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Hello here how are you? Aren't you going to college today?
I'm fine, but I'm not going to college today, I'm going to go shopping in the market
It's not good, you have to be very regular in attending your classes
What's the use of that, Lina?
You must remember that punctuality is very important in a student's life and is the key to success in life.
Do you really think that punctuality is the key to success?
Yes, I believe it wholeheartedly and you know I always try to be punctual in my studies, and you know I always come out successful in my exams thanks just for being punctual.
Yes you are right from now I will also try to be meticulous in my study but I need your help.
Yes, I will always help you.
Thank you very much.
You're always welcome
Hi Haseeb, how are you?
I'm well, and you? Why do you look so worried?
I'm fine; I'm not worried but I'm thinking why so many students fail in English What are their reasons?
It happens because of some problems eg we have suitable, good and experienced teachers of English language.
You are right, we are learning communicative English but the teachers follow the old way of teaching, it is a major reason.
Students are no less responsible for their failure, instead of following their teachers and without understanding their subject, they cram their lessons all the time.
Yes, you are right, but English is an international language, so we must have a good mastery of this language if we want to develop ourselves but how is it possible?
It is not that difficult, to learn English properly, the student should try to develop the four language skills which are listening, speaking, reading and writing.
I agree, but I believe that the education infrastructure must also change and teachers must be trained to be proficient in the communicative teaching style.
Certainly, besides that students should also change their habit, they should study regularly.
Of course, our teachers should also make learning English more interesting for students.
You are right, it is time to take action so that students find interest in learning English.
Emphasizing, if teachers and students try together, this issue will be resolved in the near future.
Let's hope for the best.
Sure, thank you for the discussion and bye.
Bye, see you again
Hello how are you my friend?
I'm fine, thank you. Why do you look so sad?
Actually I am worried about my final exam, how about your preparation for the exam?
Well I will continue with my studies well, I am also worried about my exam.
But tell me about your willingness on different topics.
You know I'm weak in English, that's why I'm particularly interested in English, I have a detailed review on other topics
Do you use any special books?
Yes, but I study textbooks very carefully.
Got it, I should start working with textbooks What do you think?
Yes, I think it will be very useful not only for English but also for other subjects.
Thank you for your supportive suggestion, wish you good luck.
Male to female, don't you notice that the universe is male!!
Yes, I noticed that the being is a female
Did you not realize that the light is a male?
Yes, I realized that the sun is female
She has Ulysses generosity as a male!!
Yes, and dignity is a female
Do you not like that hair is male?
And I liked him more that feelings are female
Do you know that science is male?
Tell him that I know that knowledge is female
To her, I heard someone say that betrayal is a female
him and I saw one of them write that treachery is male.
Her, but they say that the trick is female
Rather, they say that lying is male
There are those who assured me that foolishness is a female
Him and here are those who proved to me that stupidity is male
To her, I think the crime is female
him, and I am certain that sin is a male
For her, I learned that ugliness is a female
him and I realized that ugliness is a male
him and you were injured, beauty is a male
To her, I admit that the sacrifice is female
Him and I acknowledge that forgiveness is male
her, but I am confident that the world is female
him and I am sure that the heart is male
What does honesty mean, Dad?
Honesty is every right you have to do and keep and it is against betrayal.
Son: What are the pictures of the trust?
There are many forms of the secretariat, including advice to those who consulted with you, doing your work in the most complete manner, returning rights to their owners, preserving people’s secrets and covering their secrets.
Son: Are the blessings we live in from honesty?
Yes, my son, all that God has blessed us with of money, children and health is the trust of God.
Son: What is the status of trust in Islam?
Trust in Islam has a great position, and it is one of the attributes of the prophets and believers, and God Almighty has said about those who keep the trust, β€œAnd those who keep their trusts and their covenants” (Surat Al-Muminoon, verse 8, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, denied the trait of faith) When he said, β€œThere is no faith for the one who has no trust, and there is no religion for the one who does not have a covenant.”
Son: Mention to me a situation, my father, from the positions of the faithfulness of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.
Father: The people of Mecca before Islam used to call the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, as the truthful and trustworthy, because he was characterized by the sincerity of hadith, the fulfillment of trust, and the situations he went through. Ibn Abi Talib returned the trusts to their owners, even though they were hurting him.
Son: Does the loss of honesty affect society?
If we lose the trust in a society or in a nation of nations, evils are born in it that no one does except God, such as the spread of nepotism and favoritism.
Good morning Ahmed, how are you?
Good morning Majid, I'm fine.
Yesterday I read a book about the importance of science and I benefited greatly from it.
Certainly, my friend, science contains many benefits in various areas of life, as it is responsible for the process of enlightening and brightening minds when a person learns continuously.
Your words are true, my friend, and it is unfortunate to say that ignorance exists in many places in the world, and that there is a desire for some people for it because of social deviations that are a reason for people to distance themselves from seeking knowledge.
Ignorance always prevails over weak minds who are affected by the words of ignorant people like them. As for anyone who prefers knowledge, it is difficult for ignorance to control it at any stage of his life.
Ignorance is too dark for those who follow it, and people want to always live in this darkness and never come out of it into the light.
Unfortunately, ignorance controls the minds of many people through lies and illusions.
How are you Mohammed.
At best, thank God.
Are you ready for the new school year?
Yes, I am really keen to try distance education.
Don't you see, Muhammad, that it would be a bit complicated and useless?
No, Hassan, I think that the benefits of distance education will be greater than the harms.
But students need direct interaction to be able to pay attention and focus, so how do we get their full attention and make sure they attend all classes?
This right is with you, and in order for this to happen, we must communicate with parents to ensure that students attend classes, and to ask for help from them, so that the interest of both parties, the teacher and the home becomes.
