Support by Stephanie

Support by Stephanie

As a Virtual Assistant I offer practical support, the gift of time, so you can tick off the items on


🚨Announcement 🚨

I've got space to support ONE more client with VA services this year 🥳

If you wish you could magic up a couple of extra hours a week to get it all done 🪄🪄 then this is for you!

Packages start @ £280 per month and can include admin, basic book-keeping, community management and social media support - this would be perfect for someone who is looking for a few hours of support each week 💖

Feel free to send me a DM if you'd like to know more xx




Things have changed quite a bit work wise during November, I've had some big, exciting realisations and I'm going to run a little experiment in December 👇

I'm asking myself "what would happen if I lead everyday with joy?" 🤩



“Those who get angry when you set a boundary are the ones you need to set boundaries for.”
― J.S. Wolfe

Ooh - who needs to hear that today? (Tag a friend if they need to hear it too)

xx DDT


It's almost time for the winter woolies 😊 I can't wait for some cosy winter walks!

Things have been feeling a lot easier for me recently, I'm not sure if it is because everything has calmed down or whether it's because I've had a bit of a mindset shift! Either way, I'm absolutely loving it 💕

If you ever find yourself feeling frazzled, stagnating or second guessing yourself - know that you're not alone 😘 growing a business can be A LOT (or just life to be honest 😂)and I'm sure everyone has felt it at some point.

These are 3 little 'mini mantras' I like to remind myself of (I absolutely didn't come up with these, but I love them) 😍

🧚 CREATE more than you CONSUME 🧚

Often I have a million and one ideas in my head, and more often than not they are something that I shouldn't be doing, or even considering. I'm just getting distracted and putting unnecessary pressure on myself.

Maybe this realisation has led to me feeling more ease recently 👏

👉 If you've got a to-do list as long as your arm, firstly ask yourself if they are ALL things that you should be pursuing, and then why not consider outsourcing some of them...

We're all guilty of doing things that don't use our time well - and I know that outsourcing can feel scary! But remember TIME is precious - and if you're anything like me, you want to spend it doing the things that absolutely light you up, the things that bring you joy. 😍😍😍😍


How am I going to make the final months of 2021 count?

🧚by making a clear plan of action, showing up for myself, taking time to do the things I love and being present in every moment ❤️

2021 has been such a busy year, on both a personal and business level! I've finally found a little bit of breathing space ... and it feels fabulous, so it's time to re-focus, hone in on my goals (I might even dig out my list of goals for the year I wrote on 1st of Jan) ... I wonder how many I've hit ... and take some action.

Are you finding the time to take action that's needing to hit your business goals?

If your to-do list is never ending and you feel like it may be time to get organised, outsource some tasks and give yourself that breathing space so you and your business can GROW, send me a DM and let's chat 💕


I feel like the final day of September is really the end of summer. As much as I don't want to admit it! 🥰

It really has been a fantastic summer, so good to catch up with so many people and explore some more of the UK💕

In a strange way I'm looking forward to autumn, slowing down a little, doing some more work on the house and hopefully expanding my little business a bit further!

As I'm currently in a position where I have availability to take on one more client in November I thought I might as well start doing a bit more marketing! 😂

I've had a major breakthrough over the last couple of weeks, I've realised it can be fun! It doesn't have to be hard work, especially when you're working with the right people ... so I'm looking for more of those people! 💕

❤️ I'm looking for heart centred female business owners who are making a change in the world and if they're supporting other women to do the same themselves, even better!

❤️ I'm looking for fabulous business owners who are wearing too many hats and finding that their business isn't giving them the freedom they so desperately hoped for. Women who are overwhelmed and unorganised, who need support with running their business so they can focus on the things that earn them money!

❤️ Ladies who want to free up some of their time, increase business productivity and have someone to take care of the behind the scenes.

If you know any of these ladies - send them my way 😘


So lovely to spend some time this weekend relaxing and being creative 🥰 For so long now, I've been constantly working towards a goal... or pushing for something... and forgetting how important it is to be creative!

I’ve never really tried to paint before and at times it was a little frustrating - it’s still very much a work in progress but I enjoyed giving it a go and just seeing what presented itself 🥰🎨

I found it really interesting how my mind kept seeking to know WHAT I was creating … almost like seeking approval or striving towards a goal!

