COVID-19 Potential Oral Treatment Study

COVID-19 Potential Oral Treatment Study

Sponsored by Pfizer. That’s why it’s so important to continue to advance not only prevention, but also the treatment for COVID-19.

This study involves comparing an investigational (study) drug against a placebo (no active ingredient) to see if it is safe and effective in potentially treating COVID-19. While there is hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind us, hundreds of thousands of new cases of COVID-19 continue to be reported around the globe. These clinical trials are evaluating whether a study drug reduces the dura


How does a clinical trial work? There are many different types of clinical trials, but the one thing they have in common is that they are closely regulated by government agencies.


Without clinical trials most common medicines that we use every day would not be available. When current medical treatment does not give the results people need, scientists and clinical researchers work hard to find potential ways to improve or develop therapies.


Clinical research explained: researchers create a plan, or protocol, designed (and regulated by IRBs/Ethics Committees) for each unique clinical trial. The protocol explains the following:
– Why the trial is being conducted
– Who can participate in the trial
– What will be done in the trial as part of the protocol
– How the trial will be conducted
– Who oversees the trial


Who works on a clinical trial? Clinical trials are conducted by a team of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals at hospitals and other research centers around the world.


Why is research necessary? Before a therapy can be approved for use in a general population, a thorough research process must occur. Clinical trials are one of the key steps in that process.


The COVID-19 research team will work with you to answer any questions you may have. We encourage you to have conversations with your family and doctors about taking part in this study to determine if it is right for you.