Duckyee Faith

Duckyee Faith

Duckyee Faith aka Faith Tsang, Hong Kong based Keyboard musician and Piano instructor. Music makes m


Sometime, I was thinking of the days when i was playing in Emily’s rehearsals too. It was one of my happy and beautiful Days that I was playing with all the people they are passionate on music in America.

I am grateful that I was also in you guys’ memories.
Please support Emily’s music.

Emily 係我喺美國讀書既時候認識既同學仔, 熱愛唱作,好有music sense 。

同我一樣,都受古典音樂訓練同薰陶,可能因為係咁,我地喺音樂上交流都好夾, 佢又中意我,我又夾得開心,疫情緣故 我都無緣再彈佢既畢業演出兼返回香港,雖然係咁,我有時都會唱下佢既歌。願佢地球另外一端,都繼續感受生活,把更多靈感帶入音樂入面。

I will forever love this photo because it captures how much fun we were having at the time. It’s from my last live performance at LACM, my junior recital. I didn’t know it then but my senior recital ended up being remote due to the pandemic. And while I am so happy and proud of what Emotional Synesthesia became, it was bittersweet not having these people by my side through the process. (Except , who I had the pleasure of working with remotely!) 2020 set me back in a lot of ways, but hopefully I’ll get back to performing & creating soon. If anyone wants to collab/play/write/vibe, please hmu!! I’m out of the country rn but I’d love to get things rolling for when I get back. Love y’all 💕💕


回港的第9個月了,我終於迎來第一個學Jazz piano 學生。 過左關、多得上天厚愛, 冇諗過事情就這樣成了。 多得佢的出現~

無論邊個教教好, 但香港有更多人真真正正喜愛jazz同領略彈jazz真蹄。


親愛的琴行小妹妹告訴我佢拉琴考試考左5級, , 但伴奏姐姐表示:老懷安慰, 亦同時表示感恩佢考到琴~ !


最近終於有時間幫朋友錄音, 現時只是花了兩個小時去製作首歌, 成個腦都係佢首FUNK 歌, 唔知係咪Main melody 揀左Synth 看70-80S) 的聲效去彈, 而家成個腦都係好有羅文 激光中 首歌的感覺。

HELP!!!!!!我要聽D新歌, 更新下個腦。


Handel can not handled by me. (舊笑話)
即場sight-reading到一些, 好彩仲頂得住!





Really hope that there will be a day i will have time and make more post for this page as an music artist.


Met my old co-worker last Saturday, it was so greatful to see them and Re- connect since i left HK for a while and finally I now come back. They made me think of those simply and lovely working day when i was working with them for so many lovely children and parents! It is beautiful I was having truthful co-workers!


Becoming so busy for my work and some freelance musician job. Hopefully, I can still update this old page for myself, my target audience, my community and THE WORLD!


I have been Hong Kong for a week. That is great i came my home. Surely, i will set my career base in HK again. I am sure that i will be fine in HK.

My roads seems to be more clear after I been here.
I love hk.


Chill with amazing sunset view


Trying sooooo hard for making my own FB fanpage, DANNNNNN


I got 10 Fans without Any PROMOTE, yeah~~


My piano recording for HK musician Lui’s Song ,目差👁.
Recorded this track 2 years ago, along with recording support from my fd Joshua Cheaung and Ryan Cheng, I am feeling glad that it has successfully published to the world.👥



Apple Music :
KKBox :

Joox :


填詞:羅曉桐 (Hiu Tung Law) / 呂成武

Cover art created by Crystal Ho (Crystal Clear)

Thanks Giving :
Lead Vocals : 呂成武 何灝駿 (Hip Po)
Pianist:曾德怡 (Faith Tsang)
Violinist I & II :梁孟傑 (Malcolm Langdon)
Cellist:凌卓妍 (Chloé Desrosiers)
Electric Bassist:馮梓軒 (Roy Fung)
Drummer:盧曦汶 (Heiman Lo)

Piano Recording Engineer:鄭茗介 (Joshua Cheang)
Drums Recording Engineer:鄧應祈 (Ying Ki Anson Tang)
Drums Recording Studio : MusicPath Limited (MusicPath Limited)
Sound Mixing :鄭智仁 (Ryan Dan Cheng)
Sound Recording & Mastering :呂成武 (呂武)



Hey, guys. Here comes to my first post on my Facebook's fan page.
About this fan page, it might be business/ad page or fanpage. In fact, instead of aiming for personal marketing and getting gigs, i hope i can connect myself to the world, or, share my life for your guys.
At the days that i was studying in US, teachers and my classmates inspired on how to develop my music path. That is, Trying out to being different 'roles' on music, like try to Write music if you are just performer or just teach student only with method books; try out being an performer when you work behind the scene; try to arrange when you just wanna perform on stage etc. Whatever combination on changing your roles from your primary role, It can help us for break through our abilities.
Base on those feelings which i experienced, i felt like, i should not just focus on teacher or just perform. I should be think big and do more for myself in music. I am going to be different characters for breaking through myself.

Through this funny fan page, i am going to share my personal music life. Hope you will feel glad and fall in love with music.

