Scribblings of a chaotic mind

Scribblings of a chaotic mind

This is my public page for my musings and writing. I love to share and read poetry and stories. I found, for me, it is the purest form of self-expression.


I have taken a short hiatus, allowing myself the time and opportunity to put things into perspective. I need to get on with it and let things go as the universe intends them to go. I am human with very real human emotions and my latest project has been painful for me to complete and editing it is proving even more complex. Reading my story, the story of my youth has been eye opening for me on so many levels, giving me insights to why I am the way that I am with not only my life but specifically with my children and husband. I cannot thank them enough for their unwavering support and I know no matter what comes in this life they will always have my back. That being said it is time to put my money where my mouth is and finish this project. Thank you all for your encouragement and support, I hope to finish and publish by Spring. Stay tuned for more updates, I will post them when I can.

Throwaway girl-Update! 15/10/2023

Check out my blog post

Throwaway girl-Update! I have finally completed my memoir and now I am on to the next step of my journey! It has taken me the last two years to finish this project as sometimes life has a way of getting in the way of my creative process. This has been a long journey and a painful one emotionally, but I feel so accomplishe...


Holy cow, I think I just finished my memoir.
Now on to editing, editing, editing. I am planning on sending it out to publishers by the end of this year. This has been one of the most cathartic and painful things I have ever done. Walking down the streets of my youth and conversing with ghosts of the past has not been easy but I have learned so much about myself from this journey. Stay tuned for updates, I will post more when I have them. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey! It means so much more to me than you will ever know!

Home | Marcihorton 20/08/2023

I have a new blog post available to read over on my website. Go check it out if you get a chance.

Home | Marcihorton I am a bibliophile at heart and an emerging new author. I am a mama bear at my core and enjoy spending as much as time as humanly possible lost in the woods with my family. Poetry is my first love and I have just recently published my first anthology, with more soon to follow.

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind 20/08/2023

Through the hustle and bustle it is easy to lose sight of the dreams we hold so dear. Returning to my nine to five, I find it too easy to put this dream of my mine on the bookshelf and focus on what I have to do and forget about what I yearn to do.
This is the link to my dream, one that I have been chasing since I was a young and scared young girl trying to find a way to cope with some very adult things going on around me. This poetry anthology spans twenty years, and it touches on a variety of topics. Mental health, depression, love and loss, motherhood, nature and joy all tiptoeing throughout the pages. If you have already checked it out, I cannot thank you enough. If you have not and would like to do so, just click on the link below.
Thank you!

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind is a poetry anthology that has been twenty years in the making. Born out of a necessity to release emotions too complex to process, I begun this journey as a way to address and work through the many struggles we face throughout our lives. It dives into self-doubt, lo...


The house that addiction built.
Written by
Marci Horton


To my daughter
Written by
Marci Horton


Like you and me
Written by
Marci Horton


Walk away
Written by
Marci Horton
Ramblings of a Chaotic


My Brother
Written by
Marci Horton


Paper Man
Written by
Marci Horton

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind 12/07/2023

Good morning. I wanted to pop on here and share the link to my recently published book on for anyone who may have missed it and would like to check it out. This poetry anthology, titled Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind, spans twenty plus years and has been something I have wanted to do for a very long time, but was far too scared to go through with it. I decided that I have mastered the art of surviving, now it is time to do a little living! Please feel free to check it out, I really appreciate all the support. Keep dreaming and reaching for the stars!

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind is a poetry anthology that has been twenty years in the making. Born out of a necessity to release emotions too complex to process, I begun this journey as a way to address and work through the many struggles we face throughout our lives. It dives into self-doubt, lo...


By Marci Horton


I have begun working on my second poetry collection. I am hoping to have it completed by the end of this year or first part of 2024. I also have my memoir in the works, which I have been working on for the past year. I am hoping to complete it soon. Thank you all for your support.


Happy Friday afternoon to all! I hope everyone is having a wonderfully peaceful day. Here is the link to my new poetry anthology, Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind for anyone who has not checked it out that is interested in doing so. Thank you to everyone who has supported me already, it means the world to me.

