Professor Clark's Tarot & Guidance

Professor Clark's Tarot & Guidance

Here to help you find answers and guide you.



Warmest Regards, everyone. Today's tarot reading centers around reflection, newfound energy, and a call to embrace self-awareness as we bid farewell to 2023 on this New Year's Eve.

The Inverted Hanged Man signals a release from suspension, inviting a day of reflection on the events and lessons of the past year. To embrace this energy, take a moment to ponder the challenges and triumphs of 2023. Consider the lessons learned and how they have shaped you. As you release any lingering doubts or uncertainties, you're preparing yourself for a fresh start in the coming year.

The Son of Wands brings a surge of newfound energy and enthusiasm. As we approach the New Year, channel this vibrant energy into setting positive intentions for the future. What passions or projects ignite your spirit? Harness this fiery enthusiasm to set the tone for a dynamic and transformative year ahead. The Son of Wands encourages bold and creative endeavors.

Judgement calls for a self-assessment and a conscious awakening. As the year draws to a close, embrace self-awareness. Reflect on personal growth, recognize your strengths, and acknowledge areas for improvement. This card encourages you to release any judgments of yourself or others and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose. Embrace the opportunity for a fresh start and a positive transformation in the coming year.

This New Year's Eve reading advises a day of reflection, embracing newfound energy, and a conscious awakening. Take this time to reflect on the past year, set positive intentions for the future, and step into the New Year with self-awareness and a vibrant spirit. Wishing you a joyful and transformative New Year's Eve celebration!


DAILY READING 12/30/2023

Warmest Greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds as a triptych of possibilities, offering insights into triumph, material opportunities, and the navigation of unexpected changes.

Possibility 1: Triumph (Six of Wands)
The Six of Wands signifies a triumph, suggesting that today may bring recognition and acknowledgment for your efforts. To actualize this possibility, focus on showcasing your skills and achievements. Take the lead in projects, communicate your successes, and don't shy away from deserved recognition. Embrace the positive energy around you and let your triumph shine.

Possibility 2: Material Opportunities (Ace of Pentacles)
The Ace of Pentacles heralds opportunities for material abundance. To actualize this possibility, keep an eye out for new ventures, job opportunities, or financial prospects. Today is favorable for initiating projects that have the potential for long-term gains. Be proactive in seeking out avenues for growth and don't hesitate to invest your time and energy where it promises tangible returns.

Possibility 3: Unexpected Changes (Wheel of Fortune - Inverted)
The Wheel of Fortune, Inverted, suggests the need to navigate unexpected changes that may not be in your favor. To actualize this possibility, be flexible and adaptable to the unexpected of today. Consider contingency plans and be prepared for shifts in circumstances. While not everything may go as planned, your ability to navigate changes with resilience will contribute to maintaining balance and fostering triumph amidst uncertainty.

This triptych of possibilities advises a day of potential triumph, material opportunities, and the need to navigate unexpected changes. Choose the path that resonates most with your current situation and navigate the day with intention, embracing the energy that aligns with your goals.


DAILY READING 12/29/2023

Warmest Greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a theme of creative inspiration, nostalgic connections, and a caution against manipulative energies.

The Ace of Wands heralds a burst of creative energy and the potential for new ideas. Embrace this spark of inspiration and use it to fuel your creative endeavors. It's a day to initiate projects or pursue passions with enthusiasm.

The Six of Cups signifies a time of reconnecting with the past, perhaps through nostalgic memories or people from your history. Cherish the positive aspects of your past and allow these connections to bring warmth and joy into your present.

The Magician, Inverted, warns against manipulative energies or deceit. Be cautious of those who may attempt to influence or manipulate you for their gain. Stay true to your authentic self and be discerning in your interactions.

This reading advises a day of embracing creative inspiration, cherishing nostalgic connections, and being vigilant against manipulative energies. Channel your creative energy positively, enjoy the warmth of past connections, and remain discerning to maintain authenticity in your interactions.


