Empower You

Empower You

Empowering busy entrepreneurs to maximise their wealth by focusing on their health


Saturday 4th may
All abilities and fitness levels welcome!
You do not have to come with someone to join in.
Hill park (off dore avenue) portchester
Boxercise class for 1hr then walk/drive down to the Precinct to the porticullis tap house for coffee/tea and cake, socialising with everyone that turns up!

Limited spaces available - message me to book and I'll send you the link to pay. Ticket covers the class, coffee/tea & cake. Any soft drinks or more drinks will have to be paid for separately:)!


Valentines day - what do you get your partner instead of chocolate if they’re eating healthy?

Well, of course there’s the traditional gift of roses but they don’t show much thought.

If your loved one is trying to make healthier choices with their food, you might want to avoid the champagne, creamy sauces and, indulgent puddings and so on that often feature on a Valentine’s Day menu.

Others opt for a takeaway to avoid restaurants on Valentine’s Day as the cost can be prohibitive and a venue packed full to the brim isn’t very romantic anyway.

But both these options could have downsides if your partner is trying to eat healthily.

Why not cook a tasty and delicious meal at home instead?

It shows you’ve taken time to plan the menu, go shopping and spend time in the kitchen - what could be more thoughtful and loving that’s that?

And you can save yourself a few ££s as well.

What’s the best homemade meal you’ve ever eaten and who cooked it?

Photos from Empower You's post 05/02/2024

We are looking for 5 women entrepreneurs that are wanting to improve their health to maximise their wealth!

If you are;
✨committed to making change
✨able to have weekly coaching calls
✨able to be coached
✨ready to get pushed outside your comfort zone…

Then we can help!

Comment ‘IM IN’ below and we will be contacting you today. Check your DM’s and message requests regularly so you don’t miss out 🙌🏼

Are you ready to make a change?


Have you heard about getting 10,000 steps in a day?

You might have a sedentary job, work crazy long hours and think ‘how am I going to hit that many steps a day?!’

Firstly, there is nothing magical about the number 10k. It’s just a number that is thrown around and we are all expected to hit it.

If you want to move more, the most important thing is moving more than you do now, not necessarily hitting 10k steps.

10k might never be achievable and that’s OK!

If you are quite sedentary, here are some tips on how to increase your daily movement;

✨Incorporate movement breaks - get up from your desk for 2-5 minutes every hour, stretch your legs and take a quick stroll around

✨Use a standing desk

✨Park further away from your office or get off a stop or too early if you catch the bus or train/tube

✨Get out for a short walk in your lunch break, even if it’s only 5 minutes

✨Take the stairs rather than a lift

✨Encourage walking meetings

What do you do to up your steps in the day?


You don’t have to wake up ridiculously early to be successful

You don’t have to be a morning person to be productive

You don’t have to have a crazy 10 step morning routine to have a great day

The best time of day to workout isn’t first thing in in the morning, it’s when and if you can fit it in

Don’t let people on social media influence you and when you can’t meet their expectations put you down!

We all live extremely different lives and what works for someone might not work for someone else

You have to find a rhythm and routine that works for you and your life

You can live your life to your fullest in your own way!


Do you find it hard to switch your brain off?
From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed your brain is constantly go go go…

Maybe you have your own business, work long hours, have a family etc…

I have been struggling with morning insomnia, I wake up and my mind is already racing around thinking of everything I need to do in the day.

When we are constantly running at 100mph, our cortisol levels can increase which can cause fatigue, irritability, headaches, anxiety, weight gain, low energy and struggling to concentrate. This can have a huge negative impact on not only our work life and productivity, but our personal lives. If we let this continue we can end up experiencing burn out, which then means we are no good to anyone!

I’m trying to take a few steps to slow down, reduce my cortisol levels and to feel slightly more at calm.

A few steps I have been taking are;

✨leaving my phone on the other side of the room and don’t touch it until I’m up and ready (this helps me to start the day more peaceful and less anxious trying to do everything before I’m even out of bed)

✨write my to do list the night before so when I log on to my computer in the morning, I have a clear plan of my day ahead, making me feel more organised

✨take moments in the day to breathe. I often try and fill every second with being productive but sometimes it’s okay to take a moment. I have been taking a few moments away from my desk and practicing 5 big deep breaths

✨getting outside in nature for at least a 10 minute walk without listening to anything or looking at my phone. This for me is active meditation which helps to clear my mind and process my thoughts

✨having boundaries around start and finish times at work. When you are your own boss it’s hard to switch off, but if I’m constantly thinking up until I go to sleep, I struggle to drift off. I put my phone on sleep mode a few hours before bed and let myself unwind.

These are all things I’m still working on, and i don’t always hit them all, but it’s a work in progress.

What helps you unwind?

