Pammy Novels

Pammy Novels

Author ✒ Ghostwriter ✍🏻 Proof Reader🧾 CEO @Pamela Library 🤗 Media Manager
💋DM let's write memes only


👩🏻(i never met her,never slept with her but she gave birth to my child )👧🏻
Written by bella writes😊😊😊
We got to the house only to find it empty

I kept on calling her phone but nothing,where could she be i thought

Or could he have taken her,he could have seen her leaving and then he stopped her

I quickly went to where the cops were waiting

"He has taken my wife"i said

"From the scene of the house and other things we have seen then it only means that james has taken your wife "the officer said

"That man is a bastard,if i get him i will kill him"i said wanting to go and look for him but the cops stopped me

"No,dont go,we have to work together,this is a case of kidnapping,we have got to trap him through you,all you have to do now is to calm down,while my men ready the equipment,you will give him a call okay"the officer said

I did as i was told,i really didnt know the first place to start looking for them,so i will just have to stick with the police

While the equipment was being set,milly,lisa and dora arrived

On seeing dora,i quickly went to hug her,at least one was safe with me

While a female police took the children outside i explained evetything to milly

"I had asked her to come with me,if only she did come"milly said feeling worried

"Do you have any idea where mark could have taken her"one of the police officer said

"I dont,well i only know that he has a house he is building at the far end of town,he had been building it for lily but had stopped recently,i dont know if he could be there"she said

"He will be,he has to be there,take me there milly"i said

"Not so fast mr torres,we have agreed to work together in this,so we are all leaving,together "the officer said and we all walked out

Feeling a cold water being splashed on my face,i opened my eyes to find myself in a uncompleted house

What had happened ,i thought as i starred around the room

Just then i saw Brenda starring at me,smiling evily and also james who stood by the far end holding a knife

Just then everything came back to me,

"Finally your awake"james said

"I had to rouse her with more water"brenda said

"You both are animal,untie me now"i yelled at them but nothing

"You and max only made us whatvwe are today ,if only you had never come into our lives,max and i would still be together "brenda said

"You let go of max yourself okay,so dont blame me"i said and was rewarded with a slap

"You have no idea how much i hate you"brenda said

"Same here brenda"i said

She raised her hand again wanting to slap me but james held her back

"Its enough ,i only want the child dead not her"he said

"Then get to it,i want to see her face when she watches herself lose her child"brenda said

"What are you both talking about"i said

"Its simple my sweet lily,i want you and not the bastard in you ,we will make a child of our own somewhere far away but first the child in you have to die"he said

"No,no dont do anything to my child ,dont "i said

"Its funny though i almost killed it earlier but stupid dora had to butt in making the drink pour away"he said

"You had put something in the drink?"

"Of course ,i also gave it to the dog,the puppy died but the mother didnt,so i just had to kill it on my own"he said

"But dont worry,i wont be killing you but the child in you"he said bringing a glass of orange juice towards me

Brenda held my mouth up,my hand and leg had been tied

Though i fought the two of them,they still managed to pour it in my mouth,i spilled out a lot of it but some still got into me

"You did well my dear lily,very soon you will be rid of the child and then you and i will go somewhere else "

"While i stay with max"brenda said cleaning off her hand

I could feel pains in my stomach already,that was my child i thought silently wishing that someone would find us soon

Just then the door burst open and i through it all i could see the police walking towards us with their gun aimed at brenda and James

I heard my name being called by max and milly

"My love,my love"he kept on saying holding me but the only thing i could manage to say to him was to save my child

💭max pov💭
"Tell me doctor,how is my wife?"

"She is doing well and your child is a real fighter,the substance given to your wife could have killed the child but your child is a very strong champ "

I breathe in a sigh of relief,thank God lily is okay

"Can i go and see her "kate said beside me

"sorry but the patient has asked for her husband" the doctor said

On hearing that i quickly went in

She was laying on the bed holding her stomach

"Lily"i called

"My love"she said opening her arms for me

I quickly went to her and gave her a hug

"I thought i was going to die"she said

" you wont again my love,am here to protect you"i said

" what about brenda and james?"

