

This page is being created in order to help you all to gain more insights about your on self and get

Timeline photos 25/07/2020

Sometimes, we just need to go through some trials and turbulence in order to find our inner power which is just inside us, we just need to unearth it.
Find your inner power which is there inside you not somewhere else.


Follow me on Instagram for more inspiration:

Timeline photos 03/07/2020

In the shadow of today's competitive world, we have lost our true essence, our true purpose which is not based on some external factors but on the internal facets. This true purpose can only be achieved, if we get aligned with our true being, and not what others want us to be. Once, we are aligned with our true purpose we will get every other secondary materialistic things but first, what is more important is to get detached with materialistic things and get aligned with primary internal facets that brings joy, peace, happiness and satisfaction in us.

Timeline photos 28/06/2020

"Life is what teaches us a lesson and until we don't learn how to cope up with it, it will bring the same problem in front of us time and again."
Life is a best teacher.

Timeline photos 25/06/2020



"It is so easy to say when you be you, success will follow you but when we come to reality it takes a lot of courage to find oneself and to realize who we actually are. Once, we are able to find ourselves after surmounting
all the obstacles, success will follow us."

How to Upgrade your Life x 20 β˜€οΈ 10/06/2020

How to Upgrade your Life x 20 β˜€οΈ In this video I talk about some mindset shifts and changes that you can make to embrace growth in your life. These are all little ways to live your life diff...

Timeline photos 10/06/2020

"We randomly listen to songs where our heart lies without scrutinizing its impact on our lives.Sometimes, when we are sad, we want to listen to sad songs to get aligned with our feeling but this kind of loop makes us more sad. So, at this point try listening to calming and uplifting songs as this will help us to break the loop of our thoughts and emotions and make us feel more happy and uplifted as the emotions always get triggered with language which we have embedded in our mind.When we do such task on a daily basis the change in Amygdala, ventral tegmental area, hypothalamus and hippocampus takes place which helps us to break the loop of sadness and helps us to become more happy and calm.
So, if we want to stay happy and calm we need to choose our songs consciously."πŸƒ
Stay conscious. Stay happy. Stay Alive

Timeline photos 01/06/2020

"We often try to control our child because we think as a parent we know everything. Let the child grow, take his or her decision by themselves so that later in life he does not feel caged and helpless.
Yes, you can be the facilitator so that whenever your child wants you, you are there to guide them and let them know and feel that you are always there for them no matter what."πŸ€
Learn. Live. Facilitate.

Timeline photos 24/05/2020

Are you feeling lost due to staying at home??
What if, I say that you aren't!! You are just reaching to your alley which is deep down inside you. We have a tendency to see things which are outside us and due to this conditioning, we fail to listen and see what is really going within us.
Reaching your true alley.πŸ›£
Smile. Be Calm. Get Aligned

Timeline photos 23/05/2020

What messages do we send our children about emotions?

Raising emotionally agile children begins with helping them to show up to all their feelings, including the difficult ones.

Timeline photos 21/05/2020

"Everything is ephemeral whether it's our emotion, thoughts, people, money, position or possession. Attachment to any of such things lead us to suffering but when we get awakened that everything is transient, then it becomes easy for us to overcome the situations and suffer less. Do not become attached to it, just flow with it keeping in mind that it is a part of our scene"

Timeline photos 17/05/2020

"Every single day what seed of thoughts we plant in our mind we don't know and remain frustrated, tensed, worried, overwhelmed, fearful and anxious. But what if we start planting the new seeds in our mind consciously?? One positive seed of thought in the morning can change your whole day."
Try this for at least 21days and let me know the difference in you on the comment sectionπŸ“²
Let's just take one step towards our healthy mind.
Healthy mind. Healthy us. Healthy nation

Timeline photos 17/05/2020

How To Journal For Beginners! 2020 DIY Art Things To Do When Bored at Home 15/05/2020

How To Journal For Beginners! 2020 DIY Art Things To Do When Bored at Home I ditched the bullet journal & started a new system that works better for meβœ¨πŸ““βŠΈS U B S C R I B E ⊸ V L O G ➭ ⊸ L ...

Timeline photos 14/05/2020

"In order to avoid the feeling of voidness, we often try to fill the vacuum through someone or through some means but that doesn't give us an absolute happiness. Absolute happiness and the sense of true self-worth comes when we try to love our soul the most before anyone else."

Timeline photos 14/05/2020

"Writing a letter to oneself is really very therapeutic. It's the way towards showing love to oneself and realising how much we matter to one's own dear self. "πŸ€πŸ€
Leave a πŸ‘ if you genuinely feel it's healing.

Timeline photos 08/05/2020

"Often we become so much bemused with pleasing others and prowling after them that in the process of that we forget, our own inner being and relationship we mend with it. Just take a break for a moment and reflect.
How much am I knowing my self? Am I happy with being with me silently doing nothing for some time? How much I truly love myself without attaching myself to the outer world (friends, families, money, possession, position and many more).
It's not bad to mend relationships with others but what is more tectonic is that before mending such relationships try to connect with your true self first, so that you can then afterwards able to have a wonderful and blissful relationship with others with selfless caring and love."
Read. Reflect. Revive

Timeline photos 03/05/2020

Sunlight plays a very imperative role in regulating our mood. It releases neurochemical named serotonin in our brain, which helps us to stay calm and focused. Even a little exposure to sunlight helps us to feel vastly calmer and relaxed.
Recent researches have shown that sunlight is a natural way to release serotonin which helps in lowering down the effect of depression too.
So when are you starting to take Sunlight?
Stay healthy. Stay home. Stay safe

Timeline photos 02/05/2020

"We often ponder about our own happiness but this time try something new. Try to make someone else smile, the effect of that smile will remain longer in you."

Timeline photos 30/04/2020

Timeline photos 28/04/2020

"The memories of the past don't let us forgive others. Hatred in us boils up which don't let the flame lowers down. Though it is not easy but is a way towards healing. By forgiving others you make yourself free and get healed from within."✨

Videos (show all)

"It is so easy to say when you be you, success will follow you but when we come to reality it takes a lot of courage to ...