DAILY READING 12/28/2023

Warmest greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a theme of clarity of choices, heightened intuition, and the need to confront potential temptations or illusions.

The Inverted Seven of Cups suggests a day where confusion dissipates, and you gain clarity regarding your choices. It's a favorable time to prioritize and focus on the most meaningful aspects of your life. Avoid distractions and hone in on what truly matters.

The High Priestess, also inverted, signifies a period where your intuition may feel less pronounced. It's crucial to trust your inner wisdom even when it seems less apparent. Take a moment for introspection and reconnect with your intuitive self to make informed decisions, even when the choices seem apparent.

The Devil warns of potential temptations or illusions that may lead you astray. Be mindful of unhealthy patterns, whether in relationships or personal habits. Confront and release anything that binds you, and strive for freedom from negative influences. Don't let these little temptations sway you from the choices you make today!

This reading advises a day of clarity in decision-making, reconnecting with your intuitive self, and confronting potential temptations. Focus on what truly matters, trust your inner guidance, and break free from any unhealthy bonds to pave the way for personal growth and positive change.


DAILY READING 12/27/2023

Warmest greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a theme of inner strength, conflicts, and the need for fair resolutions.

Strength, Inverted, suggests a temporary dip in inner strength or confidence. On this day, be gentle with yourself and recognize that everyone faces moments of vulnerability. Seek support and draw upon the resilience within to navigate any challenges.

The Five of Swords warns of potential conflicts or disagreements. Approach situations with an open mind, and be cautious of unnecessary confrontations. Choose your battles wisely, opting for resolutions that promote harmony rather than discord.

Justice, also inverted, highlights a potential imbalance in fairness or legal matters. Be mindful of decisions that may be biased or unjust. Strive for fair resolutions, and if faced with legal matters, consider seeking advice to ensure a just outcome.

This reading advises a day of acknowledging and bolstering inner strength, navigating conflicts with wisdom, and striving for fair resolutions. Today, you may find yourself at odds with an unfair situation that steals your resolve and self-confidence. Be compassionate with yourself, approach these conflicts with a calm demeanor, and seek justice with a balanced and discerning perspective.


DAILY READING 12/26/2023

Warmest Greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a theme of reflection on progress, generosity, and the attainment of personal abundance.

The Seven of Pentacles prompts a moment of reflection on your journey and progress. As the festivities end and 2023 draws to a close, take stock of your efforts and achievements, considering how far you've come and what adjustments might be needed for future growth in the coming year.

The Six of Pentacles signifies generosity and the act of giving. Today, be open to sharing your abundance, whether it be material, emotional, or spiritual. Acts of kindness and generosity have the power to create positive ripples in both your life and the lives of others.

Lastly, the Nine of Pentacles represents the attainment of personal abundance and self-sufficiency. Revel in the fruits of your labor and appreciate the luxury of a moment of tranquility. Recognize the wealth that exists within and around you, fostering a sense of gratitude.

Today's reading advises a reflection on your progress, embracing generosity, and acknowledging the personal abundance in your life. Take time to appreciate the journey, share your blessings with others, and revel in the richness that comes from both material and spiritual wealth.


DAILY READING 12/25/2023

Merry Christmas, everyone! Today's tarot reading brings a theme of healing, new beginnings, and the pursuit of knowledge.

The Three of Swords, inverted, suggests a day of healing and emotional recovery. On this Christmas Day, let go of any lingering heartaches or sorrows, allowing the spirit of the season to bring peace and comfort to your heart.

The Fool represents a new beginning and a sense of adventure. Embrace the joy and spontaneity of the holiday, opening yourself up to new experiences and the potential for delightful surprises. Approach the day with a fresh perspective, ready to embark on new journeys.

The Son of Swords encourages the pursuit of knowledge and clear communication. Engage in meaningful conversations, share your thoughts, and be open to learning from others. This Christmas, foster connections through understanding and the exchange of not just gifts, but ideas.

This Christmas Day reading advises a day of healing, new beginnings, and the pursuit of knowledge. Let the joy of the season fill your heart, embark on new adventures, and engage in meaningful conversations with those around you. May your Christmas be filled with love, warmth, and positive energy!