"In jail and they will be there for a very long time"i said

"Thank God,finally we can live in peace "she said

"We sure can ,with no one in our way,our love will continue to get stronger " i said laying beside her on the bed

"I love you max"she said holding me close

"And i love you too,my dearest"i said kissing her

💭lily pov💭
"Honey common lets go or we will be late"he said to me

"Am coming,just have to say goodbye to jack "i said kissing my baby little boy who was in his grandma arms

"Youve been doing that for an hour now,common lets go as soon as we get back you get to be a mother to our child but now you get to be a wife to me"he said pulling me outside

We were going for a picnic,kate and kyle and also milly and lisa who i havent seen for a while now

After everything we left australia to come home

I was bent on starting a new life with my husband and that has worked sucessfully

Each day,i find out i keep loving the man and he does with me too

I have a stable job and also kids ,what more can i ask for

We got to the park and was greeted by kate and Kyle along with milly and lisa

We all sat together talking about unecesaary things ,things that made us all happy

I noticed a guy far away from us,he was starring at us ,well not us particularly but he was starring at milly

I gently whispered into milly ears

"Seems like you are having a crush"i said pointing to where the man stood

Unknown to me i never noticed the shocked and frightened look on milly face

The only thing i was thinking about was milly happiness

After being raped,she deserves to be happy,i thought starring at her

While the rest stayed to chat,max and i went for a stroll

"I often wonder how my life would have been if i hadnt met you"he said

"Maybe you might be married to brenda now,observing the no children thing"i said

"Just thinking about that has made me realize how wrong i was in the past"

"Have always thought that children are a burden and since then have always hated them and because of you and dora and jack,youve made me realise how important life would be if you have a real family "he added

"And youve made me realise how important love is ,have always been let down by the guys i loved in the past,that was why i decided to have a kid without a father but destiny has planned it all,it wanted me to meet the greatest love of my life and here you are with me"i said holding him close

"I love you "i said

"And i too my dearest"he said lifting me into his arms to kiss me......

With love everything is possible,i thought as i held him closer to me .....

What a sweet ending😍😍😍

Thanks to all my readers who have been reading and commenting throughout 🥰🥰🥰

I really appreciate and i really really love you all ❤❤❤❤


👩🏻(i never knew her,never slept with her but she gave birth to my child)👧🏻
Written by bella writes 😊😊😊
💭lily pov💭
"Mommy what if pauline dies"dora said

" she wouldnt die okay,pauline would make it"i said

I knew how much she loved the dog and just thinking that the poor thing will die hurts us all

James had been gone for a while with the dog

After a while,i managed to calm dora,she was playing outside with lisa while i talked to Milly

"Yes i did reconcile with max but not really really"i said to inquisitive milly

"What do you mean by not really,really"she said

"I want us to have a time apart,if he can trust me during this few times we are apart,then everything will be great and j will be able to go back to him without any problem "i said happily

"I really hope everything goes well for the two of you "mily said

"I do hope so too"i said and stared at the door only to see james there starring at me in a strange way

"James "i called and when he saw me he put a smile on his face before walking in

A smile i knew to be a fake one

"Oh sorry,i got carried away thinking"he said

"what happen to pauline"i said

"Pauline is alright ,she is being taken care of by the vet but she lost the puppy in her"james said

"Poor thing,dora and lisa were looking forward to the puppies that would be born by pauline"milly said

"But its still alive thats what matters"i said

"It is,now am really thirtsty,i will go get myself a drink"he said as he walked into the kitchen

Soon he came back with three drinks

"Thought you girls might want some"he said

"Thanks"we said as we took the drink

I was about drinking mine when dora ran straight to me,pouring the drink away

"Dora"i said

"What is wrong with you !!!"James yelled angrily at dora making the two of jump

"Why cant you just sit your butt in a place "he yelled at her again

"James ,she didnt do it on purpose "i said

"But she didnt do it on purpose,why yell at her"i said

"Your right lily,its just that i had prepared that drink for you sorry"he said and walked out