Photos from Empower You's post 26/01/2024

A day of eating…

✨Breakfast - Protein overnight oats, pb & berries
✨Lunch - Turkey lasagne with salad
✨Snack - Chocolate quinoa bite
✨Dinner - Prawn pesto ravioli
✨Dessert - Dark chocolate with sea salt

Do you like these posts?

Photos from Empower You's post 25/01/2024

Are you a busy entrepreneur struggling with stress, poor health and fitness?

Have you been prioritising your business over your emotional and physical health?

I understand, I’ve been there, but what if you can have both? Health & a successful business & what if I take it a step further and tell you that there is a direct link ( & there are studies to back me up on this one) between wellbeing & success, the more you take care of your emotional & physical health the more your business thrives & the more money you make, a win-win right!

Here’s some of the benefits our clients experience

👉 Increased motivation & productivity

👉 Lower stress levels

👉 Better sleep

👉 Improved health & wellbeing

👉 Better work/life balance

👉 Increased happiness levels

👉 Increased revenue in their business

If you want to take your health and business to the next level then you’ve come to exactly the right place.

At Empower You, we understand the unique challenges faced by busy entrepreneurs trying to improve their health and fitness.

That’s why we offer tailored programs designed to fit your unique lifestyle, goals, and needs around the 3 core pillars of wellness: psychology, exercise & nutrition.

Our approach is simple: we start by assessing where you currently are with your wellbeing, health and fitness, then we work with you to create a program that’s just for you.

Now you may be thinking I don’t have time to fit in a program, that’s the beauty of what we do, the program is 100% online allowing our clients the freedom to fit it in around those million other tasks you have when you are running your own business.

We’ve already helped many clients achieve their wellness & business goals, and we can do the same for you.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a healthier you & a healthier business, drop me a message. I’d love to chat about your goals.

DM me to book your free discovery call & remember, a healthier you is a wealthier you!

Are you ready to make change?


You’re a female that is super busy, you might have your own business, or work crazy long hours at your job, you also might also have kids added into the mix!

You found my page because perhaps, you’re feeling a burnt out and struggling to prioritise yourself let alone your physical and mental health!

I wanted to explain who I am, what I do and how following my page can help you…

I had many years of working in an office, struggling to find my passion, but as I had always enjoyed exercise decided to train as a personal trainer. I started working on the gym floor and realised this is absolutely my passion, and started to feel that fire in my belly everyday coming to work.

Then lockdown happened… I started training clients online via zoom but also trained further in nutrition to become an online nutrition coach and since 2020 have helped hundreds, probably thousands of women improve the quality of their lives.

I know what it means to be busy, currently working for a business, and owning 2 companies, juggling the 3 jobs comes with it’s challenges.

Having experienced burnout myself, I know how exhausting and debilitating it can be.

I have joined forces with 2 incredible women, Aimee a personal trainer and Louise a qualified therapist to create a 12 week Empowerment program that helps women to build healthy habits into their daily lives, focusing on nutrition, exercise & mindset, to make sure they are focusing on their health to maximise their wealth!

If you want help maximising your wealth by focusing on your health, drop me a DM today saying ‘ME’.

Photos from Empower You's post 19/01/2024

A day of eating…

Yes I have the same thing everyday for breakfast 🙈

✨Breakfast - overnight oats
✨Lunch - Tuna mayo jacket potato with salad and protein shake
✨Dinner - Chicken satay
✨Snack - chocolate protein bite and caramel egg

Photos from Empower You's post 12/01/2024

A day of eating…
✨Breakfast - Overnight oats
✨Lunch - Chicken pesto pasta
✨Snack - Flapjack & satsuma
✨Dinner - Cheeseburger bowl
✨Dessert - Dark Chocolate

Photos from Empower You's post 08/01/2024

What I had for breakfast, lunch & dinner;
✨Breakfast - Protein soaked crumpets
✨Lunch - Focaccia sandwich (pesto, mozzarella, salami, rocket, tomatoes)
✨Dinner - Home-made flatbread pizza (chicken, cheese, tomatoes, Parma ham, peppers)
✨Snack - Cookie dough protein bite & chocolate ball

Photos from Empower You's post 22/12/2023

What I ate on one day this week…
✨Breakfast - Overnight oats with kefir yoghurt, berries and peanut butter
✨Lunch - Egg mayo topped with chorizo and bagel seasoning with raw veggies
✨Dinner - Zizzi pizza
✨Snack/Dessert - Chocolate

Delish 😍

Photos from Empower You's post 15/12/2023

A day of eating;
✨Breakfast - French toast with pistachio and white choc sauce and strawberries
✨Lunch - Chicken Tagine
✨Snacks - Orange & Protein ball
✨Dinner - Miso salmon, rice & veggies
✨Dessert - Chocolate