DAILY READING 12/24/2023

Warmest Christmas greetings, everyone. Today's special Christmas Eve tarot reading unfolds with a theme of reversed nurturing energy, unexpected changes, and a call for structure and stability.

The Empress, Inverted, suggests a temporary disruption in nurturing energy. On this Christmas Eve, be mindful of any challenges or imbalances in the caregiving aspects of your life. You may find a nurturing or caring presence in your life missing in your holiday events this year. Take a moment to reflect on how you can restore harmony and nurturing energy within yourself and your relationships.

The Tower signifies unexpected changes. While Christmas Eve is often associated with joy and tradition, be prepared for unforeseen events or shifts. Embrace flexibility and find the beauty in the unexpected, allowing room for new and positive surprises. Your holiday traditions may not unfold as usual... but perhaps new traditions shall be established?

The Emperor symbolizes the need for structure and stability. As you navigate the changes brought by The Tower, draw upon the Emperor's energy to establish order and a sense of control. Create a stable foundation, perhaps making new holiday traditions amidst these new changes.

This Christmas Eve, reflect on nurturing energy, unexpected changes, and the establishment of structure and stability. Embrace the spirit of adaptability, find joy in the unexpected, and build a foundation of stability and tradition for a memorable and harmonious Christmas celebration.


DAILY READING 12/23/2023

Warmest greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading carries a theme of practical learning, intuition, and the nurturing bond between a mother and daughter.

The Daughter of Pentacles represents a day of practical learning and growth. Embrace a curious and open mindset, and be willing to explore new skills or gain insights that contribute to your personal and professional development.

The Moon brings an intuitive and reflective energy. Trust your instincts and pay attention to your dreams and inner thoughts. The Daughter of Pentacles and The Moon together emphasize the importance of combining practical knowledge with intuition to make well-informed decisions.

The Mother of Pentacles embodies a nurturing and supportive maternal influence. Today, seek guidance from a motherly figure or channel your own maternal instincts to provide support and care to those around you. The bond between a mother and daughter, whether literal or metaphorical, plays a significant role in fostering growth and understanding.

Today, this reading advises a day of practical learning and intuition, combining the energies of the Daughter of Pentacles and The Moon. Embrace the nurturing influence of the Mother of Pentacles, fostering a supportive and caring environment. Whether you are the mother or daughter in this dynamic, recognize the strength in this bond and its potential for mutual growth and understanding.


DAILY READING 12/22/2023

Warmest Greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a theme of parental energies in opposition, a call for balance and fairness, and a need to rekindle passion and leadership.

The Mother of Wands, inverted, suggests a day where the typically vibrant and passionate maternal energy may be stifled or misunderstood. Be mindful of your actions and expressions, as there might be a need to regain balance in the nurturing aspects of your personality.

Justice appears, emphasizing the need for fairness and equilibrium. Today, strive for balance in your decisions and interactions. Seek harmony in your relationships and ensure that your actions align with a sense of justice and impartiality.

The Father of Wands, also inverted, signifies a temporary suppression of passion and leadership qualities. Today, you may find yourself lacking the usual fire and assertiveness. Reflect on the reasons behind this suppression and explore ways to reignite your passion and reclaim your role as a confident leader.

This reading advises a day where the maternal and paternal energies are in opposition, urging you to find balance between nurturing and leadership qualities. Embrace the principles of Justice to ensure fairness in your actions and decisions. Rekindle passion and assertiveness to restore a sense of vitality and confidence in your endeavors.


DAILY READING 12/21/2023

Warmest Greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a theme of collaboration, a release of financial constraints, and a nurturing, empathetic maternal influence.

The Three of Pentacles, Inverted, suggests a day where collaborative efforts may face challenges. It's crucial to communicate openly and address any issues within your team or group. Seek understanding and find common ground to overcome obstacles.

