

Breast Cancer Survivor, Podcaster!!


So excited to read this entire issue!!! Proud to be a contributor.

Work and cancer brings up a lot of discomfort. It has not always been an easy path. I have had my fair share of awesome coworkers but also a few bad apples!

Other milestones and life experiences are encouraged and spoken so freely but cancer can often be taboo despite the open policies.

🔥 It's new issue day! 🔥⁠

The "Work & Career issue is officially here! It is a brand new Wildfire theme featuring stunning cover model Thandi Montgomery, photograph by Ian Creer.

As we know, cancer isn't something that only affects a person in the healthcare sense, it truly crosses over into all aspects of a person's life. Physical and mental changes cancer unleashes can alter the course of a career, schooling or overall earning potential.

In this issue we hear stories of how work lives have been impacted by cancer – good, bad, large and small impacts.⁠

Here are the 20 brave writers who made this issue:⁠

The Show Must Go On a poem by Treasa Levasseur

A Balancing Act by Mardi Kaplan

Life Has Forever Changed by Alison Pereto

Trading Places by Beth Gainer

A Train to Nowhere by Angela Firman

Ten Hours a Week by Janelle Linares⁠

From Corporate to Cancer by Tina Conrad

Showing Up by Keri Smith

Failing Helped Me Survive by Jo McCrea⁠

Sharp Words a poem by Joely A Serino

Never Assume by Lisa Jones Christensen

Finding Purpose in Paradox by Kate Rowbotham

Authentically Me by Kassi Sullivan

Don’t Hold Back by Sharon Zehavi

Job Insecurity artwork by Meagan Olson

Titless, Jobless, and Battling Hopelessness by Bethany Zoe⁠

A Journalist Embedded in Cancerland by Aisha Chowdhry

Ten Years For What? by Steph Millett

Rosanne by Debbie Kerr

Life Unlearned a poem by Sophie Dormal

👉 Purchase the issue in print or digital - head to

💗 Big thanks to our Underwriters - all resources created out of a deep desire to make the breast cancer experience better for us all:⁠ ⁠
ABCD: After Breast Cancer Diagnosis| Ana Ono | Christina Miner Enterprises, LLC | iRise Above Foundation | Thandi Monee' LLC | Triage Cancer

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 18/06/2024

Always make time to stop and smell the flowers. 🌸

“Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”
‭‭Song of Songs‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬


One of my favorite days in Fort Wayne with my favorite people! 🇩🇪


On National Survivors Day, posting this photo of my mom and I. My mom faced cancer two times in her 40’s. I was diagnosed in my 30’s. Nobody in our family was diagnosed with breast cancer in our family before us (and nobody since).

I am grateful to be here.
I have empathy for anyone that heard the words “you have cancer”.
I will not stop advocating for others.
I will always support cancer research.
I will always have a shadow.
I will always live one foot in fear.
I will always have hope.

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 01/06/2024

See ya later alligator 🐊
Always a good time


You can always find me at the waters edge


Good times at Good Times 🎳


We all scream for ice cream 🍦

Hello summer


I may not be a mother but I take my role as “fairy” godmother very seriously. To spend a day with my goddaughter as she got ready for prom was more than a magical milestone. Unfortunately when she was baptized I was overseas for work and my mom stood in for me, but I have managed to make most of the other big moments.

It seems just like yesterday she was in tiny pigtails at Meijer Garden, or just recently heading with me to downtown Chicago to the American Girl store and getting her ears pierced. She came to visit me during my first chemo and I remember her frolicking in her backyard when she was 7. She wrote a report at school how it was one of her best memories. And despite the chemo craziness, it was one of my favorites too.

Two summers ago, she came and stayed with me for a week and went to work, shadowing the print team. Work during the day and fun excursions in the evening with ice cream and art museums. Its was so fun to get to know her more as a young adult.

This weekend I watched her get ready for senior prom and it’s hard to believe how fast time goes!!! I have always seen what a bright, kind and beautiful person Ava is but as we were taking photos in Lakeside Mall, others were yelling out how pretty she and her dress were.

It may be the end of a chapter but I’m so excited to see her next chapter, and I’m there for it all!!!

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 12/05/2024

Happy Mother’s Day to my mom and mother in law!

My mom has always been so supportive, shows her love by making food and has been such an inspiration and example to me all my life!!!

My mother in law always is kind, loves experiencing everything life has to offer.

Both are cheerleaders of mine and for women!

Also to my friend Jessica and cousin, you are amazing mamas!

Whether you are a mom, a cheerleader for others, thank you to all who share their love and kindness!!


It’s full on spring and I’m ready for it!