Delish 👌🏼

Photos from Empower You's post 08/12/2023

What I ate this week in a day…

✨Breakfast - peanut butter and jam baked oats with yoghurt

✨Lunch - chicken meatball tomato chickpea pasta

✨Snack - white chocolate and raspberry protein ball and an orange

✨Dinner - chilli con carne on chips

✨Dessert - Lindt choc ball

Yummy 🥰

Photos from Empower You's post 24/11/2023

A day of balanced nutritious meals
✨Breakfast - chocolate protein overnight oats with berries & peanut butter
✨Lunch - home made courgette pesto with chicken sausages and pea pasta
✨Snack - Nutella M&M protein ball
✨Dinner - Miso Salmon with Pack Choi & rice
✨Dessert - Dark chocolate

What’s your favourite meal of the day? Let me know below 👇🏼

Photos from Empower You's post 22/11/2023

Happy 3rd birthday to Coco Pops! 🎂

Well it’s been a journey to say the least.

I have found having a dog… particularly a Rottweiler an emotional and physical challenge over the last 3 years.
She has definitely tested me to my limits!

She really triggered the thoughts of ‘not feeling good enough’ and it forced me to seek therapy to help me work my way through these emotions.

Even though it’s been a rollercoaster ride, the positives I’ll take are it’s helped me to grow as a person. Without her I wouldn’t have made these positive changes and worked through these challenges!

A lot of the time, we look to blame something or someone else, but it often takes looking within ourselves to see what we need to do to improve a situation. Dogs feed off our energy, so we’ve got to have good energy within ourselves to help them thrive!

Our bond has grown over these last couple of months, which has been so lovely! And hopefully many more positive years to come 🙌🏼

We definitely struggled to get ‘the shot’ 🤣

Photos from Empower You's post 19/11/2023

The big Christmas feast!

Photos from Empower You's post 15/11/2023

Who's joining us for our FREE christmas challenge?
Anyone is able to join us on this, so don't worry about what ability you are, there will be different options for reps and all exercises will be modified for you to choose what you can do.
All the rules are on the next page, so make sure you swipe to have a read. If you want to get involved, comment on this post 'IM IN' & I will get you added to our facebook group (if you aren't in it already) & you can get involved!
Lets see how many people we can get involved! No challenges are longer than 30mins & they aren't all exercise based.

Photos from Empower You's post 10/08/2023

Phase 4, come at us... Goodbye oestrogen, goodbye progesterone, hello PMS symptoms. The best phase of them all....
Goodbye the ability to sleep properly (for some, insomnia we are not happy you're here..), hello to wanting to eat the world, be snappy at everyone that gets in your way and have a face full of spots (if you get this that is).
In this phase you can do exercise, but you may feel you need to take it a bit easier, you do not want to be adding loads of stress on top of a body that is already stressed enough because of hormone fluctuations.
You may find that breathing patterns are all over the place (this is normal, so don't panic) just take things easier, don't try and kill yourself on a run or in a HITT session. YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO TAKE IT EASY.
Have a look at the infographics below to see nutrition and exercise tips.

Do you suffer with insomnia when you're on?

Videos (show all)

A full day of eating… ✨Chocolate banana protein cake ✨Salmon pesto pasta ✨Pepperoni pizza ✨Yoghurt, granola bar, strawbe...
Quick dinner! Pesto cheesy pasta with Salmon 😍 ✨150g tomatoes ✨2 garlic cloves ✨75g Boursin cheese ✨1 tbsp of red pesto ...
I don’t know about you, but I always find getting to the workout far more difficult than the workout itself!All the excu...
A testimonial from our lovely client Sarah who has had amazing results from the Empower you program 🩷As well as focusing...
A day of eating… ✨Breakfast - Protein pancake tacos ✨Lunch - Miso chicken mince noodles ✨Dessert - Chickpea and chocolat...
Societal norms and media portrayal play significant roles in shaping our perception of beauty, creating a culture where ...
Protein pancake tacos (Serves 1) ✨1 banana ✨1/4 cup oats ✨1 scoop protein powder ✨1/4 tsp baking powder ✨3 tbsp milk of ...
Are you getting in your own way? Self-sabotage is when we do (or don’t do) things that block success or prevent us from ...
Lasagne - serves 4 ✨600g Turkey Mince✨360g lightest philidephia✨150g lean cheese✨1 vegetable or chicken oxo stock cube✨8...
To improve and increase your habits, you need to do so in very small ways.1% improvements add up surprisingly fast, so d...
You’re a female that is super busy, you might have your own business, or work crazy long hours at your job, you also mig...
Are you working crazy long hours, have a super busy lifestyle looking after the household, want to eat healthy nutritiou...