Essential Oil Tip

Essential Oil Tip

We are being served better and better packaging of a low quality content, including food, clothing, housing, education, health, and entertainment.


When you silence your mind, you will find yourself, In the eternal present moment, the pure awareness, reality and joy, The self itself. This is true meditation.


It’s about opening the heart and mind to the difficulties and the joys of life—just as it is.


Instead of fixating on how you think your meditation session should go, just let go and immerse yourself in the experience, no matter what may unfold.


Through proper and effective meditation, we will be able to develop positive thinking.


We are being served better and better packaging of a low quality content, including food, clothing, housing, education, health, and entertainment.


Yes money can buy you the lifestyle you desire and dream of, but I warn you that it cannot buy you love, it cannot buy you good health and it cannot buy you happiness.


No individual can ever truly be a healthy and whole individual after loss without coming to terms with their loss and understanding the magnitude of that loss while also understanding that they must still live for the future.


With today's medical advances and healthy lifestyle changes, your retirement years could be equal to or longer than your entire working career.