The Four of Pentacles, also inverted, brings a release from financial constraints. Today, you may experience a newfound sense of financial freedom or a willingness to let go of restrictive attitudes towards money. Embrace this opportunity for positive change in your financial mindset.

The Mother of Cups embodies a nurturing and empathetic maternal influence. Today, tap into your compassionate nature, offering support and understanding to those around you. Trust your intuition and emotional intelligence in guiding you through interactions and decisions.

This reading advises a day where collaborative efforts may face challenges, as indicated by the Three of Pentacles. Embrace the release from financial constraints brought by the Four of Pentacles, and let go of restrictive attitudes towards money. Channel the nurturing and empathetic energy of the Mother of Cups to foster positive connections and understanding in your interactions.


DAILY READING 12/20/2023

Warm greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading carries a theme of emotional turbulence, disrupted harmony, and a dimming sense of hope and inspiration. Yesterday, we spoke of being more vulnerable and removing your defenses to the harshness reality of the world. Today, it would appear we will still be feeling the growing pains of authenticity.

The Daughter of Cups, inverted, suggests a day marked by emotional turbulence. You may find it challenging to express your feelings or connect with your intuition. Take time for self-reflection and reconnect with your gut/soul. Don't let yourself get lost in the winds.

The Ten of Cups, also inverted, indicates disrupted harmony in emotional or familial connections. Today, there might be tension or discord in relationships that typically bring joy and fulfillment. Yesterday, when you revealed your truest you to those around you, you sparked changes and shifts that have inevitably brought conflicts today. Seek open communication and understanding to mend any emotional rifts. Don't immediately run back to your masks and defenses, though; remember that this growth is for you, not for others - stand true to yourself and be genuine in these communications.

Finally, The Falling Star (i.e. Inverted) hints at a dimming sense of hope and inspiration. It's possible that today you may struggle to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Take small steps to nurture your optimism and look for sources of inspiration that resonate with your inner self. This may be hard, but it is not permanent... and it will bring strengths you've never felt before.

This reading advises a day where emotional turbulence may disrupt the usual harmony in relationships, as indicated by the flipped Daughter of Cups and Ten of Cups. While the Falling Star suggests a dimming of hope, focus on nurturing your inner light and seeking inspiration to navigate through any challenges that arise. Open communication and self-reflection will be key to maintaining emotional balance as you weather this journey to you.


DAILY READING 12/19/2023

Warmest Greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a theme of vulnerability, disrupted celebrations, and a challenging transition. Today, the cards suggest that by lowering your shields and being your most authentic self will reveal the truth to you, as hard as those truths might be.

The Nine of Wands, inverted, suggests a temporary dropping of the usual defenses. Today, it's important to embrace vulnerability and allow yourself to lower your guard. This can lead to deeper connections and a more authentic experience with those around you. But a warning: by doing this, you may find some raw honesty.

The Three of Cups, also inverted, hints at disrupted celebrations or strained social connections. It's possible that planned gatherings may not go as smoothly as expected; and, without the masks you hide behind on, you should be prepared for unexpected changes in social dynamics and strive for understanding in any conflicts that may arise. Those close to you may drop their own masks and reveal some harsh honesty; do not fear this, though, as this pain will bring authenticity and genuineness to your life.

The Inverted Six of Swords signifies a challenging transition or journey. Today may bring difficulties in moving forward or making progress. With your mask off and your defenses lowered, you will fully exposed to the elements; the winds of fate will blow harder and your way on your path will be buffeted. Reflect on the obstacles you face, and consider whether a change in approach or perspective is needed to navigate through this challenging phase.

This reading advises a day of embracing vulnerability, recognizing that lowering your guard can lead to more authentic connections. Be prepared for potential disruptions in celebrations or social interactions, and approach conflicts with understanding. Navigate through a challenging transition with patience and consider alternative perspectives to ease the journey ahead. It may be harder, but this naked honesty will bring a stronger you.


DAILY READING 12/18/2023

Warmest greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading is represented by a phrase: "So now what?" Our three cards suggest an ending...but also a blank page that may bring confusion and frustration.

