Jacqui Hoitingh -Energy Healing

Jacqui Hoitingh -Energy Healing

I clear Doubts & Fears that hold you back with an assortment of tools gathered over the years. I am also a Bowen Therapist & Instructor.

Kinesiology, Pendulum work and Re programming the mind with the help of your Higher Self. My passion is helping people


Dreams start with knowing what you want, imagine you already have it, then the hard part of TRUST comes in while it's on it's way, stay the course. Then it Manifests.


Looking for SCOTTISH healthy meal ideas for my Retreat in May. Your Favourites?

HOME | JacquiHoitingh 31/08/2023

Do you know that JOY can help you call in Abundance?

When you are happy, joyful and having fun you are far more in connection with the Universe and all you want.

I find when I am out on my walks, I feel so much gratitude and I am in a happy place, this is when ideas pop into my head. I remember years ago the thought of running a Retreat popped in and I was so excited. I got home and made some enquiries and before the night was out, I had booked a location and set about making it happen.

This is also a NEW dream, more exotic Retreats, teaching Universal Laws and Spiritual Art, Nature Walks, Meditations, Rainbow foods and I can amost taste the whole experience.

If you would like some help getting into JOY, then download my free JOY ACTIVATION from my site www.jacquihoitingh.com, there is also my free iJOurnal to help you too.

HOME | JacquiHoitingh Hi I am Jacqui Hoitingh, I'm passionate about helping you to create a life you really LOVE. Free you from the Energetic blocks and Limiting Beliefs and help you grow both in Life and in your Business. Are you ready for Change?


Crazy Offer! - would you love to know what your Spirit /Power Animal is?
As this is a New offering- it’s FREE , a 15 min call to connect with your Higher Self to find yours. Valid till 28 August.
Let me know below


What is your Body saying to you??
And Are you listening ?

If not, it kind of acts like a small child gently tugging on you to draw your attention.

If you don’t respond, it gets a bit louder.

And if that doesn’t get your awareness then it gets worse, that ache turns into pain!

Or the shortness of breath turns into something way more serious.

Your emotions affect your body far more than you ever realise.

Emotions trapped in the body, unexpressed, stuffed down, or numbed out with recreational substances will always get you in the end.

Where your body has issues is another tell tale sign of the emotional story.

Left side is more than often feminine and right side is masculine. It could also be that the feminine and masculine are out of balance.

Take a nice walk or meditate and Ask your Body, what are you trying to tell me? I am listening.

Ask what the pain or discomfort are saying and you may find the pattern of the emotions unexpressed.

Sometimes persistent long term traumas re appear STILL trying to get your attention. So listen before it’s surgery that’s required!

If you recognise patterns, try to figure out what’s going on, the WHY. If you are stumped, I can help.

Don’t wait till your body is screaming at you!

Photos from Higher Self Activation- Intuition is your Best CEO's post 25/11/2021

I’ve put together a new Online Marketing Course to help you become better known.

With 21 years experience as a Bowen Practitioner and 15 as an Instructor, I help people, just like you, attract more clients.

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫:
• 3 Pillars of Success: WHAT you do, WHO it’s for and HOW you deliver it

• Goal setting: HOW much income? HOW many clients?

• Your ideal client: WHAT are they looking for?

• Your Brand and Logo: HOW to be memorable

• Facebook Profile & Bowen Business pages: HOW to maximize their potential and attract interest

• Freebie Offers: DONE for you (included) to create an email list which is an essential business tool

• Newsletters: HOW to keep your clients updated about Bowen and what it can do for them

• Organic Marketing: HOW to speak about client results on social media while maintaining data protection and privacy

• Networking: LEARN about talks, exhibitions, demos, videos, podcasts and re-purposing material you already own.

• 50 Ideas for Bowen related posts or videos on Social Media: Never have to wonder what to post!

• Daily tasks: ‘Consistency’ and ‘Momentum’ ESSENTIALS

• Resource list: TIPS to make marketing easy (many free)

For the price of around 2 treatments this course has the potential to return many times your initial investment. Interested? Contact me for more information, to book, or simply to chat things through.

Send me a 📩 DM or 📪 email me at [email protected] to find out more about the offer!


Are you helping/serving people in your Business?


For me it's painting, what's yours?


I LOVE painting, what's your Passion?


Who DO you want to be? Who is Someone you look up to?