Dr. Summer PhD
Hi there! I'm Dr. Summer
Tap 🤍 if you want to help with su***de prevention
Since we never know what someone else is truly going through, we need to make genuine connection and communication a regular occurrence
***deawareness ***deprevention
If you've been thinking of signing up for services with me, no better time than now!! When you mention this post you can get up to 30% off! Today only!
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The holidays can feel like an added challenge to everything else we're already dealing with... so here's my reminder to you, YOU CAN DO THIS!
Just a few tips to keep from burning out! Making a little change makes a BIG difference!
Drop a comment below... what are some little things you like to do that make a big difference in how you feel?!
Have you been feeling stuck? Not motivated or just overwhelmed with trying to reach your goals??! Let me help you gain the clarity and create the balance you need to succeed!
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. While today may be the last day of October, it is important that we carry the message forward. Although domestic violence disproportionately impacts women, men are not exempt from having violence perpetrated against them. If you are being impacted by Domestic violence, reach out to someone and get some support. You are worth it and a life free of this violence exists!
Tap 💙 if you need to balance some areas of wellness in your life and DM me to set up your Life Coaching Session today
We tend to focus more on certain areas of our life and the consequence is that others fall out of alignment. When we are feeling out of wack, likely it's because we are not balanced all the way around
Yesterday was World Mental Health Day but we need to care for our mental health daily. Here are a few tips for you to try
Comment below which of these you'll use today
Spread the word! Easier access to a very important resource. I spent time doing work with the Su***de Prevention Center and it is truly amazing what they do
***deprevention ***dehotline ***deawarness
Tap ❤ if you agree
Let's strive for wellness and to learn tools to keep feeling good
Just a friendly reminder to smile more! Did you know that research has shown that smiling releases molecules in the brain that help to reduce your stress levels and increase the feeling of happiness?!
Tap ❤ if you're to give it a try
Tap ❤ if you like to learn self-help tools!
I love doing trainings for organizations! Bringing tools to the people that need them!
Book me today to help your organization receive the necessary tools to thrive
Organizations that have invested in mental wellness have seen a reduction in absenteeism, poor engagement, and unnecessary staff/member turnover.
Training topics include but are not limited to:
Mental Health Awareness
LGBTQ Diversity
Stress Management
Time Management
Sense of Purpose
Leadership Skills & Conflict Resolution
Effective Communication
Effects of Microaggressions
Looking forward to connecting with you for all your mental wellness needs! Available for workplace trainings, life coaching, and consulting! Comment the word WELLNESS if you're attracting a good day!
Book now www.drsummerphd.com