❤✨ My little reminder to you- don't forget to allow some creativity in your life in between being busy with business ❤✨

Timeline photos 30/04/2021

Are you...

✨Terrible at admin?

✨Feeling overwhelmed?

✨Completely unorganised?

✨Not gone enough time to do everything you want to?

Send me a message and let's have a quick chat! ✨

I will take you from overwhelmed to organised so you can spend your time growing your business and finding the balance in your life that you deserve ❤

👇Love this tip from one of my favourites! 👇

You don't need team members like you!

That was my biggest mistake - I'd hire mini-mes.

But I SUCK at most admin. I procrastinate and get distracted by shiny new ideas.

My new hires would get so excited during their induction that they'd quit the next day!

So I had to learn to hire my weaknesses!

But here's the money block lesson....

We think we have to do it all ourselves! It's part of our collective "I have to work hard for money" story.

It's totally okay to make money doing things that are fun and easy for you.... and outsource the rest!

I have a ton of suggestions on how to create a C-Team (chill team) in my book Chillpreneur.

Available in paperback, Kindle and Audible from all normal book places or on Amazon here:


Every step leads us closer to where we're supposed to be. 🌻

It's far to easy to become consumed by achieving the next thing - reminding myself daily to enjoy the journey ✨

As we grow we learn so many lessons on the way where we end up. Success it’s not something that happens overnight and success does not stay around once it’s there. We never fail. Even though sometimes it might feel like falling. Learn enjoy the fall and learn the ways to pick yourself up again.



💓The end of another busy, but fabulous day supporting my lovely clients💓

Feeling super grateful, I honestly used to dream of days like this - working with women, helping them grow their business & being full of joy 😍

Today has mostly been about community management & organisation which is my kind of day 🥳

Looking forward to catching up with 2 clients and their teamies tomorrow, and getting started on my Pinterest strategy!

How has your day been? Have you found that balance in your business yet? Or do you need some support?

# # #


Are you feeling burnt out in your business?

I know exactly how you feel; I've been there. 💓

Find out what I did to get myself out of that rut and re-find my passion as an small business owner in my latest blog post...


ps. you can do it too x


Are you feeling burnt out? Starting to dread the business that you've created, is it nothing like you expected?

Don't worry - I've been there ...

but guess what ... you can re-find your passion as an entrepreneur 😍

Find out how over on my blog - new today 🔥


New on the blog today - How to use Trello to organise your business ✨

If you're feeling a bit unorganised, and maybe overwhelmed with getting to grips with everything you need to remember, know and keep track of - this one is for you! 💗


Good morning all,

Happy Friday, I'm just eating my granola (I promise I'm not eating biscuits for breakfast) and thought I'd share a behind the scenes peek at what today looks like for me!

🌻 Catch up calls with 2 of my lovely clients
🌻 Community management for my client in her amazing Facebook group
🌻 Scheduling appointments & Zoom calls, adding to my clients diary and sending info over to her clients
🌻 Writing for my blog - this week I'm going to be covering project management - how I use Trello to organise my entire business
✨Early finish for me today (woop) & a walk in the local National Trust forest

How does your Friday look? Is your to-do list manageable, or will you be working over the weekend to get everything done?

Send me a message if you'd like a free, quick chat to find out whether I might be able to help you and your business go from overwhelmed to organised.


Have you ever felt that everything was just getting way to complicated? Or that you never achieve anything ... I've been there too, read my latest blog posts on how you can simplify your business and make everything seem a lot easier. 💗✨


Where are you on your business journey? Do any of the below resonate?

Outsourcing can make your life easier, reduce your workload and stress levels and it allows you to grow your business.

My clients outsource their admin to me ... so they can focus on other areas of their business.

If you're wondering how it all works, get in touch with your questions! 💗


🌻✨"The big secret in life is that there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.” Oprah Winfrey🌻✨

Support by Stephanie 28/02/2021

Happy sunny Sunday! ✨

I've finally *finished* working on my website; there are still plenty of bits I'd like to do, including optimise for SEO, continue blogging & perhaps have a brand photoshoot for more variety on my images. I am feeling quite proud though, as websites are not my zone of genius, so I'm glad to have this one ticked off the list.

