Fern Thyme

Fern Thyme

Commissioned artwork using a photo of your choice that you have taken. Natural soaps, body butter, d


The second Christmas scent is Mint Chocolate Mocha also with or without goat milk.
Coffee is high in antioxidants such as phenols which help fight free radicals and protect skin from damage. This helps to avoid fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. It may also help fight acne, increase collagen formation and minimize hyperpigmentation.
Cocoa is an antioxidant powerhouse. It can boost blood flow and assist with growth of new cells, keeping you looking young and radiant. It helps repair skin damage caused by UV sunlight and environmental toxins.
Peppermint soothes inflammation, irritation and itchiness on your skin and scalp. It also promotes wound healing.


I am happy to introduce my new Christmas scents. Cranberry Orange made with or without goat milk. Supplies are limited so be sure to not miss out.
Cranberries offer anti inflammatory and antibacterial benefits for the skin. It can help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness, as well as help fight acne causing bacteria, and keep your pores clean.


Corn silk and sunflower soap
Minimizes scars and signs of aging; promotes elasticity; moisturizes.
Corn silk has been used since ancient times to heal wounds and scars. This bar soap combines corn silk essence with the herbal fragrance of sunflowers to keep skin as supple and fresh as a field of sunflowers swaying in the summer sun.
- corn silk nutrients and antioxidant content possesses several healing properties and key nutrients like potassium, calcium and vitamin B2, C and K, amongst others. It can help alleviate itching and pain caused by skin wounds, minimize scarring and signs of aging.
- sunflower oils contain vitamin E and antioxidants that help minimize premature wrinkles, keeping your skin looking young and fresh; sunflower oil also contains linoleic acid which helps to moisturize your skin.
- cocoa butter is rich in fatty acids which hydrate the skin. The fat in cocoa butter creates a protective barrier that holds moisture and prevents your skin from drying out.
- coconut oil provides antioxidants, moisturizes, minimizes the signs of aging, boosts nutrients and helps to protect skin.
- olive oil protects and hydrated sensitive skin with vitamins A, E, D and K; it helps to repair damaged skin tissue with its regenerative properties; it revitalizes and strengthens the skin’s elasticity; it is high in antioxidants and anti-aging polyphenols, preventing age spots and slowing down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- essential oils are rich in protective antioxidants and anti microbial properties; they balance and reduce skin oils, calm inflammation or irritation, help to preserve skin moisture, support skin repair, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles all while giving this soap a delightful citrus fragrance.


Goat Milk and Rose soap gives a deliciously rose scented fragrance to calm and brighten your days.
Rose is full of antioxidants to help prevent skin damage and help regenerate skin tissues. It provides anti-aging properties to give you a younger looking skin. It is excellent for dry skin, containing moisturizing properties to help soothe itchy skin.
Make your next bath or shower into a trip to paradise filled with the beautiful scent of roses derived from both rose petals and geranium oil


Goat Milk Lavender Bath and Body Shampoo
Good for: calming the senses; Reduces itchy, dry skin; anti-inflammatory; moisturizer

Alleviate anxiety, depression, and fatigue with lavender and mango butter. Richly moisturize your hair and body with full cream natural goat milk, coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, castor oil and essential oils. This richly complex, floral scented soap is especially formulated to nourish your hair and skin while enveloping your senses in a calming aroma.
- lavender is not just a pretty scent that calms you; it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti microbial and detoxifying properties can help reduce redness, soothe and calm skin and scalp, reduce blotchy patches and acne scarring and rapidly heal minor cuts, scrapes, and rashes.
- mango butter is effective in preventing inflammation and itching caused by dry skin. It is an excellent source of triglycerides - fatty acids that soften the skin and prevent dryness and itchiness.
- goat milk is a gentle cleanser rich in fatty acids that provide a healthy skin barrier and nourish and moisturize your skin. The high lactic acidosis content exfoliates the skin and scalp, reducing acne, dry scalp and dandruff.
- coconut oil provides antioxidants, moisturizes, minimizes the signs of aging, boosts nutrients and helps to protect skin.
- almond oil soothes the skin and has been used to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, minor wounds and cuts. Almond oil can improve complexion and skin tone.
- castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and puffiness.
- essential oils are rich in protective antioxidants and anti microbial properties; they balance and reduce skin oils, calm inflammation or irritation, help to preserve skin moisture, support skin repair, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Do you know what chemicals you are washing with?
Can you recognize the ingredients in your soap?

Most commercially available soaps are filled with preservatives and chemicals which are harsh on our skin. Your skin is extremely absorbent and porous and soaks up those synthetic toxic chemicals like a sponge.

With Fern Thyme, what you see is what you get.
Fern Thyme’s natural handmade soaps and body butters are not only mild on the skin, but are nutrient and antioxidant rich, leaving your skin nourished, healthy and radiant. The natural and organic oils and herbs in our soaps absorb into your skin, contributing to an overall body health. The natural soaps and body butters lock moisture into your skin and repair it from environmental damage. Moreover, the herbal scents have a relaxing effect on your mind which in turn impacts the overall health. The aromas can help you to calm your nervous system. On top of that, it can even help in decreasing elevated blood pressure levels. Fern Thyme products are particularly beneficial to tender infant skin and fragile elderly skin, keeping it hydrated and healthy.
Fern Thyme handcrafts their artisan soaps from mostly organically sourced natural oils and herbs, many of which are grown and ethically harvested right here in Livingston, Texas, in Fern Thyme’s organic garden.

Relax today by smothering yourself in herbs and essential oils which leave your skin soft, clean and smelling wonderful.


PM me for orders and enquirers


God has held my hand every step of the way with my artwork. I am so blessed to be able to do the things I love and to be able to bring pleasure to others.
My soaps, deodorants, face oils and and body butters are crafted with a focus on purity and natural ingredients. Each batch is hand made with fresh herbs and flowers from my garden.
