Diabetes Info Sources

Diabetes Info Sources

"Empowering Diabetics to Live Healthier, Longer and Happier." • Diabetes can be a dreadful illness and has become an increasingly chronic problem in the U.S.

Offering sources of knowledge, understanding, and actionable ideas to help reduce diabetic risks, improve health and enjoy a longer and happy life going forward. and world-wide. But, with a lot of medical and nutritional research, and recent advances that offer natural solutions, there is Hope.

• Armed with education and knowledge there is a lot diabetics can do to reduce their symptoms and the r


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Special bonus when we get there…


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Just kidding… 😉

The only way! 😂


I’m sure many people have seen this apple chart before, but for those who haven’t…


Do you use Metformin? Why or why not?


A Common Starting Point... but you can do more!

Diabetes Info Sources 30/08/2021

Convert Home Glucose Meter Readings into A1c and Vice Versa... (6.0 - 6.5+ is considered Diabetic)

Diabetes Info Sources The Perfect Plan: 'How To FIGHT BACK!' A guide to help diabetics overcome the health risks of diabetes.

The Perfect Plan - Learn More 25/08/2021

As promised, our long-awaited Type-2 diabetes eBook titled, "The Perfect Plan: How To FIGHT BACK!" is officially available online on our main website or via FB ads currently running.

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The Perfect Plan - Learn More The Perfect Plan: 'How To FIGHT BACK!' A guide to help diabetics overcome the health risks of diabetes.


Have you been disappointed with the help you get from the medical community? Me, too.

Other than diet and exercise, my doctor simply said, "Avoid sugar and carbs, and lose weight – and take these drugs."

Not as much help as I had hoped for (although meds do sometimes have their place).

But, I discovered this wasn't the end of the road.

Yes, avoiding sugar and carbs is next to impossible. The food producers make sure of that. (that's another whole topic)

And exercise is not always easy or fun. It takes time, effort, dedication, etc. Sometimes $$. And it's not just exercise, but also losing weight. A double-whammy.

I needed more help.

So, being the stubborn (er, I mean emphatic) person I am, I decided to Fight Back.

I researched, studied, analyzed, compared for 100's (probably thousands) of hours.

I don't claim to be an expert, but I have learned a few things over the years. I have successfully lost the weight and lowered my blood sugar levels. And discovered a few good sources of information along the way.

But my accomplishments did not come from my doctor's advice or drugs. It came from my own efforts - the Fighting Back kind of stuff.

And that's the reason I'm here. To pass-on the passion. To help others in similar need to mine, to Fight Back as well. Regain their health. Live a longer and happier life.

In fact, maybe even live healthier, longer and happier than if we'd never been diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening illness. That's a BIG statement.

So, if you're up for a life journey to a better you...



▪️Until you learn how, diabetes can be a tough nut to crack.

But, did you know there is NO SUCH THING AS FAILURE?

Yes, it is true and I can prove it.

On one end of the spectrum is Success. We all have our own definition of what is success.

|---------------------->| Success

On the other end of the spectrum is Quitting, Giving Up, No Longer Trying or Interested.

Quitting |---------------------->|




You know you're a _____________ when _____________ .



| MedicalNewsToday | Medically reviewed by Maria Prelipcean M.D. —
| Written by Jenna Fletcher — updated on December 17, 2020

Blood sugar levels are a primary concern for people with diabetes. High blood sugar, known as hyperglycemia, occurs when a person’s blood sugar is over 180 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

High blood sugar levels can be dangerous if not promptly managed and lead to both short-term and long-term problems.

In this article, we look at some different ways to help people lower their blood sugar levels. These steps include lifestyle changes, diet tips, and natural remedies.

For those with diabetes, managing blood sugar levels can help to prevent serious complications.

Here are 12 ways that a person with diabetes can lower high blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications.


High blood sugar levels often do not cause symptoms until they run well over 200 mg/dL. As such, it is essential for a person with diabetes to monitor their blood sugar several times a day. Doing so will mean that blood sugar levels never get that high.

A person with diabetes can use a home glucose monitor to check blood sugar levels. These are available for purchase online.

Recommendations for how frequently to check glucose levels during the day will vary from person to person. A doctor can make the best recommendations regarding blood sugar monitoring to a person with diabetes.


Researchers have carried out studies showing that eating a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet reduces blood sugar levels.

The body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar that the body uses as energy. Some carbs are necessary in the diet. However, for people with diabetes, eating too many carbohydrates can cause blood sugar to spike too high.

Reducing the amounts of carbohydrates a person eats reduces the amount a person’s blood sugar spikes.


The two main kinds of carbohydrates — simple and complex — affect blood sugar levels differently.