But...done is better than perfect (something I am trying to constantly remind myself of), so if you happen to have a look and notice any mistakes, be a gem and let me know, I'll love you forever ❤ I'm actually quite nervous putting it out there; not sure why, a little bit of imposter syndrome creeping in perhaps?!

Support by Stephanie is growing and I am fully booked for the month of March. I am so humbled and full of joy that this is the case 🙌

I'll be taking on clients again in April so if you are looking for support in the behind the scenes of your business so you can grow and focus on what brings you joy, then please do get in touch sooner rather than later 😍

Support by Stephanie There’s so much to do, but just not enough time. As a VA I offer practical support, the gift of time, so you can get those items ticked off your list.


I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend! It has been bitterly cold here in Morecambe, we did manage to get out on a walk though, alongside a frozen river!

I spent last week busy with client work and in any spare time I have been building my new website & blog, which has been a bit of a beast.

Websites certainly aren't my zone of genius, but it is nearly done and I am feeling rather accomplished (if I may say so)! I'll hopefully be sharing that later in the week.

Sending lots of love and positivity as we head into a new week! I hear the temperatures are warming up a little ... spring is on the way 🤞


When you work for yourself and run a business it's very easy to slide into a trap of working all the hours in the day and letting everything else around you fall into the backseat. 🦋

"Self-care" is a bit of a buzz word at the moment, we're seeing it everywhere, it doesn't have to be complicated though. I've found that some simple changes and intentions can make a huge difference to how I feel and increase my productivity as a result.

5 ways I practice self care as a business owner 🤩

1. I go for a walk every day. I do this because I want to move my body, it makes me feel good and I always feel mentally refreshed on returning. 🌿

2. I schedule a lunch break in, and take it! There was a point where my head was so far in my screen that I would get to 4pm and realise I hadn't had lunch. It left me feeling tired and messed up my evening meal as I'd eat at 4.30 and then not be hungry for tea. 👎

3. I keep a nice glass of water on my desk at all times, and actually drink it! 💧

4. I'm always trying to take a break when I need one and so should you! (This is where working with a VA comes in handy😉!)

🌻You're not a machine, be kind to yourself. 🌻

5. I remember to make time for myself, to read, craft, watch tv, cook ... I'm always reminding myself that not everything I do has to make me money. 😍

Are you finding time to practise self care?


Are you with me?


It's the start of a new month, let's make February the best month yet and get organised, be more productive and manage our projects effectively. 😁

I've made a little change around here, and moving forwards I'll be known as 'Support by Stephanie' rather than 'SB Business Support' it just feels more like me, do you know what I mean? ✨

Anyway, back to making February our best month don't need to spend lots of money to get organised, there are so many tools which you can use for free and there are multiple ways in which they can be used. 🧐

These are the 3 tools I use every day in my business to stay productive and organised and I think I would cry if I couldn't use them anymore ...

1. Trello
2. Google Apps (Gmail, Google Cal, Google Docs, Hangouts, & Google Drive)
3. Facebook Business Suite

It sounds simple, but there is so much you can do with these tools and I'm sure many people aren't using them to their full advantage. ✨

Tell me in the comments below if you use any of these tools, and what you're currently using them for?


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by social media - save this one – it’s for you! 🙌

🦋5 social media tasks you can outsource to a virtual assistant🦋

1. Creating a content calendar – having a content calendar in place can help you see what you’re posting for an entire month. It can help you plan themes and topics and adjust if necessary.

2. Finding and editing images for social media posts – images are important as most of us are visual. A high-quality image encourages people to click. Sourcing free images online can be time consuming, so outsourcing this task to a VA will help free up your time and make your feed look fab!

3. Re-purposing existing content you have created such as blog posts or podcasts into social media posts. You’ve put so much time and energy into creating that content already – make it work for you!

4. Perhaps you want to keep writing your own content, having a VA proof read and then schedule it ensures there will be no mistakes and that you stay consistent on your chosen platform, it also saves you lots of time and you can relax knowing it is taken care of.

5. Monitoring – social media isn’t just about sharing content. Engaging with and getting to know your audience can not only help grow relationships which will result in more sales, but it will make it easier to identify and therefore create content that your audience loves!

