

Organic swaddles to keep your baby safe and warm!

Timeline photos 22/03/2022

For every mother, her child will always be the greatest miracle of her life.

Timeline photos 19/03/2022

Tired of being up all night with a fussy baby?

Swaddlers Store offers the perfect organic cotton swaddle to help your newborn calm, relax and sleep through the night. Our snug fit is designed for comfort and will keep your little one snug all night long.

You deserve to get a good night's sleep too, so let us take care of your baby while you catch up on some much-needed rest.

Swaddlers Store can help make your life easier so you can focus on being a great mom.

Purchase a swaddle from our website today!

Timeline photos 17/03/2022

When they finally place the baby in your arms and you notice that smile, you suddenly feel a surge of overwhelming, unconditional love that you never felt before.

A new baby marks the beginnings of all things – wonder, hope, and a beautiful dream of possibilities.


Timeline photos 15/03/2022

Swaddling is a safety measure to prevent dangerous mishaps that can occur while your infant takes their nap.

While it may seem like wrapping up an already-perfectly soft baby in something scratchy and tight will make them feel suffocated, this technique actually promotes sleep by calming down fusses or jitters caused by being awake at night.

Sure, wrapping your baby in a traditional sleep swaddle can feel weird at first, like baby origami, but once you understand the benefits of swaddling, it will become a core part of your baby’s sleep routine.

Timeline photos 12/03/2022

Reasons to swaddle your baby

- The softest and most breathable cotton.
- Easy diaper changes in the middle of the night.
- Keeps baby bundled all night.
- Healthy for hip position and development.
- You'll never have to worry about waking your baby up again with noisy Velcro.
- Rest easy knowing your baby is healthy and comfortable.

Timeline photos 10/03/2022

Do you have a new baby in the house?

Older siblings can be so excited to meet their new brother or sister, but sometimes they don't know how to show it.
Your oldest child is likely to be excited and nervous about his new role as a big brother. It can be difficult to adjust, but it's important that you help them feel confident in their ability to handle this big change.

Understand that sometimes when babies cry or fuss, this can make your older children feel frustrated or upset as well. Explain that these feelings are normal, especially if they happen often, and that there are things we can do to cope better.

Involve him in his new sibling's routine and you'll see that little by little everything will calm down.

Timeline photos 08/03/2022

Looking for a way to help your baby sleep better?

Swaddlers Store offers the perfect organic cotton swaddle for newborns to one-year-olds.

Swaddling has been proven to help babies calm, relax and settle ready for sleep. And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can be sure your baby is getting the best night's sleep possible.

Our soft and comfortable fabric will keep your baby snug all night long. Plus, our easy-to-use design means that swaddling is a breeze - even if it's your first time.

Get your swaddle today and start enjoying longer, more peaceful nights with your little one.

Timeline photos 05/03/2022

Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, but it can be hard to do in public. Here are some tips and tricks for how you can support breastfeeding moms!

Do’s and Don’ts of Supporting Breastfeeding Moms:

Do ask if she needs help. If she says no, don’t push it. She might just need someone to talk to about her experience as a mom or breastfeeding. It could also mean that she doesn't want anyone else touching her baby while they're feeding. Just respect her wishes and offer your support instead of trying to feed the baby yourself!

Don’t assume that because she's breastfeeding, she must not have any other children at home with a babysitter or nanny taking care of them while mommy feeds the little one at the table next door.

Some mothers choose this option so they can still take part in family meals without having their older child(ren) miss out on time with their parents too!

So please don't make assumptions like this when you see a mother feeding her child, just let them enjoy each other's company without interruption from others around them who may not understand what's going on between them during these special moments together!

Timeline photos 03/03/2022

Dear mom.

You and your baby are learning. You’re a team, slowly coming to understand each other’s rhythms and likes and dislikes.

Don’t ever feel stupid for asking a question to someone more experienced or a professional. Don’t ever feel silly for trusting your gut.

You’re this baby’s mom and they’re counting on you to stand up for them and ask the “silly” question.

You’re doing a great job. You’ve totally got this. And if you feel like you don’t, reach out.

Because a million other women have been there and have felt those feelings of total overwhelm and confusion and exhaustion and are happy to commiserate. And then offer loving tips and helpful resources.

And, congratulations.. What a beautiful baby!
Koseli Cummings

Timeline photos 01/03/2022

When a life begins it is like a blank canvas. New paths, new dreams, new illusions begin.

Definitely, a new baby will always be the beginning of much happiness.

Timeline photos 26/02/2022

Babies are born with the natural ability to form an emotional bond with their caregivers.

This is called “attachment” and it's how babies feel safe, secure, and loved by the people who care for them most.

Attachment starts when your baby needs something from you - like food or comfort - and they cry or look at you in a way that makes you want to help them.

When this happens, respond quickly and consistently so your baby knows they can depend on you whenever they need something.

You'll start building attachment right away!

The more time your baby spends being cared for by someone else (like at daycare), the less time they spend forming an attachment with their primary caregiver (usually mom).

If working full-time is necessary, make sure there's always one consistent person looking after your child. And remember that no matter where your child goes during the day, they should still come home every night for dinner & bedtime routines as well as plenty of cuddles before naps & bedtimes too!

Timeline photos 24/02/2022

A good night's sleep is so important for both parents and babies, but it can be hard to achieve.

It's been proven that a good night's sleep helps to improve cognitive function, emotional well-being, and physical health. Not to mention it makes you a nicer person to be around!

Swaddlers Store offers the perfect solution with our organic cotton swaddles.

Our swaddles are handmade for comfort and feature a snug fit that will help your baby calm down, relax, and get ready for a good night's sleep.

Timeline photos 22/02/2022

Often people say swaddling seems to help calm their little one, helping them settle more easily and sleep for longer.

It’s also thought that swaddling prevents unnecessary wake-ups caused by a baby’s startle reflex.

This is because a swaddled baby’s arms and legs will be contained as they’re wrapped gently in a blanket.

That means they will be less likely to startle themselves awake with their flailing limbs.

If you haven't tried it yet, we invite you to visit our website. Check out everything we have for you.