Simple carbohydrates are mainly made up of one kind of sugar. They are found in foods, such as white bread, pasta, and candy. The body breaks these carbohydrates down into sugar very quickly, which causes blood sugar levels to rise rapidly.

Complex carbohydrates are made up of three or more sugars that are linked together. Because the chemical makeup of these kinds of carbohydrates is complicated, it takes the body longer to break them down.

As a result, sugar is released into the body more gradually, meaning that blood sugar levels do not rapidly rise after eating them. Examples of complex carbohydrates include whole grain oats and sweet potatoes.


The glycemic index measures and ranks various foods by how much they cause blood sugar levels to rise. Research shows that following a low glycemic index diet decreases fasting blood sugar levels.

Low glycemic index foods are those that score below 55 on the glycemic index. Examples of low glycemic foods include:

• sweet potatoes
• quinoa
• legumes
• low-fat milk
• leafy greens
• non-starchy vegetables
• nuts and seeds
• meats
• fish


Fiber plays a significant role in blood sugar management by slowing down the rate that carbohydrates break down, and the rate that the body absorbs the resulting sugars.

The two types of fiber are soluble and insoluble fiber. Of the two types, soluble fiber is the most helpful in controlling blood sugar.

Soluble fiber is in the following foods:

• vegetables
• legumes
• whole grains
• fruit


Losing weight helps control blood sugar levels. Being overweight is linked to increased incidents of diabetes and greater occurrences of insulin resistance.

Studies show that reducing weight by even only 7 percent can reduce the chances of developing diabetes by 58 percent.

It is important to note that a person does not need to achieve ideal body weight to benefit from losing 10–20 pounds and keeping it off. Doing so will also improve cholesterol, reduce the risk of complications, and improve a person’s general sense of well-being.

Eating a healthful diet full of fruits and vegetables and getting enough exercise can help a person lose weight or maintain their currently healthy weight.


At most meals, a person should follow portion guidelines provided by a doctor or nutritionist. Overeating at a sitting can cause a spike in blood sugar.

Although simple carbohydrates are typically associated with elevated blood sugar levels, all food causes blood sugar levels to rise. Careful control of portions can keep blood sugar levels more controlled.


Exercise has many benefits for people with diabetes, including weight loss and increased insulin sensitivity.

Insulin is a hormone that helps people break down sugar in the body. People with diabetes either do not make enough or any insulin in their body or are resistant to the insulin the body does produce.

Exercise also helps to lower blood sugar levels by encouraging the body’s muscles to use sugar for energy.


Proper hydration is key to a healthful lifestyle. For people worried about lowering high blood sugar, it is crucial.

Drinking enough water prevents dehydration and also helps the kidneys remove extra sugar from the body in the urine.

Those looking to reduce blood sugar levels should reach for water and avoid all sugary drinks, such as fruit juice or soda, which may raise blood sugar levels instead.

People with diabetes should reduce alcohol intake to the equivalent of one drink per day for women and two for men unless other restrictions apply.


Herbal extracts may have a positive effect on treating and controlling blood sugar levels. Herbal supplements, such as green tea, may help to boost the diet with essential nutrients.

Most people should attempt to gain nutrients from the foods they eat. However, supplements are often helpful for people who do not get enough of the nutrients from natural sources.

Most doctors do not consider supplements as a treatment by themselves. A person should consult their doctor before taking any supplement, as they may interfere with any prescribed medications.

Some supplements a person may want to try are available for purchase online, including:

• green tea
• American ginseng
• bitter melon
• cinnamon
• Aloe vera
• fenugreek
• chromium


Stress has a significant impact on blood sugar levels. The body gives off stress hormones when under tension, and these hormones raise blood sugar levels.

Research shows that managing stress through meditation and exercise can also help to lower blood sugar levels.


Sleep helps a person reduce the amount of sugar in their blood. Getting adequate sleep each night is an excellent way to help keep blood sugar levels at a normal level.

Blood sugar levels tend to surge in the early morning hours. In most people, insulin will tell the body what to do with the excess sugar, which keeps the blood sugar levels normal.

Lack of sleep can have a similar effect to insulin resistance, meaning that a person’s blood sugar level could spike significantly from lack of sleep.


Keeping blood sugars at target levels helps people with diabetes avoid serious complications from the disease. High blood sugar can cause many ill effects, which can be sudden, such as acid buildup in the bloodstream, or occur gradually over time.

Over time, keeping blood sugar at unhealthful levels can damage small and large blood vessels in several organs and systems, leading to serious consequences, such as:

• vision impairment and blindness
• foot ulcers, infections, and amputations
• kidney failure and dialysis
• heart attacks and strokes
• peripheral vascular disease
(a condition where blood flow to the limbs is reduced)
• damage to the nervous system
(leading to pain and weakness)

By keeping blood sugar levels under 100 mg/dL before eating and under 180 mg/dL after eating, people with diabetes can significantly reduce their risk of adverse effects from the disease.