"Whats wrong with james"milly said

"I dont know,i really dont know too"i said starring at her

💭max pov💭
"Is the bouquet ready miss"i said to the florist who was helping me prepare a bouquet for lily

"Yes sir,just let me go and bring it"she said and went into the store to get it

Am sure lily would love the surprise i have planned for her

"She will surely love this sir"the florist said bringing out the bouquet

"Am quite jealous sir,all the men that comes here comes to buy for their lovers and mistress your the first man am seeing that is buying for his wife"she said

"Thats because she is a real gem in my life"i said smiling at her

"I really wish you all the best sir"she said

"Thanks"i said walking out of the florist shop

Two of the guards along with mark stood waiting for me by the car

I was about entering the car,when suddenly someone began to shoot at us

We crouched on the floor,trying to get ourselves protected,well except for mark who went after the shooter

A lot of people gathered around us and while i tried to try to understand what just happened mark came back with the shooter and some police men

On seeing the bouquet crushed on the floor i got so angry and held the shooter by the collar of his shirt

"Who the hell are you and why do you want me dead"i yelled at him

"I was hired sir,hired to kill you"he said

"Hired to kill me?tell me who sent you?"i said

"It a man called james"he said afraid

"James,that son a *** "i said angrily

"Do you know the man,he has committed a crime and he has to be put in jail"the police officer said

"Yes i know him and we need to go to him,my wife and child are with him "i said entering the car dialling lily number to tell her to get out of the house as soon as she could

💭lily pov💭
"Bye bye mommy"dora waved me off as she went with milly and Lisa to the town to get something milly needs

I decided to stay back because i felt tired and i needed to talk to james

I went back in heading to james study when the phone rang

I went to pick only for it to be max

"Are you still in james house"he said

"Yes i am,whats wrong "

"Get out of there now"

"But why?"

"James hired someone to kill me and there is a hundred percent chance that he will hurt you,so now lily get out of there,please my love "he said

"Okay,okay,i will leave now"i whispered back and switched off the phone

I turned to find him.there starring at me

"Going to somewhere "he said

" not"i said moving back

"Liar"he said moving to me,grabbing me roughly

"Let me go James ,let me go"i said frighteningly

"You arent going anywhere lily,you are coming with me"he said bringing out a white handkerchief to cover my npse

And i lost conciousness.......

James have taken lily oooo😱😱😱

Be expecting the finale episode tomorrow🙃🙃🙃

Your likes and comments guys😁😁😁


👩🏻(i never knew her,never slept with her but she gave birth to my child)👧🏻
Written by bella writes😊😊😊
EPISODE 29✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
💭james pov💭
I held the gun starring at it,it would be the perfect thing that would be used to eliminate max out of the picture

If the bastard think i would let him steal lily from me,well he is wrong

And as for lily,its either she is mine or no one else

I watched max holding to her and i felt so very angry

I should be the one holding her like that

I saw max stare at me and then he kissed her

My fingers clenched around the gun,if i could i would just blow his head off but i cant

At least not infront of lily,killing max would be in a secluded place and then with lily mourning and all

I will be there to comfort her and i will be the one with her and no one else,i thought

💭lily pov💭
"Stop it alex,he must be watching "I said pulling away from his kisses

"Whatever let him keep watching ,that alone would make him understand that you belong to me"he said

"Max no,stop it"i said laughing

"You dont have to stay here my dearest,come with me"

"You know why am not coming with you,you know this is for us"i said

"I know and that is why am leaving here and not taking you with me" he said

"Thanks max"i said to him

"Dont thank me yet because i wont be far from you,i will just be right at that hotel,though its shabby and not my taste,i will stay there,if only it will keep me close to you"he said