The World takes center stage as we open the reading today, symbolizing the completion of a significant cycle. Today marks a moment of fulfillment and achievement, where you have successfully navigated a journey, and a chapter is coming to a close. Celebrate your accomplishments and embrace the sense of closure.

However, The Three of Wands, Inverted, also suggests a delay in progress or a moment of impatience. While the World signals completion, there might be a sense of waiting for the next steps.

Meanwhile, The Inverted Ace of Swords adds a layer of challenge in mental clarity. Today may present difficulties in gaining a full understanding of the situation or what even to do next at the end of the cycle.

This reading advises a day of acknowledging achievements and closures represented by The World. Embrace patience and reflection with the Three of Wands, allowing for a delay in progress to be a time of preparation. Use this time to reflect on your goals, reassess your plans, and prepare for the upcoming phase; and you may find your impatience and clouded mind will clear.


DAILY READING 12/17/2023

Warmest Greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading reveals a narrative of financial challenges, a contemplation of investments, and a potential departure in search of deeper fulfillment.

The Five of Pentacles speaks of temporary financial challenges. Today, you may feel a sense of lack or hardship. It's important to recognize that these difficulties are temporary, and seeking support from those around you can provide the assistance needed to overcome the challenges.

The Seven of Pentacles encourages a contemplation of investments and long-term plans. Consider where you are putting your time, energy, and resources; especially in light of the financial struggles and disappoints the Five of Pentacles brings. Assess whether your current endeavors are aligning with your long-term goals and make adjustments as needed.

One such adjustment is suggested by The Eight of Cups: a potential departure in search of deeper fulfillment. As you assess your current situations and financial investments, the Eight of Cups hints that letting go may just be the best course of action. As the Five of Pentacles reminds us, this hardship or setback is only temporary, and the search for a better way will likely bring better fortunes and fates.

Today's reading advises a day where financial challenges may arise, necessitating a thoughtful look at your investments and long-term plans, ensuring they align with your goals. If a sense of fulfillment is lacking, be open to the possibility of exploring new paths that resonate more deeply with your emotional, spiritual, and financial needs.


DAILY READING 12/16/2023

Warmest greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a transformative energy, indicating the end of a challenging cycle, a profound shift, and the delayed completion of a significant phase.

The Ten of Swords, Inverted, signifies the end of a period of difficulty or challenges. You've weathered the storm, and today brings a reprieve from the intensity. This card suggests that the worst is behind you, and you can now release any lingering burdens.

Death emerges as a powerful force of transformation. This card symbolizes profound change and rebirth. Today marks a significant shift, a moment of letting go of the old to make way for the new. Embrace the transformative energy and be open to the positive changes it can bring.

The World, also inverted, hints at a delayed sense of completion or fulfillment. While a cycle may be ending, there might be some lingering feelings. The World appears to remind us that the pains from the past (perhaps seen in the remains of the now flipped Ten of Swords) may persist and fester, even as we let go of those emotions during this time of change.

Today, this reading brings a day of transformation, where the challenges of the past are concluding. Embrace the energy of change brought by Death, recognizing the profound shift occurring in your life. Despite a sense of delayed settlement with the topsy-turvy World, trust that closure is unfolding in its own time. Embrace the transformative energy and step into a new chapter with openness and resilience.


DAILY READING 12/15/2023

Warmest greetings, everyone. Today's tarot reading unfolds with a mystical touch, exploring intuitive insights, releasing past attachments, and breaking free from negative influences.

The High Priestess, a symbol of intuition and hidden knowledge, takes center stage. Today, trust in your inner wisdom and heightened intuition. Pay attention to subtle cues and messages from the universe, as they may guide you towards deeper understanding and insight.

The inverted Six of Cups suggests a release from the ties of the past. It's a day to let go of nostalgia or lingering attachments that no longer serve your growth. Embrace the present and future, unburdened by the weight of outdated connections.

The Devil, inverted, marks a liberation from negative influences and limiting beliefs. Today, you break free from anything that has held you back. This card signals a release from unhealthy attachments, encouraging you to reclaim your power and move forward unencumbered.

