Kaith Kennedy

Kaith Kennedy

Singer/Songwriter bringing you music from the heart


Fair or foul
Victory, somehow


Keep moving and you'll make your own path


March of 2010, playing live in CLT. Can't wait to do this again (but I'll probably skip the haircut)


Yes, my hands are always purple.

RA sucks. My hands got tired so fast while trying to record my video this week. I felt slow, stupid - every movement was painful. But I played, I created, from my brain to my lungs to my fingertips. I intend to keep that up as long as I can.


Sorry - my submission to

Photos from Kaith Kennedy's post 11/02/2022

Soaked up as much sun as possible on my weekend. Wonder while you wander ☀️

Photos from Kaith Kennedy's post 28/01/2022

Managed to take a hike without a single selfie. Don't worry, I'm still adventurous *and* adorable, just refocusing my energy ✌🏻


Sifting through the old to inspire the new

Photos from Kaith Kennedy's post 13/09/2021

Took a few days off work (and social media) to recharge and refocus. Make time to take time to show yourself love and compassion. Connect with those you care deeply for, and remain open to new connection. I'm learning more and more about what to prioritize and what deserves my energy. First up - me. Love yourself, love one another, as honestly and fiercely as your heart can manage. ❤


Rise and shine


said I needed to play music tonight. He was right. A quick cover felt best, how’d I do?


To the man who always has the best advice on all my projects, who boasts about how his daughter can do anything his sons can do, who always supports my adventures and my art while sharing his own, Happy Fathers Day ❤ I love you so much Patrick Kennedy

Timeline photos 03/06/2021

I was 9 years old when I realized I was different. I knew I liked boys, excitedly held hands with my first crush on the schoolbus, had pretend marriage ceremonies in the schoolyard during recess. But I also knew I liked girls. My not-too-strict Catholic upbringing taught me this was wrong. I was terrified that because I liked girls, I was gay, because being gay was wrong and I would surely go to hell. I tried to change, even considered becoming a nun to try to 'get the gay out', be better, be good, be someone god could love and let into heaven. When that didn't work I tried to focus on the boys - obviously I liked them I just needed to try hard enough and I could do better.

I got lucky. I went to an arts school, where things were different, like me. When I learned about bis*xuality, that how I felt at the time wasn't just me, doors of possibility flung wide and I cried for joy for myself, my life, my future. I was different, maybe, but other people were too, and I wasn't wrong. I was me.

I came out to my mom officially last year, and she wasn't surprised. No one in my family was. Out of fear, I never introduced a girlfriend or spoke about it when I was younger, but meeting people like me, knowing I could be accepted, allowed me to be myself even without saying the words out loud.

To be different is to be human. Love is love, s*x is s*x, and life rolls on and on.

Live in love. Set every atom of your being on fire, thank the parts of you that turn to ashes, relish the bright flames that light the way, and treasure the gift of coals that keep your heart warm.

*xual *xuality

Photos from Kaith Kennedy's post 23/04/2021

Happy Day, Mama Earth. You make me whole, your gifts of life are never ending and immeasurable. ❤

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

dead center | center yourself

Timeline photos 19/01/2021

Looks like an angel and plays like a dream. I'm in love.


After seven weeks letting life, work and COVID stress get in the way of my productivity, I'm back! and I are working on a couple of fun covers and originals to share with y'all. Check out his page to see what else we got cooking. Hope y'all like videos, I'm about to play catch up on this accountabili-party. ❤

Timeline photos 10/12/2020

Gave Hot Sauce a little love today, getting a look at the front differential. More work to be done, but she's worth it.

Photos from Kaith Kennedy's post 04/12/2020

Exploring today, and mama nature had some wisdom for me. About a mile in I stepped off the trail and followed a small deer path, where the sun broke through and warmed the hillside. Another mile or so up, back on the main trail, the trees opened to a beautiful view of the gorge as the sun started to sink behind the mountains. Nearly at the end of the hike, feeling satisfied and heart-full, I slipped in some mud and landed flat on my ass. Follow your gut, stay patient for what's to come, and keep your eyes up. When you slip (and you will slip) have a good laugh and keep going down your path ❤ @ White Salmon, Washington

Timeline photos 31/10/2020

If you ever think "I should probably get new tires" you should get new tires. She's fine, I'm fine.

Timeline photos 22/10/2020

Bought myself an early birthday project. Goal is road ready by Spring.


Writing something new on a late Music Monday, currently Untitled, with my best friend. Trying to get my mind around the mandolin, at least enough to sound ok playing with this guy. Challenge yourself to learn something new, and learn something new about yourself in the process ❤

Timeline photos 01/10/2020

Home in time for golden hour with sand covered boots, campfire smoke in my hair, and a full heart. Make time to take time, and enjoy it while you can ❤


Quick Practice video - "Cruel"
I am NOT a banjo player, but boy do I have fun learning. This was from a few weeks ago, featuring Oliver the dog as my biggest fan. I'm currently writing 4 new songs and reflecting on some old, old ones. No matter when they are written, our songs, our stories, are still begging to be heard. You may think no one wants to listen - listen to yourself and find the kindest ear. Choose bravery over fear and discover what your heart has been begging to say. ❤

Timeline photos 22/09/2020

Hey friends! No music monday post this week for a couple of reasons. Read on below -

First, I started a new job. I have struggled with balancing my priorities in the past, and this week I let work beat out my creative pursuits. I wanted to be honest about that, because I think it's common to let life get in the way of living, but I am committed to finding balance and not letting another week go by without accomplishing my goals. The reason I started this journey publicly was to hold myself accountable, and I intend to follow through til the end ❤

Second, I have been struggling with how to speak on our world as it is. I know what I believe and what I think is right, but my opinion as a person of privilege means absolutely nothing. However when an artist I respect speaks out in a meaningful way, it means something to me personally. The country/western community has no space or time for racism. Period. If you disagree, take your backwards BS elsewhere. Bless for speaking in his own way. ❤

Black Lives Matter, Justice for Breonna Taylor. Give love, get love.

Later y'all ❤


Practice video of the first half of brand new one, "The Bond". Wrote this the day of the recording, so she's a little rough, but knowing where you started lets you see your growth. I hope y'all like this as much as I do 💜


First part of an unfinished song, working title "Better". This was one of those that came out of my mind in a rush, melody, lyrics and all. I love when that happens, but it usually means I struggle to finish it, which is why I wanted to start here. Progress comes when you put in the work 💛


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Sorry - my submission to #gemsintherough2022 @gemsonvhs