Suppose that there are some parents who are unable to deal with technology, how can they help their children and as you know technology is a double-edged sword, and parents should be careful.
They can sit next to their children for a while and check on them from time to time.
Like you, I find that distance education has a number of different disadvantages, but it has many advantages.
In your opinion, what are these advantages, Hassan?
In my opinion, some teachers prefer to teach from their homes so that they can follow their children as well, so do not forget that these teachers also have children who will study remotely. The interaction between both students and teachers will be easier, as it is a good opportunity for us to develop our skills in dealing with technology as well as for students, but For this to happen, quality standards in distance education must first be met.
I ask God Almighty that we do our work to the fullest and that this does not constitute any obstacle to its performance.
Don't worry my friend, I'll see you tomorrow, God willing.
How are you, my teacher?
I'm fine, Thank God.
Oh my teachers, is the education system in the Kingdom really going to be remote this year?
Yes, but what's the problem with that?
Can't you see, my teacher, that it will not give education the same quality that is preserved in a traditional classroom?
This can happen if the students do not perform their duties towards education well, while if there is mutual cooperation between us then the educational process will be very successful.
Some research has been conducted that shows the difference between education between the past and the present, and it has been found that there has been a tremendous and great development, and it has been realized that the introduction of the distance education system will not be as bad as some expect.
Well done, but can you tell me the difference between distance education and traditional learning.
A Yes, my teachers, where the difference between them is that distance education gives more freedom to both the teacher and the student, so that students can attend courses that fit their schedules, and they can refer to them at a later time, as well as for teachers, and distance education needs More discipline than others, along with good planning for success.
As long as you understand the difference between them, you will be able to get the quality of education you want.
Yes, my teacher. Thank you for your discussion and for listening to me.
Sorry, I am at your service any time.
Can you, my teacher, tell me what the Saudi homeland is?
Yes, of course. It is one of the best Arab countries that has many advantages. Each of us carries in his heart the love of the homeland and loves its soil.
What are the characteristics that distinguish the Kingdom?
The Saudi homeland is the first place from which the Islamic religion spread, where God honored Mecca by revealing the revelation to our master Muhammad in the Cave of Hira, as it witnessed many events for many prophets and messengers, and therefore Saudi Arabia represents a great position for the Arabs.
Why, in particular, does Saudi Arabia deprive the Arabs of this position, not just the Saudis?
The Saudi homeland has a place within the souls of the Arabs because it has the greatest places on earth that are sanctified by Muslims, namely the Kaaba, and Mount Arafat, to which Muslims come from different parts of the earth.
My teachers, why is the love of the homeland instinct?
Because a person is born while bearing his national identity, and the homeland offers him many advantages, and always strives for development to provide his children with the best services and a decent life, and we must offer him our duty towards him.
What do we have towards home?
We must maintain its cleanliness and order, and follow the rules issued by the Kingdom, to be good sons, so we must all say that there is no renaissance for the nation except through its sons, so you must have good education and interest in science, as it is the weapon of nations. And teachers, and so on, we must be a good example that the country can be proud of.
Is there a day to celebrate the Saudi homeland?
Yes, there is a day to celebrate the Saudi homeland, and during this day, national anthems are sung, and everyone is introduced through television and the Internet to the achievements that the Kingdom has provided to its children, and its great history in repelling the hands of aggression.
Does the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, may God protect him, participate in the celebration of the Saudi National Day?
Yes, may God protect him. He participates in the celebration and everyone raises the flag of the Kingdom, cheering and cheering. Now, let me ask you, what are you doing to celebrate this day?
I draw the Saudi flag and color it myself, and my friends and I participate in drawing a lot of it and we distribute it to the children, I am very happy that I belong to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Who gave you permission to play with my cell phone?
No one will authorize me and I am free to play with any phone
You are not respected and want to learn literature
I am respected against you, you are the one who is not respected
I'm going to hit you so you won't be able to hold my phone again without my permission
You can't hit me and you can't hit me
You are not polite
I am not a little polite, you are the one who is not respected
I hope that we have clarified all the information and data regarding a dialogue between two people who quarrel, but if you have a comment or suggestion regarding the information mentioned above, you can add a comment and we will strive to respond to you.
Should we talk?
This is an obligation.
Why ?
because we are friends.
I don't like talking at all.
So keep quiet.
I can't do that either.
What are you going to do about it?
About what?
About this strange dilemma of silence and speech?
I'm going to talk to you, because I know you like to talk, you know, you're a big talker.
Silence makes us notice the people who are talking, and speech makes us look at the silent people.
It's not true, I only talk to you, I don't insinuate other people who are talking, I walk by their side, I eat at their table in restaurants, I sit across from them on the train but I never notice their behavior, they seem peaceful, far from conflict and tragedies but when I look at them closely, I see other things.
like what ?
Like happiness that doesn't seem like much there.
Do we really have to notice people in everything they do?
We have to, relatively, otherwise they won't notice us either.
And if they don't?
We don't feel like we're here.
where ?
over here.
where ?
Anywhere, we'll feel an emptiness, not any emptiness, the kind that makes you thirsty for a dose of a human word, a human act, or even a human gaze.
Is this void filled by an element?
We may fill it, others may fill it, and it may remain that way for a long time.
Sad thing.
Sad and full of hope.
any hope?
Hope for change.
Even change does not come from a vacuum, and a vacuum needs change to disappear, and we need both, my dear friend, and perhaps we need friendship as an additional element to eliminate the void.
Is the word important in this description?
Maybe it matters, maybe not, but everyone has to choose, whether to speak or to choose to be silent


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