"Awwwwnnnn....your so sweet "i said teasingly

"Only for you,only for you"he said wanting to kiss me but i moved away

"No more kisses or you wouldnt leave,now go max,i will see you when i see you "i said smiling

"Take care of yourself and also this little champion,just call me if you need anything,am only a walk away from here"he said

"Okay i will,dora say goodbye to your dad"i said

"Goodbye daddy"she said waving him off

He got into his car and drove to the hotel

Still standing outside,i felt someone starring at me

I turned to find jack starring at me,it was in a strange way

Never have i seen him look that way before

"Finally he is gone "he said smiling again

Its time to talk to him,i thought

"Dora why dont you go in,uncle james and i want to talk"i said and dora went back in

"Why is he here"he said

"Its quite obvious james,max has realise his mistake and i......"

"You forgave him,after what he did to you,dont you even know that he could do the same thing again?why do you like making your life misrable"he said

"Am not making my life miserable and as you can still see am still living with you,i didnt go with alex because youve been so good to me and you even bought this house all for me,i couldnt leave because of that and also because i still haven't fully accept max"i said

His expression changed from the one of anger to saddness

He walked towards me and hugged me

"You and Dora are the only family i have dont leave me"he said

And that made me feel guilty ,he had been there for me when max left,had comforted me,got me a job,got me away from things that remind me of max

I had to pay him back somehow and thats why have decided to stay with him,well until max have shown me that he can really trust me

When am sure of max,i will leave james,all to himself

"Arrrrghhhhhhhhh........"on hearing lily scream we quickly ran to her

"Whats wrong my love"i said

"Its pauline mom,she is vomiting blood"dora said pointing to door which was laying helplessly on the floor

"She might have eaten something"james said

"And it seems like the dog is pregnant,the child would have died"i said

"Why dont you both go in,i will take the dog to vet"james said urging us in and we both left

💭james pov💭
I stood by the dog starring at it,the dog would surely lose the child

I thought smiling to myself

Afterall i gave her the poisonous substance myself

It would also be given to lily,that way max bastard child in her would die and then i get to have my sweet lily all to myself

As soon as i get back from the hospital,i will serve lily the drink that will kill the baby

I carried the dog into my car

Poor thing,it had to be used as an experiment first

Hope you die as well,lily gives you her time instead of her giving me her time

Well its times to put the second plan into action

I took my phone and dialled his number

"I have a job for you "i said

I hope james plan wouldnt work oooo😊😊😊

Your likes and comments peeps🙃🙃🙃


👩🏻(i never knew her,never slept with her but she gave birth to my child)👧🏻
Written by bella writes☺☺☺
EPISODE 28✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
💭lily pov💭
"My love have missed you a lot"he said pulling me closer,kissing me

I wanted to stop him but i cant,i cant stop myself

I want him so much that it hurts but i cant

I just cant let him,for my sake and also because of james

This was his house and it wouldnt be fair to him

"No max,no please dont"i said feigning off his kisses

"Whats wrong,would the child get hurt"he said

"No he wont,we just cant do it,i havent forgiven you yet and this is james house"i said

"To hell with james ,just come with me my love,let us start again"he said

"If we really want to start again you have to prove to me that you can trust me and that should start now"i said

"Fine then what do you want me to do"he said

"I will keep on living here with james"

"You know that i cant allow that,that man is not a good man,do you even know that he is brenda brother and they connived together to seprate us"he said

"I know all about that"

"You knew and still you followed him"he said

"Yes i did,he asked me to forgive him and back then he was the friend i had,the one who let me borrow his shoulder to cry on when you left"i said

"And he was too willing to lend you that shoulder right ?"he said

"If this is going to turn to an argument,then lets end it here ,just leave"i said wanting to go to the door but he stopped me by pulling me close to him

"Am sorry my dearest,i had come to make things better between the both of us but am letting my jealousy take over,am sorry"he said

"You always say that,always apologising after hurting me"i said

"Thats because am crazy about you my love,so much crazy that i would die if you leave me"he said

"You arent going to die okay"i said holding both his cheeks

"I wont die,i musnt die yet until your with me "he said smiling

"So will you still stay?"