Managing high blood sugar is key to avoiding serious complications from diabetes.

There is a range of lifestyle interventions that can help a person struggling with high blood sugar to lower their glucose levels.

A person should always follow their doctor’s advice for lowering high blood sugar.



MedicalNewsToday | Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo LDN, R.D. — Written by Jennifer Huizen on January 1, 2020


When a person has diabetes, either their body does not produce enough insulin, or it cannot use the insulin correctly, so glucose accumulates in the blood. High levels of blood glucose can cause a range of symptoms, from exhaustion to heart disease.

One way to control blood sugar is to eat a healthful diet. Generally, foods and drinks that the body absorbs slowly are best because they do not cause spikes and dips in blood sugar.

The glycemic index (GI) measures the effects of specific foods on blood sugar levels. People looking to control their levels should pick foods with low or medium GI scores.

A person can also pair foods with low and high GI scores to ensure that a meal is balanced. Below are some of the best foods for people looking to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.


Many kinds of bread are high in carbohydrates and quickly raise blood sugar levels. As a result many breads should be avoided. However, pumpernickel bread and 100 percent stone-ground whole wheat bread have low GI scores, at 55 or less on the GI scale.

Pumpernickel and stone-ground whole wheat breads have lower GI scores than regular whole wheat bread because the ingredients go through less processing. Processing removes the fibrous outer shells of grains and cereals. Fiber slows digestion and helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

In a 2014 study, researchers reported that spelt and rye both caused low initial glycemic responses in rats. They also found that these ancient wheat types, as well as emmer and einkorn, suppressed genes that promote glucose metabolism.


Except for pineapples and melons, most fruits have low GI scores of 55 or less.

This is because most fruits contain lots of water and fiber to balance out their naturally occurring sugar, which is called fructose.

However, as fruits ripen, their GI scores increase. Fruit juices also have very high GI scores because juicing removes the fibrous skins and seeds.

A large 2013 study found that people who consumed whole fruits, especially blueberries, grapes, and apples, had significantly lower risks of developing type 2 diabetes.

The researchers also reported that drinking fruit juice increased the risk of developing the condition.


Regular potatoes have a high GI score, but sweet potatoes and yams have low scores and are very nutritious.

Some research indicates that the flesh of the sweet potato contains more fiber than the skin, indicating that the whole vegetable could be beneficial for those with diabetes.

Reporting the findings of an animal study, the researchers also noted that sweet potato consumption may lower some markers of diabetes.

While there is still no conclusive evidence that sweet potatoes can help to stabilize or lower blood sugar levels in humans, they are undoubtedly a healthful, nutritious food with a low GI score.

People can substitute sweet potatoes or yams for potatoes in a variety of dishes, from fries to casseroles.


Oats have a GI score of 55 or lower, making them less likely to cause spikes and dips in blood sugar levels.

Oats also contain B-glucans, which can do the following:

• reduce glucose and insulin responses after meals
• improve insulin sensitivity
• help maintain glycemic control
• reduce blood lipids (fats)

A 2015 review of 16 studies concluded that oats have a beneficial effect on glucose control and lipid profiles in people with type 2 diabetes. Determining the impact of oat consumption on type 1 diabetes requires more research.

Doctors still recommend that people with diabetes limit their consumption of oatmeal because 1 cup contains roughly 28 grams of carbohydrates.


Nuts are very rich in dietary fiber and have GI scores of 55 or less.

Nuts also contain high levels of plant proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, and other nutrients, including:

• antioxidant vitamins
• phytochemicals, such as flavonoids
• minerals, including magnesium and potassium

A 2014 systemic review concluded that eating nuts could benefit people with diabetes.

As with other foods in this article, it is best to eat nuts that are as whole and unprocessed as possible. Nuts with coatings or flavorings have higher GI scores than plain nuts.


Legumes, such as beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils, have very low GI scores.

They are also a good source of nutrients that can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. These nutrients include:

• fiber
• complex carbohydrates
• protein

A 2012 study found that incorporating legumes into the diet improved glycemic control and lowered the risk of coronary heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes.

Avoid legume products that contain added sugars and simple starches, such as those in syrups, sauces, or marinades. These additions can significantly increase a product’s GI score.

◼️ 7. GARLIC

Garlic is a popular ingredient in traditional medicines for diabetes and a wide variety of other conditions.

The compounds in garlic may help reduce blood sugar by improving insulin sensitivity and secretion.

In a 2013 study, 60 people with type 2 diabetes and obesity took either metformin alone or a combination of metformin and garlic twice daily after meals for 12 weeks. People who took metformin and garlic saw a more significant reduction in their fasting and post-meal blood sugar levels.

