Coaching with Kat

Coaching with Kat

Are you looking to lose some weight? Have you tried all the things and nothing seems to stick? Don't worry, I've got you. I know how to help you reach your goals.

This is your year. You are in the right place.


Well, it’s official! Today is my last day at Chase Bank. I’ve worked here for 9 years. It’s been quite a ride and I’ve learned so much along the way. (more to come on that)

And I’m ready to open up to new adventures and try new things. (More to come on all the fun there as well).

My husband teases that I’m retiring. But this is just the beginning! Watch out world! Here I come.

If you’re ready for a change and want to try out coaching or need a boost. I’m here for you. Check out my 20 for 20. 20 minutes of coaching for $20. Link in my bio. I’d love to help!

Photos from Coaching with Kat's post 12/01/2022

It’s your brain.

And it’s highly underutilized.

When you want to change something you are doing, you want to get right into the action and change the things you are doing.

You might change in the short term, but if you want long term results, changing your thinking will help get you there faster.


Saying yes is something that doesn’t always come naturally. You might need to practice.

Especially if you are used to saying no.
It becomes habit, your automatic response.

Nope, we’re not doing that.

We don’t have time to go to a movie.
We can’t give your friend a bunny for their birthday. That’s crazy!
We didn’t plan a road trip, we can’t just go right now.

What if you took a moment, before your automatic brain says no and just considered saying yes.

I recently practiced saying yes to things I would have never considered before.

A bunny for a birthday present, who does that?

And just last week, a seven hour road trip that was decided on a whim at 4 in the afternoon.

Try saying Yes! to the things that you wouldn’t normally do. Yes! to something that you’ve been putting off.

Make it a game. It’s fun to say yes and it’s fun to hear yes.

So try it today and let me know how it goes.

If you’ve never said yes to life coaching now is a great time to practice saying yes. Give it a try! Link in my bio. Talk to you soon.


Come hang out with me on Saturday morning, May 22nd. 9am-12pm.

It will be the best three hours you’ve invested in yourself.

And btw, it might rain 🌧 so you might as well be inside learning and growing with me. It’s gonna be so much fun. I can’t wait to see you!


If you live anywhere close to me, you have to check this out! I am so ready to get together and see people in person. This is going to be a super fun Saturday morning. If you have questions, send me a message or get more info here:

Let’s connect, grow and learn together.


You know this, of course. If you say yes to one thing you are saying no to something else.

But sometimes it’s not easy to recognize.

Take a moment to look at the things you are choosing. Do they coincide with the things you really want?

If not, maybe it’s time to make a change.

Check out my 7 day mini course on managing your sugar cravings. I also teach you about an option besides yes or no. A place where you can make your best decisions. Link in my bio. Go check it out.


Lesson #2 from Zions National Park

What you do when you show up and the parking lot is full. That’s what matters.

I wanted to go for a hike with my kids. When we showed up in the early afternoon, the small parking lot was already full. With cars waiting to pull into an open spot when they became available.

We drove away in that moment. But that didn’t stop us from going on that hike. We made a new plan. We had more information. We decided to show up earlier the next day.

You can use anything as an excuse not to follow thru on your plans. Not to keep working toward the goals you’ve set. Not to show up for yourself.

Don’t let a full parking lot stop you. Make a new plan if needed. But don’t let it stop you from doing what you want to do.

What is your full parking lot excuse? Let me know. I can help.


Lesson #1 from Zions National Park

Decide to see the beauty

This picture was taken in Kolob Canyon. It’s right next to the interstate, but you wouldn’t know it was there unless you get off the beaten path and look for it. You could easily drive past and not realize what you are missing.

You come around a corner and this is the view. I literally screamed when I saw it. I thought it was so beautiful. My kids, on the other hand, where not as awe struck as I was. “You don’t have to keep stopping to take pictures” they told me.

I already decided it was going to be amazing. I decided I was going to be in awe of the magnificence.

You can do this too. You can decide ahead of time to look for the good. To see the positives. The beauty that is there. You can decide it’s beautiful before you even turn the corner.

Your weight loss journey can be beautiful before it begins. You can decide to see the beauty in the image in the mirror, or the clothes in your closet, or the weight on the scale.

You get to decide all of it. And you can decide ahead of time. You don’t have to wait till you get to the destination.


I’ve found there is a difference between wanting the sugar and actually liking what you are eating.

You want the sugar because it brings you pleasure in the moment. A hit of dopamine.

Dopamine influences your desire and temptation for sugary foods. Your “want” for sugar.

But do you like it? Do you like the sweets you are eating?

I challenge you to question whether you like the foods you are eating. There is no right or wrong, but you might be surprised at the answer.

Let me know what you find out.


What are some food habits you currently have that are not helping you meet your nutrition goals? Learn the first step to helping break those habits.


Why we plan, when to plan, the best plan for you.


When you are ready to lose weight, you don't want to waste your time and energy on things that will not bring lasting results. Today, we talk about where to start and why so that you can maximize your results.


Three reasons why you need to hire a coach today! If your goal is to lose some weight, I can help. Let's get on a call and see what I can do for you.


Join me as I teach you how to overcome these 3 reasons


In this video I share one of the problems you can't manage your sugar urges and three things you can do to change that.

Photos from Coaching with Kat's post 05/01/2021

Join me every Tuesday!
9:30am MST

Tomorrow’s topic: One reason you can’t manage your sugar urges and three things you can do about it.

What is your sugar of choice that you can’t say no to?


Getting ready to set goals for the new year? Let's pick your WOTY to guide you as you do.


I’ve been working on this mini course for you and it’s finally ready.

I want you to have it.

It’s on sale right now through the end of the year. It’s only $7!!

I mean what can you get for a dollar a day? Seriously! It’s a steal.

Don’t wait until the first of the year to get started on managing your sugar. Go get it now!

Click the link in my bio to get started today.


Investing your money in yourself is one of the greatest things you can do for you.


Time is one of our most valuable assets. How are you investing your time in yourself?


We may know something. We may have studied it in a book and have knowledge about it. But to truly understand it we have to practice it.


Coaching can change your life in one session. Have you tried coaching yet? Sign up now for a free session.


How often do you compare yourself to others? Why do you do it and is it okay? I will share what I found to be true.


You need rules for the game, a plan to execute and then to test it out in real life.

10/10/2020's your thoughts. Being aware of your thoughts can help influence the way you approach eating treats and sugar.


The important question to ask yourself is now what? I messed what? I ate the what? What you do next is more important than what you just did.


Videos (show all)

Saying yes is something that doesn’t always come naturally. You might need to practice. Especially if you are used to sa...
I want to see you this Saturday
Food Habits
Why you need a plan
What's Your WOTY?
Investing in Yourself Part 1
Day 5 - What the real problem is...
Day 2 - Two Reasons to drop the guilt
How to Get Things Done! Webinar Tonight!