"Yes max,my decision has been made and if you want to give our relationship a chance,let me stay,try to trust me,i wouldnt do a thing to hurt you"i said


"Max please do this for us,if there is no trust between us then they cant be a thing,so lets work on our trust isssues"i said

"Fine then,though its hard for me to accept that you would be staying with james but i just have to do it,i will just to make our relationship work"he said

I gave him a smile and he pulled me into a hug

"I love you"he whispered into my ear

"And i hate you"i said smiling at him but he only smiled back at me

He stayed for the night,i didnt let him stay in my room but i gave him the guest room while i slept in my room

Just knowing that max is in the next room

Made me feel at ease,now that he is back in my life ,i only hope he doesnt leave me

I hope he stays with me for good,i thought as i finally slept off

I woke late in the night to find myself wrapped up in the arms of someone

"Its me love,just sleep"he said

"Why are you here max?"i said snuggling close to him

"I just had to feel you close to me"he said kissing my neck

"Couldnt you just dream of me"i said sleepy

"A dream cant be compared to the real you"he said

"You pass then,stay here for the night"i said snuggling close to him

The next day i woke up not to find him in bed

Where could he be?had he left?i thought sadly

Just then he walked in carrying a tray with dora in toll

"Morning mommy,daddy and i prepared this for you and the baby"Dora Said kissing me

"You are such a darling"i said to her

"And what about me,i did most of the work"he said sitting beside me

"Well then thanks to the both of you"i said giving them each a kiss

"Hello lily"we all stared up to see james by the door starring at us

"Uncle james"dora said running towards him

I looked at max and saw that his expression has changed

"Hope i didnt interrupt"james said

"You didnt interrupt "i said getting up

"James can you please give us a few minutes "i said to him

"Of course"he said giving max a stare before going outside

"That guy is such a synic,did you see the way he was starring at you"

"Please max,lets not cause any trouble here,common freshen up and leave "i said

"Fine then"he said and walked jn

💭james pov💭

I stood by the window starring at her and that good for nothing max

Brenda had been right,the devil just had to show up when i wasnt around

I just wont accept it,lily either becomes mine or no one else

I thought as i stared at gun i had with me

Someone has to die and that wont be me,its going to be the stupid max

What is this james planning 🤔🤔🤔

Your likes and comments guys☺☺☺


THE 👇🏻
👩🏻(i never knew her,never slept with her but i gave birth to her)👧🏻
Written by bella writes🙃🙃🙃
EPISODE 27✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
💭lily pov💭
"He is still there lily"milly said as she left the window to seat beside me

"Then let him stay there ,i never asked him to stay there in the first place"i said as i continue to read my book

I could hear the wind rustling,soon the rain will begin to fall and max isnt leaving yet

My heart keeps on urging me to accept him back but my head keeps on reminding me of what he did to me in the past

What guaranty do i have that he wouldnt act the same way

"You are really not going to forgive him"milly said beside me

"Have forgiven him already,he wants us to get back with each other and that is something i dont want"i said

"Are you sure you dont want him back" milly said

"Of course I am and if he wants to keep on staying there then that's his choice" I said

"Fine then,I will go set the plates for us to use to eat" she said as she went off

Soon it began to rain,I kept on wondering if he was still there or not,he would have gone by now,I thought as I went to eat

Milly got up and went to look through the window

"My God,he is still there" she yelled to me and immediately I got up

There he was in the rain starring at my window

I went to the door and opened it

"Are you crazy max,you will fall sick" I said

"Not until you take me back"

"And do you think that by doing this I will take you back"

"If you still care for me,you won't let me stay in the rain for long" he said

I went back in and took the umbrella to him

I got to him using the umbrella to shade us both

"You still care" he said gently

"I dont okay,am merely saving the father of children from dying,I dont want my children becoming orphans at their young age" I said

