FLOW Community for Progress & Logic in Education Videos

Videos by FLOW Community for Progress & Logic in Education.

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Our school board has been hijacked by an uninformed majority. Watch this compilation of soundbites from the meeting and see for yourself. On day one, each new member "individually " walked in with resolutions that they somehow knew to bring under an obvious and coordinated attempt to usurp the authority of the superintendent, the business administrator and the board counsel, under the sole authority of the new president, Judith Sullivan. Under these coincidental resolutions, Ms. Sullivan will now be reviewing legal bills instead of the Business Administrator (including her own). Ms. Sullivan told the board attorney to leave the meeting and fired them, leaving the board with no attorney. Ms. Sullivan moved the meetings to the media center which will limit the number of seats and will cause technological difficulties. They are illegally violating the ESIP contracts already entered into under the prior board of Ed's regime. They have stripped away the superintendents power. Ms. Sullivan now is the only person permitted to ask questions of board counsel (once hired), stripping away that ability from every other board member, the superintendent and the business administrator. She has completely rid the board of any system of checks and balances. Finally, although a frequent fan of the first amendment, you can see she threatened a board member with removal by police when she was questioned and refused to let her speak against her. This is students first?

“Actions are stronger than words"- Joel Ansh- Franklin Lakes council candidate endorsing his wife, Kim Ansh, at our RIH BOE meeting, but then going on to criticize teachers. The Board of Education is supposed to support our teachers and support our students, with no political agenda. Kim Ansh, your actions prove you have no business on the RIHBOE

Eileen Shafer was the Superintendent of Paterson Public Schools. Is this speaker saying that the value of this professional's experience and insight is worthless because her district cannot fund Chrome books? That is short-sighted, biased, and elitist. Our children are fortunate to have their own MacBooks, but that does not make their opinions or ours for that matter, more valid than those of Paterson children, educators and parents. This type of statement also provides a perfect example of the necessity of DEI education for our students AND our parents. We obviously cannot trust that these lessons will be taught at home.