This reading advises a day of deep intuitive connection, urging you to trust your inner guidance. Release the grasp of the past, as the Six of Cups suggests, and free yourself from any negative influences or limiting beliefs, as highlighted by the Inverted Devil. Embrace the newfound sense of liberation and move forward with clarity and strength.


DAILY READING 12/14/2023

Warmest regards, everyone. Today's tarot reading weaves a narrative of abundance and opportunity, assuring you that amidst a myriad of choices, your inner strength and stability will guide you towards making the best decisions.

The Tower, inverted, sets the stage - signifying a day where potential upheavals and uncertainty have been averted. The ground beneath you is stable, providing a foundation of security and assurance. This card suggests that any looming disruptions have subsided, offering a sense of calm and stability.

The Seven of Cups introduces a plethora of choices and opportunities. Today, the possibilities are vast and varied, ranging from whimsical dreams and illusions to grounded realities. It encourages you to explore these options with an open mind but reminds you to approach them with discernment and clarity.

Strength emerges as the guiding force in this narrative. Symbolizing inner fortitude and resilience, it assures you that you possess the strength needed to navigate through the abundance of choices. Trust in your ability to make decisions that align with your true path and withstand any challenges that may arise.

Today's reading paints a theme of a day filled with choices and opportunities, grounded by the stability provided by the Inverted Tower. Your inner strength acts as a beacon, guiding you through the multitude of options, ensuring that the decisions you make are rooted in clarity and resilience. Embrace the abundance before you and trust in your capacity to make the best choices for your journey.


DAILY READING 12/13/2023

Warmest regards, everyone. Today's tarot reading is infused with the theme of resolving conflicts, both within and around you, as you navigate a path of newfound beginnings and introspection.

The Five of Swords, inverted, signals a pivotal moment for conflict resolution. It encourages you to release internal and external tensions, fostering a spirit of compromise and open communication. This card suggests that today is an opportune time to seek resolutions, letting go of the need to emerge victorious in every situation.

The Fool, a symbol of fresh starts and spontaneity, beckons you to see this resolution as a fresh start. Embrace the theme of settlement as you step into the unknown with an open heart, leaving behind past conflicts and embracing the potential for positive change. It is a new beginning for those relationships in conflict - even with yourself.

For the inverted Son of Swords introduces a layer of introspection to the reading. It advises taking a pause for self-reflection as you reach compromises and agreements. By understanding your thoughts and motivations, you can contribute to a more harmonious resolution of conflicts, both within yourself and in your external interactions.

This reading guides you to engage in the process of conflict resolution, both internally and externally. Embrace compromise and open communication, step into new beginnings with optimism, and take a moment for introspection to ensure thoughtful decision-making. Today offers the opportunity to foster harmony and create a space for positive change in your life.


DAILY READING 12/12/2023

Warmest regards, everyone. Today's tarot reading weaves a narrative of deep emotional healing, as you journey through the darkest shadows of inner pain, guided by the transformative power of hope and inspiration.

The Moon, veiled in mystery, beckons you to explore the depths of your subconscious and confront hidden emotions. This card signals a day where the borders between the conscious and unconscious are thin, offering an opportunity for profound self-discovery.

The Three of Swords, representing heartache and the subsequent path to healing, suggests that you may encounter emotional challenges. Acknowledge any pain or difficult realizations, recognizing that these are steps on the journey to emotional recovery. Seek and find this pain deep inside you today - it's time to heal it.

For the Star emerges as a symbol of hope and inspiration. This card assures you that, even in the face of challenging hurt, there is a source of light that promises renewal and brighter prospects. Allow the energy of the Star to guide you through the healing process, infusing your spirit with hope.

Today, this reading paints a narrative of healing a deep inner pain by bravely delving into the emotional shadows. Embrace the pain and love it away, for within it lies the transformative power of healing. Let hope and inspiration be your guiding lights, illuminating the path towards emotional renewal and a brighter tomorrow.