"But you still came lily,thats all that matter" he said hugging me

"Max,your making me wet" I said

"I love you,please forgive me" he said holding me close

I couldn't do anything,I just stayed in his arms and let him hug me

💭Max POV💭
I sat in the room in a new shirt and was cleaning my hair dry

I knew lily wasn't heartless or cruel, I had behaved like a total jerk with her And I knew I don't deserve her with me but I just can't live the rest of my life without her in it

And I won't rest until I have her with me again

"Here drink this,you need it" milly said putting a cup of coffee in front Of me

"Thank you" I said giving her a smile

"Do you need the hair drier" she said pointing to my hair

"Yes I do it"

"Well its in lily room and she is there,let me help you bring it" she said

"No milly,let me go to her" I said

"Okay,its the first room on your right" she said

" Thanks"I said giving her a smile. Before going to lily room

It wasn't hard to find,the door was opened a bit

I pushed it gently and saw her by the bed

She was just putting on a dry shirt and just seeing her in just b*a got me feeling on edge

She hadn't noticed me yet and I took my time watching her

She is just so perfect, my dearest lily,I thought as I kept on watching her

She stopped suddenly and stared at the door

"What are you doing here" she said covering her body as she yelled at me

"Am sorry but I had come for the hair drier" I said walking in and closing the door

"You should have just asked milly to get it for you" she said buttoning up her shirt

"Don't lily" I said and she stopped to stare at me

"Dont what?"

"Dont button up,I want to see you" I said walking towards her to open up her shirt

"What are you doing max?" She said trying to push my hand away but I suceeded in opening her shirt

"Max I......" She stopped when she saw what I was doing

I had knelt in front of her and I had my head on her stomach

Feeling and listening to the little foetus in her

"He is in there right" I said again to be sure

"He is" she said back

"When is the due date?" I said

"In 6 months time"she said

"Am I permitted to stay until the child is born" he said

"Yes but james Wont like it that you will be living in his house" she said

"Then leave his house and come with me" I said

"I can't do that,James has been a great help to me" I said

"And so because of gratitude you woulx stay with him" I said still kneeling in front of her and holding her by her waist

"Yes max,yes, he already told me how he feel about me,am even thinking of considering him" I said

"I won't allow that lily,you love me why go through the heartache of being with someone else" I said

"The love I have for you is gone max and as have said before you are just the father of my children and nothing else" she said wanting to walk away but I pulled her back and held her to me

"Since am the father of your children,I have certain rights on you and I shall start claiming those rights,right here, right now" I said and pulled her to me to kiss her

💭James POV💭
"Am here now,what do you want" I said as I sat on the empty seats beside Brenda

"Still stuck up on that girl right" she said

Brenda still hasn't change one bit,I thought that three months with max will change her but she is still bent on causing trouble

I on the other hand have truly fallen for lily

That day I kissed her,I can't stop thinking about it,I want her always,am madly inlove with her

And when that stupid max left her, I used that opportunity to get close to her and am not going to give up until I have her with me

"Yes I am" I said

"You stupid fool,I called you to help me get lily out of the way but instead you fall for her" she said angrily

"I can't help it ,your heart chose who to love and I fell for lily"

"And you think she loves you too" she said

"She doesnt yet but with time she will,as long as max stays away" I said

"That was why I said you were a fool,dont you know that as we are here rigjt. Now,max Is in Argentina trying to win lily back" she said

"That's a lie"

"What would I gain by lying to you,he is there with her right now" she said anx I stood up immediately

"Hav got to go" I said walking out

"I only hope you dont find the both of them sleeping on your bed in Argentina" she yelled after me

That got me so fuelled up,lily better not be cheating on me

I won't take it from her and I certainly won't let her get back with max

She is mine,all mine

This James self ehn😡😡😡

I just hope he doesn't do anything to lily and max😞😞😞

👩🏻(i never knew her,never slept with her but she gave birth to my child)👧🏻
Written by bella writes☺☺☺
EPISODE 28✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
💭lily pov💭
"My love have missed you a lot"he said pulling me closer,kissing me

