a rut I felt eternally stuck in.

And I am here to do the same exact thing for you!

This 1:1 journey will be an intuitively led period of absolute alchemy for you.

I’ll meet you exactly where you are and we’ll deep dive into where you want to be. 🤤

I’ll help you see your blind spots and empower you to lean into discomfort that we both know will foster so much growth and alignment.

I’ll guide you into deeper communion with your body and her wisdom so you can begin to cultivate a life of intuitive knowing and embodied sovereignty.

This is typically a $2500 experience, but I feel a stronnnnnng sacral tug to offer it for $1777.

Times are weird. The world is on fire. I want to be in your back pocket, supporting you through it all.

Four 90-minute calls, daily Voxer support (voice notes), and access to my womb space healing + yoni dearmoring PDFs. Mmmmm 😏

$1777 deal ends Monday! Jump on it. 💃💃💃

Apply via the link in my bio 💛


TW: loss — This photo was taken just moments before my uncle passed away.

This is something I haven’t really talked about here, but it’s an incredibly important part of my journey, so here we go.

In this photo, I was in the room with him. My sister, my “step-uncle”, and I had been alternating being with him in his final days. It was not pretty.

On the day of this photo, October 18, 2021, it was my “shift” and my uncle was peaceful. He wasn’t fighting anymore. And I sat with him. I told him it was okay to let go. I held space and shared space.

I took a few moments to go down to the café to get a coffee, asked the nurse to stay with him while I was out of the room, and by the time I returned, his spirit had left his body. He was gone.

They say this happens a lot, that folks will wait until their loved ones leave the room to pass over.

There is something so beautiful about that to me.

My uncle was like a father to me. My own father wasn’t around, and while my uncle was definitely rough around the edges and difficult to be around a lot of the time and had a LOT of unresolved trauma, he really did love me like I was his own.

When he passed, and when he did so in the moments I wasn’t in the room, something changed inside of me.

I realized if one can be that intentional on their death bed, why in the world aren’t we being more intentional in our waking lives?!

I turned my whole business upside down and started to focus on what really lit me up and to follow my intuition in my business endeavors.

Sensuality. Embodiment. Leadership. Empowerment. LIBERATION.

There’s more to the story of my uncle that I won’t get into here, but I will say that his passing symbolized the closing of a pretty complex chapter for my family.

It’s so wild to think of how much has shifted within me since then and the shifts that are yet to come. The lives I have impacted and the lives I’ll continue to impact. The ripples we’re making by choosing authenticity, liberation, and intuition over codependency, people-pleasing, and playing small.

A big ol’ shoutout to my Uncle Jimmy. A man of absolute duality.

Love y’all. Thanks for being here, it truly means the world to me 🙏🏻💛


The wind was blowing in my hair.

The sand was squeaky under my feet.

My heart was overflowing with acknowledgment of my limitless potential.

I literally felt like I could fly.

I realized that I’d never had experienced this if I hadn’t begun following my intuitive nudges several years ago.

When I first began the journey of honoring my intuition, I could never have imagined my life being as it is now.

Everything is so wildly different. That used to scare me - not knowing what “everything will change” meant - but I knew where I was wasn’t where I was meant to be. In every sense.

Is my response to my intuitive guidance perfect? Nope! I am SUCH a human and am still cultivating a relationship with my Ego that feels nourishing. We’re getting there. 😏

It’s a a journey.

Releasing social constructs and learning to trust your SELF and your own inner guidance can be tough - we’ve been taught to outsource for direction since the day we were born.

But yo, I am TELLING you - you have everything thing you need within you. I believe this with all of my being.

It’s just a matter of excavating and deconstructing a bit so you can get to the core essence of YOU - delicious, glorious, powerful you. 🤤

In my masterclass, Intuition: An Embodied Experience, I’ll be guiding you through a deeply devotional sensual somatic experience using techniques I’ve learned with paired with my unique medicine to bring you into COMMUNION with your body.

Your body is the vessel through which your intuition speaks. If you’re disconnected from her, how can you hear your intuitive calls?

AND if you want to dive even deeper into your intuitive knowing and are leading a mission or a vision or a movement, Intuitively You is a four-part mini-course with four live calls where you’ll begin to weave embodiment and intuition into your leadership.

It’s just $44 through Sunday, then rises to $88, then $22 on Tuesday. You do not want to miss this - seriously. 🤩

Links in bio, you incredible human with all of the potential you could ever imagine and more 😘

Videos (show all)

From my soul to yours, I believe in your innate leadership.I am deeply devoted to my own self-leadership AND to guiding ...
My connection with my clients is so, so deep.I find myself completely in awe of them. Of their devotion to their own inn...
It’s fall, y’all.This is the season in which I lean into release. Like the trees release their leaves, I release that wh...
Are you connected to your crown chakra?You can also ask yourself:Do I have a consistent meditation practice?Do I feel co...
- Healing Through Community -Today, Matt Foley (@apathtocallyourown) interviewed me as a guest on his podcast. We starte...
- HOW I STARTED MAKING MY OWN DREAMS COME TRUE - Not even two years ago, I was living so far out of alignment that I was...
Instagram hiatuuuus because it feels nourishing for my soul.Email me if you have any Qs about Cultivating Inner Harmony ...
- EXPANSION - I have been feeling some wild shifts lately. I’m experiencing growth in places I’ve been tending to for so...
I am feeling such an overwhelming sense of gratitude and alignment today. I am feeling so connected to my purpose and th...