
SpaceeX.Xyz talk to about earth & science technology


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NASA's Lucy probe will follow a looping path to visit seven different Trojan asteroids — ancient, mysterious objects that share an orbit with Jupiter. (Credit: SwRI)


The International Space Station has been continuously occupied for two decades, and the astronauts and cosmonauts aboard have taken more than 3.5 million photographs of our home planet from space. Credit: NASA




Earth's immediate neighbors, Luna (our moon), Venus and Mars offer wonderful examples of different celestial circumstances, each with a negative outcome for sustaining life.




A billion years from now, a lack of oxygen will wipe out life on Earth


The critical point is that other planets show us what the Earth would be like if things were different. So, for instance, we can see what the Earth would be like if it were smaller or larger, hotter or colder, if it had a different atmosphere, and so on.

Venus is Earth’s twin in terms of its mass. Yet when space probes visited the planet in the 1960s, they discovered that Venus is actually Hell. Beneath impenetrable sulphuric acid clouds is a surface hot enough to melt lead, and a crushing atmosphere 100 times thicker than the Earth’s. What has happened on Venus is that carbon dioxide, which on Earth is locked up in chalk cliffs, has seeped out into the atmosphere, creating runaway greenhouse warming.


NASA has an ongoing sonification effort, which involves translating visual data into sounds. The resulting ‘music’ gives people an entirely different way to experience a particular image, including observations of space from various missions like the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The latest installments in the series cover three particular space scenes.