I wanted to stop him but i cant,i cant stop myself

I want him so much that it hurts but i cant

I just cant let him,for my sake and also because of james

This was his house and it wouldnt be fair to him

"No max,no please dont"i said feigning off his kisses

"Whats wrong,would the child get hurt"he said

"No he wont,we just cant do it,i havent forgiven you yet and this is james house"i said

"To hell with james ,just come with me my love,let us start again"he said

"If we really want to start again you have to prove to me that you can trust me and that should start now"i said

"Fine then what do you want me to do"he said

"I will keep on living here with james"

"You know that i cant allow that,that man is not a good man,do you even know that he is brenda brother and they connived together to seprate us"he said

"I know all about that"

"You knew and still you followed him"he said

"Yes i did,he asked me to forgive him and back then he was the friend i had,the one who let me borrow his shoulder to cry on when you left"i said

"And he was too willing to lend you that shoulder right ?"he said

"If this is going to turn to an argument,then lets end it here ,just leave"i said wanting to go to the door but he stopped me by pulling me close to him

"Am sorry my dearest,i had come to make things better between the both of us but am letting my jealousy take over,am sorry"he said

"You always say that,always apologising after hurting me"i said

"Thats because am crazy about you my love,so much crazy that i would die if you leave me"he said

"You arent going to die okay"i said holding both his cheeks

"I wont die,i musnt die yet until your with me "he said smiling

"So will you still stay?"

"Yes max,my decision has been made and if you want to give our relationship a chance,let me stay,try to trust me,i wouldnt do a thing to hurt you"i said


"Max please do this for us,if there is no trust between us then they cant be a thing,so lets work on our trust isssues"i said

"Fine then,though its hard for me to accept that you would be staying with james but i just have to do it,i will just to make our relationship work"he said

I gave him a smile and he pulled me into a hug

"I love you"he whispered into my ear

"And i hate you"i said smiling at him but he only smiled back at me

He stayed for the night,i didnt let him stay in my room but i gave him the guest room while i slept in my room

Just knowing that max is in the next room

Made me feel at ease,now that he is back in my life ,i only hope he doesnt leave me

I hope he stays with me for good,i thought as i finally slept off

I woke late in the night to find myself wrapped up in the arms of someone

"Its me love,just sleep"he said

"Why are you here max?"i said snuggling close to him

"I just had to feel you close to me"he said kissing my neck

"Couldnt you just dream of me"i said sleepy

"A dream cant be compared to the real you"he said

"You pass then,stay here for the night"i said snuggling close to him

The next day i woke up not to find him in bed

Where could he be?had he left?i thought sadly

Just then he walked in carrying a tray with dora in toll

"Morning mommy,daddy and i prepared this for you and the baby"Dora Said kissing me

"You are such a darling"i said to her

"And what about me,i did most of the work"he said sitting beside me

"Well then thanks to the both of you"i said giving them each a kiss

"Hello lily"we all stared up to see james by the door starring at us

"Uncle james"dora said running towards him

I looked at max and saw that his expression has changed

"Hope i didnt interrupt"james said

"You didnt interrupt "i said getting up

"James can you please give us a few minutes "i said to him

"Of course"he said giving max a stare before going outside

"That guy is such a synic,did you see the way he was starring at you"

"Please max,lets not cause any trouble here,common freshen up and leave "i said

"Fine then"he said and walked jn

💭james pov💭

I stood by the window starring at her and that good for nothing max

Brenda had been right,the devil just had to show up when i wasnt around

I just wont accept it,lily either becomes mine or no one else

I thought as i stared at gun i had with me

Someone has to die and that wont be me,its going to be the stupid max

What is this james planning 🤔🤔🤔

Your likes and comments guys☺☺☺
