Greymond Scyther

Greymond Scyther

Hi, I am Greymond Scyther. Please call me Greymond because is easier this way.

When you playing siege with low spec pc (当你用烂电脑来玩R6) 11/07/2021

Another new siege video is up!! Please do support!! Subscribe, Like and Share to your friends :D

When you playing siege with low spec pc (当你用烂电脑来玩R6) Another siege video. ENJOY!! :D又是另一个R6的视频. 请欣赏!! :DFollow me HERE:Twitch - -

Rainbow Six Siege - Golden Gun Arcade 15/05/2021

Uploaded a new video after 3 months. Please do support!! :D

Rainbow Six Siege - Golden Gun Arcade Sorry for the late upload. I was busy these few months but I am back. Recently Rainbow Six Siege had a new mode called "Golden Gun Arcade" which is quite fun...