People can eat garlic raw, add it to salads, or use it in cooked meals.


Fish and other meats do not have GI scores because they do not contain carbohydrates.

However, cold-water fish may help manage or prevent diabetes better than other types of meat.

A 2014 study included data taken from 33,704 Norwegian women over a 5-year period. The researchers found that eating 75–100 grams of cod, saithe, haddock, or po***ck daily reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

However, the researchers were uncertain whether the reduction in risk was a direct result of eating the fish or whether other healthful lifestyle factors, such as exercise, could have influenced the findings.

◼️ 9. YOGURT

Eating plain yogurt daily may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Authors of a large 2014 meta-analysis concluded that yogurt may be the only dairy product that lowers the risk of developing the condition. They also noted that other dairy products do not seem to increase a person’s risk.

Researchers are still unsure why yogurt helps lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

However, plain yogurt is generally a low-GI food. Most unsweetened yogurts have a GI score of 50 or less.

It is best to avoid sweetened or flavored yogurts, which often contain too much sugar for a person looking to lower their blood sugar levels. Greek-style yogurt can be a healthful alternative.

Other ways to lower blood sugar levels
Eating a healthful, well-balanced diet is key. Additional strategies to help lower or manage blood sugar levels include:

• staying hydrated by drinking plenty of clear liquids
• exercising regularly
• eating small portions more frequently
• not skipping meals
• managing or reducing stress
• maintaining a healthy body weight or losing weight,
if necessary

People with diabetes may also need to take medications and measure their blood sugar regularly to reduce the risk of potentially dangerous symptoms and complications.

Speak with a doctor about how to incorporate a healthful diet into a diabetes care plan.


The foods listed in this article are available in most grocery or health food stores and online:

• Shop for whole wheat bread 🍞
• Shop for pumpernickel bread 🍞
• Shop for sweet potatoes 🍠
• Shop for yams 🍠
• Shop for oatmeal 🍜
• Shop for oat bran
• Shop for nuts 🥜
• Shop for garlic 🧄
• Shop for yogurt 🥣



This helps illustrate how various segments of overall Health and Fitness overlap. And how deficiencies in each can contribute to illness, such as Diabetes - particularly type-2.



First, I’ll just say, “Wow.”

This is an important thing to know about our blood sugar levels. I thought I did know, for the most part, but I’ve learned a thing or two! I used to use Sweet-n-Low (saccharin) in the pink packets.

▶︎ I thought I was avoiding sugar – which I was, but I was still failing to avoid blood sugar spikes!

This is a rundown of what I’ve found, thus far, regarding the pros and cons of several sugar substitutes.* Depending on additional sources, I’m sure this list can be expanded.

1. SACCHARIN (aka Sweet-n-Low, in pink packets) – affects blood sugar

2. SUCRALOSE (aka Splenda, in yellow packets) – has virtually NO impact on blood sugar (see important UPDATE in comments)

3. ASPARTAME (aka Equal, NutraSweet, in blue packets) – has a few side effects

4. STEVIA (aka Truvia, PureVia) – Has No impact on blood sugar

5. SUGAR ALCOHOLS (Xylitol, Sorbitol, Mannitol, Isomalt) – some impact on blood sugar

6. ERYTHRITOL (aka Swerve) – has small impact on blood sugar

7. MONK FRUIT (aka Luo Han Guo, Swingle fruit) - little or no impact on blood sugar

8. ACESULFAME (aka Ace-k, SweetOne) - [inconclusive]

9. ALLULOSE (aka Dolcia Prima) – has small impact on blood sugar

The two best selections would appear to be natural plant-based Stevia or Monk fruit. No more pink/yellow/blue packets for me!

* Keep in mind this is only what I’ve found – not necessarily an accurate or complete set of data, but its a good start.



⬛ I fell victim to a common enemy - Diabetes
⬛ But learning how to manage it was more
⬛ effective than I expected.


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My Diabetes Story...

Who understands the challenges Diabetics face every day better than someone who has personally experienced it!?

Since 2014 I've been on a life journey to manage, control and even reduce my type-2 diabetes nearly to the point of elimination - naturally, and without drugs and prescription medications.

I've been able to manage it below the threshold of what is defined as diabetic by the American Diabetes Association and the American Medical Association.

Diabetes Info Sources was founded as a means to empower you with the best sources of knowledge, understanding, and actionable ideas to help you reduce your risks, improve your health and enjoy a happy life going forward.

Let's go down this path together... 🙎‍♂️🙍‍♀️

- David Krebsbach
Founder, Diabetes Info Sources
Author, “The Perfect Plan: How To FIGHT BACK!