Social media can take up a lot of your time, especially if you want to see results. Know that you don't have to spend your evenings and weekends doing it, I can look after it for you 🌻

Send me a DM to book in a FREE call to see if outsourcing social media may be beneficial for you and your business. 🌿


I’ve been beavering away behind the scenes this week supporting my clients and working on some exciting new things that are coming soon in my own business. 🥰

On client work this week I have been busy

✨Creating content for social media
✨Scheduling social media posts
✨Hashtag research
✨Optimising a blog post for SEO
✨Customer service
✨Booking & scheduling appointments
✨Behind the scenes preparation for a book launch
✨Podcast planning / reach out
✨Plenty of other admin tasks

There’s always something going on and work is never boring – there’s no denying it can get busy at times, but as I mentioned in yesterday’s post – COMMUNICATION is key for me.

If you think I might be a good fit for supporting you and your business with behind the scenes admin then please do get in touch. Send me a message (07853728090) or email [email protected]

These are just a few examples of what I have been up to this week, so if you’ve got something else in mind let’s have a chat.

I’m launching my packages next week and in the next month will also be launching my community-based offer … as I’ve mentioned so many times, COMMUNITY is another of my core values. ✨

Let me know in the comments below what you’ve been up to this week. I’m nosy and love to know! 👇


We all need to stop and check in with our bodies.

What is your body trying to tell you?


Why do I think STRESS, FEAR & COMMUNICATION are linked? 🧐

One of my core brand values is COMMUNICATION ✨

My personal experience has been that I can find myself feeling STRESSED when I’m feeling FEAR.

👉It might be a client who has asked me to do something last min and I FEAR letting them down and not completing the task on time.

👉It might be putting myself outside of my comfort zone and doing something where the FEAR of failure looms over me.

👉Perhaps I’m trying to learn something new, and I put pressure on myself and FEAR that I’ll never get the hang of said new thing.

Each of these situations leaves me feeling STRESSED.

Rightly or wrongly, personally that’s my experience.

I’ve realised over the past year of launching and running my business that COMMUNICATION can almost always eradicate that STRESS I’m feeling. It wasn’t always this way…believe me!

✨If I am asked to do something and I know it is going to be a push, rather than just nodding and going along with it, COMMUNICATING to my client how I am feeling and that yes, it is a last min job, but I will try my very best with it, is the best way! ✨

✨If I am learning something new and struggling with it, using the power of COMMUNICATION to ask for clarification on something puts an end to my FEAR.✨

✨Having a clear understanding of any task being undertaken always saves confusion further down the line.✨

And that my friends is why COMMUNICATION is one of my core brand values.

Is communication important to you, let me know in the comments?


🌿 A I N T T H A T T H E T R U T H 🌿

This is a quote from a book I’ve been reading. Walden by Henry David Thoreau, written in 1846.

Every day I’ve been asking myself … what am I doing today, which will get me to where I want to be? To get me to the life of my dreams.

No matter how small the act, or how tiny the step, it might only be a shuffle some days, but it’s all progress.

Lots of small steps create a leap, don’t they?

For ages, I held myself back by telling myself I didn’t know where I wanted to be, but really it was more about not knowing how to get there. Instead of breaking it down into steps, I looked at the huge gap between where I was currently standing and where I wanted to be.

Once you break things down it’s a whole lot easier. Having patience and focusing on the next small step whilst not taking my eye of the prize has been a real blessing for me. 🙌

I know wonderful things are coming, for me and for you. 🌿

My tip to you would be ✨ just think of one small thing you can do today to move you forwards, you might not even notice you’re moving, but you are! ✨

Then, make a list (I used Trello) of all the things you could do to move forwards…

I only really focus on one of those things each day, otherwise I quickly retreat backwards, to looking at that huge gap. 🙀

Let me know, do you take small steps daily? Or are you still feeling stuck like I was?


When working with others, these are the brand values that SB Business Support embodies...


🌿You may have noticed that many of my photos feature me outside. I believe in the power of nature and know I can learn a lot about myself and the world when outside enjoying it.🌿

Have you thought about your brand values?

It’s quite an interesting task.

Let me know what you think, do my posts convey these values?

I’m growing this community so I can support you, but also so we can learn from one another.

I’d really value your opinions. ❤

When opening this platform, I am striving to leave my ego behind.

There’s always room for improvement folks. 🙌

Videos (show all)

🪄🫶🏻This little life 💞[Female Outdoor Lovers, Working Online, Digital Nomad] .........#wildwoman #womenwhoexplore #gonice...