LGBTQ Pakistan

LGBTQ Pakistan

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Now that it's Pride I want to discuss something! 🌈

And by discuss, I'll be honest, it's more like an assertion that I'm using y'all to check against bc I'm pretty sure I'm right and I want to hear it, or find a really good reason to change my mind about this before I get LOUD about it.

Shortly after I became outwardly Polyamorous, it was Pride so I posted about it. I got RIPPED A NEW ONE by a monogamous le***an (who I'll add that I'm no longer connected with) because it was not appropriate that I was co-opting Pride with a "relationship dynamic". I was thrown off and cowed because I hadn't considered that and at the time, I viewed this person as a q***r with seniority over me, basically. Iirc, one or two others agreed with her vaguely, and zero people disagreed. So I changed my tune.

But in the years since, I've decided I have a FU***NG PROBLEM WITH THAT.

See... We welcome polys*xual as part of the Q***r umbrella. We welcome aromantic and demiromantic as part of the Q***r umbrella. Why the f**k does Polyamorous not count? Why is that different? What about us means we are somehow different enough that we should be specifically excluded from Pride?
I assert that there isn't anything, and that s**t is just poly-phobic gatekeeping. And to be clear, I'm not talking about all ENM. I'm not talking about folks who "choose" it as a "relationship style". I am talking about people like me who *identify* as Polyamorous in their core.

I am Polyamorous the same way that I am Bis*xual and Demis*xual and Demiromantic. It is part of my core being. And I deserve representation at Pride.


Embracing Diversity and Equality: Promoting LGBTQ+ Rights in Pakistani Educational Institutions

In recent years, the global conversation surrounding LGBTQ+ rights has gained momentum, paving the way for greater inclusivity and acceptance. While Pakistan has made significant progress in certain areas, there remains a pressing need to promote LGBTQ+ rights within the country's educational institutions. By fostering an environment of understanding, respect, and support, Pakistan can become a beacon of progress by embracing diversity and ensuring equal rights for all its citizens. In this column, we explore the importance of promoting LGBTQ+ rights, including gay rights and gay marriages, and the role the government can play in creating an inclusive educational landscape.

Educational institutions, from schools to universities, should strive to be safe spaces for all students, irrespective of their s*xual orientation or gender identity. Schools and colleges must take proactive measures to combat bullying, discrimination, and stigmatization based on s*xual orientation or gender identity. Implementing strict anti-bullying policies, conducting sensitivity training for staff and students, and establishing support networks such as LGBTQ+ student clubs or resource centers are essential steps in creating an inclusive environment.

Incorporating comprehensive s*x education that includes information about s*xual orientation, gender identity, and LGBTQ+ issues is crucial. By providing accurate, age-appropriate, and evidence-based information, educational institutions can combat stereotypes, misinformation, and prejudice. Comprehensive s*x education fosters empathy, understanding, and respect among students, promoting a culture of acceptance and inclusivity.

Integrating LGBTQ+ history, literature, and contributions within the curriculum is an effective way to promote understanding and acceptance. By acknowledging the presence and achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals in various fields, educational institutions can challenge biases and foster a more inclusive narrative. This integration would help dispel stereotypes, reduce discrimination, and instill a sense of pride and belonging among LGBTQ+ students.

Providing support services specifically tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ students is crucial for their well-being and academic success. This can include counseling services, peer support groups, and access to mental health professionals who are knowledgeable about LGBTQ+ issues. Additionally, ensuring that staff and faculty members receive training on LGBTQ+ sensitivity and creating affirming spaces will go a long way in supporting the diverse needs of LGBTQ+ students.

Government support is paramount in promoting LGBTQ+ rights within educational institutions. The government can play a crucial role by enacting legislation that protects LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination, ensuring their right to education without fear of prejudice or harassment. Policies that promote inclusive practices, such as gender-neutral restrooms and accommodation options, can also be implemented. Moreover, providing financial support to LGBTQ+ organizations and initiatives that focus on education and awareness can further strengthen the cause.

Promoting LGBTQ+ rights in educational institutions also requires challenging societal norms, stereotypes, and prejudices. Educators, parents, and community leaders have a responsibility to engage in open dialogue, promote understanding, and combat misconceptions. By highlighting the importance of empathy, respect, and human rights, we can foster a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

Promoting LGBTQ+ rights within Pakistan's educational institutions is a vital step towards fostering a society that embraces diversity and equality. By creating safe spaces, incorporating comprehensive s*x education, integrating LGBTQ+ history and literature into the curriculum, providing support services, and receiving government support, we can pave the way for a more inclusive future. Embracing LGBTQ+ rights not only benefits the individuals directly affected but also enriches the entire educational landscape by fostering a culture of acceptance and respect. Let us work together to create educational institutions that empower, educate, and embrace the beautiful diversity that exists within Pakistan.


