Feeling Hearts and Minds

Feeling Hearts and Minds

Our bodies hold feelings from our past, set our abilities, and create our futures.


Two A's done and two to go!!!

Medical Coding here I come!!


These amazing ladies will always hold a special spot in my heart. Amber Davis Cindy McMullinMelissa Wynn SedrickJoyce Youse


Come Follow Me is a Book of Mormon scripture study manual from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It breaks down the scriptures with suggestions of things to ponder as I read each. Today I was reading Alma 30 and one of the questions it asked was "What do you find in Alma 30:39ā€“46 that helps you know that God is real?" For me it is hard to express in words the feeling I receive when I am praying, reading my scriptures, or even speak about my Savior to others. It is a swellingish feeling that testifies that there is a God and he truly sent his son, Jesus Christ to teach, heal, and save us all. I am grateful to have felt that swellingish feeling many many times confirming to me I am loved and never alone as my Father in Heaven and my Savior walk this life with me!


Come follow me thought of the day, "And now I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye tell?"
Book of Mormon, Alma 26:2
There are so many things I am thankful for. However, the question I ask myself is, "Can others tell?" I have had many struggles recently and are others still able to see my joy in my blessings? I think the answer might be no. As Pres. Hinckley taught, "Forget yourself and get to work." My heart is full of joy for my many blessings and even more so during the harder times. Let us keep our heads up and show our joy and light to others so they may see the glory and love of our Savior! šŸ’œ


Come follow me, scripture thought of the day...
"... seeing that the Lord had granted unto them according to their prayers." Book of Mormon, Alma 25:17
I believe because prayers were granted before my time, that they will be so during my time. This scripture gives me comfort and hope.


I have taken a break from my business but Iā€™m back up and ready to go.

SO, if you need an energy appointment, message me!

If you have no clue what that means, message me too!šŸ˜œ

Timeline photos 29/12/2020

Grateful Givings
Day 21- I am grateful for friends. Seeing a new friend at her door with no contact and an old friend on Zoom brightened my heart. So I decided to brighten a different friends heart by dropping by to see her beautiful face and give her the gift of some oils I blended to help her study more effectively.
(with a few directions about how the brain works).


Here ye, Here ye!
My friends in distant or not so distant lands,
My services as an energy worker can be
received through modern electronics,
(Google meet, Zoom or
maybe even a phone call)

Tis the season for giving!
Reach out so I can give you an energy session!


My friends too far to come for an energy session in my home, I can do work with you over the phone. Iā€™d love to visit and help you with energy flow. Still $40. for 30 mins to an hour. Please reach out, Iā€™d love to catch up and single life is expensive. šŸ˜