Home | Marcihorton 28/06/2023

Hello and good afternoon. Below is a link to my website. I will be keeping it updated with all things pertaining to any of my upcoming projects. Thank you and feel free to check it out!

Home | Marcihorton I am a bibliophile at heart and an emerging new author. I am a mama bear at my core and enjoy spending as much as time as humanly possible lost in the woods with my family. Poetry is my first love and I have just recently published my first anthology, with more soon to follow.

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind 26/06/2023

Good afternoon! More exciting things happening over here today. I have started working on my personal website, which will help everyone keep up to date with what is going on with me. Below is a link to my blog and the website should be up tomorrow afternoon or evening. Thank you again for all your support, each and every one of you has touched my heart in ways you could not possibly understand. Thank you a million times over!

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind My book is now available on Amazon 26 Jun 2023 10:51 I cannot begin to tell you how amazing and terrifying the last week has been. I finally finished a project I have been working on since I began writing poetry in the eighth grade. This project, the first of many has been a dream of mine for over t...

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind 19/06/2023

Years of hard work and dedication has finally come to fruition. I am excited and nervous to announce that my first Poetry Anthology titled Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind is now available on Amazon. You can purchase it either in paperback format or through Amazon Kindle as an ebook. Thank you everyone for your support!
Here is a link you can click if you are interested in reading my completed book.

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind is a poetry anthology that has been twenty years in the making. Born out of a necessity to release emotions too complex to process, I begun this journey as a way to address and work through the many struggles we face throughout our lives. It dives into self-doubt, lo...


It looks like I have finished with the first steps in getting my first poetry anthology ready to be published. I will update everyone shortly when I have more information. This has been an exciting and interesting journey and I look forward to learning more moving forward. I would like to thank everyone of you for your continued support, it truly means so much to me.


Her Wedding
Today as the clock strikes three
you will take a new name.
Dressed in delicate white lace
hair pinned back elegantly
in that way that makes your collar bones
stand out.
Beautiful and graceful,
you will glide down the aisle to your
destiny, guided by the first man you ever loved-
your father.
In a symbol as old as time he, with trembling hands
and tear-filled eyes hidden behind sunglasses,
will give you away to your new groom.
Strong shoulders and a real man’s heart,
he will take your hand in his
and bestow onto you his most sacred of gifts to give-
his last name.
The celebration will linger into the morning,
underneath a sky lit by a million tiny diamond’s,
lilac and navy blue,
the fairytale coming true.
I will watch from a distance,
heart on my sleeve,
trying to hide the pain searing through my chest.
It seems as if only yesterday you played dress up-
wild hair, face painted in a mosaic of colors-
my makeup scattered at your feet.
You made your brother be prince charming
and I, your Fairy Godmother.
At what point did I blink and miss the woman
standing bright eyed before me?
Gone are delicate curls and mismatched clothes.
Gone are bedtime stories and movie days.
Gone are cuddles and sweet-scented baby skin
pressed softly to my chest.
The woman before me is one I know well,
I have carried my love for her, for her entire life.
I have waited for this day since she was a wisp,
dancing and swaying at my feet.
I have feared this day for just as long-
for today I entrust the most precious thing in my world-
to a boy with calloused hands.
-Marci Horton
Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind


Can't Say-
Marci Horton


Marci Horton


Marci Horton


Marci Horton


Marci Horton


Marci Horton


I Grew Up
I grew up on the outskirts of town
running down old dirt roads.
I grew up with the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair.
I grew up where the sun dipped low in the sky every evening
going to sleep behind the mountains protecting me.
I grew up with the smell of earth tickling my nose
and dirt between my toes.
I grew up with an expansive view of the night sky,
full of twinkling diamonds high above.
I grew up near the banks of creeks and on the shore of lakes.
I grew up with shade trees and evergreens.
I grew up with a connection to the land
and an appreciation for what it did.
I grew up to give more than I take
and take care of what I have.
I grew up with empty pockets and skinned up knees,
But I grew up with a heart full of love-
and a soul full of sunshine.