A Call for Modern Living and LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Pakistan

Pakistan, a diverse and vibrant nation with a rich cultural heritage, has made significant strides in recent years towards embracing modernity and fostering inclusivity. As the world evolves, it is crucial for Pakistani society to acknowledge the importance of granting its citizens the freedom to live authentic lives. This article advocates for the promotion of a modern lifestyle and the urgent need for acceptance and respect for the LGBTQ+ community throughout the country.

Embracing a Modern Lifestyle

Pakistan has a youthful population that is increasingly connected to the global community through technology and social media. This generation desires a life that aligns with the opportunities and advancements available in the modern world. To meet these aspirations, it is essential for the country to adapt and provide its citizens with access to modern amenities, education, healthcare, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Empowering women, for instance, is vital for the nation's progress. Encouraging their education, professional development, and participation in all spheres of society would not only uplift individuals but also contribute to a thriving economy and a more balanced society. By investing in infrastructure, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development, Pakistan can pave the way for a brighter future for its citizens.

Promoting LGBTQ+ Acceptance

An inclusive society embraces diversity in all its forms, including s*xual orientation and gender identity. It is imperative that Pakistan, like many other countries around the world, takes steps to ensure the respect and rights of its LGBTQ+ citizens.

First and foremost, it is crucial to foster a culture of acceptance and understanding. Education plays a vital role in dispelling myths and promoting empathy. By introducing LGBTQ+-inclusive curricula in schools, educating teachers, and encouraging open dialogue, Pakistan can cultivate an environment where individuals of all s*xual orientations and gender identities are respected and valued.

Legal protection for LGBTQ+ individuals is another crucial aspect of progress. Laws should be enacted and enforced to safeguard the rights of the community, including protection against discrimination, hate crimes, and harassment. By decriminalizing consensual same-s*x relationships and providing legal recognition for transgender individuals, Pakistan can take significant strides towards ensuring the full inclusion of its LGBTQ+ citizens.

Support networks and community organizations play a pivotal role in empowering LGBTQ+ individuals. Government and civil society should work hand in hand to establish safe spaces, provide mental health support, and promote social integration. This will foster a sense of belonging, reduce stigma, and enable LGBTQ+ individuals to live their lives authentically and with dignity.


As Pakistan navigates the complexities of the modern world, embracing a contemporary lifestyle and promoting LGBTQ+ inclusivity are pivotal for the country's progress. By providing its citizens with access to modern amenities, education, healthcare, and opportunities for personal growth, Pakistan can empower its youth and foster an environment that thrives on innovation and diversity.

Moreover, by promoting LGBTQ+ acceptance, Pakistan can affirm its commitment to human rights and social justice. By educating its population, enacting supportive legislation, and establishing strong support networks, the country can create an inclusive society where all individuals, regardless of their s*xual orientation or gender identity, can live with dignity and without fear of discrimination.

It is time for Pakistan to rise to the challenge, embracing progress and promoting equality. By doing so, the nation will not only unlock the full potential of its citizens but also stand as a beacon of hope for the rest of the world.


A Bright Future Awaits LGBTQ+ Rights in Pakistan: United We Stand

Pakistan, like many countries around the world, has witnessed a gradual shift in attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community. While significant challenges remain, there is growing momentum and determination among activists and allies to fight for equal rights. Despite the existing legal and societal barriers, the LGBTQ+ community in Pakistan is increasingly hopeful that a bright future lies ahead. By standing united, they are creating a powerful force to challenge discrimination and advocate for their rights.

Shifting Attitudes and Changing Narratives

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable shift in attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community in Pakistan. Traditional narratives are being challenged, and conversations surrounding s*xual orientation and gender identity are becoming more open. The younger generation, in particular, is more accepting and inclusive, embracing diversity and rejecting prejudice. This changing mindset lays the foundation for a future that is more welcoming and inclusive for the LGBTQ+ community.

Legal Progress and Milestones

While Pakistan's legal landscape still presents challenges for LGBTQ+ individuals, significant progress has been made in recent years. In 2018, the country's Supreme Court issued a historic judgment recognizing transgender people as equal citizens and granting them fundamental rights. This ruling was a significant milestone, signaling a growing acceptance of gender diversity. It provided hope and encouragement to the LGBTQ+ community, fueling their determination to continue the fight for broader equality.

In addition, Pakistan's Parliament is actively discussing legislation to protect LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination and violence. The ongoing discourse and the commitment of some lawmakers to promote inclusive policies demonstrate a growing recognition of the community's rights and needs. While progress may be slow, each step forward brings us closer to a brighter future.

The Power of Activism and Community Support

Activism plays a crucial role in advancing LGBTQ+ rights in Pakistan. Despite the risks associated with speaking out against discrimination, many brave individuals and organizations are working tirelessly to challenge societal norms and advocate for change. LGBTQ+ rights groups are providing support, counseling, and legal aid to individuals facing discrimination and violence. These organizations also organize events, workshops, and awareness campaigns to foster understanding, empathy, and acceptance within society.

