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Photos from 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓂.𝒟𝑒𝒜𝓊𝓇𝒶's post 09/07/2021

Diptyque perfume bracelet, 香水的另一种表达方式, 真的太🉑了!

这手环很精致, 可以散发香味而且可以把你喜欢的charm放在一起呢~

手环可持香三天. 基本上绕一圈就可以散发香味了, 如果喜欢香味更浓烈的宝贝们可以绕两圈以达到最佳效果 😉

现在我们家暂时卖着的是Eau Rose香味, 喜欢的宝贝们可以pm我们哦 😉


ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕟 🌼


ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕟 🌼


🎀 New Year + Valentine Promo 🎀
🧧30% OFF❗️
-Perfume (100ML)
-Gift Set

🧧10% OFF❗️
-Miniature Perfume

🧧Free Delivery 🚚

🌟Free wrapping service is not available for discounted items.

🎀 新年+情人节优惠 🎀
-大支装香水 (100毫升)

🧧10% 折扣❗️

🧧免邮费 🚚

🌟 此优惠不能享用免费礼盒服务.



❤️ 如果分辨前中后调 ❤️

1️⃣前调是香水的初始印象, 刚将香水喷洒出来的时候, 最先逃逸出来的气体分子, 也就是最先闻到的味道, 一般只能维持十分钟左右, 一般前调都会以果香为主~

2️⃣中调是香水的核心, 一般都是以花香为基调~

3️⃣后调娓娓而来, 它是香水的灵魂, 是使其他的香料都黏在一起, 是我们对香水印象最深的味道, 陪伴你最久的那个🕙, 大概在皮肤上留香4-5个小时, 一般都以木香为基调~

♥️ How to distinguish top-middle-base note ♥️

1️⃣ The top note is the initial impression of the perfume, when it was first sprayed, the first perfume molecules that escape, which is the first smell. It can only last for about ten minutes and usually will be fruity scent~

2️⃣ The middle note which also known as heart note is the core of perfume and usually based on floral fragrance~

3️⃣ The base note is the soul of perfume, it comes last, which also gather other fragrant spice together and it's our impression of the perfume. It also stays on for the longest, probably 4-5 hours and usually will be on woody scent.



❤️ 男生正确喷香水的位置 ❤️

头皮的油脂分泌也影响身体的味道, 喷在颈部后侧或者发际线的位子, 这样可以掩盖你肩膀以上的味道啦~

经常打电话, 手臂内侧会容易出汗哦. 所以手肘位置可以喷洒一些香水, 有利于时刻散发迷人香味, 切忌用量不可贪多哦~

经常细腰带的男人注意啦, 腰线这个位置易出汗, 所以每天早上换衣服前可以在腰线喷少许香水, 可去异味~

对于皮肤敏感的人呢, 建议把香水喷洒在衣服上, 这样可以芳香宜人且不会引起皮肤敏感啦~

♥️ Where to apply perfume for men ♥️

1️⃣ Hairline at the back of the neck
The oil secretion of the scalp also affects the smell of body, spray it on the back of the neck or hairline, which can cover the smell above your shoulders~

2️⃣ Elbow
Often phone call will cause sweat on the inside of your arm, hence you can spray some perfume on that area but please take note not to overuse it.

3️⃣ Waist
Men who often wears belt to pay attention that waist easily sweat, you can spray a little perfume on your waist every morning before changing clothes to remove the odor~

4️⃣ Clothes
For people with sensitive skin, it is recommended to spray perfume on the clothes, so that you can enjoy the scent without causing skin sensitivity~



♥️ 香水礼仪 ♥️

1️⃣上班, 见客户
坐在办公室一定不想闻到刺鼻浓香, 建议选清新淡雅一点的香水, 给人一种沉稳而低调的感觉~

2️⃣面试, 见家长
面试官和长辈多数不太喜欢太浓烈的香味, 但想要给人耳目一新的感觉, 既相对的隆重又不能太浮夸, 这时候要选择淡香, 一定不会出错~

3️⃣年会, 聚餐
想要独特又能艳压群芳时, 一定要选择奢华芬芳的花香, 切忌特别浓烈的香水~

应该选择清新的香水, 如花果香或绿叶调的香水, 既不会显得太成熟, 也不会显得过于稚气~

去医院的时候如果使用香水可能会引起病人不适, 所以去医院不建议喷香水哦~

♥️ Perfume Etiquette ♥️

1️⃣ Work and meeting client
Believe that everyone in office would not like overly pungent fragrance thus is recommended to choose a fresh and elegant perfume giving impression of mature~

2️⃣ Interview or meeting parent
Most interviewers and elders don’t like overly strong scents hence advise to go for light fragrances to give impression of refreshing feeling.

3️⃣ Annual meeting or gathering
Apply luxurious and fragrant floral fragrances to make yourself outstanding in the gathering.

4️⃣ Family gathering
To choose fresh perfumes, such as floral and fruity or green leafy perfumes, which will neither look too mature nor too childish~

5️⃣ Hospital
Avoid using perfume if you plan to go hospital as it may cause discomfort to the patient.

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ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕟 🌼 #parfumdeaura
ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕟 🌼
🎀 New Year + Valentine Promo 🎀🧧30% OFF❗️ -Perfume (100ML) -Gift Set🧧10% OFF❗️ -Miniature Perfume🧧Free Delivery 🚚🌟Free wr...
❤️ 情人节和新年快到了 ! 我们免费提供礼盒包装服务哦~没听错 是免费的❗️那么浪漫, 漂亮又得体的礼盒 还等什么 赶紧来购买我们家的正品香水吧 🥰买给自己或者送给亲戚, 朋友, 另一半, 闺蜜或者兄弟都没问题! ❤️ Valentine...
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