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 20/04/2024

Because spring deserves a spot on the gram

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 13/04/2024

Colonoscopy ✅
No polyps ✅
Being an advocate for your health ✅

Colon cancer runs in my family and we all know about that breast cancer incident too, so I am very vigilant about screenings, tests, information for my health!

Will post more tomorrow about the emotions I felt but today is for resting, watching the Masters and reading!


Sometimes you have to let go
Let go of dreams, expectations, control

In the letting go
You find yourself, your happiness, your purpose

Entering the chapter
Of loving me for me, acceptance and love

It’s never been
Successes, money or promotions

Here’s what matters most
A cup of coffee on a dreary day
Catching up with friends, sharing your secret language
Neighborhood walks with my husband
Bedtimes stories with my goddaughter
Capturing the voice of a survivor on a podcast
Feeling God’s hope in a rainbow after a storm
My mom’s reassuring voice in the morning
The ocean breeze and gritty sand in my toes
The afghan my grandma made me, hugging me on the couch
A new book, a new podcast, a new pair of running shoes
Life is measured in these moments ❤️


Spring is springing!!!! 🌷
Let’s do this!
Photo credit 📸to the amazing

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 08/04/2024

(Almost) Total Eclipse of the Heart
Super cool 😎

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 07/04/2024

Today is my dad’s 70th birthday!! He has always been a big supporter of everything I do and I have always looked up to him (literally and figuratively)!

When talked to him today I asked what 70 felt like and anger said no different than his 60s. He said he was looking forward to the next milestone.

Aging is a gift. And milestones are always worth celebrating.

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 05/04/2024

Wishing this little cutie a happy birthday 🎉
Excited to celebrate her birthday this weekend!!


Feeling this quote today. We never know what the future brings but every ending is a new beginning.


Thursday Throwback Easter Edition


I am reading Jane Eyre for the first time.
Yes, I know I’m late to the game, but I never had to read it in school, had way too much mandatory reading in college, followed by too much life and shiny beach novels.

But here I am reading a sad section about the love of Jane and Helen, wrapped in each other’s arms and their sweet goodbye. Helen is sick, was an amazing and knowledgeable mentor to Jane who arrived at a new school. Jane would ask question after question until Helen would tell her she was tired of questions. Both girls had a difficult life with parents dying, not feeling loved. Helen had gotten sick and Jane snuck into her room when she heard Helen did not have much time left. Helen told her of her faith, her belief she was going home to her Heavenly Father. The scene is sweet and sad, innocent and wise, hopeful and disheartening. Helen passed away that evening. Then, on Helen’s tomb one word “Resurgam”. So, of course I had to google it to see what it meant, Latin for I shall rise again.

The very same moment I am reading this, I am learning of a fellow breast cancer friend has lived her last day here. The images of what I read hit me hard. Her faith has been a beacon in her last chapter. I was amazed at her strength of leaving hospice in order to go home after her pain was better managed. My heart soared as I watched her with her family at Disney, making memories.

As survivors, there are mentors. There are those that came before us, share their experiences, their stories, their hopes and fears. They share their knowledge, their light and love. Melissa was such a mentor, sharing and loving.
My heart aches for her young daughter Maggie. I cannot understand why it was her time. Why such difficulties in life? Why do some get recurrences? Why do some get a Stage 4 diagnosis?

Here’s an excerpt from Jane Eyre
“But where are you going to, Helen? Can you see? Do you know?”
“I believe; I have faith: I am going to God”

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 21/03/2024

I love March 💚
My heart is always in East Lansing

Photos from DJBreastCancer's post 17/03/2024

Silly + Serious



When you have a lot of green gear…


10 years ago I received my last (fingers crossed) dose of chemo. I am grateful to have this in the rear view mirror, getting smaller and smaller. I do not stop raising awareness and funds for research as I am truly one of the lucky ones.


The hardest year… not sure if it was my cancer diagnosis year or Covid year, but to whoever needs a little pep talk, hugs and hearts out to you ❤️ thank you for inspiring many of my poems! Hardship inspires and hope endures!

Videos (show all)

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On Wednesdays We Wear Pink At Vera Bradley, it’s the nice girls too (not just Mean Girls) 🎀I love that I work for a comp...
Thursday Throwback Two years ago @makingstridesfortwayne Can’t wait to walk with my goddaughters again this weekend ❤️🎀 ...
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Walking into the weekend like…Got some fun new content coming your way with my poetry book release.  My first batch of b...
ABC’s of Feel it on the 1st!!A = Advocate for yourself!!!B = Breast Cancer Risk (History) C = ChangesAny changes to your...
TGIF everyone!!!  I wanna Rock and Roll all night, and Party Every Day!Ok in full disclosure most nights I would rather ...