Moreover, the community itself plays a vital role in supporting one another. LGBTQ+ individuals are finding solace and strength in their shared experiences, creating safe spaces, and building supportive networks. Their unity is a testament to their resilience and determination to fight for their rights, ensuring that their voices are heard and their experiences are acknowledged.

International Support and Solidarity

The LGBTQ+ movement in Pakistan also benefits from international support and solidarity. Human rights organizations, activists, and allies around the world are closely monitoring the situation in the country and lending their voices to the cause. This support not only raises awareness about the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Pakistan but also helps to pressure the government and society to take action.


While there are significant challenges ahead, the LGBTQ+ community in Pakistan remains optimistic about a brighter future. Shifting attitudes, legal progress, activism, and international support are paving the way for a more inclusive and accepting society. The determination to fight for equal rights and the unwavering spirit of the LGBTQ+ community will continue to propel them forward on their journey towards equality. Together, with the support of allies and the power of unity, Pakistan's LGBTQ+ community is carving out a path towards a future where everyone is respected, valued, and free to be their authentic selves.


🌈 Celebrating Love and Freedom: The LGBTQ Community's Journey 🏳️‍🌈

Once upon a time, in a world not too long ago, love and freedom were not always embraced for everyone. But a community emerged, filled with brave souls who fought tirelessly for their rights and the right to love whoever they chose. This is the story of the LGBTQ community and their remarkable journey.

Chapter 1: The Awakening 🌈

In a small town, where whispers and judgment clouded the air, a group of individuals began to realize that their feelings of love and attraction were different from what society expected. They felt isolated and afraid, but as they searched for answers, they discovered a vibrant and resilient community that extended far beyond their town's borders.

Chapter 2: United We Stand 🌍

Through the power of connection and shared experiences, the LGBTQ community discovered that they were not alone. They formed alliances, support groups, and safe spaces where they could openly express their identities. Their collective strength grew, and they started organizing marches and demonstrations, demanding equality and recognition.

Chapter 3: Breaking Barriers 🚫

The LGBTQ community faced tremendous obstacles on their path to freedom. Discrimination and prejudice stood in their way, but they refused to back down. With passion and determination, they challenged outdated laws, advocated for inclusive education, and fought for marriage equality. Their unwavering commitment touched hearts and minds, slowly but surely eroding the walls of injustice.

Chapter 4: Love Triumphs ❤️

Love knows no boundaries, and the LGBTQ community proved this time and time again. As more people began to understand and accept different s*xual orientations and gender identities, stories of love and acceptance spread like wildfire. Families embraced their LGBTQ children, friends stood in solidarity, and communities transformed into vibrant tapestries of diversity and inclusion.

Chapter 5: A Rainbow Future 🌈

Today, the LGBTQ community continues to celebrate their victories while remaining vigilant in the face of ongoing challenges. They have paved the way for future generations, ensuring that no one has to hide or be ashamed of who they are. Laws protecting LGBTQ rights are enacted, transgender individuals receive the respect they deserve, and love is celebrated without fear.

This is not just a story; it is an ongoing journey filled with hope and determination. The LGBTQ community has fought for their rights, their love, and their freedom. And as they continue to march forward, they do so with pride, resilience, and an unwavering belief in a future where love truly conquers all.

Remember, love is love, and everyone deserves the right to be seen, heard, and celebrated. Together, we can create a world where LGBTQ rights are universally recognized, and freedom becomes an inalienable right for all. 🏳️‍🌈❤️


Dear members of the LGBTQ community in Pakistan,

Welcome! It is with great joy and warmth that we extend our greetings to each and every one of you. In a world where diversity is the fabric that weaves us together, your presence enriches our society, our culture, and our collective understanding of what it means to be human.

We recognize that being a member of the LGBTQ community in Pakistan comes with its own set of unique challenges. However, we want you to know that you are not alone. There are allies and advocates who stand beside you, ready to fight for your rights and ensure that you can live your lives authentically and without fear.

We firmly believe that every individual, regardless of their s*xual orientation or gender identity, should be treated with dignity, respect, and equality. We stand united in our commitment to championing your rights, advocating for your freedom, and challenging the discrimination and prejudice that you may face.

In Pakistan, as in any society, there is still work to be done to ensure that LGBTQ individuals are fully accepted and embraced. We are dedicated to fostering an environment where you can express your true selves, form loving relationships, and pursue your dreams without fear of discrimination or persecution.

Together, we will fight for your right to love and be loved, to be recognized and acknowledged for who you are, and to enjoy the same fundamental rights and protections as every other citizen of Pakistan. We will strive to create a society that celebrates diversity, embraces inclusion, and values the contributions of every member, regardless of their s*xual orientation or gender identity.

We encourage you to be proud of who you are and to find strength in the knowledge that you are part of a vibrant and resilient community. Remember that your voice matters, and your story is an essential thread in the tapestry of Pakistan's future.

Welcome to a community of love, support, and acceptance. We are here for you, and we will continue to advocate for your rights and fight for your freedom.

With open arms and heartfelt solidarity,

Mr jazzy LGBTQ Pakistan
